Chapter 5

"So I am guessing that you walked all the way here?" He eyed me as he was still standing by the door.
I chuckled nervously, unsure of what to say.
"She didn't, I gave her a ride." Kris shrugged, not knowing that Taemin rip his head off if he say another word. I shushed him immediately and glared at him. Now what?
"You gave her a ride?" Taemin's asked as he then said "Alone?" He said with a half-hearted smile and a cocked eyebrow.
"Yes. What's wrong with that? It's not like I would actually do something bad to her." Kris scoffed, obviously irritated by my bro.
Taemin was fuming with anger now, though I don't really understand why must he be so sensitive. Girly much? "You do kn-"
I quickly gestured Kris to get into his house as I put my hands on my bro's shoulder, pushing him back into our home while cutting him off at the same time. He stumbled backwards as I asked him annoyingly "What's wrong with you?"
"What's wrong me? You are the one who let him drive you back?"
"He's a guy for goodness sake."
"I know that. Your point?"
"Well, he could do anything bad when you're with him alone you know? You do know that he is a big player out there right? Though you guys were bestie last time, things have changed. He has changed."
"Well, I'm still in one piece, right?" I shrugged.
"I mean why didn't you call me to drive you back? It's dangerous you know?"
"Jenn asked him to help, okay? Seriously, why do I have a brother like you?" I thought, pushing pass him and came to a halt when he gripped onto my wrist.
"Hey! I'm not done with you. Let's make my point clear that you are never ever going to sit in another guy's car ever again."
"Okay, then I guess I have to walk to and fro from school starting from now." I said wearily.
"Well since mum wouldn't even bother to fetch me to school. And since you and dad are both guys, then I guess I don't have a ride to school. Might as well walk." With that, I smiled innocently as I watched my bro's face turns from confused to irritated.
"Really now Ann? I didn't mean that I'm in-"
"Okay okay I get it. I was just kidding!" I cut him off as I chuckled hard but it vanished after I saw a mischievous glint washed across his eyes.
"So, you were making fun of me eh pumpkin?" He started as he walked towards me with a smirk tugging on his lips. Man I want to wipe that smirk off. I stumbled backwards a bit as an alarm came to me when I realised what he was going to do. But hell no I'm going to back down. I straighten my posture and answered back.
"Well, it sure was fun." I smiled innocently as I was fidgeting my fingers at the strap of my bag. I held it tight against me as I waited for his comeback.
"Hmm..I'm glad that you find me amusing. Why don't I entertain you more since you're such a lovely sister of mine?" He smirked as he raised his hands and put it on both my sides. I gulped as I tried to remain calm. Why must he know my weakness?
"Oh no, I have enough of entertainment for now. Got to go shower now bro." I said as I tried escaping from his firm hands. I'm trapped.
His smirk widens as he yanked me forward and started his plan. He tickled me repeatedly at my sides.
"This-s I-I-I-ss s-so no-ot co-o-ol" I stuttered in between my uncontrollable laughters. One of my hand made its way to my bro's shoulder slapping on it. But my hitting came out more of a patting since I have lost all my energy laughing and clutching my stomach with my free hands. He continued to tickle me while I squirmed, trying to get out from this situation. "I'm the champion!" He shouted while he continued doing his job tickling me. "St-o-o-p! I'm go-on-na tel-l mu-um!" I yelled as I tried to gasp for air. "Aww go tell her then. You're so cute Ann!" He chuckled loudly.When my senses hit me, I lifted one leg up and kneed him right in the stomach and that made him tumbled back and fell into the ground. "Ow!" He cried. Looking like a ninja, I jumped off the ground and reached the stairs. Seeing his embarrassed face, I laughed harder, panting at the same time.
"Oh my goodness! You should have seen the look on your face! Priceless! " I yelled while trying to stiffle a laughter as he glared at me with a smile wide spreaded on his face.
"Oh! You are so going to get it!" He yelled back and starting to jog towards me.
My eyes widen in alarm as I started running up the stairs, constantly trying my best not to trip. When I reached the top, I made a right turn and quickly ran into my room, shut the door and locked it while sat down on the floor, panting hard and still laughing uncontrollably.
"Get out of there, missy!" Taemin from the other side of the room as he slammed the door hard with his hand, making loud thumps in the process. Gosh.
"No can do!" I teased, still trying to stop myself from laughing. After a short while of yelling at each other teasingly. He finally surrendered.
"Fine, you win, kiddo. But do know that this isn't over yet!" He chuckled. "Now you better go do whatever you need to do quick. We're going out for lunch in half an hour time. I'm sure you haven't taken your lunch right?"
I nodded, forgetting the fact that he can't see me now.
"Make it quick!" He yelled and I heard his footsteps slowly fading away. And just like that, we both have put the whole Kris incident aside.
I slowly get back up and held onto the cupboard for support. My whole body was weak after all the laughing and running. But of course that didn't last long. I walked towards my chair and plopped down on it, scrolling through facebook on my phone. I saw Jason posted a group picture with him in it. He did say that he went to a party yesterday night. I scanned through the picture to find a familiar face and there he was, Kris. I knew he'll be in the picture too since I have always thought of him as a party animal. Now that I remember that he most probably is a player, I was suddenly scared that Jenn may have to encounter with tons of problems while dating him. Oh well.
Speaking of Kris, I suddenly remembered how we stared at each other in the car, immediately my heart skipped a beat. Thinking about it really isn't the right thing to do now. It just seemed like I'm betraying Jenn though I'm not. As if on cue, a knock on the door sent me out of my thoughts.
"Hey remember to not take too long! I called the chinese restaurant downtown, they said they have very limited space now so hurry!" After that he walked off. Now i wondered how did Taemin knew about he was once a Kevin. I mean he did mentioned that he has changed and blah blah. Oh and also because he saw him staying next door. But I couldn't help but wondered did he know that he was Kevin before the encounter with him today? Since he, same as me, didn't talk to him anymore after our friendship drifted apart. Could it be that it was only me that didn't know about him changing his name (and personality)?
I shrugged the thought off as I remembered Taemin's order for me to go down in half an hour time. I stood up and started to undress myself as I went into the bathroom for a quick hot and steamy shower.
I heard my phone ringing and I groaned annoyed. Must it be now? Since I have left my phone at the counter in my bathroom, I slide the curtain aside and reached for my phone. I pressed answer and put my phone between my head and my shoulder so that I can't apply some shower gel on my body. I didn't really mind if my phone got a bit wet cause nothing and I mean nothing interrupts me when I'm showering.
"Hello?" I answered, not bothering to check the caller ID.
"Are you home yet? Why haven't you call me? I thought I told you to do so. Is my Krissy still there?" I scrunched my nose in disgust when I heard she said the last sentence.
"Sorry, I forgot to call you and your KRISSY went back. Really now Jenn? Krissy?" I asked while I reached my hand to on the tap, letting the warm water rushed out and splashed onto my entire body. Oh this is so comfortable.
She giggled as she did a little fangirling. "Don't you it sounds cute? Oh Krissy!" Giggled again.
I need to get used to this. Gosh. "So how did you guys started? You know, dating?" I didn't know why but I didn't feel so good when I mentioned them dating. Maybe because the word dating and Kris just do not match. Wow, I sounded like my bro.
"Like I said, during my family vacation to Canada. I bumped into him when I went sightseeing by myself, my parents were too tired so they stayed in the hotel. After knowing that we were in the same school, we decided to hang out. He took me to many breathtaking places. It was really romantic when he brought me to see the sunset. It was then that weee-" She giggled nervously.
"Oh my gosh! You guys kissed already? And it was during a sunset?"
"Very cliché right?" She giggled. "By the way, why do I hear the water running?"
"Oh I forgot to mention that I'm showering now, heh!"
"In that case, we'll talk later then." She mumbled and hung up right away before I can start bombarding her with tons of questions regarding about her love life. She knows me too well.
The rest of the day passed by in a jiff. After dinner, I went to my room to do online chatting since there isn't any homework on the first day. I opened up my laptop while I lie on my bed, hugging my pillow in the process. I logged in to my Artistic account and waited for the process to be complete. Artistic is a website for people who are into art. Not many people use this so we are like a small family. Constantly sharing ideas and uploading our own artwork. We can also subscribe to each others account and have chats with others. None of my friends use this site since they are not interested in art. I, on the other hand, love art to the max.
I like drawing, designing and tthe idea of sharing them and getting feedbacks to help me improve made me love the site. I wish that one day I can be a fashion designer major in the wedding industry. Though my parents wanted me more to enrol myself in law. If they hadn't noticed, I at speaking infront of tons of people.
After joining this site, I made friends through here. None are close except for one maybe. He's a guy. I know I know, you guys must be thinking how can I make close friends with guys apart from Jason. Well, I did tell you that I don't socialise with guys but I did not tell you that socialising with guys THROUGH THE INTERNET is much more easier since we don't have to talk face to face.
After logging in, I checked if he's online. And as usual he was. He was always on at this hour. I clicked on his name and greeted him with a hi.
As though he was expecting me, he typed in a reply real quick. 'Hey Anne.' Kai replied. Yep, his name is Kai. He is my closest guy on the Internet. I practically told him everything that had happened in my life and no doubt today I'm going to do the same. Tell him about Kris and other things. I know that I'm not supposed to tell so much about myself to some stranger in the Internet but I couldn't help it. I tried to keep a safe distance from him but something about him just made me want to trust him and tell him everything. Plus, he is the best artist i have ever met. Though he is still in high school (that is what he said), his work is mostly fascinating and breathtaking. He's really easy to get along too. He's like my second brother.
'how's your day?' He asked.
'So so. Guess what Kevin's back. But with the name Kris. And he is my bestie's bf now. How shocking is that? 0.0' I replied while adding 'you?'
'Kevin? Who's that?'
'You know, my best friend when I was a kid.'
'Ahh.. I remember now. Wow, so he hooked up with your bff?'
'Guess so. Lol. Did I mention he looked really hot now compared to the older days?'
'Hahaha! But I'm sure he isn't as hot as me though ;)'
I tried to stifle a laugh as I punched in another reply. 'Lol..Really? Then why you never bother showing me your face?'
'Like you ever have ;)'
'Mum said it's dangerous xD'
'Oh please. Like you will actually listen to her.'
I proceeded telling him everything that happened today and talk about some art and stuff. And all of a sudden, I heard a thump on my window. I was terrified as I thought of tons of possibilities about it. I told Kai to hold on as I slowly inched towards the window. Another thump was heard. It sounded like someone was throwing rocks on my window. I slowly draw the curtain aside. Slowly, it revealed a guy crossing his arms and leaning against the window, smirking at me. I sigh in relief though i didn't really want to see him. Kris. I pushed open my window and was met with a cool breeze.
"Bonjour." He greeted with an accent. Wow I never knew our house were so close. Now that I noticed it, I can actually leap into his room without using much energy if I'm brave enough.
"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.
"Never knew you would actually slide that curtain of yours aside." He chuckled.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused as I cocked an eyebrow. He sighed.
"Have you ever look out here from that window of yours since young?"
"Exactly. I bet you didn't know that our house are that close." He was right. I never knew until now.
"Okay I get your point. Now would you mind telling why on earth did you throw those pebbles on my window just to get me?" I said, eyeing the pebbles he was holding.
"I was just playing the role of Romeo. Touched? My Juliet?" He smiled innocently.
I rolled my eyes as I answered back. "Let me tell you this one thing mister. Don't you ever cheat Jenn or I'll rip your head off." I snarled. "Now tell me what do you want?"
He chuckled and said "You sound like her elder sister." He smirked but not before adding "A pen."
"A pen? Are you kidding me?" I asked in disbelief. I am hundred percent sure he has at least one pen at home.
"Well you heard me. I left my pencil case in school and I'm lazy to go out of my room to take one."
"Don't you have a spare one in your room?"
"Nope." He answered, popping the 'p' sound.
"Fine." I grumbled and went to take an extra pen on my desk and threw it to him, hoping it will land straight on his head. Unfortunately, he caught it easily. I sighed and muttered. "Happy now?"
"Yes. Goodnight!" He chirped and immediately shut his window but not his curtain though as he sat beside the window and started scribbling on his notebook. Not even saying thank you. How rude. I, too shut my window and curtain and stormed my way to my desk as I typed a reply to Kai.
'Guys are all stupid jerks! ><'  clearly forgetting that he's a guy too. Oops!
Hey guys! How's the story so far? Good? Bad? Horrible? Give me your thoughts :)
And yes, Kai has appeared! Oh and the whole Artistic website thingy isn't real, I just made it up. Also, I made this chap long to make up for my late update. Sorry heh!
Anyway, please do leave a comment, subscribe and support me! Thank you! All readers are appreciated! <3
Have a nice day!^^
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Chapter 9: This chapter somehow feels so dark and gloomy hahaha.. XD
Chapter 8: I understand author-nim!
Keep updating as fast as you could! :D
Chapter 7: this is still soo goood!! hahahaha.. don't make onew as the bad man :( *throw jonghyun* use him #slapped lol jk
anyway i haven't watched heirs T^T school's work..
Chapter 6: i want to see onew HAHA.. just kidding
is this jenn who did this? if yes, she musn't the real best-friend. forget it dude. find another one, like. really.
Chapter 5: you remind me of my brother -__-"
he's such a jerk, tickling me with no mercy
now he go to univ and i'm free lol
Chapter 4: Yeayyy taeminnie angry time!! XD
And by the way, i see the enter things!! Cheer!!~
Chapter 3: LMAO omg you put my name there otl
thankyou so much iloveyou lolol XD
and keep updating! i'm getting curious
Chapter 2: Please, use enter.
I get lost everytime i go to the new line.