Choices, choices


Hi guys ^^
This is something new for me, because I've never done a drabble before, but my awesome appa (yes I know appa means dad and the person I call appa is a girl but I have a weird group of friends, sorry xD) started to say weird stuff in the midlle of the subway and I just need to do this. xD

Sorry if it will be boring or something but yeah.. xD

The explanation for this is in the blog section, so, if you feel very very confused, go check it ou. ^^


  They just asked you, one by one, and you stayed there...
 Your eyes open wide, your heart jumping in your chest, your cheeks turned bright red, tears started to grow in your eyes, your brain went fussy and four pairs of eyes looking at you full of hope.





What's your answer?


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Chapter 2: wahahahah!! you're lucky tho. there's just four of them.. me. I got an OTP of 15 XD -fangirls~
Chapter 3: hahahahah im dead xD this was hilarious xD i loved it xD
Chapter 2: XD I liked it, pretty awesome writing *-* but has nothing to do with the initial idea XD