Wrong Order!

This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to France. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.

Luhan sighed for the upteemth time , where in the hell is his fake girlfriend? He scanned his surroundings in hopes to find his girlfriend. He glance at his watch and his lips , getting anxious as seconds ticked by. 

Punctuality ensured- stated on the website. Punctuality my !

Sighing again , he got up and walked towards the departure gate , his 'girlfriend' probably wouldn't arrive , he should have known it was a bogus website! 

As he walked , he mentally prepared himself for the embaressment that he would experience when he reach there without a lover. 

Suddenly , someone tapped his shoulder. Finally!

He turned around , expecting to see his 'girlfriend' but all he saw was a guy , ehem , a extremely handsome guy staring back at him.

"Uh...you are?" Luhan asked , uncertain.

"Your boyfriend? You ordered me from orderlover.com , remember?"

"Wha-what?!" Luhan sputtered , since when in hell did he order a boyfriend?! Sure , he did order a lover , but not a boyfriend!

"No refunds!" 

"No-no , wait , since when did I order you? I ordered a girl! Unless you are..."

Sehun frowned , he looked like a girl?   

"No , I'm a mighty fine guy , and yes , you ordered me. You ordered a boyfriend. "

"No! I didn't!" 

Exasperated , Sehun took out a stack of paper from his bag and passed it to Luhan.

"Look at it , your survey , it's stated that that you ordered a boyfriend , you ordered me. "

Luhan gasped as he scanned the contents on the papers , he really did order a boyfriend , damn it , I was so tired that night that I actually ordered a boyfriend!

Sehun smirked as he held out his hand.

"Let's go , boyfriend. "


" Luhan! Here! " 

Baekhyun ran towards Luhan and immediately gave him a bone-crushing hug.

"It's been sooooo long! " Baekhyun shrieked.

"Yea , and you're still as loud! " Luhan grinned at him.

" Where's Chanyeol? " 

The moment Luhan asked , Chanyeol came out of nowhere and pulled Baekhyun into his embrace.

" Here , hi bambi , miss me? " Chanyeol gave his million watt grin.

Sehun stood there awkwardly as the three talked , he coughed , trying to get Luhan's attention.

" Oh! Luhan , who's this?" Baekhyun asked.

" Uh , this is Sehun , he's my...my... "

"Boyfriend." Sehun offered.

Baekhyun gave a sly smile , " Boyfriend huh?"

Heat slowly rose up Luhan's cheek as he slapped Baekhyun's arm. " Shut up!"

" Geez , you act like a teenage girl , Luhan! And , no slapping my baby! " Chanyeol said as he glared at Luhan.

Luhan felt a shiver down his spine. Damn , angry Chanyeol is scary Chanyeol.

" Alright , let's go! " Baekhyun broke the tension and dragged Chanyeol with him.

Luhan was about to pick up his luggage when Sehun grabbed it.

" Allow me. " Sehun smiled and grabbed Luhan's hand.

As Luhan followed behind , he couldn't help but blush.

Oh dear.


" Whoaaaaa! " Luhan gasped as he twirled around the room.

Sehun smiled at his childish gesture as he looked around.

The room was indeed beautiful , their room was facing the sea , which gave it a beautiful and breathe-taking scenery.

But the thing is...there was only one king size bed.

Luhan gulped as he noticed , if there was only one bed, that means that he was going to share the same bed with Sehun , right?

Luhan peeked at Sehun , wanting to see if he had any reaction of sharing the bed with him.

" Uh...the bed...I...You... " Luhan sputtered , eyes darting everywhere.

Sehun raised his eyebrow , " What? We'll be sleeping together since we are lovers , aren't we? "

There was a teasing glint in his eyes and Luhan pouted , he was teasing me!

Sehun found himself staring at those pouty lips.

How nice would it be if I could kiss-wait what?! No!

Sehun snapped out of his thoughts and scolded himself mentally.

One rule about this line of business is that you must never , never fall in love with your client. Sehun knew from young that he was well , gay , and when he saw Luhan today , he immediately felt cautious.

Luhan was cute , most importantly , Luhan was exactly his type.

He groaned inwardly , how was he going to survive the week?

" Sehun-ssi? " Luhan called when he realised Sehun was stoning for about a minute already.

" Are we still going to call each other so formally? "

Luhan felt heat rushing to his face once again. 

What were they going to call each other? Yeobo? Jagiya?

Just thinking about him calling Sehun intimate names just made him feel..weird.

" Can I call you lulu? " 

" Uh...sure... What do I call you then? "

" I don't know , that's up for you to think. " Sehun said as he grabbed a few clothings and made his way towards the bathroom.

"I'll be expecting my pet name when I come out of shower , Lulu babe. "

Not going to lie , but Luhan actually liked the way Sehun called him babe.

And Luhan actually thinks that he can get used to it real fast.


A/N : I'm so terribly sorry for the crappy chapter , it's been hundred and one years since I wrote and my writing skills got kinda...very rusty. Anyway , hope you enjoy the story and let's hope my writing skills return to me! Cheers!

Here's some hunhan~


Brohohoho, bye~

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Chapter 3: hahahah luhan's unmanly scream, chanyeol's scary hahahah i want sehun and luhan to kiss~
crossing_by #2
Chapter 3: Kiss .... kisss ... kiss

Even more than kiss, i would like to see because its hunhan ^^~
angel2001 #3
Chapter 3: BaekYeol..Ahahaha
Update soon author nim ^_^
Chapter 3: Hehehehe waiting for that kiss any day now... I feel like a creeper lol
tokeyy #5
Chapter 3: Asdfghjkl!!! Cliffhanger! ㅠvㅠ more update yo, I love ya ff ^^
Chapter 3: this story is so damn good man. ;;
sehun is such a tease. I hooe they will do soon lmao
Chapter 3: Sehun's such a tease~ XD I feel you ;~; Exams just kept on coming but I have no exams anymore xD As always, I love your update <3
deer_exotic46 #8
Chapter 3: omg... you update. i love you hehe
luhan is very cute. sehun is very hot. hopefully they will realize their feeling soon and be together. but is it not against the contract? or maybe luhan will extend the contract kkkkk
hunhan_chunjoe #9
Chapter 3: Nahh! Problem!
We all have exams! XD
I need your support for me cuz I am starting to write my first fanfic! ;D
Hehe update soon! Can't wait for pepero kiss!
Chapter 2: Aww cute! Lulu's in denial and Sehun's such a tease ;)