Chapter 14

3000 Years (Hiatus)
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Narrator's pov:


"We have arrived in South Korea, Seoul. It is 11.30 right now, korean time. When leaving the plane, please check if you have all your belongings. Thank you for flying with us and have a nice day."

A pair of eyes opened and blinked a few times, undoing the buckle.

He yawned and stretched his arms a little bit, trying to not bump into the person next to him who was waiting for him to get out of the way so he could leave the plane.

"Oh, I'm sorry." the youngster quickly said and stood up first so that the other man could take his bag and leave, which he did pretty fast.

The youngster looked around, seeing most of the people already left and decided to grab his hand luggage, pulling it behind him as he walked to the front of the plane, going to the exit.

"Thank you and have a nice day." the stewardesses said friendly, smiling politely as well.

He nodded and wished them a good day as well before walking down the exit, finally arriving inside the Incheon airport, in Seoul.

"Baggages, baggages..." he mumbled to himself, trying to find his suitcase while the band was rolling, some people taking off their own bags and cases.

Finally spotting his sky blue colored suitcase, he grinned and took it off the rolling band with a bit of effort as it was pretty heavy.

Taking both suitcases with him, he quickly walked out of the enormous building, going to the taxi station.

"Where to?" the driver asked politely as he stepped inside, the driver putting the luggage in the car.

He quickly gacve an adress to the driver and smiled as the car started to move.




"Sehun!" Rael yelled, making some students look around as well while Sehun beamed, skipping happily to Rael and Chanyeol who looked really sleepy.

"What's up with this guy?" Sehun asked, pointing to Chanyeol who yawned loudly, rubbing his eyes.

"He was running a movie marathon and only went to sleep when she sun started rising already, this idiot." Rael sighed and fixed Chanyeol's hair quickly as it was still bedhair.

"Such a curious guy isn't he?" Sehun laughed, giving Chanyeol a playful slap against his arm, making chanyeol glance at Sehun lazily before looking away again.

"He looks kinda... energyless too, so weird when he's usually pretty bright and skippy? He looks like he's always jumping." 

"That's because he always sees something new." Rael chuckled and pinched Chanyeol's cheeks, making Chanyeol pout tiredly.

"You're hurting me..." he whined, making Sehun roll his eyes and Rael as well.

"Come on, wake up. You're like some walking dead like this." Sehun laughed, making Chanyeol yawn in response, not showing the effort to get awake a

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Poptart180 #1
Chapter 28: It's been long! I'm sorry I've been gone for a long while!!!! I'm reading everything now!!! Glad you updated this as well! (Though I'm late ugh)
Please update again, when you can! I will read it all no matter what!!!
KPOPIsBest56 #2
Chapter 28: So I'm the first person to comment on this chapter... *brudhes off invisible dust from shoulder* hehe that just means I'm a slacker but whatever I feel accomplished!! Anyways... It's been so long omg!!!!! Hehe thanks for updating!! Excited your back.
Chapter 25: Please update soon! And that song by D.O. was really good! O.O Made me feel many feels T^T
LadySyndra #4
Chapter 25: Aww poor Chanyeol, I hope he gets over it soon! It's such a sad sight!
Looking forward to the next chapter!!!
Please update soon!!!
Poptart180 #5
Chapter 24: Lol Sehun. Hickeys? Maybe they will be in the future lol or idk. But I can't wait for the next update. I want to know what you will have planned for them. I shall be ready for it in the future. Thanks for the update and please update soon!
Chapter 24: please update
KPOPIsBest56 #7
Chapter 23: Tao is going to be Laws of the jungle?!?!?!?! Omg why would someone send Tao into a jungle he's afraid of his own shadow!!! No one will shower with him there what are they thinking!!?!??!?!! Okay ... I'm calm now... Good chapter!! :D I'm excited to see what happens next!! Will she have to wear a scarf now?? Or will she explain what happened to her??
Chapter 22: Hmm i forgot who had th power of ice in Exo but could it be him? & I can't wait for the secrets of that lab to be revealed! I just hope none of Chanyeols friends are in their.
Chapter 20: woah... injections....????
Poptart180 #10
Chapter 18: Who can it be? This animal that I can see. Can you help me guess this mystery????? (Zaboomafoo lol) but I want to know!! Please update soon!!!!!!