Pink Tape



Main Characters:

·         Choi Jinri -

            “I’ve always loved you with all my heart…with all my soul. Though I was never sure if you did loved me the way I did. You will always be my bittersweet memory.”

·         Jung Soojung -

            “Being torn between your best friend and the one you love was never a good idea. Especially when you’re in nothing but with an affair. I’m sorry, I just loved him the way you did. Was it my fault?”

·         Kim Jongin –

            “I always thought you’ll be the one who’ll bring butterflies on my stomach, smiles on my lips and give beats with my heart. I’m sorry, I loved you but I love her more.”

Other Characters:

·         Victoria Song

·         Park Sunyoung

·         Amber Liu





                        “I love you Kim Jongin. I’m thanking you for being with me and loving me. That’s all baby, Happy Anniversary. From your baby, Choi Jinri.”


© fluffymonsters


LOL hi there. 

fluffymonsters in the haus yo. asdfghjkl. <3

I'm here with my first one shot titled "Pink Tape".

Well uhm, it took me months to post this since i'm really shy to do so but now i got the courage because of a close friend. OMG. 

I got the idea of the storyline from f(x)'s album "Pink Tape" yeah. It was all inspired from f(x)'s teasers. 

I didn't copy anything from anyone. I don't own the antagonists nor protagonists. how i wish i did loljk. 

I just own the storyline and the graphic poster. sorry it's my first time experimenting the photoshop.

I'm sorry for the cursing and swearing. oh my gee. :(

OH! And the roles of the characters here does not portray the behavior of the idols in real life, i know nothing about them. I only know that JungLi loves each other and Kai's a cute puppy. hurhur.


-fluffymonsters. :)





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hollyselly #1
Chapter 1: Oh my Jinri T.T it hurts
Please make a sequel author-nim..
I want to see Kai being tortured by Sulli..
Chapter 1: Sequeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelll~
; ___________ ; <3

-w i f e y-