First day: I'm Your Shadow, Dear Chan Yeol!

Birthday Present: A Rented Girlfriend!

the inspiration of this chapter: f(x) Shadow

the song is both cute but creepy, same with Sulli here hahahahaha

creepy and cute for Chanyeol *spoiler about the chapter in the beginning*

thank you for waiting! here's the update!


"Chan Yeol, Park Chan Yeol...."  Huh? Who is that, Chan Yeol thought. Maybe his mother. His mother had a habit to call him with full name when she was trying to wake her only son.

"My dear Park Chan dear dear Channie."  Wait, my mother never calls me like this, he thought again. He tried to open his eyes, and saw a dollish girl, with a big smile, was in front of his eyes. 

"Thank God you are waking up! It's a hard job, you know!"

"WHOOAAAA!!!!'  Chan Yeol jumped, and made his forehead and Sulli's forehead kissed. 



"I'm Sulli, your 'girlfriend.'"  She added a quote marks on her words by her fingers. Chan Yeol suddenly realized. Yesterday was not a dream, unfortunately. He did really have a girlfriend, as if the truth was a girl hired to be his girlfriend for three months. 

He stood beside his bed, ruffling his hair. Suddenly, he saw Sulli's face was a bit red. 

"What now? Why are you blushing? You've never seen a man waking up before? I thought you are professional."

"Yes, I have seen them. But never when they are just wearing boxer and showing their abs."  She giggled after that. Chan Yeol finally realized, and quickly covered his important parts (even though one of them had been covered well). 

"And what are you doing here now? Shouldn't you go out?"

"Okay. Your parents said they have waited you two to have breakfast together."  And she walked out. Chan Yeol sighed again.

Just for three months, Park Chan Yeol......just for three months. And everything will be over. 


"Hey, wake up, Park Ha Ni."


"Wake up. Your mother said you were about to be late to go to your workplace."   Ha Ni opened her eyes, and she saw Kai, standing there, beside her bed. 

"What time is it?"

"Already late, as your mother said. She asked me to wake you up. Please prepare yourself fast."

"Okay."  And she streched her body. Kai was just staring to her, when he was about to exit her bedroom. 


"I do now know you don't wear bra when you are sleeping."  He smirked, and walked out. Ha Ni finally realized, and covered her important parts (then again, they had been covered well), and screamed. 

Kai was just smiling hearing her scream. 

This three months will be absolutely interesting and funny



"Morning, dear. Come here, let's have breakfast together."  Ha Ni, with her work outfit, was walking to the dining table, and sitting beside Chan Yeol. In front of them, Kai and Sulli were having their breakfast as well. 

"Here is your breakfast."  Their mother was serving the breakfast. That was the habit. Her mother had breakfast first with their ahjumma, while later the kids and the father would have the breakfast that they had been serving. 

"Thank you mom."

"So,"  their father began the conversation, "since we have another boy here, I guess Chan Yeol, you are free from delivering and picking up your sister."  Chan Yeol smiled full of victory to Ha Ni. She kicked his foot again. Maybe they were 25 years old and 23 years old, but they acted like kids. 

"Kids, stop it. I haven't finished. Kai, would you like to do that instead?"  Kai nodded, "and Sulli, since you are Chan Yeol's girlfriend, you can bring the car, delivering and picking up him instead, right?"

"Wait, what? I have my own car. I can use it whenever I want. I don't need to be babysitted. Ha Ni noona, yes. Me? No."

"That is your car with my money, remember that. I have the absolute authority of that car. Now I want Sulli drive it for you, and you don't have to keep a car anymore. Sulli will take you everywhere. That is also going to Kai and Ha Ni, as well."

"Wait again,"  now Ha Ni was talking, "we don't have another car. Or maybe you will not use your car?"

"I have."  Suddenly, Kai interrupted. 

"See? He has a car. That is also what your employer said to us, that you can drive and own a car."

"Yes. I have parked it near this house."  Kai said easily while sipping his coffee. 

"Well then. It is settled."  Chan Yeol could see Sulli's fool smile (he named it, actually it is SULLI'S SMILE we are talking about. That is so not fool about that *author's note*) was in front of him. He sighed again, and tried to calm his heart. 

Just for this three ing months, Park Chan Yeol....just bear for your eternal freedom......


"You can drive a car? Or maybe this is your first attempt?"  Chan Yeol asked curiously to Sulli, who was busy adjusting the driver seat. It was too far for her, because Chan Yeol's long legs. 

"This is right. Now what have you asked me before?"

"Have you ever driven a car before?"

"Yes, I have. I have driver license too, for your information."  She smiled again. Chan Yeol sighed again, for how many times this morning. 

"Then you can start."

"Can you tell me the direction? I don't know it."


There was a silence in the car, as Chan Yeol didn't want to talk much to his "girlfriend" and Sulli was too focused to the road and its traffic. 

"Hey,"  Sulli was the first one to break the ice, "how come you haven't got any girlfriend?"

"Excuse me?"

"I ask, how could you haven't got any girlfriend."

"I had had girlfriends."

"Yeah, but your parents said to me since you were entering the university, they never heard that you've ever had a serious relationship, or even mentioned a girl before."

"Because I'm not a talkative guy who talks about his private life."

"At least you can talk to them. They are your parents after all. It's lucky, you know. I haven't met them for eleven years."  Chan Yeol got shocked. However, Sulli talked this topic like a usual topic. Her eyes were still focused on the road. 

"Really? How could?"

"I was sold. The details are not important. We are here talking about you, not me."

"Hey! You just said you are--"

"Please, Chan Yeol oppa?"  Chan Yeol got shocked again. This was the first time she called her oppa, and he didn't know what the hell happened, but his heart felt like stopped when she called him oppa. 

"Okay. Not talking about you, just about me."

"Thank you. Now please tell me, Park Chan Yeol,"  there, she goes back again, Chan Yeol said in his heart, "how could you?"

"I just haven't found the right girl to be having serious relationship,"  he didn't have to tell about Min Ji, right?  "why are you asking?"

"It's just a weird thing that a good-looking guy, with a very good body too, I might add, and well family background needs a doll to be his partner."  

"Hey! I don't ask for you!"  Chan Yeol yelled. Sulli was smiling, even though her face was still facing the road. Chan Yeol thought again, wait....

"Did you just confess to me that I'm handsome and good-looking?"

"Yes. Why? That is the truth, Park Chan Yeol. You are handsome."  She said it like any usual thing. But unusual for Chan Yeol, because he felt hot, suddenly. He turned his face, so that Sulli, at least, couldn't see his blushing cheeks. 

What the hell has happened to me?


"Okay, thank you."

"No problem,  and sorry for earlier. I shouldn't say those words to you."

"Apology accepted."  Ha Ni smiled to Kai, who returned her with smile too. 

"Bye then." 

"I will pick you up in the evening."

"That's a deal."  They didn't know, that some of Ha Ni's co-workers were talking about the scene.

"That is so not her brother."

"A boyfriend? He looks fine."


"Hey there, Park Chan....Ye...ol...."  Jong Dae's voice became slow because he saw something weird. A girl came out from his friend's car. Not to mention, that is A VERY BEAUTIFUL GIRL!

"What are you doing? I thought you just deliver me here and will pick me up later,"  asked Chan Yeol. Sulli, who suddenly grabbed his hand (and made his heart stopped for a second, again), was smiling to him, "I want to see around. Later I will go back to my agency. My friend need me, but later. I want to meet some of your friends, like that 'looking dumb' guy." 

Ah, Jong Dae.....

"PARK CHAN YEOL! WHAT IS THIS???"  He yelled again, after the 'couple' were near him. 

"This is...she is...."

"Hi! My name is Choi Sulli. I'm Chan Yeol oppa's girlfriend. Nice to meet you."  

"Wait, what? A girlfriend? You! Why don't you tell me anything? I'm your best friend, for God's sake!" he frowned, "and not to mention she is beautiful too."

"Well, things have gotten complicated, you see,"  Chan Yeol was trying to explain with his best lying skill, "so I don't really have time to tell you. I bring her now so that you can meet her."

"Hyung! Hyung! Hyung! Hey! Who is she?"

"You don't have to scream, do you?"  Jong Dae yelled again, but now to Se Hoon who was just screaming near his ear. 

"Sorry. Wow! Talk about a partner here! Who is she?"

"Hello, my name is Choi Sulli. I'm Chan Yeol oppa's girlfriend."  

"Really? Hello, my name is Oh Se Hoon. I'm his junior since high school. And this one is Kim Jong Dae, his best friend from high school too."  Sulli politely bowed to both men. 

"Hey! What's with the crow-- oh hey there! Who are you?"  Joon Myun was in the group now. 

"She is Chan Yeol hyung's girlfriend, hyung."  Joon Myun's eyes were getting bigger because of the shock.

"Wow! That was fast! I thought you haven't moved on Min Ji--"

"Hyung!"  Chan Yeol interrupted, feeling guilty to Sulli, and suddenly realized why he felt guilty to her. She was not even his friend, not even the real girlfriend. 

Sulli, on the other hand, was smiling cutely again, giving a starstruck impression to these guys. 

-I'm definitely better than Chan Yeol....although he is so tall- Jong Dae's thought. 

-She is really a doll. I wonder if...wait, I have seen this kind of doll somewhere, but where?- Se Hoon's thought. 

-This is not fair! I'm older than him and he got the best instead of me!- Joon Myun's thought.

"Min Ji? He has told me. She is his past time now. He has me now."  Sulli, again, grabbed Chan Yeol's arm and put her head at Chan Yeol's shoulder. Since she was 170cm, her head could reach his shoulder. 

Chan Yeol was suddenly nervous. His heart beat in unusual way. 

" are so lucky, Park Chan Yeol!"  Joon Myun shouted,  "and almost forget. My name is Kim Joon Myun. I'm his senior in this campus."

"Now, shall we go? We have a class to go to, Chan Yeol."

"I'll follow you."

"Wait, what?"

"I have said to you. I want to see your life today. I am your girlfriend, I should know your life, right?"  Those three guys were leaving them, unsuspiciously giving the "couple" a time to make a strategy. 

"But, how?"

"I am a doll. I can be everyone here."  She smiled again to him, making his heart beat in unusual way, again, "I'm your shadow today, Park Chan Yeol." 

My body and my heart, please bear for this three months...please, I beg you......


And the real thing that happened was his heart never really in the same way again. For the whole day, until night, Sulli was following him, and for those time, he couldn't think straight at all. 


Not much comedy, right? Just wait for the next chapter. Giving hint: it's hunhan time! also the first appearance of amber and luna! kekekekeke

thank you! XOXO

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I have finished the story. I hope you guys like the ending -rentedgirlfriend-


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LinnJinn #1
Chapter 3: Barbie and Ken?!! haha so epic
Chapter 20: updte soon
Weirxfangirl #3
Chapter 21: Wow it's a great story :D
Chapter 13: Technically marrying or having a realtionship with your cousin is not immoral nor forbidden , yes you do share the same bloodline so you are relatives but to be siblings (which having a realitonship with your sibling as man and woman is immoral and its called ) you have to share a mother or a father and about being same rules applies to your mother's or father's siblings since they also share the same blood with you
Well I just had to write it down so no hard feelings okay ^_^
Chapter 20: so sweet <3
korinna26 #6
Chapter 20: Ur story is cute... But I"m kinda confused in the end
HappinesssDelight #7
Chapter 8: Cuteeee :))
evaheru #8
Chapter 20: Nice story.. finally happy ending for all.. thank you for the story