

Kyungsoo likes everything to be in a certain order.

He wouldn't go so far to call it an obsession, but that's what his therapist tells him.

That he's obsessed, that is.

But Kyungsoo just laughs and pretends to agree with the therapist because he had learned that he can only leave the office after he admitted that he did, in fact, have a problem.

Kyungsoo doesn't actually think so.

He just likes order.

He's a man of order.

He is a man of order.

Even numbers only; no odd numbers.

Kyungsoo gets up at 6:00 every day, on the dot. If he doesn't get up at 6:00, he has to wait until 6:05 or 6:10.

Time is different. Only go by fives for time.

Get up.

Blink twice. Kyungsoo makes sure that his eyes closed at the same time.

Close the curtains to keep out the sunlight. Right curtain first, then the left curtain.

Eat breakfast.

Get ready.

Lock the door.


Kyungsoo's days went in an orderly fashion, just like clockwork. 

His days followed a specific pattern, and that pattern only.

It made Kyungsoo feel sick when something didn't happen right.

Just like the day he met Jongin.


He had woken up at 6:11 one day because his alarm clock had failed to wake him up.

He waited until 6:20 because he missed 6:15 by blinking.

He had to blink another time after that.

Kyungsoo's day wasn't off to the best start.

He was running late for the first time, and he didn't want to upset his boss.

But he had to get his coffee, a grande brewed coffee from Starbucks.

The old barista, Minseok, wasn't there anymore.

The new barista wouldn't hurry up, and Kyungsoo banged his hand lightly on the counter twice.

"I need my order now." He called out.

He frowned and yelled it again. "I need my order NOW."

The barista crinkled his nose.

"A please would be nice."

"Please. I need my order, please."

The barista (as Kyungsoo took a closer look at his name tag, discovered his name was Jongin) shook his head and handed the drink over the counter as quickly as he could.

Some of the steaming drink sloshed over the side and landed on Kyungsoo's hand.

Kyungsoo let out a strained whimper and Jongin apologized.

He handed Kyungsoo a napkin.

"Can I have another napkin?" Kyungsoo inquired.

Jongin handed over another napkin.

"The napkin is folded weirdly. It's not symmetrical. Can I get another one?"

Jongin stared at him strangely, but handed another one over.

Kyungsoo threw the disformed napkin into the trash and carefully wiped his hands with the two napkins.

Jongin's eyes lit up.

"You must be that Kyungsoo!" He crowed.

Kyungsoo's eyes widened. 

"How do you know my name?"

"Minseok told me about you. He had to be somewhere else today, so I took over his shift. He said that someone named Kyungsoo came by every morning and always needed two napkins. That's you, right? Do you have OCD?"

Kyungsoo sighed in frustration. "I like order. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to work."

As he rushed out, Jongin stared after him with an amused smile playing at his lips.

The next morning, Jongin was there again.

Jongin took Kyungsoo's order, and when he was done making it, he handed over two napkins with a grin on his face.

Kyungsoo scowled and walked out.

The morning after that, Minseok had still not returned and Jongin stood there with a huge smile.

Kyungsoo cried,"What is Minseok doing that requires him to be gone for three days?"

Jongin smirked. "We traded shifts."

Kyungsoo cursed twice and hurried out with his drink.

After a couple of weeks of this pattern, Kyungsoo grew to look forward to these morning encounters.

Not that he would admit it.

One day, Kyungsoo blurted out,"Go out with me?"

He grew increasingly nervous from the lack of an answer and said it twice more.

And once more.

Jongin nodded.

"Sure. Why not?"

Kyungsoo was happy.

He relaxed a little.

He didn't have to make everything perfect when he had the embodiment of perfect next to him.

Jongin always called to say good morning twice.

Jongin always made him coffee in the morning.

Kyungsoo always asked him for two napkins.

Jongin unplugged Kyungsoo's alarm clock after he spent the first night at his house when it woke him up at 6:00 on the dot.

"The time is now." Jongin explained while "gently patting" Kyungsoo's alarm clock.

He hugged Kyungsoo's tiny frame to him and they went back to sleep.

Later that day, Jongin ran face first into Kyungsoo's locked door.

Everything was in order, but at the same time, it wasn't.

After a while, Jongin began acting differently.

When Kyungsoo asked him for the two napkins, Jongin silently shoved one at him instead of teasing him lightly.

When Kyungsoo asked Jongin to close the curtains from right to left, Jongin looked at him and closed the curtains from left to right.

Kyungsoo had to get up and close them again. Twice.

When Kyungsoo asked him why he was being like this, Jongin simply answered,"I don't have time to put up with your antics. This was a mistake."

He left through Kyungsoo's front door and didn't come back.

The next morning, Minseok was whistling as he cleaned out a filter.

Kyungsoo saw Jongin hanging around someone else in town.

Kyungsoo glared at the boy with a sullen looking face.

It bothered Kyungsoo.

It wasn't perfect.

If it was perfect, Jongin's new boyfriend should have given Jongin two kisses.

If it was perfect, Jongin's new boyfriend would have brushed off that one hair that lingered on Jongin's face.

If it was perfect, Jongin's new boyfriend would have laughed for five seconds after Jongin's crappy joke, and not just three.

If it was perfect, Jongin would have been with Kyungsoo, and not that other boy.

If it was perfect....



Kyungsoo stays in bed the next day.

His alarm clock remains in the corner where Jongin had chucked it.

Kyungsoo thinks about how Jongin would have called him good morning twice.

There's no call.

The curtains stay open,


and his eyes stay shut.






A/N: unedited atm

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Chapter 1: What the actual ???

But TBH it's realistic
doksoo1201 #2
Chapter 1: I never expect thisㅠㅠ Thank you so much for writing this ^^
exochill36 #3
Chapter 1: well damn
SeHunHanLu #4
Chapter 1: That just messed me up!
Chapter 1: His eyes remain shut? Does tht mean hes gone?
happyllama #6
Chapter 1: Woah... That was sadder than expected jongin you :((( it was extremely well writtened and despite it's relatively shorter length it was pretty seamless. thank you so much for this wonderful piece and I really liked it!!
sepidehjb #7
Chapter 1: Sooooo saaaad
CrossingTheBoundary #8
Chapter 1: short but kfiffsmajha idk how my heart is hurting this bad
Trigger warning. If you're going to read this and you actually have mental health issues, please be careful. It's very good but just be safe and know your limits. If you need someone to talk to just send me a message.
Hi author-nim! I just discovered this fic today haha We really need more stories like this. So short, so simple, so beautiful. It's surprising to me how not many ppl know of this fanfic. It's so underrated, I swear. Great job author-nim! <333333 :')