

Fallacious [adj] - Containing or based on an unsound argument.


I saw her. 


It's the 4th time in the day.

She looks so happy.



Without me.



I never regret having you in my life. 

I am happy being with you.

I miss your smile.

Your voice.


Everything about you.

Even though our world,

Fell Apart.

I will still wait you under that cherry blossom tree.

Even if you moved on,

I will still wait.

Even if it took forever.

Call me stupid, 

Call me ignorant.

But what can I do?

My heart only belongs to you.



You and I are not meant to be.

I don't believe in forever anymore.

Maybe before,

When I was so into you.

But time flies,

And feelings changed.

I could no longer wait for you.

I've had enough waiting.

So I let go.

What can I do?

My heart keeps breaking,

Because of you.



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