Awkward Meet

The princes and the pauper

Pink =English, Red=Korean

Nicole Choi or You, were very new to korea, since you lived your entire life in canada your. but when your parents passed, you moved back to korea to your aunt who was willing to 'take care' of you as her own child. You had naturally blonde hair and blue eyes, due to your canadian blood from you mom. You were loved by everyone in the family for you kind-heartedness and talents, you were also radiant and beautiful. Not knowing your aunt's secret envy for you and your parents you were asked to stay with until she can adopt you. 

You arrived in korea and your aunt and her daugthers were waiting for you at the airport. You ran to them and gave them hugs. then you went to their house and got a tour around the house, It was big, spacious and elegant but it was nothing compared to your house back in canada. In the end of the tour the siblings, Minjung and Minri brought you to the basement, "This is where you'll be staying." Minjung said in disgust. "In this small space you'll be calling you room" Minri followed. You looked around and "thank you" You said in content and put your things on the small table. The siblings left the room and you started unpacking, after, you decided to take a nap. You were very exhausted from your long flight.. In the midst of your nap, your aunt knoed on the door of your small room, it took a few more knock for you to wake up from your light slumber. You immediately open the door of you tight spaced room, and saw your aunt with a basket of laundry. " me and the girls are going out, here is the laundry and the laundry soaps are upstairs. I hope by the time i get home, you're already done so we can go to your school and get you enrolled." She said, handing you the basket, then left. "huh?" you were confused for a bit but just decided to do the task anyways.

After washing so much clothes you were already very tired. You sat on your small bed and sighed. Why is it like this? I thought i'd fell better when i move here.. I guess not.. You thought to yourself as you searched your bag for your phone. It took a while to find it. when you finally did, you saw a text from your aunt in canada. 'Hey, How are you there in korea? Let me know if there's anything bothering you and i'll go there and get you.' You smiled a bit and typed in your reply. 'Here, first day day and i'm already washing their laundry..' no, she'll probably just worry about me.. 'Well, i'm tired from my flight, It's actually really fun here.' you sent your reply. Then you stood up and went upstairs to see that they were already home. "oh good you came up, come with me dear." your aunt called.  You followed to the kitchen and saw her bringing out ingredients. "Your father used to tell me you were a good cook. Why don't you let us taste your good cooking?" she complimented. "Um.. sure." You hesitantly answered. "good after we eat we can go to your school." she said then left.  You cooked and ate lunch with them. After, your aunt dropped you to your new school and said she'll be back in an hour. 

You slightly panicked since your korean wasn't that good..   walking down the crowded halls of the campus was weird for you because everyone was staring at you. on the other hand you kept your head down and went to the main desk. "Where do i enroll?" you said slowly. "Are you american?" he asked. "No, I'm canadian." you answered. "Oh.. okay, The enrollment office is there" he pointed to the room to the right. "thank you" you said and rushed into the office. You bowed as you entered. "Hello, i'm nicole chae, I'm here to take a test" you said. he brought out the test pares and handed it to you "Here you go, you can go take the test there and then pass it to her." he said pointing to the other lady. "Thank you." you said and went to the tables and took your test.  After the process you got your enrollment form and batch uniform, and waited for your aunt by the gate. While standing there you got hit by a soccer ball by the shins, causing you to flinch a bit. "Hey! Watch it!" you said in and annoyed tone. "Hyung, you hit a foreigner, you should be scared." the younger boys taunted the guy who kicked the ball to you. "Aish! Just get the ball!" He told the boys. You were brushing the dust off your black skinny jeans, when the boys slowly walked towards you. You instinctly took the ball from the ground. "You want the ball?" you held it out. They all just nodded. "Tell him to say sorry." You pointed at the older guy. They all ran to him and said what you told them supposedly. The boys ran back to you. "Sorry.." they all said in unison. "No, I want him to say it." You once again pointed to the older male. They ran back to the older male again, you saw them backing away as the male came closer, he went so close only a few inchess from you. He looked so manly, with his broad shoulders, well built body and sweaty hair. You held your breathe at that moment.  "Sorry... Happy?" he said in such a calm and soft voice yet in such an emotionless face, and took the ball from you. on the other hand you were frozen as he walked away. "Hey!" You were furious now, "Jung Taekwoon eh, You better watch out for me, you jerk.." You murmured as you saw his name on his jersey.


Sorry i took so long, i had no time to update the other day but here it is i know it's short but i just wanted to give you something to read til i post a longer chappie~ hope you enjoyed it~ Comment me what you think and please subscribe for more~ til then Toodles~  And thank you so much for those who subscribed and commented~ Lots of love ;~; ♥

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Chapter 1: Oh wow!!! I like it!!!! XD
Ooooh it sounds like an interesting story!!! Can't wait for chapter 1, author-nim!! XD