
My Personal Maid

Chapter 18









"Y-yui?" Chanyeol could not believe his eyes. he was shocked and confused at the same time. The person chanyeol was speaking to showed his head from behind the wall and turned out to be the guy Yui's least expecting.


Her Cousin,


Kai's expression wasn't surprised at all.he kept a straight face from behind chanyeol before smirking at Yui who’s still frozen.  Her mind could not function what was happening. Come to think of it, why the heck did she open the door?


Chanyeol spots Luhan coming towards them, his eyes got even wider if that's possible. You know why?  because  he saw Luhan wearing only a piece of cloth.


"What are you doing here?" Luhan asks, he stood beside yui who’s still mentally blocked.


"What is She doing here? Why is she wearing your shirt? Why are only wrapped with a towel? Am I missing something?" Chanyeol asked not even blinking his eyes and his mind has formed a lot of conclusions inside that seems to be something Yui would definitely not want to happen.

"Did you to have..."

"No wait, it’s not what it looks like pabo" Yui got her mind functioning again and she cuts chanyeol off with her hand covering his mouth.


Kai on the back glanced at Luhan ( who’s still looks cool with everything), smirked at him. "Yah Luhan, had a GOOD TIME with her?" he asked. Luhan glances back with a grin with a hint of understanding on his joke.


"Yeah , Of Course! We had a really GOOD TIME didn't we Yui?" he nudged yui's shoulder and gave her a smug look. Yui looked at him, you can see the distasteful look on her face "Aish. Go back to the Bathroom Luhan." she yelled.  Not a very smart thing to say in front of the two s because they started makin conclusions again.

"Woah" chanyeol got amused." So you really did do it?"

Yui literally facepalmed herself, she wanted to bury chanyeol's head on the ground but her conscience made her not to. This big misunderstanding will take a long explanation.

"come  in" Luhan then interrupts and invited the two inside his unit.

"Hey Luhan, Can I talk to you for a minute privately?" Kai asks while yui looked at them confused. Luhan kept a straight face and nodded, they both went to his room, leaving the two alone,



"So.  Prez., How was it?"  chanyeol started the conversation once they sat down on the couch.


"How was what?"


"you know, y time?" Chanyeol said while wriggling his eyebrows at yui


"nothing happened."


"Then why are you here?"


"Science  Project." Yui sounded like a robot when she answers, even her face was expressionless.


"why are you wearing his shirt?" he asks again, cracking a goofy smile.


"....it's mine" yui almost couldn't backfire, too bad she's good with reasoning.


"No it's not. I got that for his birthday" his smile even got wider


"You do know the word stock, don't you, chanyeol?"


'damn.  she's not giving up' he thought. but of course, he still has proof. " but that's the last one available."


Yui slightly glared at him " How would you know?" she asks.


"I have a habit of buying stuff that are almost sold out." One point for chanyeol,  Yui rolled her eyes, she crossed her arms and turning her gaze away from the latter.



"Why is he only wearing a towel?" Chanyeol bugs him again.


"It's the newest trend! You didn't know? Oh you are so Out dated. " she mockingly said to chanyeol who sent her a bored look


"Yah. did something ha--"


"Aish! Your'e askin too much!" yui clicked her tongue, she got irritated because she hates being questioned by a lot of things " Nothing HAPPENDED and I DONT have to explain myself so shut your damn mouth or I'll tear it apart"


and that made Chanyeol shut the up. Gulping a ball of saliva, he learned something today:


 Don't ever ask too much from Kim Yui.



Kai And Luhan went back to them with a smile on their faces, Yui still looked confused though.


"What did both af you talked about?"  she asks, giving them a judgmental look. they both looked at eachother and chuckled at the same time. Kai steps forward and patted yui's head.


"It's a man's business"


yui pushes his hand away and sending Luhan an ' im- watching-you' kind of stare before eyeing him from head-to-toe. Luhan creased her forehead.




"Are you just gonna stand there without even wearing some proper clothes on?!"


"Hey Prez., I thought you said it's the new trend?" Chanyeol interrupts in with a serious face, not even a hint of playfulness can be seen on his face. Yui Looked at him in disbelief, mouthing him ' what the hell '.

Luhan just turned around and went back to his room without even uttering a word.


"So what brings you here Kim Jongin?" yui spoke, crossing her arms at Kai.


"What brings you here too Yui?" Kai cocked his brow at her, causing yui to twitch her eyes.


"Dont throw me back a question Jongin"


"Hey. it's normal for us to come here. what's actually shocking is that the Great Yui " kai spoke as he points at her " who we'd never thought your'e gonna agree coming to his house for some project because I was expecting you to do it alone rather than going here, is now now standing here right in front of me while wearing his oversized shirt which is really disturbing and the fact that it owned by your so called Number 1 rival in school."


"hey its not my fault. that professor forced me to go here " she spatted on his face, throwing her hands up on the air " and for the freaking shirt, okay Fine, its his. BUT only because there was a stain on--"


"Oh my God." chanyeol interrupts again. snaring his arm on Kai's shoulder with a shocked expression "A stain? Yah Luhan!" chanyeol called him out and Luhan came out from his room , now wearing a plain, white v- neck shirt and walking shorts.




Chanyeol made a goofy smile " I think you were to hard on her. she said there was a stain--"


Kai And Yui yelled in sync. staring at Chanyeol with a disgusted face.


"Chanyeol - sshi, Like I said awhile ago, NOTHING HAPPENED. I hate repeating my words so please, GET A GRIP ON YOURSELF" yui looked displeased while the the two were internally laughing except Chanyeol who looked like a scolded puppy.


"Kai are we going or not?" Luhan breaks them off, Yui glanced at him. "Going where?" she asked, Luhan was searching something in his bagand turned out to be a cap. he then wears it on his head. Kai grabs a hold on yui's shoulder and pulled her closer to him, causing yui to stumble on her feet.


"Yeah yui, it'll be fun."


She was about to reject the offer when she remembered the deal she has with Luhan. recalling the rules he said suddenly echoed in her mind


"Yui must always be beside your master wherever he goes 24/7"


also, she thought it was too risky to leave him with those two, Luhan might suddenly tell them her deepest secret since she still doesn't trust any of them. and in the end, although she hesitated, she agreed anyway.

The three guys cheered in delight as they bump their chests on eachother like a bunch of idiots who just won a war. Chanyeol immediately runs off the door before Kai who walked coollty as possible. Yui looked at them with questioning eyes.


"Hey Luhan, how can they hang out when they aren't alike? they aren't exactly opposite but they're just different."


"What's wrong about that though?" Luhan asked, he stood beside her.


"I mean, wouldn't it be hard to agree with someone whose not just like you?"


"Well that's interesting." he said " Im gonna tell you something. but before that, Let's catch up on those two."


yui shrugs and went to the door and left, leavin luhan inside. him on the other hand smiled to himself.


"So that's what you believe in? Now I think I know why your'e like that to me." he sighed. looking down on the ground but he's still smiling. he went to his room, finding his soccer ball he had when he was a kid. That ball he always uses everytime he's happy, when he'd sober or even when he's in a state of anxiety. he uses this mostly with a few friends he made and especially to that certain someone he hangs out with when he was still a child. smiling at that thought, he recalled the memories Luhan had with her, he would always sneak out of his house and go to hers, The two would play all day under the sun, not worring about the scratches and dirt covering their fraile skin, exploring the whole city with eachother and play soccer near the tree which was located at the park ( the park Yui and Luhan recently visited ) wherein they they will hang out and wait for the sun to set until they had to part ways. And at the end of the day, Luhan could not wait for tomorrow. that was his daily routine. the routine he had really missed experiencing again, Luhan felt a little pinch on his heart, realizing that a lot of things had changed. It's really painful to think that some things can't be the same as it is before.





he heard a voice calling out of his room, he grabs a box under his bed and took a soccer ball and quickly runs out of his room only to see yui leaning her back on the door's frame at the entrance waiting for Luhan.




"What took you so long? I thought you said we should catch up on them?" she asks.

"Sorry, I almost forgot where I put this " Luhan showed his soccer ball to yui, he tossed it to her and Yui caught it with one hand, showing much confidence on her face and no sign of struggle, looking like a professional soccer player, she smirked. Luhan came towards Luhan with a mischievous smile.


"It's nice to see you coming with us."


Yui eyed him mockingly "I'm just coming because I have to"





On the streets, Yui and Luhan walked side by side without talking to each other while in front of them were Kai and Chanyeol whose really noisy eversince they  got out of the building, he could not shut his mouth and keeps on blabbering about something to the other guy who seems to be quiet and just listening to chanyeol.


" are they always like this?" Yui mutters to Luhan, causing him to chortle a bit.


"Apparently yes,"


" Aren't you getting tired or annoyed of it? coz' i think jongin's about to reach that point."


"Nah.  I don't think he will. those two are like objects that can't be separated. I think it'll last longer."


Yui nudged his shoulders and looked at him " how can you tell their friendship will last long? I dont even think they were friends since they were in diapers."


"Well Yui, about your question earlier. You also noticed that their personalities are, well, not exactly opposite right? and they still hang out. Well why not? just because two are different, doesn't mean they can't get along.You dont have to be alike to like someone. A person also once told me: They get along not because they're exactly alike, but because they learn to enjoy their differences. And most of all, friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest...its about who came and never left your side."


Yui just nodded in agreement, she had nothing else to say because Luhan was right. She glances at the two guys in front of her laughing with eachother as they walk along the street.


"And hey, don't opposites attract?" luhan interrupts the moment of silence. " just like in Science yui"

"Oh. I bet this is also one of your metaphors" she said.

"Yeah. And I have a question."


"aren't WE opposites?" luhan asks while grinning at yui who just looked at him

"Ha.Ha. Ha. very funny line you got there." she said before rolling her eyes.

"Hey im not kidding. and now that we're up to this topic. there's something that i'm curious about."

yui looked at him in a confused way which he immediately understood. " What are we? really?




luhan mentally facepalmed himself, ' i never thought you'd be this dumb when it comes to this kind of things'

" no i mean. what's our status? relationship status?"

yui thought for a moment before she answered nonchantly " Rivals."

Luhan heaved a sigh, scratching his head as he thinks that her answer upsets him. "Really? rivals? how come?"

"First of all, I treat you as my rival." she pointed out." Second of all, your'e number one at school that it's provoking me to strangle you but my conscience told me not to " she said as she gestured her hands like she's stranggling someone causing luhan to widen his eyes.

"And third, there's something that's making me loathe you"

"And that is?"


"I dunno.,,, maybe I'm just allergic to you." yui shrugged at her answer.

"...Can that status change someday?" luhan asked, hoping she would say yes.

"We'll see..." She replies, which wasnt really satisfying for luhan but atleast she didn't answered a straight "No" so that didn't discourage him. instead, It made him more hopeful.




after a long time of walking, They reached an open area where there was a soccer net already installed and bleachers on the other side of the field. half of the area were full of trees and there werfe cable wires dividing it. Chanyeol runs, heading toward the center as he shout like a maniac who just got out from the mantal hospital while Kai was just following him without running. Yui and his "Rival" on the other hand, went to the bleachers and sat down. Yui sighed as she felt her landed on the metal and stretched her arms.


"Water?" Luhan offers a tumblr right infront of her face, causing her to startle.She looks at Luhan dumbfoundly while the latter is sending a genuine smile. Yui looks back at the tumblr before taking it and uttered a "thanks"



"Luhan! Yui! let's start teaming up!" Chanyeol suddenly shouts from afar that took their attentions.Kai was just standing beside him with his hands tucked inside his pockets, looking in another direction. Luhan stood up and waited for yui to come with him but as expected, she doesn't want to.


"No thanks."


"It'll be fun."


"Too hot." she complained while fanning  herself with her hands.


"Oh come on. Just this once." he said, with a bright smile on his face as he offers his hand. Yui just looked at it.


"Nah. too tired of walking." 


"OH. So the GREAT YUI is tired? only a sign of weakness. probably the reason why I'm always NUMBER ONE" luhan boasted, trying to provoke yui whose now slightly glaring at him before sighing in defeat.


"I don't even get why your'e wasting energy on something pointless as this. I mean, won't I even get a reward?"


"Well, how about this. whoever wins the game will be granted three wishes from their opponents. Now that's a goal"


" and those three wishes will be...anything?" she asked and a slight curve was starting on her pink lips.


"yes. Anything." he remarks which made yui to smirk.


"Fine then." Yui stood up and walked pass by luhan, heading to the two boys.



Team A were Luhan and Chanyeol and the other group were the two cousins. The game started with an intense atmosphere and you could sense the seriousness from th other two who just made a deal. Yes, Luhan and Yui were being too serious about the game causing the other guys to shudder.

The longer the game is played, the more intensifying it gets that it seems like Yui and Luhan are the only ones who are playing. Chanyeol and his buddy gave up and went to the bleachers, soaked and exhausted.


Chanyeol's POV


"Theyr'e like monsters!" I shouted, trying to catch my breath as I watch the two of them still playing on the field.


"Yeah." Kai said. " their stamina are too equal that it looks like the game will never end."


both of those guys were still playing like it wasn't JUST a game at all. I could not believe how energized they are. It was just UNBELIEVABLE. after all, they were named as the best players in all sports in Kirin High. You name it. I even thought of them as the best students in Kirin History cause' it seems like they were good at everything. no sctatch  that, they were The Best at everything. 


"I like you alot..." I mumbled, smiling at myself. I turned my gaze to Kai whose now sitting right next to me while drinking a bottle of water. he gazed back with furrowed eyebrows.


" I like how hard working she is and doesn't give up that easily."


"yeah.  That's what's special about her. Even  if she's a monster on the outside. I never saw a hint of selfishness and laziness on her. I really understand why she keeps on showing her monstrous side, it's for the school's sake."


The air fell dead silence. I glanced back to watch the two who were still playing in the fields when suddenly, I saw a glimpse of yui smiling. It wasn't a smirk but a real smile. I never saw her smiling before that I felt really astonished for seeing such a rare scene.


"Did she just...."


" yeah.." Kai blurted out, also watching yui in awe. ans so was I. " she smiled...It's been a long time since I saw that."


I watched Yui now with a serious face, never leaving my sight on her .


I never thought a rare smile from yui can be so mesmerizing as this.


" Say Kai, I just thought of something...I wanna help Yui bring back that smile again." I said without even looking at kai.




"I'll think of something..."



"three wishes for me~" Luhan boasted right infront of Yui's face before sticking his tongue out. Yui could not believe that she had lost again. " and it looks like..." he said and leaned his face closer to yui's. " your'e gonna need another shirt" he whispers and sent her a smug look, causing Yui to roll her eyes once more and walked away. pissed. So in the end, the game they thought would never end actually did. And it's because of him.


Chanyeol's jaw literally dropped on the ground for the second time around, the game was for like five hours straight before someone won three points.  scary  to think that they could last that long. They dont even look tired!


"How long did they last on bed?" Chanyeol asks Kai who immediately shrugs and walks away.



Looks like Yui had a bad day. A Very Bad Day,



 Annyeong guys~ boring chap? mehehehehehe~~ im really soorry for the disappointment TT^TT my mind is really drained right now so please forgive meehh~~



And for the recent incident that happened in South Korea, Let's pray for them! those family need to stay strong so we have to encourage them. It was really painful to see a lot of people crying because there are many people who are still not found :(( Im counting on you guys :((




thanks for reading :))))




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Im reaaalllyy sorry for changing the title... looks like some people unsubscribed my fic.. cant please everyone right? We'll just do our very best :D


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Chapter 24: NJFGKN.HNHKGLKFIGJFGN cant wait for the next *O*
Chapter 9: lol im totally lost, which chapter was it when chanyeol sees her in luhan's apartment? TT.TT
Chapter 22: author pllzz!!ain't nobody got time for that ! you want to change it !do it!
what we want is UPDATE ! lol ..So plz updt soon ! godd luck ^^
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