

if you didn't read the description, in this story, ljoe is blonde while chunji is the redhead~


A blue umbrella was suddenly held over his head, the rain ceasing its attack on his fatigued body. When the redheaded youth turned around, a shy boy blushed and smiled, offering no words of explanation and only his small umbrella.
They walked under the unrelenting rain in silence, their feet skimming the wet ground slowly, as though neither of them wanted to be the first to part. The taller redhead had placed one hand on the umbrella handle, gently brushing the fingers of the timid blonde. Rain dripped onto the taller’s shoulder, sending chills up his spine, yet he made sure the umbrella tilted in such a way that the other would be unable to feel the rain.

It would be a lie to say that the redhead knew where he was going, for he was simply following the other. He came to the startling realization that frankly, he was not only able but also willing to follow the blonde wherever the other chose to lead him. The faint warmth of the shorter’s hand was comforting as he supported the umbrella, deciding that he liked the feel of the other’s milky skin against his own.
A faint tapping brought the redhead’s gaze to the ground, spotting the undone laces of the shorter. He brought the other to a stop and, after making sure the umbrella would stay where it was, bent down. The small brown shoes on the petite blonde were a size that the redhead thought suited the other perfectly. Everything about the blonde was small, and the redhead found himself liking it. Reaching out with long, slender fingers, he lifted the wet laces and tied them. When he stood back up, the blonde could only look at him with astonished eyes and a blush that only grew hotter.


The blonde was sure that his blush was visible even in the dim light. The hand that held his umbrella trembled slightly as he stole a glance at the taller. A smile was lingering on his lips and the blonde looked away quickly, resisting the urge to press his cold palms to his cheeks. His face felt far too hot.
The blonde hadn’t expected them to be walking in the direction of his own house, but the redhead made no move to change their course and the blonde could only carry walking. When the other’s fingers brushed against his again, he jumped, the umbrella shaking slightly. The amount of courage required for him to offer his umbrella to the redhead paled in the presence of the wordless trip that seemed to take them deeper into the stinging rain.
As the weather worsened, the blonde felt reassured by the warm body that almost pressed against his in the space of the small umbrella. When his house came into view, his footsteps slowly involuntarily. He was ready to face the ferocious weather that spiraled around them, yet he did not want to end his first, and possibly last, meeting with the striking redhead.


As they stopped outside his gates, neither made a move to step out of the safety of the umbrella. The gates stood tall and proudly, but seemed unwelcoming to the blonde for the first time since he had moved here. The redhead beside him seemed warmer than the black gates and empty house that he was bound to discover. The latter let go of the umbrella and the blonde emitted an inaudible sigh, certain that this was bound to be where they parted.
The redhead abruptly placed his cold hands on the blonde’s cheeks. When their eyes met, the depth they saw in one another was equal to nothing they had seen before. The depth seemed to echo the very core of life, the other half of the soul that mankind was said to be searching for.
When the redhead moved forward, the blonde had not the time to react. When he felt warm lips, soft lips, on his, his eyes widened. It took another second for him to sink into the gentle kiss, his eyes closing and the umbrella slipping out of his hand.
The heavy rain shielded them from any onlookers and held them in a wet embrace. Their lips were engaged in another kind of embrace, a soft, innocence touch that conveyed the purest of messages. Emotions that needed not to be expressed with words, pleasure that could only be found on the other’s lips.
Their lips molded perfectly with each other’s, dipping into the deep desire held within their consciousness. Pulling away slowly, their foreheads pressed together in the pouring rain, the blonde could feel the heavy breathing of the redhead. Something was slipped into his damp fingers as the taller straightened up.
The redhead dashed into the rain, disappearing as it swallowed him up almost immediately, turning back with a smile that shone through the unyielding rain. A blush crept onto his cheeks as he turned away once more, along with an unfamiliar bliss that clouded his senses and repelled the cold caressing his burning skin.


The blonde walked into his house with a blue umbrella, not yet understanding but delighted nonetheless. Before he stepped into the warm shower, he unfolded the note that had been slipped into his hands.

On the small strip of damp paper was a few ink-smudged letters.

Thank you, Byunghun.




hope you enjoyed that little tidbit huhu i suddenly got hit with inspiration and wrote the first sentence and then it just escalated. i just love my chunjoe ;wwwww; they've been sailing well lately. 

ignore all  spelling and grammar mistakes (there's bound to be some even though i read over it like once) bec it's late here and i'm about to die but i really wanted to finish this. 

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Chapter 1: aww so cute!
Chapter 1: So that means the redhead is ChunJi . I taught ChunJi was the blonde at first