
I wish to be with you. forever and always.

First of all, I'd like to say that I have been working on this for months... 

Unfortunatly my laptop died before Christmas and I couldn't continue writing this, so I decided to get the first half of the story up here NOW.

Enjoy reading! 

word count; 3359

Italic words are Flashbacks, The flashbacks aren't in chronological order



Candle lights lit up the dining room, it makes a perfect atmosphere for the special dinner that Baekhyun had planned for just the two of them. It’s safe to say that he had worked his off, texting his friend Kyungsoo a thousand times before he finally got everything he needed for the special meal on which he had practiced in every free moment in which Chanyeol wasn’t home, after all; it was their sixth year anniversary.


Baekhyun took the day off from work without his dear boyfriend knowing, as soon as Chanyeol left the house, he took a shower and made the first steps to set his plan in motion.

Chanyeol had surprised him countless of times. Like when he took Baekhyun on a trip to a tropical island for his birthday, far, far away from their everyday life.


The dinner he’d made was placed onto the table, steam floating from the pots and pans, the smell lingering in every single room. The brunette sat down and waited for the familiar sound of keys turning the lock and a deep voice booming the words; ‘I’m home, Baek! What’s for dinner?’ with the occasional ‘I hope it’s you.’ If the younger was in the mood.


The clock struck six and there was still no familiar sound heard.  A shiver runs past his spine when a thought of; ‘maybe he had forgotten about their anniversary?’ Or; ‘Maybe something happened at the office’ crosses his mind. Baekhyun liked the latter more but, his boyfriend would have called by now. He shrugs it off and waits a little longer, slowly pacing around the dining room as minutes pass, leading himself into the living room and towards the window that grants him the view on their drive-way.


When half of an hour has passed, Baekhyun decides to call his best friend, who, thankfully, works at the same office as Chanyeol. He dials the number with shaky fingers, afraid that Kyungsoo might have no idea where Chanyeol was and that he might be cheating on him or- he cuts off the train of thoughts, no Chanyeol would never do such a thing, he wouldn’t have stayed with him since high school if he had found another person. so presses the phone against his ear.


The phone rings and rings until finally, his best friend’s voice is heard on the other side. “Good evening, this is mister Kim speaking, how may I help you.” Baekhyun giggles at Kyungsoo’s words, confidence floating back into his system. “It’s cute how you started using Jongin’s last name.” He hears a chuckle on the other side of the line, “Well, we are married. But anyway, what’s up Baek? You only call me on this number when it’s really ing important.” Baekhyun bites his lip and sighs. “Have you seen Chanyeol, soo?”


He can hear the confusion in Kyungsoo’s voice when he answers him. “He left the office about 40 minutes ago, he should be home soon, He told me that he had a special surprise for you.” The answer makes Baekhyun smile, maybe he’s stuck in traffic, the news reporter on the radio said that there was an accident on the route of his boyfriend and that there was a traffic jam.


“Thank you, Kyungsoo! I’ll stop bothering you now.” “You don’t bother me, and baek?” “Yes?” “Happy anniversary.”

As soon as he ends the call, Baekhyun whips his head towards the drive way once again and sighs. Still no sign of Chanyeol.


He wanders back into the kitchen and sits down at the dining table, the food, on which he spent a full day, was turning cold and he decided that they could get take-out if Chanyeol came home later. He leaned his face onto the palm of his hand and closed his eyes, smiling as the flashes of their first date flooded back into his head.





17 year old Baekhyun sighs as he leans back against the wall of the cinema. He came here 10 minutes early and now he had been standing here for more than 30. He felt tears well up in his eyes but he quickly rubbed them away, sniffling.


He should’ve known. Jongdae warned him that this would happen and he was too stubborn to listen.

When Chanyeol asked him out, he was so flattered that he thought that he was going to throw up, so he accepted immediately, not thinking about the possibility of this being a ridiculous joke.


Chanyeol was one of the most popular guys at school, he was in the basketball team, soccer team, baseball team, swim team. He actually was in almost every team that existed. He was best friends with the captain of the basketball team and the captain of the dance team.


Baekhyun let out a frustrated sigh and moved away from the wall to take his leave. He should’ve just stayed home and invite Jongdae over to watch a movie with him instead. Just as he started walking, he heard a deep voice yelling his name in the distance, when he turned around all his previous thoughts were thrown out of the window and he smiled as Chanyeol ran up to him.


As soon as the younger reached him, he tried to catch his breath while muttering apologies over and over again. “I’m so sorry that I’m late!” he groaned as he straightened himself. “My mom kept ordering me around the house to do this and that and when I finally was capable of leaving, I was 5 minutes late and it takes like 20 minutes to get here but I stopped by the florist to get you this!” Chanyeol said in one single breath, shoving a pure white rose into Baekhyun’s face.


Baekhyun was speechless when he took the rose from the younger’s hand. “I-“ He tried but Chanyeol beat him to it. “When we first met and you threw a full bucket of paint over my shirt and started freaking out, I thought that you were really cute all flustered like that, but then when we started talking more, I found that you were actually really pure and delicate, I mean, Just compare our hands, yours are so beautiful and mine are all big and hard and full of scratches because of all the sports and when I stand next to you, you’re like this little angel and you make me really happy and your smile shines like the sun and please forgive me for being late!”


Baekhyun’s eyes stood wide, but they soon regained the soft look that he had in them earlier and started laughing, his eyes shaping into tiny little moons. Chanyeol stared at him, confused and looking totally lost. “I’ll forgive you, but we missed the start of the movie, so do you have any other ideas of what we could be doing?” Chanyeol let out a breath which he didn’t know that he was holding and he took Baekhyun’s hand into his own as he started walking into the direction of a tiny little coffee shop. “We can sit here, drink something and have fun.”


Their first date might have had a bumpy start, but after that they got to know each other better and better. A second and a third date rolled out of these events and Chanyeol kept bringing white roses with him, never showing up late again.


When their fourth date ended and Chanyeol walked the elder home, Baekhyun found himself liking Chanyeol way better than when he was admiring him from a distance, admiring the way his long fingers laced oh so perfectly with Chanyeol’s rough ones. “Thank you for walking me home, Yeol.” He whispers when they reach Baekhyun’s front door. Chanyeol smiles his toothy smile and bids him goodbye, turning to leave. But Baekhyun grabs him by his sleeve and pulls him back around to lock his arms onto his neck and press his lips against the taller’s. “Goodnight.” He whispers as they break apart and Baekhyun retreats inside his house, leaving Chanyeol to gape at a closed front door.


Baekhyun rushed upstairs and threw himself onto his bed screaming like the teenage girl in the dramas that his mom watches, thrashing around and messing up his perfectly made bed until his phone buzzes on his nightstand. He unlocks the screen and smiles as he sees Chanyeol’s name pop up on the device.


From; Yeol.


I forgot to ask you something just now, Meet me in the school courtyard when classes end tomorrow?



To; Yeol.


Okay, I’ll stop by my locker before meeting up with you though, So I might take a little longer.


From Yeol;


That’s okay, Goodnight my light. X


Baekhyun squealed and giggled until a pillow was thrown right into his face. A very manly scream passed his lips and he pulled the pillow away from his eyes to see the person who threw it standing in the opening of his door. “Hyung!” Baekhyun yelled and his brother laughed, dodging the flying pillow just in time.


Baekhyun’s life couldn’t get any better in that moment.




The brunette was awakened from his trance by the silent ringing of his phone in the living room. He stood and rushed through the kitchen and into the living space to pick up his phone. He picked up his mobile from the couch, staring at the caller ID for a moment before picking it up. “Hey Jongin, What’s u-“ “Baekhyun, something happened..”




The drive seemed to take ages, all the traffic lights were red and people drove to slow for his liking.

He was panicked to say the least, short ragged breaths escaping his lips as he was sure that he had passed the speed limit by at least 50 kilometers per hour.

He finally reached his destination after a good 20 minutes, parking his car right in front of the entrance of the hospital before jumping out and rushing inside.


He made his way over to the kind looking lady at the reception desk and stopped there for a moment to calm himself down as best as he could. “Hello dear, how can I help you?” She asked, smiling kindly at him. “I’m looking for park Chanyeol?” He almost whimpers, but he steadies himself and regains his strength, even if it was just for a moment, because the crest fallen expression of the lady washes all his hope away. “He just came in honey, I’ll call a nurse for you to you to his room, Ah, Who might you be?”  “His fiancée” he whispered, but the lady behind the desk heard him anyway.


A few minutes later, a nurse showed up in front of him and he was led into a maze of white walls and rushing people. The nurse told him what had happened but he was to lost to listen. His face stern and tears on the brink of falling.



Baekhyun curls into the younger’s side, they had gone out for a picnic since it was pretty warm that day and now they were silently admiring the stars that shone above them. “We’re having our sixth anniversary soon.” Chanyeol suddenly says, making the elder move his head to glance at his boyfriend’s side profile. “Not for another 5 months, you silly.” The taller chuckles and squeezes the elder’s side, making him yelp. “But still, I can’t wait till we’re old and retired . I’ll be able to say; ‘hey baek, we’ve got our 60th anniversary coming up.’ “ Chanyeol glanced down and grinned at the elder, who was blushing madly.


Baekhyun slapped the elder’s chest and sat up. “That would be nice.” He whispered, loud enough for Chanyeol to hear it. The younger boy sat up and moved behind Baekhyun, wrapping his arms around the elder’s waist and resting his chin onto his shoulder. “when you smile~ The sun shines~” he sing songs into his ear. Baekhyun laughs and shoves Chanyeol back onto the grass “You’re such a cheese ball today, what’s gotten into you?”


Chanyeol stands up and offers the other his hand. “Walk with me, I want to show you something.” Baekhyun stood up and bend down to step into his shoes, when he came back up, a white rose was right in front of his nose. He took it between his fingers and smiled at the younger. “Thank you.” He whispered.


The white roses had became Chanyeol’s way of telling Baekhyun that he loved him without words. They linked their hands together and started walking into the direction of the forest.

After a few minutes, Baekhyun noticed that white roses were scattered along the path and he bend down to pick them up. When he lifts his head, Chanyeol had disappeared, a small note attached to a tree the only thing left.


“Follow the roses”

Is what it read. So he did. He picked up every single one of them until he reached a clearing, the roses on the ground shaped a small heart and Chanyeol was standing inside of it. Baekhyun was so confused, but he walked up to him anyway. “What is all this supposed to mean, Yeol.”


Chanyeol moved closer to the elder and go onto one knee, smiling up at him as Baekhyun’s eyes went wide. “Byun Baekhyun, Ever since the day I met you. I’ve felt like I found something that was missing in my life. You filled the spot that was empty for a long time. Every time you smiled in my direction, I felt butterflies exploding inside of my stomach and I wanted to kick myself in the face for not noticing you sooner, giving that you were always admiring me from a distance, I’ve got my sources.” Chanyeol handed Baekhyun a blood red rose before continuing his speech. “On our first date, I told you the meaning behind the rose I gave to you, I figured that you loved them so I just kept giving them to you, But after you kissed me on our fourth date, and when we got together after our seventh, something changed. You were still that beautiful white rose, pure and delicate, but now, it was accompanied by something ordinary. You see, Baek. I’ve always thought that you were something special. The way you sing so easily and how your eyes turn into moons when you laugh. I noticed that, instead of me, you were the one that was special. Everyone always told me that I was amazing, but I didn’t feel like that until I got the most amazing addition in my life. You.

And that is why, I want you to stay with me for the rest of our lives, till death us parts and even beyond that. I want to see you wearing my last name with pride and love . so Byun Baek, will you change your last name into Park for me?” And with that said, he opened a small black box, revealing a beautiful silver ring with a tiny little diamond inside of it.


Baekhyun, whom had been on the brink of tears for the duration of the speech, finally let them fall and hugged the roses closer to his body before dropping them to embrace his lover. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.” He whispered as he sobbed into Chanyeol’s shoulder. The younger let out a sigh of relieve and a victorious noise as he hugged the elder closer into his body. Not planning on ever letting him go.




The tears didn’t fall until Baekhyun saw Chanyeol on the hospital bed. Needles in his arms, tubes leading to devices that didn’t comfort Baekhyun at all. The only thing that did though, was the soft beeping sound coming from the corner of the room, the sign that he was still alive and that he might make it, even if the deep cuts and various sizes of bandages could have told him otherwise.


The brunette rushes over to the younger’s side, slipping his hand into his and squeezing it softly, grip never weakening. “Yeol?” He whispers in a tiny voice, waiting for any kind of response. A few seconds later, Baekhyun released a breath ,from which he didn’t realize he was holding it, as Chanyeol’s eyes fluttered open. A smile spreading across his face.


“Hey Byun Baek.” He whispered, voice hoarse and weak. It send shivers down Baekhyun's spine and it weren’t the pleasant kind of shivers. “How are you feeling?” the elder sits down on a chair next to Chanyeol's bedside and he tries to smile at the younger. “I’ve had better days.” The toothy grin was still there, making Baekhyun chuckle and shake his head.


The door of the small, dimly lit room opened slowly and Kyungsoo stepped in along with Jongin. “Hey buddy, how are you doing?” Jongin asked. The male had been along Chanyeol’s side since high school and Baekhyun easily became friends with the younger as well, even introducing Kyungsoo to him in his first year of college.


The couple married each other a little after Chanyeol asked Baekhyun to marry him, Kyungsoo transferring to the same company as Chanyeol and moving closer to where Baekhyun and Chanyeol had settled.


They sat there for a while, Chanyeol not talking as much and being completely silent, his injuries could have killed him right on the spot if Jongin hadn’t been there to take care of him.

“You know,” Chanyeol suddenly speaks up “I’ve always wanted to have kids.” The tall male swallows loudly before he continues. “Jongin and I were on our way to pick up the adoption papers from the orphanage when we were cut off by the truck that hit us.” He smiles and falls silent before turning his gaze, which previously was latched onto the ceiling, to Baekhyun. “It was a surprise for our anniversary.


Baekhyun blinked a couple of times before smiling, bending over to rest his head against the younger’s shoulder. “We’re going to have a family.” He whispers before straightening himself again.




“After we get married, I want us to adopt a child.” Chanyeol mumbles with a mouth full of cereal.

“Already deciding stuff on your own, Mr. park?” Baekhyun teases, smearing yoghurt all over Chanyeol’s cheek. “Hm,” he swallows “think about it Baek, a child raised by us. A little family, we could even get a dog!” the younger beams, smiling one of his million dollar smiles.


“I could consider it, I mean, A child is a huge responsibility and you’re so busy with your job and I’m busy with mine. We’re both capable of making a career and I don’t want to give it up.” Baekhyun argues as he stands to wash his bowl.



“But, we’re on our way right now, so if we make career, we can get ourselves suitable work hours and then we could get a child. I’m sure that Jongin and Kyungsoo won’t mind babysitting every once in a while.” Chanyeol argues back with a smirk. “Plus!” he shoots out of his chair to circle his arms around the elder’s waist. “Until that time comes, we’re going to try and get you pregnant. You know, just in case.” He whispers in a husky tone, sending shivers down Baekhyun’s spine.


“You’re a horrible person, park Chanyeol.” “And you’re still going to wear my name with pride and my child with love.” “YAH!” Baekhyun turns around and slaps Chanyeol onto his chest, earning a wine from the younger before he sprints away, Baekhyun chasing after him. 


A few hours later, the both of them are curled up against each other. Blankets covering them and bodies pressed close. The taller male peppering kisses all over the elder’s face before smiling at him and whispering. “So, was that a yes?”  wiping Baekhyun’s sweaty bangs away from his eyes. “We should think about it a little longer okay? There’s a time and place for everything.” The elder whispers back before drifting off to sleep. “You said that when I asked you to move in with me. I know you, Byun Baek.” Chanyeol whispered against the elder’s hair, before following him to dreamland.



I hope that you enjoyed the first part of the story. 

Please have patience with me for the second part, I'm working on it!


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Lots of love~

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SquishieMochi #1
A white rose symbolises the purest love even stronger than death. I hope that Chanbaek's love is as strong as a white roses, and they will continue loving each other with or without somebody dying ;-;
Cathniss #2
will there be a first chapter soon? :3 hoping for it <3