Beginning to Remember

Finding Home Again

The past few weeks had been painful. The doctors brought in people who tried to help bring my memories back. Nothing they did helped me, but once I started watching tv a few of my memories began to return. The process of remembering was slow and painful, but it was a great help. I started talking to the doctors in Korean and the translator from before helped a lot in remembering my Korean. She helped a lot also when it came to the headaches. She understood why I was having them and was very patient with me as I struggeled through the pain and trying to remember my past.

After two months had passed, the pain of hearing the Korean language completely subsided and I began consentrating on who I was and finding things I recognized. This process turned out even slower, even though I didn't nearly pass out when I tried to remember my name, my mind still went completely blank, which turned out to be even more painful than the headaches.

I continued to recieve gifts from people. Apparently I had been in the news and people all over Korea wanted to help me. One person in particular seemed to be very interested in me. A girl named Sun Jung. One of the doctors told me she had been the one to find me and called for help. I was really grateful to her and eventually I requested for the doctor to let me speak with her in person. I wanted to meet her since she had helped me in so many ways.

One day I was watching a performance being done by a boy group whose name I had missed, when there was a slight knock on the door. I muted the tv and called for them to enter. A girl around my age walked in. At first I didn't recognize her, but then a memory of a woman calling my name and asking if I was alright came into my mind. I instantly knew who it was.

"Anneongaseo. You must be Sun Jung. I recognize you from the day you helped me."

My eyes began tearing up as I watched Sun Jung walk over to me. Tears were also beginning to form in her eyes.

"You remember me?"

I nodded. "Barely. I remember you standing over me and calling to me. Asking if I was alright. I never got to tell you how thankful I was for helping me. Konsamnida. Konsamnida."

"I didn't think you would know who I was. I thought you had already been unconscious when I got to you. I must say you are looking a lot healthier than you were that day."

I was confused when she said this. I then realized I hadn't even once looked into a mirror. "What did I look like when you found me?"

She shivered and said, "You looked like a skeleton. I could see all your bones. Your skin was scratched and and inhuman color. I still have nightmares about it. I'm glad I can finally see you. Maybe those nightmares will finally disappear."

She gave me a small smile and I returned it with a smile of my own.

"Oh! Before I forget, I have something for you."

She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a bracelet and a ring.

I reached out my hand and took them from her.

"Konsamnida. But why are you giving these to me?"

Sun Jung looked down sheepishly as she said, "You were wearing them when I found you. You were so skinny that I was afraid they would fall off and they would be lost, so I took them. I promise I was going to give them back."

She looked at me as if I was going to punish her. I smiled warmly at her.

"Konsamnida. I'm glad you did take them because from your description I would have lost them. You did give them back to me so you did nothing wrong. I also apreaciate all the gifts you sent me. They really made my day."



"Konsamnida. For saying that. I was worried you were going to be angry at me for taking them. The bracelet has an 's' on it. I thought it might help you remember your name. I heard you haven't been able to figure it out."

I shook my had no and looked more closely at the bracelet and ring. A wave of dizziness assaulted me at the force of the pain as it hit me. I remembered a guy putting the bracelet on my hand and sitting in a diner somewhere putting on the ring. I couldn't see any faces, but I knew these two items meant a lot to me.

I slowly was drawn back to the present by someones' arms around my shoulders and them calling for a doctor. I opened my eyes and looked up at Sun Jung.

I felt tears come to my eyes as I said, " I don't remember my name, but I do remember my parents had given me the ring and a guy who was really close to me gave me the bracelet not to long ago. Konsamnida. Thank you for giving these back to me. If I had gotten my memories back without having these then I know I would have felt enormously guilty about losing these. Konsamnida."

Sun Jung looked relieved either because she had been of a great assistance, I was talking again, or because I had remembered something. The doctor was in the room and we both explained what had happened. The doctor told Sun Jung to leave and that I needed some rest. We all knew that remembering something wore me out, so I was grateful the chance to go to sleep. I once again thanked Sun Jung as she left and then quietly drifted off to sleep, holding the bracelet and ring tightly in my hand.

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