The Debut




Jen has been forced to flee Japan due to the cruelty of her parents and a number of unfortunate events. After following the advice of her uncle, she finds herself faced with two options: live on the streets or become a maid.

Maybe a maid is the wrong word. A personal assistant, a secretary, a cook, a neighbour, a cleaner, a counsellor, an adviser, a carer, a friend. It's a tough job, but at least she's off the streets.

So you're probably beginning to understand where this story is heading. Our lovely heroine becomes Super Junior's maid. Oh, how quaint! She'll be treated like a princess, fall in love and act so sickly sweet that we cant help but love her!






Sorry to disappoint, but that's not how it works I'm afraid.

Super Junior hate her. They detest her. They just cannot stand her.

Why is she here? They don't need her, they don't want her, and frankly, they wish she'd just bugger off back to Japan or wherever the hell she came from.



You still want to read this story?

I don't blame you if you don't. It won't be pretty.

But stick around, I promise you it won't get boring.


I felt my eyes fill up with tears but I held them back as I stood up and dusted off my jeans. Yes it was humiliating, and yes it was hurtful, but I couldn't let this get to me. Arrogant rookie singers are not people I need to impress. 






"I don't know why they gave her the job. She doesn't seem to know anything. Why doesn't she just go back to Japan." I heard Youngwoon joke loudly, much to the amusement of everyone else in the room.

Go back to Japan... Oh, I wish. 






He lifted his arm and I felt my head snap to the side. I stumbled backwards. He just slapped me.

A searing pain spread across my cheek as my eyes blurred slightly. 

"Are you actually that ing stupid?" He spat in my face. 


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