- 2

Unnatural Secrets

After a night of buying some clothes (since you left them all in Korea) and touring, you were in EXO’s Planet. The name of their house they stayed in. You were in the guestroom again, with sleeping beauty Sunni snoring softly beside you. Exo’s Planet was not really a magnificent place. It was more like the house that Isabelle and Alec stayed in from The Mortal Instruments. You were currently in bed staring at the ceiling, recalling all the things that Queen Krystal said. Tomorrow was the time to start work; you guys were going to work on Waverly Place first where all the Wizards stayed. That was the dullest place of the land, no smiles, no laughter, and no nothing. It was dark and cold around that whole city.

Grabbing your phone and unlocking it, it read 3.10 a.m. Yes, you changed your phone’s timing to Rasclemaz’s timing. Figuring that you were not going to be able to sleep for the rest of the night with so much troubling you, you hurriedly but carefully made your way to the kitchen trying not to wake anyone up. Your stomach was growling so much, you decided to look for food. There was just a whole variety of food in the fridge but after awhile, you decided on eating frozen yogurt. Opening its lid, only to find it in a liquid state. But after one blink, your yogurt became frozen. “Xiumin?!” you exclaimed a little too loud while gasping. Xiumin had the power to freeze things and you knew it would be him. You then heard Luhan’s voice in your head, “NOT SO LOUD WOMAN!” he said in fluent Chinese. Then lightning started to flash and a gush of wind came.

Being a scaredy-cat you are, you sat on the counter and looked around. Then from behind the wall came Sehun, Chen, Xiumin and Luhan. Sensing there was someone behind you, you turned around only to be faced with a wolf, its mouth apart showing its sharp teeth and saliva dripping. “AAAAH!!!” Totally not prepared for the close-up of a wolf, you fell of the counter while the frozen yogurt flew across the room.

  “Oh my god! Are you okay?! I didn’t mean to scare you!” Lay was suddenly holding you and the sign on his hands were glowing. The pain from your back disappeared after a second; finally realizing his sign was a healing unicorn.

You clutched onto your chest where your heart is located, you received a really big fright by Lay. Sighing in relief, you forgave him and felt tired all of a sudden. “Tired?” Lay asked and patted your head. You looked at him in disbelief, “How did you know?” He chuckled and shrugged, “I could somehow sense it. Now go sleep!” He turned you around and pushed you out of the kitchen, causing you to stumble a little.

  3 hours into the night and you heard some footsteps in your room. Being the scaredy cat you, you just decided not to open your eyes, until someone’s breath was felt on your neck and something sharp was poking it. Finally opening your eyes and turning your head to the side, you saw someone with extremely small eyes and he looks somewhat like a hamster. He held your neck up with his other hand and his mouth was wide open with fangs ready to bite you.

  He realized you woke up as the corner of his lips curved up into a smirk. Going for your neck once again, he opened his mouth with his long fangs poking your neck. “WHAT THE HELL GET OFF ME!” You screamed while flaring your arms all over, trying to push him out the window beside you that was open. He most probably got in from that window.

  Finally hearing your screams, Sunni woke up and in an instant; the hamster looking dude was on the floor with his hands above his head, Sunni hovering over him.

  “Okay okay I’m sorry! Please let me go, no don’t kill me! Please I beg of you!” The guy yelled while trying with all his strength to push Sunni off him. “Sunggyu you need to control yourself. She’s my bestfriend for god’s sake! SHE COULD’VE DIED!” Sunni cried while getting off him. ‘His name is Sunggyu I see’ You thought to yourself while getting off the bed and daring yourself to stand in front of Sunggyu.  “Hi, I’m Sunggyu. Sunni’s sister. You must be Minzy, I’ve heard a lot about you. “He said, then turning to Sunni he continued. “We need to leave right now if you don’t want your fellow vampire mates and elves to die. That girl is an important part of this.”

  “Wait, did you just call me a ‘that’?!” You exclaimed, obviously offended.

  “Damn, lower your voice! We can’t let the wolves know!” He said while interlocking your palm and fingers with his, his other hand doing the same to Sunni. In the next second, you found yourself in the town of Apagenia. Vampires and elves were surrounding the three of you, the vampires has their fangs sticking out of their mouth while the elves were about eight inches in height and were all mystic looking. Deciding to break the ice, you asked “May I know why am I here? What’s the important role for me to play in this?”

  Letting go of Sunni and your hand, Sunggyu started pacing around. “The wolves are deciding to take over tonight. We have armies and guards standing by on gate 1 and 2. More soldiers on gat 1 as they plan to invade from that gate. We need to prepare ourselves for the worst. Fight for our land.”

  “What do you mean by take over? Invade?”

Sighing, Sunggyu replied, “Yes. Wolves think that all vampires are unnatural creatures and they shouldn’t exist. They want our land for Queen Hana, they want a bigger space for themselves. Therefore, if they take over then the vampires and elves would have to leave Apagenia, leave Rasclemaz. For good.”

“WATCH OUT! HERE THEY COME!” a guard shouted and got his sword out, ready to kill the wolves.

“WAIT WHAT?! You can’t kill them you crazy !” You cried, worried about your brothers and EXO. “Minzy, you have fairy power! Use the flying power to get to gate 1! Think flying in your head! Hurry! Tink is on her way!” Sunni shouted.  

“What? Tink? Bestfriend who doesn’t believe in pixie dust and fairytales say what?” You looked at her with an eyebrow raised and soon enough, Tinker bell was covering you in pixie dust. ‘Fly.Wings.Fly’ you thought and when you opened y9our eyes, you found yourself above the ground with beautiful wings growing out from below your shoulders. Your wings were a teeny bit similar to Tinker Bell’s. Flying as fast as you could, you found yourself in front of gat 1 soon. Your wings disappeared and the pixie dust faded. Loud ramblings and growls were heard, the ground you stood on shook violently and you saw a pack of wolves running towards you.

The thunder started roaring and lightning was seen. The clouds crowded together and blocked out the sun, forming big black clouds. There was some way to stop EXO, and all you had in mind right now was standing in the middle and preparing for the worst. The gates burst open and came running twelve wolves. As you recognized, Kris was the one leading the pack with Suho and the rest of EXO behind him. Kris was the one who jumped on you and landed you flat on the ground, scratching your arms and face in the process. EXO had recognized it was you before Kris did and were all doing an emergency stop from running, avoiding hitting you. Lay came running towards you still in a wolf form and started to your injuries. Your injuries were cured thanks to Lay and it hurt no longer.

  Kris finally waking up his senses had ran to your side and your face clean. You could hear Kris whining and he had a sad look in his eyes. You weren’t sure if wolves could talk, but you heard him talking. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen, forgive me sweetie.” Nope, you didn’t hear it wrong, he called you sweetie. Bringing your right arm up to hold him by the neck and helping yourself up, you forgave him while his head was resting on your head. Giving you a hug really made your heart jump, let alone letting the word sweetie leave his mouth directing it to you.

  “Hold up, no destroying EXO! Vampires and elves need to live, they may be unnatural but I believe in them alright? Forget the legend and be friends!” You said, explaining to them. You blabbered a whole bunch of other things to them and luckily, EXO seemed to understand you. By the time EXO calmed down, the sun was already rising. Deciding that it was time to get to work, your wings and pixie dust came back once again. You and EXO started on where the vampires and elves lived since you were already there.

  You fairy mates helped get rid of the dark clouds, they cleared the dirtied land, planted seeds in them and worked magic on the grounds. Flowers soon bloomed and trees were all decorated with houses. The Goth houses were soon converted into houses hanging on tree branches. The houses were big balls with an opening and had enough space for an entire family of five to fit. Each tree had about nine houses hanging, surprising isn’t it? Miraculously, they didn’t collapse. The once gothic land was now fully decorated with flowers all over, beautiful walkways, brightly painted streets and private houses. The once withered trees were all now decorated with houses of families and some even had blood leaves used to make blood drinks for beverages.

  Then moving onto where the wizards and witches lived, your fairy mates and EXO did the same. Everyone played an important role in helping to make the city into a better place. The wizards had an exact subway café which the Wizards of Waverly Place had too. The wizards had wands and helped in developing their once dark and gothic land into a bright and cheerful place to live in. There were bags of garlic hanging outside some houses, chasing away the vampires.  The witches had dark looking houses with pots and pots of potions, but it all changed. The black pots were beautifully covered in glitters; the potion bottles were made of tree leaves and flower petals. The evil bats of Queen Krystal that was living in that land had vanished too.

  Everyone loved their new lands and place. There were only two more lands to decorate for the next day and Rasclemaz; Apagenia would have peace, joy, love and patience once again. Apagenia would return to the way it was, you would go back to Canada and live with your parents and EXO would be happy once again. You never once believed you were an Apagenian when EXO told you, you were always Canadian and would always be. All of these happenings would soon be gone and you’d wake up on your bed in Canada. All of this was a dream, yeah just a dream.  

  Right now, EXO and you were on the way back to where the wolves lived. You rode on Kris once again and heaved a sigh of relief when you saw EXO’s house’s gate in front of you. You haven’t been sleeping well for the past few days with everyone disturbing your sleep in the middle of the night. A good sleep through the night would be great. But all of those thoughts went down the drain when you opened the door to Sunni and your room, seeing the vampires and elves all crowded in your room. “We want to thank you Minzy. You helped save our land and made it into a more beautiful place. Without you, we would’ve moved out of Apagenia for good. You and the fairies did a fabulous job and on behalf of everyone, we would like to let present you to someone. I’m sure you’ve been wondering about him a lot, and now you get to meet him. Minzy, meet Queen Hana’s husband, your father.” Sunggyu said while smiling brightly when ending off his sentence.

The vampires and elves disappeared in the next second and at the very end of the room, you saw a man with a long gray cloak down to his ankles, he unexpectedly looked very handsome and he held most of your features. His nose and eyes were the same as yours. Still dazed with your mouth agape at meeting your father, you slowly walked towards him. His mouth formed into a bright smile while hugging you. His arms embraced you and you felt safe in his arms.

  Hearing a growl, your father and you turned your attention to the door. There was EXO with their heads bowed. They were in human form while Sunni was still a vampire with her fangs out of . They walked away together; figuring you guys needed some private time. Turning back to your father, you guys sat down on your bed.

  “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you Minzy!” he started off while smiling. “But longer since I met your mother. She was a wonderful woman; she was everyone’s Wonder Woman.  I hope you remember the scene when you were younger, I took you out to the park remember? Your mother was captured by the Apagenia army then…” He ended off while you tried very hard to remember the scene he described.


You tripped on a rock and fell, your ice cream flying out of your hand in the process.

Crying due to the loss of your food and the pain coming from your knee, your mother came to your side and put her palm over you injury. It cured immediately and you ice cream re-appeared again. Being the young you, you didn’t know what it was but you knew you mother had magic.

Your father picked you up and carried you on his shoulders, while you your ice cream. You Mother suddenly got pulled by a force and she let go of your hand. There was a blue circle with lots of waves in it, figuring it was a portal to somewhere, your father put you down and you tried to get in.

  “NO!” your father shouted while running to the portal. It closed before your father could even put a finger in; he dropped to his knees and sobbed. You never saw him cry before so you gave him your ice cream to cheer him up. “Daddy, where did Mommy go?” You asked while looking around for the portal.

-Flashback end-

“Minzy? Minzy you alright?” Your father said while waving his hands in front of your face.

“Sorry what?” You asked while regaining yourself back to the present.

“I said it’s time for you to turn in for the night, you have a long day ahead tomorrow. And, I’m not sure if Queen Krystal told you but tomorrow is the last day for you to make Apagenia into a brighter place. Make sure to free your mother, once way or another! That’s the only way you’ll save everyone! Your mother will rule Apagenia for the rest of her life once again, I’m counting on you.” He said while planting a kiss on your forehead. “Oh and if you don’t already know, my name is Jason. King Lee Jason. I used to rule a small town in Apagenia too, but because of Queen Krystal’s selfish ways, that town has been destroyed ever since. Please do something to it tomorrow as well. Sleep tight sweetie pie, I’ll see you as soon as Queen Hana is released.”

  And after he said that, he walked out the window beside your bed and disappeared into the streets of Apagenia. Sunni came into the room not long after and you both soon fell asleep, not knowing that someone was watching after you while you slept.

  The next morning, you awoke to the sound of someone snoring. It wasn’t that loud but you had sharp ears. Turning to your side, you found Kris sitting on a chair with his head bowed and snoring away. What was this crazy drunkard doing watching you sleep? You took some time to adjust to the light while you sat up, and realized how Kris looked. He had messy hair with parts sticking out in all directions, his clothes were stained with dirt and he looked a bit thinner than what he used to look like.

  Deciding to wake him up, you did your bed and kicked him awake. He growled and transformed into a wolf, before you know it you were already on the ground with him hovering over you not giving you a chance to escape. His sharp wolf teeth were showing and saliva dripped off his mouth. Shocked, you took some time to process what happened. Sunni was by now wide awake and trying to get Kris off you, the rest of EXO doing what they can to calm down the angry Kris.

  Once again, realizing what he did wrong, he got off you and transformed back into a human form. He helped you up and muttered apologies into your ear while embracing you. By then you were sure everyone in the room could hear your loud thundering heartbeat against you chest. Kris was that one hot and handsome wolf that could make any girl’s heart flutter just by looking at him.

  “Sorry, he has some anger management problems if you wake him up too violently. Just do it gently next time.” Tao said while Kris let go of you.

  “Anyways everyone, the sun is about to rise. It’s about 6.30 in the morning and we need to get to work if we want to save Apagenia. Should we go?” Kai asked while looking at everyone in the room. “Wait! I don’t know if you know but my father told me today is the deadline. We have to get Apagenia into a beautiful and bright city! If we fail to succeed, we don’t even need to think about coming back to Rasclemaz anymore. “You explained before anyone could turn around and walk out the door.

  “WHAT!?” EXO exclaimed in unison. “Damn, we need to get started soon. Let’s go!” Baekhyun said. The next moment, you were in the second last city you needed to fix. The small town your father had told you about was this place. It had literally no color, it was black and white. The people were all in black and white. They were still trying to place things back to their proper places. They were dwarfs.

  “It’s been this way about nine years ago, these dwarfs work really hard every day. Aren’t they just cute?” Tinker Bell whispered into your ear.

“Okay fairies! LET’S GET TO WORK!” Tinker Bell shouted to every fairy that magically appeared and they started to bring back the color to the land first. You were flying with them and twelve wizards were each riding a wolf, waving their wand every now and then making all the colors appear again.

  Then Sunni moved around in a fast motion to help get things back to their proper places. The wolves helped to carry heavy stuff while the wizards took their leave as they finished putting color to the entire land in three whole hours. The fairies were working magic to plant flowers and build huts for the dwarfs to live in. The dwarfs were really amazing and they helped in building their own houses, they were just so adorable!

  It was twelve noon when you guys were done with the small town. The dwarfs thanked you and you guys took your leave. The last place for the day was just Apagenia’s Palace and releasing your mother. You guys started to plant flowers along the entrance of Apagenia’s Palace and receiving information that Queen Krystal was going to be out for the next five hours from the guards. She was going to go shopping and knew nothing about this.

Queen Krystal was fully prepared and had armies of her own surrounding the doorway to your mother. You guys decided that the rest of the fairies and Sunni were going to work on the palace to make it how it was years ago before Queen Krystal came along, while EXO and you tried to get your mother out.

  EXO were in their wolves form and started running towards the army of Queen Krystal. You watched as each of them fought the army soldiers and if any of the wolves were in danger, you would use your magic to protect them. It was a long fight between the wolves and the army soldiers, but the wolves won. There was easy access to the dungeon; she had no guards in the dungeons. But the only problem was the glass trapping your mother in that small cell.

  You guys tried to think of a solution and looking at the tall clock tower from town, you guys had exactly an hour left. The fairies were ¾ done and half of them had already been thinking of a solution with you and EXO. You guys tried all you could, using a hammer but it turned into rubber. You tried running towards the glass with EXO and crashing against it, but nothing worked.

  Sunni and the rest of the fairies were here by now, and you had only twenty minutes left to free your mother. Sunni suggested by far, the best option ever. This was to put all your powers together and the glass would break free. Nothing would be stronger than the power of the wolves, fairies and vampires combined together. But that would put you in danger, knowing that you have very little fairy power since you were only a junior.

You learned not much about fairy power since your mother was taken from you since you were young. You weren’t afraid of trying to combine all the powers together, but the only thing that was stopping you was Kris Wu. He objected you to do it.

  Just an hour ago while thinking of what to do, he pulled you to a far corner of the hallway and decided to let his feelings out for you. He seemed to be in love with you and thought that that was the perfect time to confess. You felt really happy for him to confess, but that wasn’t the time to accept him! You needed to think of a way. Deciding to combine all your powers together, Kris sighed and proceeded with your request.

  Everyone knew Kris fell in love with you the first time he found out about you, even Sunni. You decided if you were going to put your life on the line for this one time, you wanted to at least tell Kris what you felt about him too. You told him openly in front of everyone your feelings for him, from when you met him till when he called you sweetie and till now. Smiling, you guys got back to work. At least if you were going to die, you would die happy.

  Closing your eyes, everyone concentrated on their powers. The wolf’s logos lighted up, while the fairies held out their palm and it glowed as well. Sunni was trying her best to join powers too, her forehead producing a shining light. Everyone’s powers were combined into a strong line of light and soon enough, the glass that kept your mother trapped for years cracked and busted. The glass pieces disappeared surprisingly, but the last thing you saw was Kris’s face in front of yours. Then everything went black.

  Everyone thought you were dead, but Kris said he could still feel your heartbeat. CPR definitely did not exist while you still had wings out of your shoulders. The light from you wings started disappearing, and soon, it just didn’t shine anymore. The rest of EXO except Kris bowed their heads as a mark of respect, the fairies stood beside you and bowed too. Kris, who was in a human form, shook you vigorously trying to get you to wake up. Tears ran down his face continuously while he shouted for you to come back to life.

  Tinker Bell saw this scene before, that was her in Peter Pan. She died exactly the same way you did, her light from her wings disappeared. Flying above your face, she closed her eyes and concentrated on her magic. Tink glowed and a strong light burst from her chest. That caught Kris, EXO and the fairies attention. Sunni being familiar to all this, kneeled beside you and placed her palm on your chest working her magic as well, with eyes closed. Everyone else witnessing the scene just crossed their fingers for the best. You mother was already out from her dungeon and working her magic on you too.

  The center of attention was you right now, and no one knew what would happen. Miraculously, with the help of Tinker Bell, Sunni and Queen Hana, you awoke. You didn’t die, you merely fainted. Kris saw you fluttering your eyes open and the next moment you were being swung around in Kris’s arms. He placed you down and placed a passionate kiss on your lips. Everyone clapped and cheered the aquarium fishes happy for you both too. Your mother and father were holding hands while smiling brightly at both of you. EXO was congratulating the new couple and also the King and Queen getting back together after eternity.


10 Years Later

  “I take you, Kris Wu, to have and to hold, from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart. According to God’s holy law, this is my solemn vow.”
  “ I take you, Kwon Minzy, to have and to hold, from this day forward; for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart. According to God’s holy law, this is my solemn vow.”

  “You may now kiss the bride.” The crowd cheered when you and Kris’s lips met. “I love you Mrs. Minzy Wu” Kris said giving you another peck. Memories came flooding through you, from the time you met him, to the silly quarrels and fights you had and until this day. It had been 10 years since then, since you met him.

  “LET’S GET THE PARTY STARTED!” Pop music came on and you had a dance with Kris. You decided to return to Canada to tell you parents about your experience, by the next month they were in Apagenia with you. And now, you had your biggest day in Apagenia’s palace. Your Canadian parents were here, your real parents were here and everyone you basically met 10 years ago were now here. You friends had no idea about anything about you, since none of them really cared anyways.

  You looked to your left and saw Sunni with Baekhyun dancing while sharing a passionate kiss. Yes, they’re together. 9 years ago they found that they both loved each other dearly, but were blind and thought they wouldn’t ever end up as a couple. And they were wrong; this was where they were now. A happy and beautiful couple.

Kris’s anger management had gotten a lot better with the help of you. You’ve been living with him since 5 years ago in a bungalow in Korea. He woke up to seeing your face every morning, his anger died down and his heart melted at the sight of your face. 2 years after living with each other, he stopped feeling angry about waking up. As long as he was still attached to you.

                                                                          It was just like a fairytale, you guys lived happily ever after. 



There you have it sweethearts! The last and updated story of Unnatural Secrets! I hope you enjoyed it! Please do leave me a comment for any scenarios or story requests for my next story! Comment, subscribe and upvote! Feel free to request for scenarios, etc! I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading everyone! 

- PreciousFridayy -

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