Cycle of Love

SNSD Oneshot Collection♥~~ (Mostly Taeny)

Cycle of Love.

Meet a stranger, being in love, tired of arguing & fighting, heartbreak, healing process, and meet again with stranger; That’s Cycle of Love and that cycle goes repeat and start again never end until you tired of it and decided to tied a knot by exchange a ring.


“Soebang!” A high pitch heard make all costumers moved their head to source of voice.

Yuri shook her head, “Your voice baby..” the girl pouted but her out immediately vanished as she get a peck on her lips.

“Miss you Soebang!” Jessica said as she sat beside Yuri.

Then once again they exchange a kiss, “Miss you too Baby~”  suddenly they moved into the world who occupied only their self make the person infront of her feel uncomfortable.

She cleared , “Ehmm Unnie i’m still in here...”

“Ups sorry Yoongie.” Jessica smile sheepishly, “Soebang this is my cousin Im Yoona, call her Yoongie~”

“Oh hello Yoona!” Yuri wives her hands to say hi.

Yoona bowed, “Hello unnie! Nice to meet you! Jessi unni always whinning to me at State, she said she miss you sooooou much!!” she said and took a seat infront of Jessica.

“Order something  i know you must be hungry~” Yuri said without looking Jessica and get busy again to her laptop.

Jessica frowned, “Busy with your work Seobang?”

“Uh, actually i’m waiting for my secretary in here.”

Jessica still frowned, Yuri keep busy with her laptop and Yoona keep busy held menu searching foods and drinks she want.

“Unni!! I want order strawberry milk, american breakfast, don’t forget with double egg, then double toast, ah i want caramel ma—“

“Uh Unni sorry, the traffic was so bad this morning.”

Yoona stopped as she heard angelic voice. At the moment her eyes meet hers, she felt time suddenly stop with her heart beating like a drum and blood rushing through her veins even she almost dropped the menu on her hands. But she didn’t know what is it, she didn’t know why she felt it, all she know is something clicking on her heart and find her was so intriguing.

Later know, the cupid has shooting his arrow from her heart through heart of the girl infront of her.


“Yoona are you that really hungry?” Yuri voice snapped her to the real world.

“Uh Ya!” she answer with her eyes still glued with unknown girl beside Yuri.

Yuri furrowed her brows, “Why you looking at Hyunnie like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like a bunny?” Yuri titled her head.

“WHAT?! NO, I’M NO—“

Yuri grinned, “Just kidding, Hyunnie this is my fiancee and her cousin.”

“Good Morning, my name is Seo Juhyun, but you can call me Seohyun if you want.” She bowed infront of Jessica and Yoona.

Jessica smile and replied shortly, “I’m her fiancee and soon to be wife!” she said as she kissed Yuri’s cheek.

Then Seohyun eyes laid to Yoona who suddenly stood up and didn’t said anything while keep locking her eyes into hers.

“I’m.. emh I..” she cleared for easing the nervousness, “I’m Im Yoona, you can call me Yoong.” She extended her hand for hand shaking then as their hands was touched they lost on their own world didn’t realize that unknown electricity had spreading all over their body and ended on their heart make both of their heart beating not normal which leading into something, something better.


The arrow that stabbed their hearts didn’t leave a mark, but it left a seed on their hearts. And that seed had grow, bloomed  flowers of feelings, feelings of happiness, feelings of needed each other, feelings of craving for each other. And they were aware, they should— no, they want go the the next stage.


With flowers and big keroro plushie on her hand, Yoona confident with her action now. In front of Seohyun’s work friends and her she kneeled and burst out her feelings.

“Seo Juhyun, would you to be my girlfriend?”

She held her breath when waiting for her dream girl answer, even Seohyun friends was showing a nervous face too.

“I do.” She said softly

Everyone was cheered, Yoona stood up and embrace her lover poured all of her feelings. “Thank you baby” she whispered and added “Don’t be afraid, i’ll take care of you, and your heart. Because i’ll give you my real love, forever.”



Everythings was run as their plan. Their relationship was the most perfect relationship because based by real love. Everyday Yoona never missed kisses from Seohyun, and Seohyun too, she always fall asleep on Yoona embrace. But all the sweetness from love story of this young love bird was too much make it plain and boring. And Yoona who the one who realize it, then she want trying something new by lie and cheat.

Seohyun threw photos to Yoona, “What this is Yoona?!” she said while her tears was fall like a waterfall.

“H-how y-you fo—“ she panicked.

“You’re cheating on me!!!”

Yoona walk towards her past dream girl, “No! I’m no—“

“You ing liar! You said you love me! You said you’ll take care of me, and my heart and you’ll give you my real love, forever. Bull!”

Yoona kneeled and held her hands, “No baby, that’s wrong. I’m not cheating on you! I’m just—“

“YOU JUST A CHEATER! WE’RE DONE YOONA!, WE’RE DONE!!!” as she said that Seohyun stormed ran from their apartement leaving Yoona who broken down with regret swallow her up.



After consuming a long time with mind on confusion plus dying in loneliness, she realize Seohyun is the one she needed. She was wrong play with her, she was wrong trying something new, she was wrong loosen her knot with Seohyun, she was wrong let her love fly away, she was the wrong one and all the wrong things was on her side. The feelings was still there, her love to Seohyun still lingering on her heart, keep strong even didn’t rooted for a little bit.

Now she wanted her back. And she make an effort, trying hard to tie the knot again and reach her heart. She didn’t mind waste many times just to get her heart, she didn’t mind to waste her energy, money and everything she had for get the love of her life. Because now Love already had higher meaning for her, and her aim now get Seohyun’s heart, no matter what.


“SEO JUHYUN! LISTEN TO ME!” Yoona speak up at lobby of Seohyun workplace using a megaphone, make everybody around her diverted their attention to her. Even some of people on the road stopped and start to take a video of her.

Seohyun who just walked to the lobby with her friends and Yuri was stunned of her brave or maybe little bit crazy plan. Seohyun was spotted her, but Yoona seemed oblivious about Seohyun exitence there.


She yelled top of , “SEO JUHYUN, I LOVE YOU!!!!”

Seohyun just saw her from apart feel touched and suddenly she feel her love was blooming again. And the fact was her love to Yoona was too big on her heart to be hide, it will lingering there and growing up. Until she saw the security drag her to outside.

“Yah! Let me go!!! Seohyun hasn’t answer me!” Yoona said as struggling.

“Miss Seohyun never love crazy girl like you.” The security man said coldly.

“She love me you know!”

The security drag her more faster, “I don’t care but you distrub our c—“


“Baekhyun stop!” Seohyun yelled from behind, “Let go off her.”

“But miss she—“ Yoona ran to Seohyun as the security man stopped walk and gave him a merong.


“Baby! Sorry for my mistake” Yoona said as she hug Seohyun tightly, “I’m sorry for cheated on you, but i realize still love you baby!” she added.

“I promise will never hurt you again.”


“Yeah i promise, I promise i wouldn’t hurt upi, i’ll take care of you, and your heart. Because i’ll give you my real love, forever.”

She said it again confidently and make Seohyun heart melt then believe on her, and they stepped to that fase again, lover.



But she didn’t know forever word wasn’t exist on this world. Everything was ephemeral, temporary, will gone unanimous with the time. Then they starting pointless battle again, arguing  and fighting with nonsense reason based jealousy, felt betrayed and disappointed. They were broken again, each of their heart was bleeding, each of their head was explode, each of them tasted the bitterness of love again, and it the end they said goodbye again.

But the cycle of love wasn’t stop there. Their heart was craving for the comfortableness of love, the sweetness of love, their heart need to be filled, their heart was need a love. Then they met again, try to believe on eachother again, stepped to the phase that named them a lovers. Heck they weren’t a pro at this game, they didn’t learn the lesson, they just a stupid student of love class. And the constant cycle of goodbye and greetings was repeated again.

Stranger to a friend, friend to a lover, lover to an enemy, enemy to friend then friend to a lover once again. They repetead the form, repeated again and again until they realized they were stupid, numb, and tired. They staying in the same spot when they get hurted and get pleased in the same time.


“Yoona.. I’m tired..” Seohyun rested her head to bare shoulder of her lover after usual make up session.

Yoona grinned didn’t take what her mean, “Of course you tired, we after have a great se—“

“No.. not that!” she sighed, “I’m tired emotionally.”

A frown formed from Yoona lips.

“I’m tired being like this, we make up they breaking up, i get hurted and you too! Then at the end we will comeback to search each other heart, but still we fighting and start into breaking point again.” She said it with teary eyes.

“But I don’t want to let you go..” Yoona said as she caressed Seohyun hair.

“Me too but—“ she sighed and bury her thought.

“Why baby?”

“No. I’m tired now. Can we sleep and start not arguing?”

“Ofcourse.” Yoona kissed Seohyun’s crown, “Sleep tight baby.” As Seohyun has drifted to her dreamland, now Yoona full wake up with heavy thought on her mind.







“Baby, good mor—“ Seohyun said as her hand search for her lover body, but no one beside her, she slightly frown, “—ning.”

She wrapped her body with white sheet from the bed, then she walk slowly to the mirror. She found something odd there, something written there with red lisptick.

Good morning Angel, you already beautiful no need to mirorring yourself tho hehe. Ah please go the dinning room now, love ya~ xoxo.


She frowned didn’t expect anything from weirdness of her lover, Yoona always be weird she thought.

Whe she arrived at dinning room, slightly open found the table already full of food and drinks for their breakfast plus Yoona alread stood there with the biggest grin of she had and red roses on her right hand.

Yoona walk towards Seohyun, “Morning baby, you are the y one in here!” Seohyun rolled her eyes and said, “Of course! Look at you, you are have bathed and dressed neatly with suit and tie, but me! I’m in here stood up ly with only one white sheet wrapped on my body plus my hair was so messed up and i haven’t take a bath and my morning br—“

Yoona kissed her, “Baby, you’re beautiful!” Seohyun just pouted.

“Listen, i have thinking about your words yesterday and i have a solution.”

“What is it?”

Yoona kneeled and cleared , “Would you marry me?”


Yoona expecting a nod or yes word or hug and kisses but all she got is slap on her shoulder. “How could you propose a girl when she haven’t take a bath?!”

“I don’t care! So would you marry me or not!?”

“Why you’re not romantic?!”



“BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!!!” Yoona stood up and crashed her lips into hers. And their lips were bending in to a smile. “I do Yoona, I do.”


Hence, all of the cycle goodbye and greetings, cycle of hurt and pleased, term of stranger to a friend, friend to a lover, lover to an enemy, enemy to friend then friend to a lover once again was ended into other phase by marriage.


Fail ending.

Btw i will start make other sone pairings.Uh and tonight(maybe)  i'll update "The Neighbourhood", hope i'll get a good response from you all~


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Chapter 19: K sda
Chapter 21: omo! T.T this.. this.. why did you do this author?! >.<
Ancsii #3
Chapter 10: Its hipotonia. The sick. Too me have.
Chapter 23: Author-nim please make sequel for ex's concert pllleeaaasseee *puppy eyes*
18 streak #5
Chapter 36: Yeah..first time knowing this fic and my favorite is ex' s concert..would you do a part 2 of that? Please...?
You know..
EX's concert is my favorite..
tae1810 #7
saeng! I didn't know your a author ):
mochick #8
Chapter 33: thanks for update Author-nim :)
Chapter 33: more..more.
xolovetaeyeon_sera #10
Chapter 25: ohmygod this one is awesomeeee , i love it :)
sequellllll author-sshiii