Chanyeol and you [1]

Day Dreams

You have just ended work, happened to pass by a dark alley from a street away from your house.

Suddenly you saw a tall figure, with bouncy curls of his hair, moving according to the beat of music approaching you.

You think… it shouldn’t be a molester or a thief right?

You froze on the spot and start to clutch your handbag tight. You take out your phone and dialed your boyfriend’s number.

“CHANCHAN!!!! Where are you! I thought you are supposed to wait for me near my house to walk me home?! I think that there is a molester walking towards me…”

“WHAT WHAT! WHERE!?” The dark figure stopped and stooped low and ducked left and right, as he closes in to the streetlight then you saw his face.

“WHAT THE!!?? #*&^$#*&%$#@% CHANCHAN! You gave me a fright of my life! >:C”

“HUH?! You thought I am a molester?”

“DUH-uh! What with the hair? Did the hair dresser give you an afro bomb today?”

“Dearie!!!! Stop saying that. I am sad enough… I just wanted a little curling to be done. And they just curled my whole head instead. To my hair ROOTS! THAT ahjumaaaaaa T_T WAHHHHHHHHHH”


You can’t help it but to give him a hug but your hands lingered to his head to fluff his hair. XD So fluffy! So soft! So cute on ChanChan!

“Awwww, I have a straightening iron at home. I can straighten your hair back ok sweetie pie? Although I hope you can have that fluffy hair of yours for today, your cuteness is creeping into me already.”

“Really!? You are starting to like it? OK! Only for tonight ok! Tomorrow straighten ‘em for me dearie. ^_^”

You hook your arm around his and skipped back to your house.

The night went by as you slept in your room while ChanChan hogged the sofa in the living room. Most of the time with his legs dangling as he is just too LONG.


Morning came! Smell of toast, coffee, sizzling of sunny side ups lured you out of your bed. It’s like your instant morning call each morning with ChanChan.

“Morning dearie!” He came to give you a peck on the cheek while holding a frying pan and your flowery girly apron on him.

“Awww  Morning my happy virus! Your hair is back to normal! And I told you before not to wear my apron! You are stretching it! T_T”

“Heex, ok ok. We will go shopping later alright? Don’t be sad my dearie, my heart will stop beating if you are like this.” He pretends to faint.

“Hahax! Awww. Okies! Morning huggies! Huggies dry comfort!”

Morning hugs are the best. It seems like ChanChan bathed and used your straightener to return his hair back to shape already.


Now after breakfast, its couple shopping time!

At the supermarket, both of you pushing trollies, stopping by time to time and tried some samples from the ahjumas, feeding one another, getting the groceries done.

“Try some more! Awww both of you are newlyweds? You look so sweet together ^^”

“Aigoo~ Ahjuma, not yet not yet.” You embarrassly wave away the comment.

“Soon! Maybe?” ChanChan *wriggle eyebrows*


“OH! Apron!” ChanChan spotted it

“Oooo~ this one will fit you!”

You got an apron that is black and chic, just like those barista kind.

“Its my MANpron now! MUAhaha. Am I charming in it?”

“Yup! VERY.” And you tiptoed to give a light kiss on his lips.

The shopping cart is getting full! With yogurt drinks, fruits, vegetables, snacks, seaweed packs, ramyeon, shampoo, bags from the yummy food sampling and more…

So both of you proceed to payment, ChanChan paid and carried the boxes of groceries all the way to his car. Both of you went home to stock up the items in the fridge and prepared yourselves to visit ChanChan’s mummy.

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Chapter 6: These are so cute author-nimmie~~ I feels so refreshed and light after reading this >< keep up the good work, FIGHTING~!