A Hint (Jonghyun POV)

The Push And Pull Efftect

  I think I played around with her heart pretty well that day when she made a pretty hilarious fall.  I don't want to sound so arrogant, but I really do think I'm the master at this game... I didn't think she could have any more moves to use for this game anymore; besides, there can't be a move she uses that I never used myself so I obviously thought it would be safe now to end the whole game with a successful victory for myself and a stunning girl as a prize.  I decided to make things a bit better for her.  Rather than just dating once and leaving, I decided to make the dating stage go a bit longer... I didn't really know the reason for me to think like this but I guess I was getting bored of the same old, boring plan.  Getting the girl, going on a date, Kissing the girl, then last but not least, leaving the girl.  The same routine makes you go crazy sometimes, shouldn't this game have some challenges? I felt like I was a victim of some cruel prank.  As if people were faking it just to make me feel better, more confident; but honestly, I think Hani really opened my eyes.  Finally a true challenge came along, and I was going to win her.  I'm the type that never puts a sword down after I draw it.  

  The next day at lunch I went searching for Hani to finally end the game.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm not such a bad guy; I'm just simply getting ahead before anyone goes way to deep.  Hard to follow me? Let me explain... Imagine this whole situation I have with Hani as a game of tug-o-war.  I'm just ending the game, before someone (aka me) pulls the rope way to hard and the opponent falls into the cold, dirty mud.  In other words, I'm letting Hani admit defeat before all her pride is gone.  I finally found her by the vending machine, trying to buy a beverage to drink.  Tsk tsk.. that poor innocent girl.. You see, the vending machines at our school has been broken for years.  That clueless girl is going to get her money eatened by the stupid vending machine.  I decided to go their and prevent her from getting scammed, but something brilliant popped into my mind.  I stopped walking towards her, and just began to observe her.  As soon as she put the money in, pressed the button, and began waiting for her beverage I resumed walking towards her... "Ughh stupid machine! what's taking so long~~" she mumbled quietly to herself right when I arrived, obviously not noticing my presense.  "What did you want..." I asked her without acting to enthusiastically or caring really... she was pretty surprised when she saw me... she made eye contact with me, but quickly avoided it almost instantly.  "Just- just a bottle of vitamin water..." she replied quietly.  I made a hand gesture telling her to move back bit, and as soon as she did, I gave the vending machine a quick kick... and the botter plopped down to the gate at the bottom of the machine.  I kneeled down before Hani could, picked it up, and handed it to her. She shyly took the bottle from my hands and quietly thanked me... "You know, nice deeds should never be left without something in return." I began... "Excuse me? what is that suppose to mean...?" "It means... shouldn't you offer me something as a way of thanking me...? I asked... "Well what is it that you-" I interrupted her before she could ask me the question... "What I want is pretty simple... just one cup of coffee with you... that's all I'm asking... you see, ever since I met you... I admit, the first time I layed my eyes on you I was really curious about you.. you know... what you like, hate... love..." I began to approach close and closer to her... causing her to hit the wall behind her.. "Will today after school work with you...? I can meet you right here...? what do you say...?" I asked... and all Hani did was make a small nod with her head, and with that reply, I quickly grabbed the phone she had on her hand and exchanged phone numbers... Afterwords I just left her, not turning back... not even stopping once.

  It was finally the end of the day, I decided to make walk slowly to the meeting spot we agreed on.  There was no reason for me to rush, she would have probably waited hours for me after what I said, I had no reason to panic.  However, when I arrived, she still wasn't there... I still remained calm and cool, not wanting to look weird by the time she really did show up... but as the clock continued ticking I began to be hesitant about her actually coming.. I began to think of possbilities as to why she wasn't here yet..."Maybe she was here, but I came late so she left me... maybe she had to see a teacher after school and she forgot all about it..." I kept thinking to myself.  As minutes began to go by quickly... I finally came to a realization that she was not going to show up.  Just as I was about to leave I received a text message from her... saying.. "Don't think I'll be that easy to win like all your other girls XOXO". I couldn't help but smirk at her cute text message, it made me want to have her more.  This game was getting more and more amusing... Obviously, more was need to be done to this girl before she could give in...

  At the beginning of the next week, flyers were put all around the school about the school dance being held this Friday.  The flyer sparked me a very great plan.  It was all about timing, and the right people being at the right places.  It was finally time for english class, the perfect time for me to launch my plan.  The two people I needed are in that class.  Now it was only the matter of timing for the plan take place.  I arrived to class earlier than usual and patiently stared at the door waiting for the two people to enter, Hani and Yelin.  When they finally did, I stood up and approached them... I trapped them by the whiteboard and stared at the both with a smirk... I then turned my whole body to face Hani, when we finally locked eye contact I finally asked my question... "Hey Yelin, do you want to go to the dance with me..?" Hani eyes grew pretty wide, obviously she was in shock, but hopefully that didn't prevent her from comprehending the situation... Do you think she got the hint???



GAHHHH I'm going to leave you handing like that, sorry this chapter isn't as good, I wanted to update you guys with jonghyun's POV before I go... for those who don't know what I'm talking about... Don't panic, I just have to catch up with school, and get my work done before interms and then I'll come right back to this story. promise. Son that be afraid to click on that subscribe button, and I'll see you in 3-4 days MAX PROMISE!!! Oh and feel free to leave some comments on what you think. I would love to hear your thoughts... xP 

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xoImACrazyxo #1
Chapter 8: Omg~ I love it! Jonghyun finally found his true feelings~!!!! I can tell this is going to be so awesome~!!! ^-^ Thanks for the update~!!! :)
Leyeen #2
AHH please update this soon! I can't wait :)
xoImACrazyxo #3
Chapter 6: I love this soooo much~!!! Ohhh and that Yelin
irks the outta me >< Kekeke~ XD Update whenever you can ^-^
White_tigeress #4
Chapter 6: I love this fanfic!!! Well done!!!
xoImACrazyxo #5
Chapter 5: Aghhhh XD I love it~!!!! You need more subscribers and readers~!!!! Your stories are sooo amazing :)
xoImACrazyxo #6
Chapter 4: Omg I love this story soooooooooooo much♥ Update soon~!!!!! ^-^
syazianie #7
Chapter 3: i do really love jonghyun character in this story. i am so interested with your fanfic. please update soon. :-)
ilsemarrufo #8
Chapter 1: I liked this fanfict a lot :) the girl from this fanfic is very similar to me, can't wait for new updates, your writing is really good:) keep up the good work!:)