Love for the Undead

Love for the Undead

"please remain your seated, and fasten your seatbelt" said the tour guide with trembling voice

We sit back on our seat hurriedly and fasten our seat belt

I was on my summer vacation with my friends. We decide to have a holiday to an island near jeju, because it is cheaper. But in the middle of our way suddenly a thick fog came toward us and covered our ship. Captain told us it was really dangerous since we can't see clearly. Now we just seated anxious and hope for the best.

Suddenly our ship shaken to the left and right. The tense start to grew in the room. Everyone started to loosing control and cried. Then a loud bump noise was heard, the last thing i know, our ship hit a big rock. Some of us started to lose their conscious, the other was threwing up, and there was me. Sat there silently with my eyes closed. That was my first time talked to him. Talked to someone that never crossed my mind before. I was talking to god for the first time, hoping that i can still met my parents and at least said my apologize for them. Then our ship were flies and landed hardly on the land and everything is out. That was everything i can remember.

Vaguely, I heard the sound of rustling sand. I tried to open my eyes. My knee feel so poignant. I groaned a bit. I saw some of the passanger were cheering and looking for their friends. I smilled bitterly sawing my closest friends was sitting there cheering for herself without even care if i was there or not. I tried to sit and check my wound. My arms was full of wound, and my knee was bleeding. The sea's water make it feel like hell. I stood up and approach the tour guide girl. "are you okay?" she was sitting there stare at the beach blankly. I waved my hands in front of her she looked like scared a bit, then she looked at me with a shocked face.

"are you okay?" i repeat my question, worried a bit. she shook her head "i'm okay" and smiled to me. i sighed in relieve. i asked her "where's the captain?" i sat beside her while keeping my eyes on her. she kinda look lost in her mind, but she manage to answer my question "he's gone. Searching for some help" i nodded and we just sat there in the silent.

not long after that captain came with some unfamiliar faces behind him and said "everyone, please follow this man. they will lead us to the nearest village and we have to spent our vacation time here, since our ship was wrecked. But please, don't worry, i promised you this island is beyond your imagination" captain smiled, looking releaved and let us follow him while he checked and repaired his ship with his crew including the tour guide. i waved at her before i left and smiled. she smiled back at me and bowed.

in our way some people passed us and greet us warmthly. this village must be as good as the captain had said, or so i thought. Then one man passed us with his bycicle with a lot of groceries on his basket. and fell. we looked back, and some of us just keep walking, while the other was thingking about helping him but do nothing. I immediately helped him collect the groceries. he looked up at me and smilled. i was shocked by his handsome yet cute face, but i still replied his smile and keep helping him collect the groceries. when the other sees his face they hurriedly fight with the other to help him. i chuckled a bit looking at their behaviour.

"why?" he asked. i looked at him "no, nothing" but smile still rose at my face. then suddenly the other girl pushed me to the side and hurriedly helping him. I rolled my eyes in disgust while trying to get up, but failed. everyone was busy helping the cute guy, even those two. i just keep tried to get up but keep failing because of the girl keeps pushing me to the side, then i realize the guy whose taking all the girl's attention was giving me his hand. i refused it  at first and tried to get up with my own feet, but i almost fall again when he immediately grab my waist. My heart was skipped for a moment, "thankyou" i said while blushing. He smiled at me.

"ah! jinki-ya! you're here. please guide them to the village. i have to help the captain to repair their ship" said one of the man who lead us all this time. then the guy who just helped me shouted back at him "eo, leave it to me" he smilled. so his name is jinki i mumbled. and he walked passed me and whispered "yeah, my name is lee jinki" he said as he walk past me while still smilling. i widened my eyes. then he pulled my hand to walk beside him. i was a little bit confused at that time, but i think it's just a tour walk. maybe this village has different in understanding a manner, but i can't stop my heart from beating too fast. the other girls was glaring at me, but i wasn't disturbed by it at all, actually i don't mind if i had to receive the hate for that single moment.

it was a really beautiful village. the beach was right in front of the houses, with it's white sand and the clear blue sea, while the village was full of friendly people. Jinki showed us a lot of traditional game there, and their tradition. they made their food with themselves. start from butter, milk, untill their way of cooking, still using the traditional way. but i promise, the taste is unbelievable.

after he showed us the village, we were sent to the inn. "and for all of you, today we have a moonlight festival. you guys can join us right in front of you, right on that side of the beach. there we will held a big festival. please dressed nicely, and please join us" he said and bowed. We rushed to the inn and put our luggage to our room. i was in the same room with my two friends. cho seul mi and jang ahn mi. we got the second floor, the two was laughing and taking some selcas, ignoring me. I didn't expect much from them, since it was always like this. I decided to pack my things and go downstairs.

i met jinki on the staircase. i bowed to him and smiled a little while cointinue my way go downstairs. Suddenly he grabbed my hands "where are you going?" he asked.

" I just need some fresh air " i said pointing outside.

he smilled "i'll company you" and dragged me outside.

I was wondering why did he is so kind to me, while he almost doesn't seems care with the other girls. he dragged me to the forest. i refused him at first, because there's noone there, and i was affraid he will do something to me. but he smilled and said "i'll show you something. i won't do anything bad to you. i promised" i was hesitated for a while, but followed him to the wood afterall.

he keep dragging me into the forest, i was scared yet curious to find out what was he gonna showed me. then we stopped in front of a waterfall. it was really beautifull and i was stunned by it's view. he dragged me to the side of the jump point.

"don't ever think we will jump from this" i shook my head slowly.

"yes we will" he smilled while he lifted me and jumped. i screamed at the top of my lungs while he was laughing as hard as he can untill our feet reach the surface. The view from under the water was spectacular. i hugged him tighter as we reached the bottom of the river. i looked at him. he was starring at me with a beautiful smile plastered in his face. the light shone on him through the water surface, made his face was even more gorgeous. i was stunned by his face and can't take away my view from his face. he did too. we both looked at each other for a moment. after a while we were taken aback and swam to the surface.

we both coughed and gasping for air, but laughed for most when we reached the surface. We swam to the shallow part of the river. my clothes was wet and he back hugged me all the way to town to covered me. my heart was beating uncontrollably at that time till i thought he might hear my heartbeat. but i can feel his heartbeat too. beating as fast as mine. my mind was fulled of happy thought at the time. he covered me untill we reached the room. sseul and jang mi weren't there. Walking around i guess.

"where are they?" jinki asked. I shrugged my shoulder "walkin around maybe?" i said as i take my clothes from the suitcase. I checked my phone. It has two message. One from them and one from mom. I open mom's message first and replied "i've arrived safetly" and sent it without informing her i'm not really arrived that safetly. But she will worried if i told her the truth, so i just said that. I checked their message. It says that they were out for a min. Walking around. Just what i thought. I smilled to myself. "why are you smilling out of the blue?" he asked and come nearer. "nothing" i said smilling. He took my phone and read it. I must admit he was alittle bit too dictator. I pouted. 

"w-what?" he asked bluntly. I rolled my eyes. "it's okay. Just forget it" i went to the bathroom. Put my stuff, my clothes, etc. And about to told jinki to leave to his room if he want to, but he just disappear when i look at the room. I searched for him for a while, but he's gone. Like all gone. I scoffed, and left the room to the bathroom and took a bath.

I feel so freshed now. I dried my hair with hair dryer and Comb it. "we're back" suddenly i heard sseul's voice. I shouted back "welcome back" i walked to the bedroom "where have you gone?" jang mi asked. I laid my body on the bed "strolling with jinki" i said shortly. They widened their eyes in eagerness "so how was it?" they asked in unison. I laughed at them "how was, what?" i asked back, playing it cool. Jang mi hit my shoulder softly "you know what we were mean don't you?" i smilled "he is so sweet, yet so cut and playfull. But there's something wrong about this village. I saw somethings strange in the wood" i said. "what do you mean?" sseul asked, frowned. I Shrugged "gotta find out. Wanna come?" i asked before left. "no, thanks. i need more sleep" jang mi said, while sseul was busy with her phone so i left them.

I started to find for some clues by asking children around the village, since they all still innocence. There i found out, that the fact that this place is hotter than anyplace in korea but they didn't sweat at all. I never saw if they ever drink. They didn't do hardworks, they almost do everything in their houses. Some of them were playing outside but noone of them who worked. Curious start grew bigger and bigger in my mind. I want to explore the woods but it's getting darker, so i guess i have to go back to the inn and get ready for the festival.

I met sseul and jang mi near the inn. They were wearing yukata (japanese traditional dress). "where did you get this?" i asked, pointed at their yukata. They looked up on me and said " the inn's owner gave us. You should get yours too" they said and show me the way to her room. I asked them to go first, because i think it will take some time to wear those dress.

I found jinki leaning to the wall, holding my phone. I called him, but he was too busy with my phone. Wait. He was taking my phone? Since when? I mean.. He didn't asked me at all. That bossy guy. I walked past him, we ignored each other. I need to talk to him after i change my clothes. I followed the instruction to the inn's owner, but i was confused it with the room next to it.

"excuse me" i said as i enter the room. It was empty. I guess the owner has left. I sighed and about to leave the room when suddenly a hand grabbed my hand. It was belong to a beautifull lady. I bowed in Respect. "what are you doing here?" she asked. "i want to change my clothes to yukata, my friends told me the inn's owner will give me the yukata" i said. "you were on the wrong room dear. But i have this kimono for you" she said as she went to her room and opened her drawer. "I'm okay! I'll find her room nowm don't worry" i said, didn't want to bother her. She's back with a beautifull smile in her face "it's okay. I've expecting this" she said and help me to dressed up. "expecting me?" i frowned. "believe or not, i'm a fortune-teller" i widened my eyes. Seriously? "I knew you were thinking that this village was strange. Right?" i was suprised that she knew it, but keep nodding at her. "you want to hear something?" she asked. Still helping me dressed up, i nodded eagerly.

"so i will tell you this, it's up to you if you want to believe me or not, but you should keep this as secret. Promise?" she stopped for a while and look at me. I nodded "promise". She continued "so you were just getting a time jump when you passed the thick fog that night" i widened my eyes "i know it seems nonsense. But there's something more than that". She said. I gulped, i got a goosebump for a second. "everyone in this village wasn't a human". I gasped "what?" i shouted. "sshhtt.." she closed my mouth. "don't Let them know that you know this". She said almost whispered to me. I calmed down "so, you were a ghost too?" i asked, a bit scared. "no. As you know, i'm a fortune-teller. And some of the villagers here are not a ghost. Some of them are a witch, fortune-teller like me, or an undead" i stunned for a while. This can't be good. My mind was mixed with everything. So.. Jinki is not a human too? "done" she smilled but i'm a bit too confused that i didn't notice she was doing my hair too. She gave me a mirror, and it was perfectly done. I thanked her, but,my mind still fulled with the thought of this village. I was affraid that we won't get home safetly. "don't worry, even if we are not a human, we will let you all go. We just need your spirits for us to live. It won't hurt you, maybe just an headache, but you will be okay. Now you have to go, or they will distrust you. Just make sure you don't said it" she pat my shoulder before i left. "thankyou so much" i hugged her before i went. "you're welcome dear" she replied.

I walked to the enterance, then i saw a tall figure on the staircase. I walked back to the stair. It's jinki. He was wearing a long-red yukata with his black long haired. Strange. I clearly remember his hair was brown like hazelnut and it short. He looks really different with that hair. And something crossed my mind. What kind of ghost he is. Suddenly he come closer and put his face infront of me. I was a little bit suprised but try to act calm. "ah, you were here" he said innocently. Did he recognize his hair was changed? "w-what are you doing here? I thought i saw you in the crowd to the beach" i walk closer. He suddenly touched my hair which making my heart exploded. "i recognize you weren't there, so i go back to here to find you" he said, still staring at me deeply. He tuck my hair. I blushed hardly. "you were so beautifull tonight. Who helped you wearing this?" he asked touched my cheek with the back of his hand, i melted. "the beautifull lady on the first floor" i said startled. He held my neck and drawing me nearer to his side. I was shocked. He was going to kiss me, but i'm not ready yet. I pushed him away.

He looks so confused, i can't face him right now. I ran away from him. But he held my wrist.

"why? I thouht you like me too" he pulled my wrist and made me face him

I have no choice except facing him. "i'm not ready. We just met today. it's my first" i said a little bit mad after thinking about his bossy attitude.

"that doesn't matter right?" he frowned.

"this is my first time too. I never felt this before. You just caught my attention the first time we met at the road". He hugged me, but still leaving a gape for us to face each other

I blushed madly "b-but this is too fast" i pushed his body, but he didn't let me broke the hug

"you don't have enough time. Don't you?" he asked softly, knowing he was a bit too fast

I think for a while. He was true. but still, i'm not ready for it.

"so let's stay in here with me" i looked at his face, suprised. He was serious. My mind was mixed. This is my first time falling for a guy. And for a second i forgot about the fact that he wasn't a human. no. I don't care anymore if he was a human or not, i can't stop the feelings at the moment. Untill i heard my phone beaping.

"is that my phone?" i asked. He was a bit nervous and tried to change the topic "let's go to the festival" and dragged me by pulling my hand. But i pulled my hand harder. "no. Give me my phone" i said angrily. I've had enough with his dictator side. He sighed and give me the phone. I checked it. And it was the moment i regret letting him to touch my phone.

He was literally sending a goodbye message to everyone in my phone including my parents. He even said to my boss that i will quit my job. And he really done that. My boss have said okay with a lot of disappointment. Even my mom hoping my life in here will get better. 

"what are you doing lee jin ki?!" i yelled at him. He scratched the back of his neck "i really want you to stay with me" he held my hands, but i was too angry at that time. "you should think about me in the first place! You always only think about yourself" tears was formed, and ready to fall. He got panicked "i'm sorry, but i really can't lose you. You're the one who making me feel this alive since i lived in this world" i felt that he always said that sweet word to calmed me. But not this time. I yelled before i realize. and i was really regret those word. "you can't buy me with your sweet mouth. You don't even alive!".  suddenly the sound from the beach turned off after i yelled. "" he blurted. I was confused at first and got thrilled when i realize my words. "it's okay. You'll be save with me" he said and hugged me. And everything became blurred.

i was sleeping on my bed with someone beside me. 'that's just a dream?' i thought and open my eyes. it was jinki who laid beside me. i widened my eyes and hurriedly get out of the bed. "what do you think you were doing?!" i checked my clothes. i was still wearing kimono. "don't worry. i promised you, i won't doing anything bad to you". he said and pulled me to the bed again. i sat on the bed and tried to memorize about what happened just then. "where's the other? why i'm in your room?" i asked. he hugged me from the back "i made you sleep for a while so you'd be safe. the other were still unconscious in the guest room". he said while my hair. i jumped back a little. i finally remember about what happen. i sighed

"jinki, can't you help us leave this village?" i hold his hand. he shook his head "sorry i couldn't. but you'll be okay here. i swear" he kissed my forehead. "stop it". i said. almost shouted. he stunned in his place. "i told you i can't stay in here" i said as i walk to the door. jinki suddenly was in front of me laid his back on the door. "not only you. all of your friends can't go home too. you'll be safe here with me, but your friends" he stopped and shook his head. "what do you mean?" my body start to trembled. "we eat from human's spirit. without spirit human will die. nonetheless every human will die in the end. you don't have to worried about them. you don't really care about your friends too aren't you?" he said my face. tears started to fall. he was a little bit shocked but he pretend not to. "so you were saying that i'm the one who make them die?" i can't stop my tears from falling. he look worried and he wanted to shed my tears but i shove his hand.

a knock was heard. jinki asked me to wait and he walked outside, talking to someone behind that door. i tried to eavesdropping them. no wonder why he was so dictator and bossy. I think he is some kind of their boss or their master. idk. but it's clearly seen that he was somehow an important person there. he went back to the room. "sorry for making..." i cut him "can't you just keep me and let my friends free?" i pleased. "sorry i can't do anything about that. and why'd you should care about them?" he frowned. "of course i care!" i shouted. "You were judging me because of something you've seen. we are more than that. i might not seems like i was care enough. but i'm actually more than that" i grabbed his collar "please. i know you can do something" tears started to fall again. he was confused for a while but he was still on his choice. "sorry, i can't let you go" he shed my tears and went outside.

He locked the door.

I sighed.

I can't just give up on this. I shed my own tears and started to find the way out. I examine the room. It only has one window thats big enough for me to pass it but i was on the 3rd floor. i open it and walked on the little path that stick to the wall. it was dangerous. but i have to leave this inn with my friends. i seek every window to find the guest room. finally i got it. i saw all of them was still sleeping, they are looks so weak. i knocked the window. i saw my guys friends were awake. i kept on knocking their window. finally one of the boy notice me and open it for me.

i checked the door. it was locked too. i took a quick option in my head "we must get out from this village. you, wake the other. and you accompany me to the key room" i pointed at the guys and we headed to the window and started to moor to the wall and seek every room.we finally arrived at the key's room. we found our key and we're now heading back to the guest room. the inn was so quiet. but there's some of them patroling. i took a risk. i told him to go back to the guest room and brought them to the beach, and i'll find a ship for us to leave this village.

i ran to the beach where we left the ship. but then i saw the captain and the tour guide was having a heavy conversation, i eavesdropped behind a rock near them. "i feel sorry for them" the tour guide said looked down. "this is why we are here. we are the only one ghost in here who can left this village. especially when the full moon was here" i gasped. so we are meant to be here from the start. unwittingly i step on a branch which make them notice that i was hidding behind the rock. "who's there?!" captain yelled. i gulped. suddenly a hand held me on the back and covered my mouth. "it's me. don't worry. i was patrolling" it was jinki. "okay then. i think we should leave now or you guys will confused me with our guest" said captain and left with the tour guide girl. he let the grip of his hand. i thanked him unwilling. thinking he will locked me in that room again.

"this way" he ordered me. i sighed, but followed his order. he lead me to the beach. i was suprised by his destination where he asked me to go. it was a ship. and it can sail. i look at him. he smiled "i've changed my mind. we shouldn't be together" he sighed "as you know. i'm not a human too. i'm an undead. i don't eat, i don't drink, i can't stand with the sun lights in odd moments, i don't even have a heart. i believe you can stand with that. but i do eat human spirits too. i'm affraid you'll lost all of your spirits and gone" he my head gently. "but..." i stopped my word as the other came. they were having a severe headache that some of them should be helped to get walk. "we should leaving now" said the guy who accompany me to the key's room

we were in our way to lead everyone to the ship when i remember something. I pat jinki's shoulder

"jinki. listen. i thought you are not an undead. you remember this afternoon you were hugged back me to covered me? i was preeety close to you at that time and i'm sure i can felt your heartbeat" i said.

he chuckled bitterly "you must heard your own heartbeat"

"no! i knew it wasn't mine! and i'm not having a headache at all".

He was confused but i can bet he still didn't believe me.

"hurry! they're coming!!" one of my friends shouted.

"jinki, please come with us!" i held his hands but he won't move an inch.

"hurry!" they shouted. i can see the torch's light from the distance

"i can't. we were living in the different world". he hugged me for the last time. i was tearing at the moment.

"can you tell me your name?" he asked. i was decided not to mention my real name at first but i think i'll change my mind for this time.

"lee eun hye" i said. i break the hug and said "i think this is our last time" i forced a smile in my face. he move closer. i closed my eyes. he lean his lips on mine. in a moment we were embracing the closeness we felt, but we both broke the kiss and waved.

We sailed to the ocean. past the thick fog and suddenly we're already on the sun's light. everyone was still sleeping. and it'll be just a dream for them. but not for me. i still can remembered all of it clearly. the last kiss he gave me, i can still felt the warmth. my heart was beating so fast and loud. i really hope that somedays we will met again.

-4 years after that-

it was 5 in the morning and someone was knocking at my door. i open the door unwittingly. i saw a tall figure man in front of my door. the light is too dark for me to get to see his face clearly. i squint my eyes "excuse me. is there something i can help?" i asked still can't get to see his face. but i can see his short-black haired. he smiled. "did you miss me?" i frowned. i know his voice so well. the voice that haunt me every night in my dream. finally i got to see his face. it's definetly the man who i've been waiting for my life for this years. it was jinki. i hugged him in reflex

"please come in" i asked him to get in to the house and served him drink. "so how did you get here?" i asked. he smiled with his everlasting smile "after we kissed, i can feel my own hearbeat. after your left, i can feel there's something hurt in here" he pointed at his heart. and he continued "i started to eat, and drink, and i started to feel strange about myself. i realize that i was the strongest in that village because i have something that have a positive energy".

"Finally my mom told the truth" he gulped the water i gave "she said that she was actually a human. but she married my father who is an undead. so i was born half undead half human. mom said that if my heart was by some accident. i will change into a human right at that time" i nodded.

"how did you get my address?" i asked, a bit curious. "i asked my mother" he grinned. i frowned. "i thought you guys have met" he tilt his head. i tried to remember but i don't have any clue. "my mom is a fortune-teller, that's why i can read people's heart" he said while my cheek with the back of his hand. i really like it, when he me using his hands. "you like it don't you?" he smiled. i nodded shyly.

"i've lived so long before i met you. i've met so many woman. i have listen to their hearts too and sometimes i really hope i can't read their mind. some of them were really catch my eyes but their heart was so sly. some of them was just don't suit me. but you" he stopped for a while and smile softly "you were so different. your heart was so clean. so bright" my face was getting redder by the time he told me.

he bend on his knee and held my hand. "so I ask you to pass through life at my side—to be my half, and best earthly companion.” he  pulled out a ring on his hands. i gasped and my eyes was already teary. "yes" i cried in happiness and he hold me in his arms. forever.

That's it!!

please comment below. anything accepted ^^

i will reply it! and i actually saw onew with his long-black hair (in my dream /sigh/). and he was so handsome *0*

he is handsome. kekekeke...

thanks for reading!! XD

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