Wrong Order!

It was a nice party , and Luhan actually saw many of his old friends who he had lost contact with. Sehun had stuck with him throughout the entire party , introducing himself as Luhan's boyfriend to everyone Luhan talked with. Luhan can't help but feel tingly inside everytime he heard Sehun's introduction. But then he would mentally slap himself to remind himself that these was all an act. Sehun was doing his job , he was paying Sehun.

When they got back to their room , Sehun immediately lied down on the bed and sighed. 

" Ah , so tiring , I was this close to punching everyone in the damn room. " 

Luhan snickered , but he couldn't help but feel bad. He placed his hand on Sehun's shoulder , giving him a massage.

" Sorry, " Luhan said.

Sehun glanced up and placed his head on Luhan's lap , he smiled tenderly at Luhan. " Why are you saying sorry? "

Luhan smirked before replying , " I'm too socialable right? I admit I have lots of friends! "

" Conceited. " Sehun muttered under his breathe.

" Hey! I heard that you ! " Luhan said as he smacked Sehun's forehead , earning a painful yell from the latter. Luhan then proceeded to push Sehun's head off his leg and went to bath.

" Idiot! " Sehun muttered under his breathe again.

" YOU BETTER NOT BE CURSING ME , OH SEHUN! " Luhan shouted from the bathroom , and Sehun couldn't help but smile.


One thing Luhan found out about Sehun was that the younger guy had no shame at all. When Sehun got back from his shower , Luhan was already fidgeting around on the bed.

Within minutes , Luhan found Sehun on the bed with only his boxers on , and Luhan silently thanked all his anscestors for the dark room , otherwise , Sehun would have found out that Luhan was blushing so hard.

Luhan laid down on the bed , tossing and turning. God , why is the room so hot?

Finally , Luhan decided he could not take it anymore , he felt as if he was burning up , damn that Oh Sehun , how could he just- just do this?!

Luhan silently got up , trying his best to keep the noise level to the minimum.

" Where are you going? " Luhan cursed as he turned around to face Sehun.

" Uh... I'm going to the sofa to sleep? " 

" No. "

" Bu- "

" No , you are sleeping here , with me. " Sehun said as he pulled on Luhan's wrist , making Luhan fall back onto the bed.

" But you are wearing only your boxers! Do you know how uncomfortable that is? " Luhan grumbled as he tried to push Sehun's hand off his wrist.

" Oh , are you shy? " Luhan swore that he could feel the room temperature shoot up by at least ten degrees and he was willing to bet his entire fortune that Sehun was smirking right now.

" No , wh- who says I am? "

" Good. " 

Sehun then proceeded to pull Luhan into his embrace , resting his head on the older man's shoulder , then started to snore softly. For Luhan , it was a totally different case , his heart was pounding at a unbelievable speed , and he was sure his face was redder than a tomato , not to mention , he felt like his whole body was on fire too.

" I think I really like the sofa better... " Luhan mumbled as he tried to move Sehun's hands from his waist.

" Shh... "

" The sofa looks really comfortable tonig- "

" Shut up , otherwise , my mouth would do the job of shutting your mouth up. "

Luhan never spoke another word that night.


Luhan woke up to a empty bed that day , he sat up , wondering where Sehun was.

" Miss me already? " Sehun walked in the room , carrying a plastic of takeouts.

" I miss the food. "

" No food for you. " Sehun smirked as he opened the takeout , and slurped the noodles infront of Luhan's scowling face.

" You . " Luhan growled as he slapped Sehun's arms.

" I'm an who has food. "

Luhan glared at Sehun as he walked to the bathroom to wash up.

When Luhan came out , Sehun had already finished his bowl of noodles , on the table , was another bowl of noodles , which Luhan presumed , was his.

" Do you miss me now? "

" No , I don't! " Luhan grumbled as he walked past the table , trying his best not to look at the bowl of delicious noodles.

" Alrighty then , I guess I have another bowl of noodles! "

And Luhan stomach chose that moment to let out a growl.

" I think your stomach misses me though. But I don't think it's owner misses me... " Sehun said nonchantly as he opened the takeout.

" Fine , I miss you , alright! I miss you to the moon and the back! " Luhan scowled as he pushed Sehun off the chair and started eating the noodles.

" See , that wasn't so hard right? "

" I don't miss you anymore. "


Luhan and Sehun have been invited to a gathering again , and Luhan was grumbling all the way while walking to the venue.

" Damn it , why do they have so many gatherings , as if I haven't seen everyone enough. "

" I know right , I feel as if my nose are gonna drop off because of Yoona's perfume , god , that woman is horrible! " Baekhyun joined in , punching his fist in the air as he spoke.

Sehun and Chanyeol were trailing behind both the fuming man , looking at each other and shrugging.

" Hi! Everyone! Thank you for coming to our games gathering! " Yoona spoke through the microphone 

" My ears are bleeding. " Baekhyun whispered and Luhan snickered.

" So today , me and my dear have prepared some games for all the couples here , and it's the traditional pepero kiss! "

" . "


" Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! " The crowd cheered as Baekhyun and Chanyeol bit the last bit of pepero and kissed. 

The crowd waited for them to stop but Luhan and Sehun had to go forward to pull them apart from each other.

" God! Get a room you two! "

" We are in a room right , baby? " Baekhyun giggled as he nodded , going back to Chanyeol's embrace and continued what they were doing just now.

" What are we going to do? " Luhan panicked , almost all contestants have finished their turn already , and all of them had admirable results , the rules of this pepero kiss though , was slightly different , as all contestants were couples , the game required them to finish the pepero and end the game with a kiss.

A kiss...

" I don't know , we kiss , I suppose. " Sehun shrugged , he may look nonchantly on the outside but he was panicking on the inside. Sehun have never kissed his cilent , he would reject them , that was his regulation , but why was he allowing Luhan to kiss him?

And most importantly , why didn't he mind at all?


Alright , kill me now , I know I haven't updated for long TT My exams were a , and I'm currently working , so I'll try my best to update!

Thank you to the following subscribers who didn't unsubscribe despite my lack of update , you guys mean alot to me <3


And of course , thank you to my fellow commentors , and upvotes. 

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Chapter 3: hahahah luhan's unmanly scream, chanyeol's scary hahahah i want sehun and luhan to kiss~
crossing_by #2
Chapter 3: Kiss .... kisss ... kiss

Even more than kiss, i would like to see because its hunhan ^^~
angel2001 #3
Chapter 3: BaekYeol..Ahahaha
Update soon author nim ^_^
Chapter 3: Hehehehe waiting for that kiss any day now... I feel like a creeper lol
tokeyy #5
Chapter 3: Asdfghjkl!!! Cliffhanger! ㅠvㅠ more update yo, I love ya ff ^^
Chapter 3: this story is so damn good man. ;;
sehun is such a tease. I hooe they will do soon lmao
Chapter 3: Sehun's such a tease~ XD I feel you ;~; Exams just kept on coming but I have no exams anymore xD As always, I love your update <3
deer_exotic46 #8
Chapter 3: omg... you update. i love you hehe
luhan is very cute. sehun is very hot. hopefully they will realize their feeling soon and be together. but is it not against the contract? or maybe luhan will extend the contract kkkkk
hunhan_chunjoe #9
Chapter 3: Nahh! Problem!
We all have exams! XD
I need your support for me cuz I am starting to write my first fanfic! ;D
Hehe update soon! Can't wait for pepero kiss!
Chapter 2: Aww cute! Lulu's in denial and Sehun's such a tease ;)