You are the Sunshine of My Life


Because Kyuhyun loves Stevie Wonder and I love this song

10,070 words -- the longest fiction I've ever written so far

This is to celebrate 1013 -- the WonKyu Day

Photo: credit to the owner of the picture

Beta-ed by Freakadellic (in between her deadlines to finish Drabble to 1013). Thanks a bunch!



When love fades away. When someone shows up in your life. When you decide to look for your own happiness.




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Chapter 1: Wow so beautiful ? ❤️ ?
Chapter 1: sooo good. wonkyu love each other forever and ever.
Chapter 1: why didn't you make zhoumi suffer much much more...
Chapter 1: I'm sooo surprise that kyuni manage to stay in such a horrible relationship. Why didnt he try to talk to changmin or minho? He suffer all alone, when z.min just use him >_<

But he manage to meet such a sweet yogi... Weird how the first thing he did after spending a night with kyuni was to zen out... Wahaahaha... Luckily kyunni didnt mind staring at him... XD
Chapter 1: Zhoumi is such a bastard thinking he could play around and still have Kyu!

I'm glad Siwon makes him happy now ^^
stargyu #6
Chapter 1: Aahhhhh mamakkkkkkkk
Ya!!! Zhou mi!!!
My favorite part is when they watch the full moon and then yeah you know hahahaha its soooo romantic kkkkkk
Thank youuuuuu
Chapter 1: Woah so happy that kyunnie hv a happy life again...
Chapter 1: Can somebody kill due to sweetness? :)
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <333333333
Chapter 1: oh my heart this is so amazing thankyu for sharing this story dear <3 happy wonkyu day to you 1013 <3<3<3