


"Wake up Oh Sehun! He's gone! He's never going back to you. Never."



"Sehun-ah!"  Suho called, bursting into his room, all smiley and happy. Sehun hated it. He grunted and turned to his hyung who is now wearing swimming shorts as he held a surfing board that is taller than him. "Come on! The beach is ten steps away from us."

Sehun groaned again, covering his head with a pillow. "Please close the door when you leave, hyung."

"Sehun-ah..." Suho said, worry covering his voice. "You don't have to do this to yourself."

Well, that made Sehun break. His chest felt heavy once more, tears piercing his eyes but he tried his best to blink them away. It took a second for him to sniffle and bawl like a kid, he hated it, but he couldn't do anything.

"Hyung...please." Sehun whimpered, trying to calm himself. Suho nodded, comprehending the situation before leaving his room, closing the maknae's door.


"I'm sick, Sehun. Tell me. Can you love a person who will leave you at the end?" 


Yes, Sehun cried. He never stopped loving him, he never even thought about doing it. Hs chest felt heavier, making him clutch his chest in pain but he could only cry. Forget him, the members said. He wished he could because for the past two months, he never failed to remember Luhan.


"Sehun." a firm voice called him, tapping his shoulder. Sehun groaned and shook the hand off. He blinked and pain struck his eyes. "Sehun!" 

Sehun snapped awake and sat up, facing the owner of the voice with a sour expression. It was Yi Fan. "What? What do you want? I told you I'm not going to the freaking beach."

Kris raised a brow and crossed his arms. "The cameras will be here in an hour. Fix your eyes, it's getting puffy." he instructed, heading towards the door, as he reached it, he stopped walking and looked at Sehun. "I won't pretend to know what you feel. But you still have to understand that we have work to do."



"Please...please...." Sehun chanted in his sleep. 


Luhan sniffled, wiping tears to prevent them from ruining the paper but it was futile. He stood up, almost tripping in the process as he pushed himself to grab the phone. 

"Are you okay?" Sehun asked in the other line. Luhan closed his eyes and blinked the tears away. He wants to be okay. But he isn't. Looks like he could keep his promise after all.

"Yeah...I just wanted to tell you... I love you, okay? Don't forget that." he muttered and hung up when his knees decide to fall on him, letting him fall on the floor. With another push, he hauled himself back and walked his way back to the bed, passing through the mirror on the process. Luhan's eyes widened at the sight of himself, he looked terrible with his greenish complexion, patches of bruise on every part of his body, eye bags hanging from his previously pretty eyes. 

Then a sudden pain caused him to gag before he could even reach his half-finished letter.


"Sehun! " Chanyeol shouted, shaking their maknae awake. "What the hell Sehun? You've been shouting for the last hour!" 

Sehun hated the look Chanyeol was giving him. It was pure worry in pity. He doesn't need anyone's pity. He looked at Chanyeol with a cold expression before prying his hyung's hands away from his shoulders. "Thanks." he uttered before going back to sleep.


"Sehun-sshi!" the MC said happily, calling his attention. "Your complexion looks bad. Are you sure you're healthy?" 

Outside? No. Inside? No. Sehun forced himself to smile. "Ah, I've been a little stressed lately, maybe that's the reason."

"Why? Is there anything bothering you?" The MC inquired again, making Sehun flinch.

He nodded and tried pouting cutely. "Ne. It's seems like the company is not letting me dye my hair green." he said, making the the members and crew laugh, he laughed with them. If only they knew that he's dying inside.


"Hyung. I have to go buy something." Sehun said soulessly as he grabbed his coat and wallet, not bothering to wait for their answer.

The streets seemed dead. Every where she looked was gray and maybe colorless, it only made himmore depressed than he already is. He pushed the door hard when he reached the door of the convinience store, dragging himself to wherever it is he wants to buy. He grabbed a cold can of coffee from it's place and looked at the other things available but he was not really looking, he's just seeing.

"The other one is better." a voice said behind him but he ignored it. Then he felt a hand poking his arm. "Uh...are you alive?"

Sehun turned his head to the stranger. "You have exactly two seconds to move that hand away from me." 

"Woah, easy there." the other laughed lightly, raising his hands up in defeat. "I'm Jongin." 

"I don't care."



"Sehun-ah. Please take out the trash." Suho called out, making the maknae groan but nevertheless grabbed the trash bags and headed outside. The sky is pretty, everything is pretty, everything around him is happy as if it was mocking him. Sehun rolled his eyes and did what he was asked to do.

"Still grumpy as ever, I see." Jongin exclaimed behind him. Sehun turned his head slowly and raised his brow, refusing to talk further. But clearly, Jongin didn't get it. "I...uh, moved here. Yeah...but I'm not stalking you or anything. I mean I've just seen you twice but I'm not, I just want to clear that up."

"Okay." Sehun muttered and started walking back to the dorm. 

Jongin huffed and followed him. "Eyy, what's with you? It's like you never had fun." 

"I never had fun. Can you leave now?" Sehun snapped but Jongin was unfazed. "Please just...leave me alone." 

Jongin could only stare at Sehun's retreating figure, he was pretty sure something about that guy is messed up, Jongin saw him before and where ever he went he looked mad or something. The news about that guy crying during a live performance wasn't any help at all and Jongin might just have the solution for it. 


"Sehun-sshi!" Jongin called, trailing after the now blond guy as he walked his way out of the dorm.

"Sehun-sshi!" he shouted again but Sehun kept on walking in hopes that the tan guy would leave.But of course, Jongin proved him wrong once more as the latter walked faster and walked beside him.

"Yah, who's Luhan?" he asked, making Sehun freeze in shock. He took in deep heavy breaths, feeling pain creep up to his body by the mere mention of the name. He felt tears stinging his eyes and every part of his body felt heavy. 

"W-where did you...hear th-that name?" Sehun stammered, feeling his knees turn to jelly. 

Jongin felt guilty for mentioning that name as soon as he saw the color drain out of Sehun's face. He could tell that Sehun was shaking badly but he did'nt know what to do, bad move, he told himself. "I...uh...saw the name on your phone when I was walking behind you." 

Sehun remained motionless, still in shock. 

"Hey, I'm better than a sassaeng fans eh?" Jongin said shakily, but it only made things worse when he saw Sehun crumble in the middle of the street. "A-are you okay?"

Sehun's breath came out in choked versions and he unknowingly clutched Jongin's shirts who was right beside him. "L-lu...h-he's...he's not...Luhan..."

"Come on, Sehun, breathe..." Jongin urged, patting Sehun's back while the other cried hysterically. And before he knew it, he drifted in Jongin's arms.


Jongin looked at him with pity as he watched him sleep inside EXO's dorm. Thank Suho for telling him everything that happened to Sehun before. Jongin knew Luhan as if he was his neighbor and pictures of Sehuun and Luhan made Jongin understand why Sehun was taking the situation this way. The maknae's smiles was so bright, he looked so lively and for some reason, Jongin knew how important Luhan was for Sehun.

He even wondered if he could be that special too.

"What the hell are you doing here? Sehun grumbled, standing up ashe snatched the picture out of Jongin's hand. "Who gave you this?"

Jongin swallowed his annoyance and glanced up and smiled. "You're awake."

"Answer my question, dammit." Sehun shouted, hiding the picture under his pillow.

"Joonmyeon." Jongin answered simply. "You know, it would be better if you let go and move on."

A sharp pang attacked Sehun's heart upon those words but he ignored it. "Shut up."



"I swear if you're not a sasaeng you're a stalker. I should report you to the police." Sehun noted when he noticed jongin walking behind him. 

Jongin chuckled. "After what I did for you? Eyy, you're being mean."

"Did for me?" Sehun asked, looking back to Jongin who's grinning widely as he waved a disk on his hand. "What the hell is that thing?"

"I found it on Luhan's house." Jongin admitted and all hell broke loose when Sehun heard it. He found himself grabbing Jongin by his collar, glaring to the deepest part of his soul. "Chill out."

Sehun hissed. "Chill out? Why did you even think about going there? Who do you think you are? Why are you meddli--"

"Are you gong to watch this with me or should I toss this on the trash?"


"Are you watching this? Oh god this is so embarassing I swear I'd jump out the window if someone walks in." Luhan's soft voice laughed, looking nervously at the door.. "So! I wanted to say congratulations, Sehun ah. I heard you did well on the concert, eh?" then he coughed, making Sehun cringe. "Aish, I would restart this thing but I'm too lazy to you have to keep up with me and continue to watch this you brat. Back to what I was saying, I'm so proud of you." Luhan smiled, making Sehun smile as well. "Schedules might be a bit hard but I know you'll be able to do it, just...don't forget me when you get all famous and stuff, I'll hate you if you do."  Luhan covered his mouth as he continued to cough. "Uhm...I...know you won't see me when you go back from the U.S. so I made this, I just hope you can go to my house because good heaven's it's lying in the middle of my house so don't be a lazy bum. I'm happy I got to meet you, I'm proud of you. I'm sorry if I'm going to make you cry, I did tell you to leave me before but thank you, because you didn't. You stayed by my side and I'm very very thankful. I want  you to move on, remember that. I want you to fall in love again and the only way you're going to do that is by accepting that I'm not a magical being that rises from the dead. You have to accept it. Though at least find someone who would love you as much as I do. Goodbye Sehunnie, I love you." 


Jongin watched at Sehun cried again, hiding his face between his hands. "I didn't see this before. I wanted to see him talk   so bad..."

"You heard him, Sehun-ah. You have to move on." jongin said.

Sehun looked at him weirdly. "W-why are you so nice to me?"


"I like you, stupid." Jongin smiled. "Let's move on together."




Because I promised you guys a sequel and this is the first time I finished it. Forgive me. I've been in to B.A.P's fandom lately plus my UB group Infinite's comeback was too much feels for me. Anyways, I'm not so much of an EXO stan as I used to be but I still support them, OT12 or OT11+YiFan, I don't care, I support them no matter what. Anyways, there's only 10% chance that this will have a sequel or part 2 but let's see, eh?


Thank you for reading, again, this has been, LIMITED.










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[LIMITED] Thank you for the upvotes and comments! This has been LIMITED. Part Two is up.


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sunggyustummy #1
Wonderful story :D
Chapter 1: this is the second time i read this, and it still makes me cry...
Chapter 1: oh god i am krey T___________T
Chapter 1: Poor Sehun. Why did I keep on reading HunHan angst fic??
peanutlover #5
Chapter 1: that. was the saddest thing ever. i opened this expecting a fluffy oneshot but i get this really sad yet AMAZING story?!?!
whyyyyyyyy is it so good?!?!
hunhan_sehunluhan #6
Chapter 1: omo... i m crying.... arghh.... so sad...... T.T
adlee89 #7
Chapter 1: i'm crying right now.. T_T author-nim dont torture my heart..huuhuu poor sehun.
Chapter 1: Okay, Sehun and his bubble tea on first meeting lmao XD
I read this too fast omg whats this?? whats thiss?????????
Luhan died??? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!
AKShskjfhjhfgkfkhjgj omg this is so sad ;____;
Poor Sehunie >< Wuuuuuu~ Author-nim, you broke my heart! lol kidding XD
Anyway, great oneshot ^^
Chapter 1: that's it, im crying now. this so sad..
washupkrease #10
That was beautiful T_T