Bubble Pop~! - P o s t e r - r e q u e s t - s h o p -


Do you want a lovely,cute,scary poster? Then you're at the right place~!

Please follow the rules and have fun requesting~! :D 


You can request for a poster or a Character chart ~ <'3








0. Please be aware that I will only accept requests that already have "Forewords AND at least 1 Chapter."

1. If you already requested from another person/site, don't request from me.

2. No editing/remaking the things on the poster. Just Ask me if you'd like some changes.

3. The maximum number of characters on one poster is 4 Only! Groups such as DBSK are counted as one character. Images containing two people are also counted as one character.

4. YOU must provide pictures, I Won't find your pictures for you! Provide high quality pictures for me. If the pictures provided aren't high quality, I have the right to use a different one.

5. Credit me. Just put something like: "credits go to Oppa_Saranghae."

6. No bashing if your poster did not turn out the way you expected it to. Respect is a great thing to show.

7. If you request from me, use the poster. I cannot stress that enough.

8. Once you've received your poster, you must let me know. Also, when you have received your poster, you have to upload it to your own server.

9. The word sounds bad enough: Blacklist. Violating any of these rules will reserve a spot for you on the Blacklist.

10. Allow three/four  weeks for your poster/caracter chart.

If you can request without breaking ANY of those rules, have fun requesting! :D



Please fill in:


Title of your fanfic:

Story URL: http://

Mood/color: (Please be clear, only "happy" or "scary" I won't understand.
Set the color and mood apart from each other, like this:
Mood  )

Character &photo links: (put the name of your character and the url of the caracter here. Max. 4 characters. 1 group = 1 character. )


Anything else?:  anything you want to mention,if you put a short summary,I will understand the plot of the story ~

Poster or character chart? :



Thnq for your request ~




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