Anterograde Tomorrow

Time-Stopping Recommendation Shop

Congratulations to changdictator, the author of Anterograde Tomorrow, for being entered into my Recommendation Shop~


Read the story here.

Chapters: 3 (not including prologue)

Review posted November 23rd, 2013.


This was the first fanfic I've ever re-read. Twice. Like the last fic I recommended, I read it in July. Also like the last fic, it still has a large impact on me. Although Nightmare made me scared for my life when I read it at 3 AM, Anterograde Tomorrow left me crying into my pillow at 3 AM. I cried every time I read it, and I get an overwhelming amount of sadness every time there are quotes or Anterograde Tomorrow-related photos on tumblr or facebook. Although most of you have read it, you should go and read it if you haven't. Seriously. Now. And those of you that did read it should go re-read it.

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