Cheesy alert!

A new start
The rays of the sun shone brightly down on G.O's face. He groggily woke up and noticed that this was not his bedroom. His head was pounding and he just went down to see if he could recall anything. 
"Good morning." You greeted him when you heard footsteps. 
He then remembered that he was drunk and you sent him here. He also recalled the words that you said to him. 
"Good morning." He greeted back with a smile.
"Rin, do you have any medicine for headaches? My head is pounding." He asked. 
"Thats just a hangover. I'll make some hot tea for you so just wait for a minute." 
"You shouldn't have drunk that much if you know you're not much of a good drinker. " you nagged. 
"Mwoh? So thats all i get for helping you?" He jokingly asked. 
You then went back to him and passed him the tea. 
"I mean.. Why did you help me?" 
"Because i wanted to. You were caught in a difficult position weren't you?" 
"But still... You could have just let me. " you averted his gaze and looked down.
G.O stopped drinking his tea and placed it on the table. He then tilted your chin up to make you look right into his eyes. 
"Do you really want to know the real reason of why i helped you?" He gazed intensely onto you. 
You stayed silent. 
"I love you Rin Ah.." His expression softened. 
You were blown away just by the 3 words he had said. 
"I know that you love me too because you said you just needed more time. I heard you." 
A blush crept up onto your cheeks. 
"And i know it hasn't been long since we've known each other but hey, love has no limits. Park Rin Ah, i love you." 
You didn't know how to respond. You were overjoyed yet scared at the same time. "I know that you're not ready but i will wait for you. I will wait for the day where you would come to me and say you're okay. Because nothing can change the fact that i love you. I know that words can't prove anything but i'll promise you." 
You felt immediate peace. You knew that G.O was a man who would only promise people things that he would be able to do to his utmost best. Right then, you trusted him. You hugged him tightly with a big grin. 
"I trust you.." You whispered. 
G.O smiled and responded by hugging you back tightly too. 
"I love you too.." You muttered. 
"What did you say?" 
"I said..... I love you too, Jung G.O..." You said aloud. 
"I know.. I just wanted to hear you say it again." 
He was teasing you. You lightly smacked him and released yourself from his grip. 
"I love you too.. " you smiled. 
~~~~~~~ 5 years later~~~~~~~~
"Rin Ah!!" A familiar voice called out to you. You immediately turned and recognised the owner of the voice. 
"IU unnie!!" You waved frantically. She took a seat opposite of you. 
"So, how has things been going?" She asked. 
"Well, the studio is doing great! But it feels a little empty without you and Joon though.. But Taeyeon unnie volunteered to help though." You said. 
IU and Joon had dated for 2 years and had already married. They were leading a happy family as IU had given birth a year ago to her daughter, Ji Young. But because she has been dedicated to become a housewife while Joon actually started his own business. 
"Thats good to hear but i've already comitted myself to being a housewife and my Joonie just treats me ever so well!" She smiled radiantly. 
"What about you? I see that you're gonna have one soon too!" She squealed an pointed to your tummy. 
You were pregnant with a 5 month old baby! You rubbed your tummy gently and smiled. 
"Doctor says its a boy." You stated. 
"Omo! Then have you thought of a name?" She asked. 
"We've decided to name him Leo." A voice suddenly said. 
IU looked behind and it was G.O. Your loving husband. 
"Oh, G.O. I didn't know you were here." IU said. 
"I will never leave my precious wife all alone to go shopping when she's pregnant with our lovely baby." He smiled at you sweetly. 
IU giggled and cleared ,"Excuse me, don't get all lovey dovey here. " 
G.O chuckled and asked,"So everything's going well with Joon then huh?" 
The three of you then chatted for a good hour to catch uo with each other. It had been long since you had last met IU. Your conversation ended when IU's phone suddenly rang. 
"Neh~ i'm coming home now. Its time to feed Ji Young so don't mess up this time too okay?" She spoke to her phone. 
"Neh~ i love you too." She then made a kissing sound and hung up. 
"Was that Joon?" G.O asked.
IU nodded,"Alright, it was nice catching up with the two of you again. I have to go now. Anyeong!" 
She waved and and walked back home. Meanwhile, G.O was staring lovingly into your eyes. 
"Is there something on my face?" You asked and began wiping your face. 
"No, i just like looking at you." 
"Omo yeobo, you've gotten a little strange!" You chuckled. 
He just smiled and said,"I love you." 
"I love you too." You smiled back. 
He grinned and said,"I love you jagiyah.. I love you, i love you, i love you!" 
"Yeobo, have you been drinking again?" You joked and began sniffing his breath. 
He the cupped your face. 
"Aniya.. I just wanted to say i love you. I feel like its not enough just to say it once or twice. Because no matter how many times i say i love you, it cannot compare to how much i really do. My love for you is as vast as the sky and my love for you will never end." 
You blushed at his words. It has been 2 years that the two of you had married but you still blush at his touch and words. He just has his way of making you feel special and be special. 
"Thats so cheesy!!!" 
G.O instead, found you more cute and lovable. He gave you a peck on your lips and grinned in satisfaction. Leaving you dumbfounded, he stood up and led you to the grocery store to shop. At that moment, you could bet that you were one of the happiest woman alive. 

Dear readers, 



I'm sorry if some of you were disappointed because you wanted me to write for Thunder and Hyorin but if you leave a comment below then i will add the additional bonus chapter about Thunder and Hyorin. Please do let me know what you think and your opinions on my fanfics. Criticism or praising are both welcomed.


Oh and i will be writing a fanfic about Joon and you so get ready! It should be up soon and also, i have a lot of upcoming events next week so i might not update as frequently as i did before so i hope you will have some patience and give me some time to sort out all my thoughts and ideas and of course, tell me your ideas as well! 


Lastly, thank you all for reading and i appreciate your support! And a shoutout to Love_GO87 and KaRain! They have been a great support to me by their constant comments! 



To: Love_GO87 and KaRain



I LOVE YOU!!!! As in writer and reader love... Thanks so much! It gives me strength everytime ibread your comments and leaves me happy for the day! 




And that is all, i wish you all great success in whatever you do and drink lots of water! 


-Author Hyunmin

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2031 streak #1
Chapter 9: wow! Such a short and sweet story. It was nice :)
Thank you so much! I just found strength in your comment! :)
kakashilover #3
WOW , I just found this ,and i think iam realy lucky to read it all, in one go . Well done author ssi , u realy did agood work here with my amazing byunghee ,and hope u can make more for him :)
kakashilover #4
WOW , I just found this ,and i think iam realy lucky to read it all, in one go . Well done author ssi , u realy did agood work here with my amazing byunghee ,and hope u can make more for him :)
KaRain #5
Chapter 9: Love you too authornim. Just keep on writing MBLAQ stories, and another one about G.O. nice story....Fighting!!!
KaRain #6
Chapter 8: Update soon please. I want to know what will G.O do since he heard what she said.
Chapter 8: i'm so done with's just too great...looking forward for next chapter...fighting authornim!! :D
Chapter 7: love this chapter best...just full with lovey dovey scene..but Rin Ah is the weirdest one..i'm not joking XDDD
Chapter 6: you authornim
i should be the one who thanks to you..because now i'm still in my final exam by reading your awesome fanfic helps to relaxing me a bit from study ><
KaRain #10
Chapter 1: New subscriber here. Update soon. Love this chapter.