
True Story


"Can you guys breathe??omg! calm down! we're in public for God's sake!" Jessica just rolled her eyes.

"How can we control ourselves when they are clearly trying to kill us with their hotness??" Suzy said. Chorong just nodded her head

"Haish. Calm down okay? You guys act like this everytime you guys watch their performances. I suggest you guys should stop watching those videos publicly."

Tiffany came and sat down while showing us her killer eye-smile.

"Hung.. arasso.." we both said simultaneously.

"Look at that, they are even trying to act like koreans. " Jessica said.

We just glared her and let her be. Its not like Jessica is an anti or anything. She just hate overreactors. like us.

Suddenly, our friend, Naeun, came at us hurriedly, when she arrived at our spot, she was panting hardly.

As if she had just finished a 50km marathon.

"What is it Naeun? Why are you panting? Are you alright?" we all asked her worriedly.

"its...just..huh...M....S...huhh..." she tried to construct a correct sentence. but she's out of breathe.

"What? We cant understand you Naeun..."

She inhaled deeply and exhaled..,"MS is coming ! I walked beside him just now! cmon! lets make Chorong look at least presentable! Cmonnn!!"

"MS?? OMG you shouldve told us earlier!"

"I was trying!" she said , vexed.


Hi, i'm chorong. Park Chorong.

Let me just cut the chase since i know you guys must be wondering who the hell is MS?

firstly, my friends is like my assistants. they help me out whenever they see Xiumin near me.

but most of the times, they embarass me. but i still love them :)

well, in our school, it is like super duper wrong to like a guy or a girl. like super duper wrong.

so we call my crush as MS aka MinSeok aka Xiumin. see? its just a shortform of his name. 

now you guys understand? 

okay. i will continue on with my story.

I've liked Minseok since i was 10/11 years old. I am now 15. do the maths yourself.

yeah. 4 and a half years. or something near that.


if youre wondering , are you guys friends? well no. he's actually my senior and i dont even think he knows my name.

sad life right?


he's a mr.Popular here at my school.

He got the looks, the brain, the rich, and the attitude.

he's the pperfect guy from a manga.

Cold and distance. Ego. Rarely smiles. but once he smile, you will need a sunglass.


his skin is milky and looks very delicate . not that pale, yet not that tan.

his athletic skills cannot be pushed aside. he knows badminton, tennis, soccer and many more.

he masters at a minimum of 5 languages. let me list it down.








and probably many more. 


as you can see, he's the definition of perfect. 


while here i am. an average girl. i'm not saying that im ugly, but im not that pretty.

I'm not bad, yet i'm not an innocent girl.

My grades are not low, but not an A either. I'm a B kind of girl.

Everything about me is average. and everything about him is overthetop. 

A plus in every subject he knows, wealthy, gold medal for every sport he knows. 

Am I even qualified to like him? 

Can i even look at him?

My friends always say that i'm suitable with him. but i know better.



you must be asking, why dont you stop liking him when you know you dont have a chance?

tch, its easy for people to say. but for me,

he's my drug. i'm addicted to him.

eventho i've never talked to him, but i'm still addicted to him. i can't stop.

i've tried, i tries to like somebody else, yet everytime i try to, he must walkby and sometimes glance at me.

when i'm lucky, i get an eyecontact with him. its like fate it trying to make me stay liking him.

its like fate is trying to say that he's mine. 

but i could probably be delusional. 


"He's looking at you Chorong! omg!" Suzy whispered to my ear. Chorong snapped out of her trance.

He is looking at me. and, he smiled-wait what?

Is he coming this way? omg. this must be one of my dreams.

"Chorong, he's coming over here. Omg, he's smiling at you!" Naeun said excitedly.

"Ok Chorong, keep cool. girls calm down... and lets leave Chorong alone!" and in a moment, they all disappeared.

tch, VERY lucky to have friends like them.


"Hi, i'm Xiumin, you can call me Min. You're Chorong right?" 

How the hell did he know my name?

"Um yeah, Chorong, thats me." i stared at my shoes and didnt even dare to look at his face.

"Well, i know this is weird for me to say this, but I've always wanted to be friends with you. More that that, i want you to be mine."

You looked at him, suprised."Ah , ne?"

"Would you be my girlfriend Chorong?"

"Ofcourse i will!"


and then we lived happily ever after....















"Aish! Shikkeuro!" she covered her poor poor ears from getting destroyed.

"Yah! we were planning on getting you and xiumin together, but you were sleeping . haish this girl," Jessica said, annoyed with Chorong.

"Again? How many plans do you guys have?" you squinted your eyes at them.

"we need to be prepared, if one of the plan fails, we can just grab another one!" TIffany said.

"Haish, arasso arasso. " Chorong scratched her not itchy head.



Too bad it was only a dream, haih. i guess dreaming is the only way i can talk to him. 







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Chapter 1: The story goes same like me when I like my crush before.. I know it's so hard to get attention from the guy that we like.. I really know how it feels..btw, i like this story because almost everyone has experience like this... good job author-nim...
yaniane #2
Chapter 1: T___________T super relate hahhhhahaha!!!! I love the way you mixed characters from different groups :D
Chapter 1: Haihh it's like reading a story about myself, have a crush that is 928479248982798 times better than me, rasa rendah diri gila :p (yeah I'm a Malaysian :DD)
And 'dreaming is the only way I can talk to him', so true!! Unfortunately, I never dream about him hahah ;p
Anyway thank you for writing this author-nim ^^
And to mygirlz123wf unnie, I hope he'll notice you soon! Fighting! ^_^
Chapter 1: Omona ... Hye, I don't day dream like that! But maybe ... Yeah ... Ha3! Thanks friend! So much! And sorry for not answering your whatsapps ... Really