Bonus (Let's experience it with Jonglo)

Shirt that Youngjae shouldn't wear


Hey guys something for Jonglo..but ..mmm i dont no(T_T)..

Hope you enjoy it okay^^









Dear beloved diary~


We met again huh^^ how are you?.. fine i guess..

It been along time i haven't write to you,,sorry ya


Mmmm i got another story to tell you^^ could you mind listen to it..? / ofcourse you have to!!><


You know the only time i get to write this to you,is when all my hyungs~ has asleep or they went out., and yes..they have asleep ..fortunately

I was having a busies day since we was debut and now we just finish debut in japan~ so the company give a spare time to rest our swollen body(T_T) i guess i got plenty of time to see you again^^


Mmmm actually that wasn't my main point on writing you..but it was all about the "two" Dae-hyung and Jae-hyung..


For the beginning it was a little confuse when the day a couple days ago, i came back home from outing with the other hyung,as known as Yongguk-hyung,Himchan-hyung, and Jongup-hyung .. Yup the day was so~ fun,we had a lot of fun..


First we went to a Cafe that was been opening a couple of day..,we had our breakfast there,i was excited but a little regret for being a cruel dongsaeng.the morning Jae-hyung was already cook us a full pot of steamy yummy chicken soup,but my other hyung suggest us to have breakfast at the Cafe so~ i dont know what to do..T_T?.. I was pity with Jae-hyung's chicken soup but,i can see the shine when Dae-hyung said that he wanna stay at home with Jae-hyung and wanna get some rest..,so~ i guess the chicken soup wont be a waste ,you know right ?.Dae-hyung is the most big appetite one,so~ he could finish it in no time..


Later, we went around our capital city Seoul,.we go to N Seoul Tower or a.k.a Namsan Tower.,we buy some lock, and flower oh oh..and some tiny square note pad.. We write something on the note pad ,and lock it with the lock and wish for our BAP journey will continued to happend for another ten or hundred  or maybe thousand of years from now on.. We then place the Hydrangea dark blue flower beside it and take our self to the other floor. 


Later...we went to Insa-dong.It was about 11.30 am when we reach there..It was full with art galleries, traditional craft stores, antique art dealers, traditional tea houses, and traditional restaurants.I was really excited that i was finally get to go there and even better with the other members,unlucky for Dae-hyung and Jae-hyung.And i could say that Dae-hyung will fully regret not to follow us there, you know the traditional restaurant that we went,. give us  double thump up, it was~ so good!!..really good!!


4.30 pm ..Then we make our self good at Namdaemun Market,.It is a truly massive, all-inclusive marketplace for clothing, children's wear, accessories, shoes, kitchen items, regional specialty items, imported items can be found there and ofcourse one of us will be most greatful  because we happend to go there, and it was Himchan-hyung..He almost waste alot of money and which i mean a lot really lot~ of money there and fortunately Yongguk-hyung immediately put sign of STOP!! to Himchan-hyung..Himchan-hyung dont have a nerve to disobey know it Yongguk-hyung after all..the one that make the rule and  the one you surely don't want to messing around with.


7.35 pm.. we went to the biggest restaurant in Seoul and once again Dae-hyung will surely bash his head on the wall for not joining us..what a pity..We eat a  big feast, here the list"..Yongguk-hyung had Hangover stew,it was a glorious array of spicy and steamy stews and soups. Himchan-hyung had Jjajangmyeon, it was so rich with Greasy and thick taste..oh i love how Himchan-hyung slurp it up..Jongup-hyung had another delicious food ,Nakji bokkeum, it was done right, the chewy, tender octopus swims in a thick, dark red, caramelized sauce, so good that you can ignore the fact that it sets your mouth aflame to keep eating it.and for me ..i ordered a bowl of Samgyetang which is a bowl of a thick, glutinous soup with a whole stuffed chicken floating in its boiling depths. 


It was when we arrive at our beloved apartment, when i seem to notice that Yongguk-hyung knock on the apartment door so many time now and he keep on yelling,


and then after a couple minute of waiting,i finally  could hear Jae-hyung voice shouting from inside the apartment,


Then i face Jongup-hyung, and ask ,'why Jae-hyung so late on getting the door?'.Jongup-hyung then replies,facing me 'maybe he just wake up from his sleep' ,i just nod and we started to walk closer to the door apartment and quickly standing side to side with our's two hyung,waiting for the door to open wide, but then ,BUMP!!..on the other side of the door.

I was about to ask what was happend but then was cut by Jae-hyung moans' ' me..mean mo..moore..Dae~ah..' i just ,no i mean we just froze by the loud moans  that was came out from inside,we stare unblinking at the door, and when Yongguk-hyung was about to knock the door back and once again it was intrupted by Dae-hyung voice as he was asking something to Jae-hyung .. 

'Jae~ah want another round?'I could hear Dae-hyung question

'A.another round what?'Jae-hyung replies with a little  bit of shuttering

'Don't act like you are dump,i mean another round of .,'Dae-hyung voice rise a bit,which make us from the outside to heard it clearly as they really wanted us to know what happend inside on purpose.(Naughty hyung~)But wait?..?..?..u.uuuuuu...u means ?.. making love?..wa..what? mind suddenly went was new to me to hear it out from the other's mouth, and especially from a-quite-human-being-like-Jung-Daehyun-hyung.. 

''Jae-hyung  shuttering

'O..okay'Let;s ro..round.I could hear Jae-hyung voice was still shuttering ,my mind still on blank,until Jongup-hyung pats on my both right and left shoulder with his hand.,i look at him..he just smile thin.


Then we notice that it was suddenly quite and the only thing we could hear is the sound of foot step that begin to disappear.


Me and Jongup-hyung doesn't spare any word, and we just frozen under the night sky with facing each other,,only letting our thought to fly away..But for Yongguk-hyung and Himchan-hyung already sit on the grass and also are busy chatting something but i could not hear a thing what they are chatting .'What are they saying?'


Then Yongguk-hyung stood up,glaring at Himchan-hyung,Jongup-hyung and me then turn back to eyed Himchan-hyung

'Mmmm..i guess it could last a couple of hours so then we should find somewhere to stpffft..'

Yongguk-hyung could not  finish his word as Himchan was cover his mouth with his hand.

I could not see what Yongguk-hyung do to Himchan hand but it then which make Himchan-hyung to  gasp and quickly  take his hand up from Yongguk-hyung's mouth.

'Wae?'Yongguk-hyung ask,me and Jongup-hyung just stare at the duo without blinking

'I think i hear some foot step..'Himchan-hyung said

'What?''Yongguk-hyung ask

'Yea..and it getting closer' Himchan-hyung said as he point to the door..

Then we hear the door unlock,open up his mouth..some light are spared out..

Then appear the duo-hyung with dummy smile in their face.

'Sorry we're forgot' Jae-hyung said as he scrape his head

'Yea..we truely sorry,we really really forgot,we got something urgent to do before..' Dae-hyung said as he scrape his neck..

Yongguk-hyung and Himchan-hyung just give a smirk on their face,'i donno why they smile like that'..i said to Jongup-hyung beside me while pointing at the two oldest hyung among them.Jongup-hyung just smile and shook his head

That all diary~ about what happend on this week^^ i will write more soon^^ miss me okay.

End's of Junhong Diary~




A couple of days later~


Junhong POV


I wake up from the bed after being inturb by a loud voice coming from kitchen,i was asleep ever since the other member was going to the recording room at TS company, i just finish recording yesterday,so it was only (Yongguk,Himchan and Jongup)-hyung recording part for today, to be nice said ,today was my rest day.

I glare at the alarm clock beside me,'Urgh!!.. it was only 3pm.' i groan..'who could wake me up by that loud voice anyway?'i groan again ,make my way to the closed door ,i was about to open the door until i heard a loud moans come from outside

'Argh!! Dae~..n..nooo..ah!!'

'What?'the other just ask blankly

'Dae~ iii just..dont ..kyeaaaaa!!. i was almost jump from the place i stood as the loud moans became really loud .

I was worry and wanted to push my out off the room to save Jae-hyung from anybody,who it was, but i stop until i suddenly remember something..'wait,yesterday me was finish recording,then i think it not only me,who's else?'I keep on thinking'..o..oh!!.. now i remember, accept me,Dae-hyung and Jae-hyung was also had finish their ..soo.. the loud moans just now was made up from them....are they was now having their 'making love' moment..i want to see it..i want to see it!!.'i thought while smiling then quickly turn the doorknob and jump out, in idea of watching them making love.


My eyes was wide as on what i was eyed for..'w..wha.. the?.'

I still froze by the view ,it was only Jae-hyung who look anger in his eyes was cooking something and the other hyung just love to poking other waist by the wooden ladle on his hand while laughing devily..then Dae-hyung turn to face me,noticing me there

' you Junhong..wake up already?..want something to eat?.ask Dae-hyung


'Jun?..JunHONG!!!' i just been freed by the froze.,'YES! then i quickly shook my head..' that was disappointing' i said as i groan a little.

'Disappointing? what about?.'Jae-hyung ask me with his eyesbrow rise a little,

'No..nothing'i then smile.. they smile to me back, before Dae-hyung started to poking the cooking Jee-hyung again..Jae-hyung just shoo~ other by his hand,push him a little more from him..


'I was just so curious about making love things!!!!' i knock hard on the table which make the both older duo to jump a little,then give me the *what's that all about* look on their face.I smile^^.. and again disappear into my bedroom.




The night has come when all the members was on the couch,eating(for Dae-hyung and Je-hyung only) are having our regular activities on watching movies,,as i move closer to Jongup-hyung and whisper

' you know about making love?'i ask

He then turn to face me something like *what you're talking about* look writen on his face,i quickly whisper again to him

'You know.... i was just so~ curious about it.. mmm..c..can you teach me on how it done ?..i me..mean man with man? i blush and shutter a little as he look deep into me..


Jongup-hyung then nod,'Hyung!! me and Junhong got to go to do our homework.,the other member eyed us then nod,.Jongup-hyung pull my arm into our bedroom,lock the door(*The other don't give us a weird look because when we wanted to do our homework we usually lock the door ,,dont want anyone,which means Himchan-hyung to distrub us), he then throw me on the fluffy bed,.and crawl on me..


'Let's me teach you one~ by one~' Jongup-hyung whisper hotly inside my right ear. it make me shiver a little..Jongup-hyung then make himself comfortable by sit on my flat stomach, giggle his a little to make him more comfortable,and in which sentence it also make me moan,'So easy huh?' Jongup-hyung speak up with smirk on his face


'First~.'he said then bent his body closer to mine while his plump lips make ways to my lips in order to started a kiss.,a passionate kiss,he then deepen the kiss litttle by little until i let out a quite moan which he benefit this chance on getting his wet slippery muscle into my wet warm cave. Our's tongue was battle with each other for dominant and for save to say that Jongup-hyung have much strength than me so ..i lose the control..he smile,i could know it..


The further it gonna by,i felt my body somehow getting hot and it letting some sweat out from my body, i felt that i gonna lose my whole control in time now,i moan between the kisses,the kisses was deep,passionate,beautiful and lovely and warm


Jongup-hyung part our kiss and lay down biside me which make me turn to facing him.,he then warp his arm tightly along my waist,we look each other for along time before i glare another ways, i was blushing..


He then pull me even closer to him,until i was only about 1 or 2 cm from his face,i could feel his hot breathe on my blushing face,'Sarangae..Junhong-ah~' he said..i just nod' Nado sarangae' and get even blush than before..he chuckle.


He pull me again but this time to kiss me,kiss me for awhile then apart it..he look at me with such calm eyes,i could felt calm as well..He close his eyes, also do i,i do the same as him,.and when i open my eyes 'what?'' i could see he was asleep ' I guess we do it another time,right hyung?..well you just tired do you..' i smile then warp my arm along his back and slowly flew also with sleep..







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Chapter 2: hehe Youngjae and Daehyun totally influenced the maknaes hehe.. but JongLo is so sweet =]
Chapter 1: hahah DaeJAe made a mess and totally did it in front of the maknae clan lol OooO they also got so scolded by appa and Umma lol
Chapter 2: omg youngjae and daehyun... what did you do to the innocent maknae ;u;

and now zelo asked jongup how to done that thing. orz
if himchan finds out that zelo is no longer innocent, he might punish those two vocalists xD

great story as always, authornim~~
Chapter 1: it's funny at the end xD
Daehyun and Youngjae shouldn't forget to wipe their white things there. hahahahah xD good story, author-nim!
XxcutiepiexX #5
It was interesting!! Update plzzzz
DaeJaeGyu #6
OMG thats funny and quit interesting plz update