1st Day Part 2

A Timeless Love

Hwa Young felt very awkward as she went down the car, almost every student are outside the school anticipating the arrival of the most powerful man's daughter. They stared at her as she walked down the aisle they've formed. Hwa Young tried her best to hide her blush of embarassment. Why does her father have to be so overreacting in such small things?


The students, on the other hand, have to admit that she is a very beautiful girl but only one question rose their curiosity. What is her dominion?


Hwa Young stopped short at the main doors of the school for she saw Suho and the others. She smiled cause finally she has seen a familar face. She looked at Suho who greeted her a good morning. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo said the same. It was at Kai that the greeting got different...


Right in front of her Kai just ... vanished! She looked around and was surprise to find him just beside her. Why didn't she remember that his dominion is teleportation? She let out a startled yelp, which Kai laughed at. He smiled at her and said, "Sorry if I was kinda asleep at your party. Anyway, I'm Kai it's really a pleasure to know you." he said with a charming smile.


Hwa Young was speechless, could there be someone much more beautiful than this god in front of her? But soon she was proven wrong...


She felt a quite strong familiar breeze, she closed her eyes to block the sand that was about to enter her eyes. When she opened them she saw a new boy standing beside Baekhyun. "Finally! You know what it's kinda ironic that even though you have dominion over the wind you're the slowest among us." said Beakhyun with a roll of his eyes.


"I am not slow, hyung! It's just that... I fell asleep." admitted the whining maknae. Kyungsoo laughed and patted their maknae in the shoulder, he wanted to do that at the maknae's head but Sehun is quite tall.


"Anyway, you should introduce yourself to the president's daughter." Kyungsoo said and pointed at Hwa YOung who is marvelling at the exotic beauty of the maknae.


Sehun turned around to face the girl Kyungsoo is pointing at. His eyes widen... His heart stopped beating... "Your Mr. Im's daughter?" he soon managed to ask.


Hwa Young nodded. Even though she feel a bit awkward at the intense stare the boy was giving her she managed to smile and say, "I assume you must be Mr. Oh Sehun. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."


Oh Sehun. Wow, he can't remember any time his name felt like melody to his ears. He smiled widely, to the confusion of Hwa Young and the others. At this rate he won't have to try very hard to express his feelings. But there's one problem, he is not teh type of guy to be sweet. People actually see him as a conceited brat so how will he express his feelings?




Hwa young never felt so nervous in her entire existence. She was standing in front of the whole class of students all staring eagerly at her as if she's a circus attraction. But what made her nervous is when the old woman, presumably their teacher said, "Okay, you can ask Ms. Im any questions provided they are all proper questions."


"How old are you?" a random student asked. Hwa Young smiled at the easy question and said, "16."


"What is your favorite past time?" Suho asked really curious.


Hwa Young smiled, crossing her fingers hoping that all questions would just be like this. "Reading."


"Does that mean you're a great writer?" Suho leaned in curiousity glinting in his eyes. Hwa Young immediately shook her head, "No! I never tried writing, just reading. I rather play the violin."


"Cool." Chanyeol said with a grin. 


Hwa Young smiled back she started to feel comfortanle cause the 6 boys never let her feel awkward, but of course that bubble bursted soon. "What's your dominion?"


Hwa Young's face paled. Here is the question that she absolutely has no idea how to answer. She took a deep breath and said, "I actually have no idea." her face turned red when everybody started laughing.


"Spoiled rich brat." "Bet she doesn't even have supernatural powers." "Such a load of pony." she heard the whispers rise.


Tears start to form at her eyes but it soon stopped cause every laughter in the room stopped to. Everyone except the teacher, Hwa Young and Exo K, seems to be holding their breaths. Sehun who is sitted at the very back stood up and faced the now silent class. The teacher just stared at him with a bored look. "Don't you ever laugh at her! The president isn't stupid to let her in this school if she doesn't have a dominion. So do you all understand me and promise to respect her." Sehun said with such authority in his voice.


They nodded. Sehun didn't immediately released his hold at them but when Suho gave him a meaningful look he clenched his fist one last time and with a snap of his fingers the room was filled with the gasps of many students trying their best to catch their breaths.


Hwa Young stared at the beautiful boy who gracefully made his was back at his seat. She can't help but smile after realizing he has just defended her.


The old teacher finally stood up and said to the class who is now really quiet, "Well, this is surely an interesting morning... Ms. Im please sit beside Mr. Oh we will now start our classes."

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Chapter 4: update soon!
hi there ^o^
do you need a poster? well......we just opened this shop, why don't you request one from us? o//