Stumble and Fall

What It Means To Be Living. (Hiatus)

"Every life has a measure of sorrow and, sometimes this is what awakens us."- Steven Tyler

Jongin likes to tell himself not to give up. To keep pushing through another day. Because everyday was his worse day. He would wake up not wanting to wake up. He would get dress not carring about getting dressed and we would take his time eating to savor the few moments of not being publicly humiliated. He would happen everyday. He would walk into class and take his seat and something would happen. He knew it would happen. He was waiting for it. But no matter how much he expected it, his cheeks would flush warmly and the other kids would laugh at him.

"Why so red Jongin ?" the boys would taunt.

And they would would laugh and Jongin would want to go away. Far away.

As the day went on it wasn't much better. More teases and dirty looks. More people laughing at him and teacher's pitiful eyes. But it wasn't just the boys. Oh no. The girls were just as bad.

"J-jongin ?" a voice stuttered and Jongin looked up from his lunch to see a girl holding something in her hand. Jongin looked up from his lunch with a cocked eyebrow. What was a girl talking to him for ?

"Yes ?" he would answer.

"I think you're really handsome and sweet. Please accept this gift. I hand made it myself." she said with a timid smile. Jongin took the box and the girl begged him to open it. Smiling back, Jongin lifted the top of the box when something exploded on him. The classroom went into an uproar as the red substance splattered all over him. Wiping his eyes, Jongin opened them to see the girl laughing in his face.

"Sike !" she smiled and the class laughed even harder. "You should have seen your face. As if anyone would like you. Weirdo." she then turned around with her friends walking back to her seat. Jongin sighed as he wiped his eyes again. Getting up and out of the class to the bathroom the teen frowned.

Why was this funny to them ? Why was it funny to see someone's humiliation ? Was second hand embarrassment a thing in his school ? Why wouldn't someone show pity. Looking up into the mirror Jongin frown deepened. His uniform was all stained with red and he looked like he had brutally murdered someone. Grabbing a napkin, Jongin put it under the water and began to wipe it off his face and other parts of his skin. He then tried to wipe the stains off of his navy coat and white shirt. It didn't really work out that much and turned a lighter shade of red. Groaning he cleaned up a bit more before going back to class.

As he walked back towards his desk a few people glanced at him but turned back to talking with their friends. Trying not to get anymore attention for himself, Jongin kept quit for the rest of the class. Well until gym class came. The class quickly ran to change their uniforms for more loser clothing. Jongin took his time though. He didn't mind gym he just minded the people. As he slipped into his shorts and t-shirt the class was waiting on him.

"Good to see you're finally ready Mr.Kim." their teacher joked and Jongin nodded before sitting in his group. After taking attendance, the teacher told them to all line up.

"We're going to be playing mat ball." the class groaned. "And you're all going to play it before I give you an F. Now, who wants to be captain ?"

Jongin chose not to raise his hand. He knew that no one would want to be on his team and if they were someone would eventually take his place as captain. As the captains were chose they picked player by player. Soon it was Jongin and a girl left. One of the captains eyebrows furred as his eyes went back and forth between Jongin and the girl. Sighing he opened his mouth.

"I guess I'll take geek girl." the guys team laughed as Jongin was the left to be standing alone.

"Alright let's play !" someone yelled and the class nodded in agreement. They all started to get in position when the teacher frowned.

"Hey ! You didn't pick your last player." he said gesturing to Jongin.

"Oh ! Haha." the team captain girl laughed. "I forgot he was there. Come on Jong.." her voice trailed off as she walked away from him in disgust. Jongin's heart sank a little. As they proceeded to play Jongin could honestly say they were deliberately trying to hit him. Every chance he got to move or catch the ball someone would slam into him or a body would crash into his. By the end of the class he was more then sore. Sadly he had one more class left.

He was fuming with rage as they had a substitute in his last period. Substitutes were terrible because they don't know what to do and the class always acts rowdy. For Jongin they were more rowdy then usual. He tried to get up and get a book but someone tripped him on his way towards it. He tried to push that off because that was an everyday thing but then someone decided to put him on the spot light. Now Jongin was usually shy but he would speak if needed or wanted to. But he wasn't listening to the question and as the sub looked at him he could feel his face heat up.

"A-ah. Please repeat the question." he said and the class burst out into laughed.

"Idiot." someone said and Jongin's ears burned red. His fingers clenched into tight fist a few boys laughed.

"Look he's getting angry. What are you going to do ? Hit us ?" One laughed.

"And he's blushing. How cute. Are you embarrassed Jongin-ah ?" Another joked.

Jongin's face was red but he didn't do anything. He couldn't.

"God you're so weak Jongin. Can't even stand up for yourself." Another person yelled and Jongin froze.

"That's enough kids. Get back to work."

And so the class did. Laugher here and there covering the sound of Jongin's tears spilling from his eyes.

When Jongin got home his mother tried to great him with a smile but as she saw her son's distressed face and dirty clothes it quickly turned into a frown. Pulling him into a hug they moved to a couch and Jongin leaned onto his mother as he couldn't hold his tears back.

"Help me mother. It hurts so much." Jongin sobbed.

"What happened ?" Mrs.Kim asked. Trying to pull back to look her son in the eye Jongin only held on tighter.

"They're so mean." he sniffed. "Everyday. They hurt me so much."

"What do you want me to do ?" she asked finally pulling Jongin back. The teen thought for a minuet before looking his mother in the eye.

"Would leaving make me seem...scared ?" Jongin asked.

"No honey. A person can only take so much. Now please go change your clothes while I call your father."

Jongin walked towards his room with a flicker of hope.





Jongin was shaking. He was scared. His hands tapped on his thigh and his feet moved up and down rapidly. He was looking out the window and couldn't help but gulp and clutch his school back in his hands tighter as the sight of a school. A few kids were walking as school had started a few minuets ago. Jongin closed his eyes before a hand touched his shoulder. Looking over to his father the man smiled.

"Don't worry son. If anyone gives you a problem I'll take care of it."

Jongin smiled back at that and nodded. His father gave his hair a ruffle before Jongin stepped out. Walking into the school was a bit awkward because he did not know where he was going.

"Excuse me ?" he tried to call but most of the teens were either too busy trying to get to class or too busy to spare him a glance. Giving up Jongin just followed some kid until he ended up at the office. Walking in he did the normal routine of a new kid. Waiting in the office. Meeting the principal. Getting a small speech and his schedule before bowing and walking out. The person who normally showed new kids around was not there that day so he had to do on his own.

Holding up his schedule he looked at his first class. Chemistry. Oh what joy to be learning about chemicals and atoms so early in the morning. Frowning it took Jongin about ten minuets to find his class. Opening the door eyes stared at him and he tried not to blush at the attention. He didn't know if those stares were good or bad yet.

Introducing himself he said a quick and simple Kim Jongin please take care of me and went to the seat the teacher pointed too. The first thing he learned by being in the class was the Chemistry teacher was weird. Like insane scientist weird. Her hair was the normal black of Asians but it had white streaks in it and the clothing she wore was professional but a bit different.

"Mrs.Meng !"

"Yes ?"

"What would happen if we..."

Jongin stopped listening long ago. He was busy trying to do the notes the teacher assigned to catch himself up to the class. But that would take some time.School was school and he didn't worry about it much. What he did worry about was the physical activity class three periods from now.

Time went by quickly which the young teen dreaded because in a short few minuets he would have to find his way to the gymnasium. He didn't even make a friend yet because everyone already had their own friends. Trying not to bring his own self down, Jongin thought about something that made him happy. What did make him happy ? It wasn't friends of course because no one had ever liked him. It wasn't games or sports. It was his passion. Dancing.

"Kim-ssi ?" A voice brought him out of his thoughts as he looked at his English teacher.

"Class has ended. Do you wish for someone to take you to your next class ?" the man asked and Jongin shook his head politely. He didn't want to trouble the old man if it was not needed.

"No thank you songsaenim. I can find my own way. Thank you." Jongin bowed before quickly scurrying out the room. The late bell rang and Jongin tried to hurry to find the teacher. As he blindly ran he crashed into a body and they both fell hard onto the ground.

"Oh my god I'm soo sorry !"  Jongin cried not wanting to get anyone angry on his first day. "Let me help you up." Jongin reached out a hand to the other boy but he just kept his head down. Looking at the other boy Jongin could only see his head full of pink and the normal school uniform. His shoes though were a bit different. They were converses with batman symbolized on both sides. Jongin would have thought that was cute if it wouldn't have been weird.

"Are you okay ?" Jongin tried asking again. This time the boy gave a slow barely noticeable nod. Jongin looked at his watch and gave a quick bow.

"I have to go. Sorry again."

And he was gone down the hall.




Sehun sat on the floor a long time. Long enough that his bottom started to hurt. He looked at his two school books before slowly picking them up and trying to slide them into his bag. After a couple of tries he slid them in and got up off the ground. The bell rang signaling the class was over and it was time for lunch. But Sehun had seemed to forget that as he slipped into another class.

"Sehun-ah ? What are you doing here ? You don't have me till tomorrow. It's time for lunch okay ?" the teacher rambled on gesturing for the younger to follow him. They had wasted a bit of time thanks to Sehun pointing to random things. The cafeteria was nearly packed when they entered.

"Please eat Sehun-ah."

When Sehun got in line people moved away.

When Sehun walked to his seat people moved away.

When Sehun began to slowly eat his lunch everyone looked away.

Sehun didn't mind, well more like he didn't care. In his eyes everyone was just giving him space. Though he wouldn't mind if someone sat down with him. Eating alone is no fun. Talking a small bit of his fried tofu, Sehun looked around and he spotted the dark hair of the boy that bumped into him earlier. Or so he think that was him.

Their eyes met and Sehun immediately looked away. For some reason their eye contact burned.

"He's such a freak." Sehun heard someone whispered and he wondered who they were talking about. More so he wondered what was a freak. He heard it a lot but never asked anyone what it was. Sipping from his milk carton he watched as someone slipped on a piece of food. He watched as people laughed and then went back to talking to their friends. He watched as people went on and he felt oddly stuck.

Sehun's noona picked him up after school. Her small blue honda already waiting, door unlocked as she fixed her makeup. He had a bit of opening the door but the older helped him and he slid in.

"Sehunnie-ah. How was school ?" she asked and he gave her a short glance. "Ahh so it was okay. That's good." Pulling off his noona turned the radio down some and cleared .

"So Noona has to go back to school for another meeting with some sponsors." she began and Sehun's passive face frowned a bit. "I will come back as soon as I can. Also Hanpaet is going to be home all day today to play with you. He doesn't have any work today."

Sehun just let his sister ramble on like she always did because she was a girl. And from what he heard girls talk a lot. He didn't mind though because Hyuna-noona had a nice voice especially when she sang. When she sang Sehun always felt clam and safe. They pulled up into their house and Hyuna helped Sehun out grabbing his bookbag and opening the front door.

"Umma ! Appa ! We're home !" Hyuna yelled. Their father strolled in and gave the oldest a hug first. He reached for Sehun but the fifteen year old flenched and the man stopped. His smile tightened and he adverted his eyes as they walked into the din.

"Hyuna what a pleasure to see you." the woman said giving her third eldest a hug.

"Yeah it was my turn to get the baby." she said ruffling Sehun's hair as the boy was already busy playing with the toys that laid on the table. Their mother went to give him a hug too but he flinched out of her hold quickly screaming.

Footsteps were heard as the second oldest came into the living room. He spotted the youngest and quickly cradled him into his arms. "Sehun-ah it's okay. Hyung is here don't cry." Hanpaet said and Sehun settled down after a bit.

Their mother huffed as she watched her sons.

"Mother you know he doesn't like when people touch him." Hyuna said.

"You touch him all the time."

"Well maybe he doesn't like you." another voice called and they all looked to see the eldest Oh. Seokhyun.

"Hyung !" Hanpaet called and Sehun happily followed him to play with Seokhyun's fancy coat.

"What are you doing here ?" their father asked. "Shouldn't you be in-"

"England ? Yes but mother called me because we're doing our annual dinner's." Seokhyun said taking a seat. The maids quickly bringing him something to drink. They tried to take his coat as well but Sehun wouldn't let it go. He liked the shiny sparkle that came from it in the light.

"The dinner is in a week."

" Can't I spend time with my family ?" 

"Well yes but-"

"Since you're home why don't we all go out ?" Hanpaet proposed.

"That's a great idea. When I come back from my meeting I'll get dressed." Hyuna said quickly looking at the time.

"We should go somewhere fancy." Hanpaet said.

"Yes. We all know who Sehunnie likes things that shine." Hyuna said.

"Alright it's settled." Seokhyun said.

"We didn't plan this." Their parents said.

"You're too busy. I'll just take these kids. Besides we need some bonding time." And with that the kids split apart. The three boys going upstairs and Hyuna leaving for college.


"Appa where's umma ?" Jongin asked looking around their cozy house to find it empty.

"She had to stay back late at the hospital. An accident occurred and they needed a few more employees." his father explained.

"Ah I hope everyone is okay." Jongin said and Mr.Kim smiled at his caring son.

"Come on kid. Let's see who makes the best buchimgae so Umma can come home and judge." His father said lightly pushing him into the kitchen.

"Do you really want to do this ?" Jongin asked.

"Afraid to loose ?" his father asked and Jongin smirked.

The whole time they kept throwing flour at each other and one time Jongin threw a pepper slice at his father and it was on the back of his head the whole time.

"What's so funny ?" this father asked at Jongin's giggling.

"Nothing nothing." Jongin said as the red slice dangled.

About an hour later Mrs.Kim came in to the wonderful smell of food but when she walked into the kitchen she frowned. It was filled with flour stains over her nice sky blue tile and salmon cabinets.

"KIM JONGIN AND KIM JONGHOO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY KITCHEN !" she yelled. The two males looked at her with wide guilty eyes and it was silent for a moment.  Well until a piece of the goo like flour fell on her head from the ceiling. They all looked at each other before bursting out into laughter.

"Ahaha Umma your face." Jongin clutched his stomach and Appa tried to stop laughing as hard as he was as he set their dinner on the table. Mrs.Kim was giggling the whole way through and they had to calm down to eat.

"So how was the first day ?"

"It was okay. Nothing bad happen. Though I bumped into this kid." Jongin explained.

"Did he hurt you ?" his mother asked with concern.

"No. He must have been more hurt but I think he was okay. He had nodded when I asked." Jongin explained.

"Oh well that's good sweetie. Now when you two are done eating I want the kitchen spotless."



Mr.Kim and Jongin whined at the same time. But the glare from the woman had them shutting up quick. Though cleaning up was no trouble. Seeing as they were a happy family doing things together was better. Well in some cases.

As the days went by Jongin tried to fit in with his new school. He wasn't too open because he wasn't that type of person but he tried not to be as shy as he was at his old school. Though in his old school he wasn't too shy to throw a punch. He tried not to fight much. That wasn't good on your record and colleges didn't take too kindly to rebels. But if someone hurt him to his breaking point his fist would react before his mind.

His father said that was his mother in him. Kind with a powerful left hook. His mother though said it was his father in him. Sweet but firey.

Jongin didn't really know. Nor did he really mind who he was most like. He knew that he would start fresh at this new school and let no one bring him down. Not even his pop quizzing History teacher. As he stepped into English though he same the some what familiar bubble gum pink hair and unique shoe wear of the quiet boy he bumped into. Today his style was different as every day. His hair put messily and his shoes American flag vans. As Jongin looked up from the boy's shoes to his face and noticed the dark brown gaze but a bit faded. As if he wasn't there.

"Alright pair up into partners." their teacher called out handing them their new assignment. Jongin watched as his peers moved to their friends. Girls practically dragging their best friend towards them and guys giving each other the nod of understanding. Jongin looked around and spotted bubble gum hair (that shall be his name until he knows it) alone. Shrugging he mind as well partner with him. Walking towards the empty seat in front of the boy he smiled.

"Hello. I'm Jongin."

There was silence. The boy didn't even look at him. Just out the wide windows showing the nice autumn day.

"Hey are you okay ?" Jongin asked. When he didn't get a reply his hand reached in to touch the boy. The teacher called Jongin's name making him draw his hand back and turn towards him.

"How about you work with Yonghae. Mr.Oh will be doing his own separate project." the teacher said. Jongin nodded confused moving over to the brown haired kid. Though as Jongin looked away, eyes focused on him.




Sehun's family consisted of two parents and four kids. The eldest was Oh Seokhyun. He was 24 years old and the heir to the family. He was the personification of perfect to the public and his parents eye but there was one thing. He hated his mother and father with a burning passion. In his eyes they wanted nothing but what they were greedy for. Not wanting to be like them he set himself on a different path. One that would not only help himself but his siblings as well.

Next in line was Oh Hanpaet.  Though he is an Oh he is not of pure blood Oh. His mother had a bit of an affair when they went to Thailand and came back four months pregnant with a child she wanted but from the public eye would be hated. She had told Mr.Oh and he felt rage but gave his wife a second chance. Hanpaet knew of his Thai background grew up with a since of non belonging. But Seokhyun cleared that out of his mind showing his brother that he was loved. So he grew up caring and kind. This led the 21 year old to take on the interacting part of their family business.

After Hanpaet, The Oh's soon had a surprise. A baby girl. Oh Hyuna. Mrs.Oh couldn't help but doll her girl up but little did she know dolling her up made the poor child want to be farther away from the woman. So at a young age she left moving in with their distant cousins. Though the family name followed her everywhere and she didn't come back until she heard of the news. The Oh's were having another child. At first she didn't care but now being 20 years old her dongsaeng was like her own child.

Oh Sehun. The last Oh of them all was much different from his siblings. At first he was normal. Growing up with his brothers and sister was fun in his eyes. They were all old and by the time he could even walk they were beginning to leave elementary and/ or enter middle school. He started to slow down a bit around a young age of five. He showed no interest in anything and his reactions were slowing. He never talked and had a bit of trouble making friends. He didn't even flinch when someone yelled at him. Though when his mother placed her hand on his shoulder once he went off. Hanpaet running in first pulling the baby away from his mother and Seokhyun glaring at her.

"What are you doing touching him ?" He shouted and his mother's face flickered from confusion to anger.

"What do you mean ? I can touch my son if I want."

"He doesn't like witch hands." Hanpaet said.

"Witch hands ?" Mrs.Oh was shocked.

"Though Sehunnie is a bit lost. He knows a great deal about good and bad. And for some reason mother, you are bad." Seokhyun then took the five year old carefully into his arms. He walked out the room following the rest of the Oh siblings. They sat Sehun in the middle of the bed and cuddled all around him. Hyuna smushing him to her chest and Hanpaet snuggled into his back with Seokhyun placing a protecting arm around them all.

Sehun grew up wrong. Or so his father would say he's still growing up wrong. But it wasn't his fault oh no blame the parents. For a child turns up how their parent's bring them. So when they left him in his room all alone with a few small toys in a huge room and the only sound of the record playing they ought to think better right ?

No of course not. Each Oh child has their own personal servant. And Sehun's was this very old woman who would sing as Sehun would lie in bed staring at the ceiling. Though Sehun was an "off" kid he dreamed. He dreamed about a bird which was weird in shape but great with beauty of its wonderful colors. He dreams of smiles and laughter. He dreams of being able to be touched without feeling the horribleness that came with it. He dreams of being normal.

"Young master. It is time to get up for school."

Sehun didn't move for another two minuets until the sun past through his curtains and gave his pink hair a bit of a white tint. He sat up slowly and got dressed in his uniform quickly before going down the stairs to eat.

"Good morning Sehunnie." his noona greeted him and Sehun sat down with a nodd.

"Would you like something western today young master ?" the chef asked.

"Oh no poor Sehunnie needs something more fattening. He seems to gave gotten skinnier. Fix him some gaeran tostu." Mrs.Oh said walking in.

Sehun's fist clenched as she sat in front of him.

"Seokhyun will drive you today." Hyuna said. "I have to be to work earlier than normal. Sorry aegi." 

The sandwich was soon placed in front of the boy and Sehun looked at it for a bit before picking it up with his hands and taking a bit. He immediately spat it out and look at his older sister with a sad face.

"Wait till it cools down. You'll burn your tongue off." their father said looking at him. Sehun suddenly didn't want to be in his house anymore.

He took his plate and quickly set out to the other room. He bumped into his brother and the eldest ruffled his hair. 

"Ready to go ?"

And soon they were in the car. Sehun tapping his leopard print doc martin clad feet on the floor to the soft the beat that flowed through the car.

"Here we are. Have a good day okay Sehunnie. And if anyone messes with you hyung will make sure no one ever touches you again."

Sehun nodded letting his brother gently pat his head before exiting the car. He was earlier than the other students, not that he minded, and set off for the cafeteria. The lunch ladies greeted him with a smile as he sat down at the empty table. They placed a vanilla pudding cup down with a spoon because they were very close with the mute boy. He came there every morning by himself and they always gave him something vanilla because in the "words" of Sehun 'chocolate looks like poo'. When the bell rang he would leave. Heading silently too his first class. Hopefully the day would go smoothly as he wished.

But Sehun dreams seemed to never come true.




Jongin was a bit lost. Well maybe a bit more then lost seeing as he never saw this part of the school nor knew this part existed. But he had to be close to his class right ? Wrong. He was looking for class B316 and all he saw were D100's. Looking at is watch he noticed that class started fifteen minuets ago. He knew that was tardy but it wasn't his fault the school was so big. Turning down another hall he couldn't help but pick up on the sound of something being slammed against the wall. Looking around he noticed the shadows under the door and he could hear faint chuckling and snickering.

The brunette eye's widen as he knew what kind of chuckles those were. The teasing snickers and the hateful pushes. He knew those sounds all too well.

Turn away. A voice inside his head told him. It begged him to turn a blind eye. Act like he didn't see anything, didn't hear anything. But that would be hypocritical of him. That would be choosing to act like the ones he hated so much. Blocking the voice in his head, Jongin forced himself to turn back, forced himself to open the door and forced himself to speak up. Speak up for someone else. Something that no one had ever done for him.

But the words died in his throat as he caught the sight of bubble gum pink hair being grasped tightly and unique shoes spread weakly on the floor.

"New kid wanna join in on the fun ?"

The question spark in Jongin's mind as his eyes met the pinkettes.

"Fun ?" he repeated confused.

"Yeah. Giving this dolt some play time." the boy grinned.

Jongin was smiling back. This wasn't a laughing matter. Nothing about what was going on. The soft whimper that the pink haired kid let out drew Jongin to clutch his fist tightly before opening his mouth.

"Let him go."

"Excuse me ?"

"You heard me. Let him go. What has he done to you ?"

"Look you're new here but you got to learn the rules. We can't have trash like him walking around the school."

Jongin winced at bit at the word trash before striding over to the pink hair boy and pushing the other boy off him. When the kid tried to retaliate Jongin reflexes kicked in and he blocked his punch before twisting his arm around and pushing him to the other male.

"You don't want to do this new kid."

Jongin thought about that. He really did. But when his eyes met the mocha brown of the pink haired male he knew that he did want to do this. Because even though life isn't fair it shouldn't be this unfair. Especially to the people who can't defend themselves to such.

"Get out." the boy looked like he was about to say something but Jongin took a defensive stance ready for anything the other gave him but the boy backed up. He stood up tall with a smile that Jongin didn't like and as he walked out the door his words seemed to echo in his head.

"Welcome to the jungle new kid. Let's see how long an ant like you can stand against the kings."




Sehun was a bit frightened when the door opened. He was scared that after this set of punches a new person would come in and start again. But thankfully he was wrong. Thankful when the door opened the heavens seemed to have given him an angel. And as the angel stood protectively in front of him he could tell something was wrong. Were angel wings always black ?




AN- Konnichiwa. It is here. It is finally here. It took me what two months ?? No one told me Chemistry would be so time consuming. Aigoo. Please enjoy and let us all pray that the second one comes a little faster. Please look forward to it. COMMENT RATE AND SUBSCRIBE !

Ja Ne~


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Chapter 1: I feel like crying,i don't understand how people can be so heartless and cruel?
God made us equals,to be brothers and sisters ,why people do such things as bullying?
Such a great story,the characters and the plot,even if it's a little sad,but beautifully written!
I'm eager to read the second part!
Update soon~
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh no! This made me so sad, now I wanna cry. Bullying is just one of the worst things in my mind.
I just fell in love with Sehun's character! He's so innocent and adorable, I just can't. Jongin too.
Oh and at the end, that was prefect, with the angel wings. Yes. I cannot wait for more.
Chapter 1: *-* My Gosh! It's my first time reading this kind of unprotected and fragile JongIn and SeHun, and I really want to know what happens next... Hopefully, the next chapter will be up soon~
I'm psyched for this