The Mark of Cain


this chapter is mainly revised, okai? ouo please read it again to avoid confusion. lolz



“And the Lord said unto him, ‘Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a Mark upon Cain’, lest any finding him should kill him.”

- Mortal Instruments, Cassandra Clare


Joonmyun stared at his reflection in the mirror. He looked pretty much the same, same pale complexion, same hazel brown eyes, and the same mark that lingered on his forehead—the mark that deemed him damned from heaven; the mark that kept him running away from his past—the Mark of Cain. It stayed hidden in his hairline and was covered by his too-dark hair.

He punched the mirror in frustration, it didn’t hurt. Or it didn’t overcome the feeling of grief for the death of his nth lover, Cho Kyuhyun. His knuckles bled, and the wound stung as the skin stitched itself quickly until the wound does not longer exist.

Some would say it would be a pleasure of being granted immortality, but no. It was the exact opposite of it. To him, it was a curse, just like the Mark of Cain on him, protecting him, severing any bonds of physical damage and death to him, making him eternal. Seeing his loved one die or leave, not being able kill himself, leaving a place he’d grown accustomed to, just because his Mark caused unexpected happenings, knowing that the love of his life only wanted him for what he is and tried to kill him, it was all too unbearable—even for an angel.

He snarled when he saw someone through the smashed pieces of mirror, Jongdae. He was worse than any other bad luck anyone could ever have.

“Well, it’s been time he died, huh?” Jongdae chuckled darkly as he strode his way inside Joonmyun’s apartment.

“So you’ve been watching me.” Joonmyun glared at him through the broken mirror.

“An invisible force, smashing him into pieces, until he was only a rain of poison-green colored petals, it felt well, right? He deserved it anyways; he tried to kill you, for Pete’s sake,” Jongdae stated. “He almost stabbed you, just because he wanted to get your blood. Who even knew he was a necromancer? Good thing you had that nifty Mark of yours.”

“Stop,” Joonmyun said through gritted teeth.

But Jongdae ignored him. “If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have that Mark protecting your precious life. Many creatures would’ve been raving and bathing on your angelic blood hundreds of years ago.”

“I said, ing stop, Jongdae.”

Jongdae only chuckled. “You still have that colorful language of yours, which you learned from me. If only you would listen to me, just once, maybe your miserable way of thinking might be a tad bit different and you wouldn’t have to despise your life so much.”

"It's not my life I'm despised of, it's you."

Joonmyun didn’t want to hear anymore. He will not be tempted by Jongdae’s words, not anymore.

“Get out.”

He half-expected Jongdae to ignore him and babble again on how he should listen to him, but he was wrong. And he was happy that his expectation is wrong. Jongdae’s lips curled up into a smirk before he vanished into a wisp of smoke with a snap of his fingers, nowhere to be found in his apartment. He’d been living in this shabby building just for two weeks, since he needs to be away from the people who accidentally knew what he really is.

Last time, he’d been to Paris, France, where he met his new lover, Cho Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun was very handsome and cunning, but he turned out to be a big dork when he met Joonmyun. The two shared funny and romantic moments, and day by day, Joonmyun seemed to go deeper in their relationship. Until one day, when Kyuhyun invited him to go to Eiffel Tower for something; he got excited, but only to see that Kyuhyun held a makeshift scythe in his hand, ready to aim at the angel’s heart.

It struck Joonmyun that the boy only wanted him for his blood, he knew what Joonmyun was, but before Joonmyun has stopped him, Kyuhyun already lunged. The Mark glowed white, and it was only time when Kyuhyun saw the glow on his forehead; it was too late. Kyuhyun then became nothing but a shower of poison-green colored petals.

Many people have seen it, and there was someone, someone strange who wore black all over, had been following him all throughout his way home, back from the incident in the Eiffel Tower. Joonmyun knew turning back would mean great trouble, sensing the pursuer’s aura negative. Joonmyun didn't know why, though, but he got away, he was able to run away.

Joonmyun did his best to stay hidden all the time until he found a new place to go to.

It was a vicious cycle, if you knew.

His eyes started to sting as he felt tears threatening to come out. He swallowed down the tears as he picked up the broken shards of mirror scattered on the floor and wiped the droplets of ruby blood that marred the gray-white tiles. He took a bath when he decided that he should go and visit his first friend since he moved in the neighborhood, Kyungsoo.

Do Kyungsoo was friendly enough to whip him up a cup of coffee when Joonmyun got lost in the unfamiliar streets the first time. He learned that Kyungsoo has quite a popular coffee shop; he’s living alone, but is in a relationship with someone named Park Chanyeol. He lives two blocks from his apartment, which made it more accessible for Joonmyun. Joonmyun wondered if he would still accept him even if he knew he was an angel—a damned angel.

He felt nothing different about Kyungsoo, nothing negative, at least. He always had his friendly grin on his face, which always matched the silver chain on his neck that shimmers everytime he moves.

He put on his clothes for the day—a pair of jeans and a simple white v-neck tee that had signs that it wasn’t new. He brushed his bangs in his forehead, obscuring the mark that stood out on his pale skin, before heading out. His chosen neighborhood was quaint and simple, just the way his past places were. He shook his head when he remembered that he shouldn’t be thinking of his past, but with the vision of Jongdae and Kyuhyun and all the past lovers he had clear in his mind, it was very hard to do. Breaking his trail of thoughts, much to his delight, was the façade of Kyungsoo’s house. Apparently, the said boy is living in comfort and has enough money to construct himself his own house.

When he knocked on the red mahogany door, he heard a faint “come in” in reply. He complied and pouted when he didn’t see Kyungsoo but rather a lazy-eyed boy, with a platinum white hair, and almost has the pallor of a corpse sat across the living room couch. Joonmyun walked to one of the couches and sat on the opposite side of where the pale boy was sitting at, now facing each other.

Joonmyun tried to avoid eye contact with the other presence in the living room, but to no avail. The human looked so captivating in an ominous way, he was beautiful, Joonmyun thought—his eyes were of dark orbs, his lips that stood out from the pale complexion, and his aura feels very different…like what he felt when he saw Kyuhyun. But he shook the thought off, ignoring the fact that there is nothing magical or unusual about the boy.

As Kyungsoo entered the living room, his voice boomed across his whole house, breaking the intense gaze between the angel and the other boy. “Who wants cookies?”

Joonmyun coughed before asking to Kyungsoo, “Uhh, is he, by any chance, Park Chanyeol?”

“Oh, no,” he shook his head. “I’m sorry, I totally forgot to introduce you to him, Joonmyun, this is Sehun, my cousin’s cousin. So he’s basically my second cousin,” Kyungsoo chirped excitedly.

Sehun stood up and offered a hand out. Joonmyun felt a foreign feeling when the former smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Joonmyun.”

“I think its hyung, Sehun,” Kyungsoo whispered to his cousin’s ear.

“Oh, hi Joonmyun hyung, I’m Oh Sehun. Kyungsoo hyung here wanted to introduce me to someone…and I’m guessing it’s you.” Joonmyun took his hand and shook it.

Joonmyun flushed and looked at Kyungsoo. “Why?”

“Well, it looked like you’re…alone?” the younger replied as he smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry for meddling in your love-life, hyung. I don't even know if you really are single.”

“No, no, it’s alright. And I am single.” Joonmyun chuckled as he diverted his attention to Sehun. He was also smiling genuinely. “I’m Kim Joonmyun, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

This was a great start for Joonmyun, for someone who has only been two weeks in his neighborhood. Him and Sehun started going out, awkwardly at the first few tries, but as it progressed, the two can comfortably communicate with each other. It was like Joonmyun felt alive again; it was like Sehun was his distraction from his past—the one who can take him with while running away from his past. He was thankful that he met Kyungsoo, that Kyungsoo introduced Sehun to him, that Sehun was feeling lonely as well.

He learned that Sehun was an orphan, and only his big brother, Luhan was his only other companion. He learned that Sehun always liked the color blue, because despite its meaning of loneliness, it also meant serenity and peace. He learned that Sehun always played football with his big brother when they had the time. He learned that Sehun was never the one to quit and was always the one to prove others wrong. He learned that he tried killing himself once when Luhan got hospitalized. He learned all the little and big things about Sehun.

Joonmyun also learned that despite the happy smiles and loving hugs and kisses Sehun kept on giving him, he knew deep inside that he’s just as hurt as him, except Joonmyun had experienced it much longer.

In return, Joonmyun told him many things about him that he experienced here on earth. He just can’t possibly say yet that he’s an angel. It would ruin his relationship with Sehun.


“It’s been six months already, hyung,” Sehun said happily.

“I know, right. Happy sixth month of our love, Sehunnie,” Joonmyun chirped back. “What time will you come here?” He asked as he adjusted the phone in between his ear and his shoulder.

“Oh, I don’t know, I’ll be there when I get there.” Sehun chuckled. Joonmyun pouted even though he knows the younger can’t see it. “Just kidding, I’ll be there by…three. I love you, Joonmyun hyung.”

Joonmyun smiled. “I love you more, Sehun.”

“No, I love you most,” Sehun replied.

“I love you most-est. Ha, I win. Now end the call! Oh my goodness it is burning, fu—!” The call ended as Joonmyun’s phone fell on the floor. “Shoot! Now I have to get a new phone.” He muttered as he picked his now-broken cellphone.

But it didn’t matter that much, it was their sixth month together and they want it to be a memorable one, since they never really thought they’d last long. And also, Joonmyun has to thank Kyungsoo for a lot. The two of them knew that without Kyungsoo, they won’t even be together. His apartment got cleaner everyday and it doesn’t look quite grungy anymore. The walls were vibrant and matching colors filled the small but spacious apartment. He became more productive; he even got to work at Kyungsoo’s coffee shop and earned himself enough money. He was content with his new life so far, and it had only been six months, there are much more to come.

A knock was heard and Joonmyun’s heart pumped faster in surprise, thinking that it was Sehun. “Wait a minute!”

Joonmyun skipped towards the door to open it. “I thought you weren’t going to—“


His words died when he saw not Sehun, but Jongdae.

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this is just a shortstory okay ouo


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kimtemi #1
Chapter 1: i wanna update ㅠ.ㅠ
EXOtic-shawol-elf #2
Chapter 1: Please don't tell me that Sehun is dead!
I'm ok with any ship just don't let Sehun be dead!
Chapter 1: SEHO!!
Chapter 1: Pleaseu author nim make it seho :*:
Chapter 1: pleasee make it SEHO~~~
EXOJunked #6
Chapter 1: this is so interesting and good. i hope that you can update it, soon c:
rawranarchy #8
Chapter 1: This is so interesting!
I hope Sehun isn't dead. ):