When the Past Replays


Kyungsoo had a nasty experience with a past lover and managed to escape through an unfortunate accident. He tries to focus on the present and his close friends but what happens when the past comes back for him when he doesn't want it to?


This is my first story ever posting or writing. I have written small pieces before but they have never got anywhere before unlike this one.

I hope you like the story and I will try and update when I can.

Sophie :)


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Chapter 17: Thoroughly enjoyed the ambiguity. It was a worth my AFF time for. kamsahamnida author-nim for completing this fanfic. annyeongsaeyo
Chapter 12: Death isn't an issue. Time is ticking; are there answers author-nim?
Chapter 10: Okay, again no answers. Will this end the way 'Lost' did? Feels so disjointed but I still like it.
Chapter 8: Poster is quite nice and person is revealed but hmmm that's about it.
Chapter 7: haha, author-nim, you have a lot of jokes. You called this chapter a filler - old man Mr. Kim, Baek gay, and their reminiscing about their childhood. Well, I beg-to-differ author-nim. I think all these are fillers to get us to the end that author-nim wants. Nope, it's not a bad thing. I like ambiguous stories.
Chapter 5: Nothing happened in this chapter but talking to his brother, divorce and gunfire. And author-nim is promising that the story is now ready to start? hmmm
Chapter 3: I don't know what to think anymore.......Mr. Kim, old man, familiar van and men with guns, cafe in a respectable part of the city? Confused but hooked.
Chapter 1: Intensity. That's what I enjoyed about the first chapter - as each moment built and led me to the next leaving me intrigued. A past that author-nim penned laced with blatant implied turmoil. kamsahamnida author-nim
Nylo-loves-kpop #9
Chapter 17: how can this be......... i ........... feel....... sad