Arrange Married 2

while the ambulances sounds come in closer and closer.....

I feel my heart crumble apart as I see you at my hands

I her cheeks

"pabo, why did you do that?" I ask her as the tears go down to my cheeks

"sir, i'm sorry but we need to evacute her quickly as possible" the guy said and took you away, I only can see you as I kneel to the ground

"you!!!!" I scream, then a punch come to my cheeks, make me fall 

"Donghae, what the heck are you doing!?" it was Kyuhyun, I cant look at him straigh since what i did, "you... I trusted you and this is what you repay?" he said, I feel that guilt in me, I know it was my fault

"you, is she okay?" Aunty ask me, I just can lower my head of, "oh, my daughter!!" she scream and cry 

"Donghae, what the hell are you thinking?" Eunhyuk ask me, while helping me get up 

"I dont know" I simply said 

"how can you doesnt know!! aish! Donghae you are useless!!" Eunhyuk said while let me sit at his car 

"I dont know........ I never know that she will come......" I said as tears flow to my cheeks 

"of course she will, Hae! she love you, she never change!" he said, "whatever, we're going to the hospital" he continue

"is that a good idea?" I ask him but he doesnt said anything but drove off to the hospital following the ambulance 

*end of Donghae pov

*Eunhyuk pov

I follow the ambulance as quickly as I can, in the corner I can hear that Donghae whispering 

"it's all my fault...... its all my failt......" he said over and over again, I break the car

"could you stop blaming yourself!? this is not yourself!! this is something to remind you that SHE NEED YOU!" I said, he look at me 

"but....... that's not what everyone think Hyuk! they look at me as I am the criminal! and I SHOULDN'T DO THAT!!" he said, looking at me with a sorrow eyes 

"Donghae...... just stop it... you're not a criminal and this isnt your fault, okay?" I said and he nod

but I know that deep down, he still blaming hisself that you get to the hospital

I drive on to the hospital, which is near here.

"Donghae, we're here" i said and park the car, he when out, silent 

while we go to the emergency room, we see Kyuhyun and aunty, Donghae lower his head and sit down as far as he could

*end of Eunhyuk pov

before Donghae and Eunhyuk arrive

*Kyuhyun pov 

I cant feel angry at this point, I feel worried about you, eomma keeps on crying, i know this is painfull, her one and only daughter that she love the most are at the emergency room, the doctor when out from the room, cover in blood 

"doc, so how was it?" I ask the doctor 

"the surgery when well, but..." the doctor pause 

"but what doctor?" eomma ask, as her eyes swallon 

"she..... she cant live long...." he said, this is shock me the most, I dont know what am I supposed to do...... i feel like the world just crumble down 

"what do you mean?" eomma ask the doctor while sobbing 

"she... have cancer on level 4.... the cancer is aggressive, we are really sorry" he said and leaved 

eomma fall, her legs cant support her anymore, she cry 

"eomma..." I said, eomma just keep on sobbing, my tears flow down 

my twin sister have cancer that we dont know, this is to much after the accident then we know about the cancer.......... but the important thing is how I supposed to tell her!? 

sorry for not updating for sooooo longggggg...

and also sorry for the short stories :( >.< 

hope you guys havent forget about me.. 




anyway!! we have talk show! 

A: hey guys, how are you? we back in THE TALK SHOW! hmmm, seem now we have a new guess! lets welcome Eunhyuk! 

E: hey guys! 

A: so Eunhyuk in the story you were Donghae's friend? what do you think as his friend?

E: to be his friend is actually tiring as you dont know, he wants a lot of things! 

A: what do you think going to happen soon? after this?

E: I hope that you know who comes in! 

A: wait what!? why!? 

E: to make it interesting! and then the other one too!! 

A: hmmm, good enough! we end it here first, stay tune for more informationg from THE TALK SHOW! 


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Chapter 33: What an awesome story! :D
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 33: love your story
XiuHoTao #3
Chapter 2: soooooooo cuteeeee !!!
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 33: cute, anyways done reading this one! :)
lulu88 #5
Chapter 31: Finally he proposed ^^
lulu88 #6
Chapter 28: So to Australia , I really hope to go there one day .
Good luck with the exams ^_^
angelvoicekyu #7
Chapter 3: I thought I just get the shock of my life when I read, "angelvoicekyu, get down here and sit nicely, not like your brother here" eomma said glaring to Kyuhyun. Well, in case you might not see it, it's similar to my user name in this website. kekekeke. Anyway, I'm a new reader here, saying hi to you, admin. :)
lulu88 #8
Chapter 22: CANCER!!!!!
please update soon.
Kanasaki #9
Chapter 19: Please update soon.... Its so interesting.
PluSonElf #10
I knew it, this story will be more interesting than ever. Update soon:)