Best Hyung in the World

The Choi Family's Second Son

Best Hyung In the World

It's a different AU from the previous one.

Here, instead of Suho, Luhan will be Minho's big Brother and there's a huge between the two.

Hope you enjoy it, Happy reading~




If there’s something that the 15 year old Luhan couldn’t comprehend was when his parents announced that they would adopt a five year old boy to be his younger brother. No, Luhan couldn’t accept the decision. He’s been living in content for the past fifteen years as the only son of the respectable Choi couple. The new addition to his family would only give him troubles. Call him selfish, greedy, or spoiled, but he would never share his parents to anyone when they had already too busy to spend their time with him. Even when he’s the only son of his parents, he barely get a glimpse of them, not to mention to gain their affection. He could imagine what would happen if this random brat finally joined the family—his parents would be doting on his new brother and eventually forget him. No he would never allow it happen. He would get rid of the brat in his first day he stepped his feet in their residence.

However, all his plans to rid of his so called new brother vanished into thin air when he caught sight of the frail-looking toddler standing behind his mother, trying to hide himself behind her legs. He looked so small for his age and Luhan dared to say that under the oversized sweater the boy wore, he was nothing but skin and bone. But the thing that made his breath hitched were the boy’s eyes. Those pair of eyes showed nothing but fear and something that the boy his age should not show, sorrow. ‘What the hell happened to him?’ Luhan thought in concern.

“Minho-yah. That’s Luhan. He’ll be your new hyung.” His mother’s voice snapped him from his deep thought and when his mother pulled the toddler to stand next to her, Luhan crouched down so that he would be on the same eye level with the boy and offered a soft smile toward him. The teenage boy stretched his hands out when his father nudged the toddler to go toward him. With unsure steps, the boy approached his new hyung. He stopped in the middle to look back at his new parents only to receive encouraging smiles and proceeded to walk toward his new brother.

Luhan frowned when the boy stopped right in front of his outstretched hands with his eyes glued to the floor, but his guts telling him that he had to convince the boy that he would not hurt him. “Come on. I won’t hurt you.” And that did the trick, the boy lifted his head and walked closer toward him. Luhan slipped his hands under the boy’s armpit and lifted him softly and brought him into his arms. When the boy buried his head in Luhan’s crook of neck and circled his tiny arms around his neck, Luhan’s brotherly instinct kicked up. He swore he would protect the boy from any harm and shower him with affection and love. With one last look at his parents, Luhan took the boy into his own room.


Luhan was beyond angry after he learned about the toddler’s past from his parents. Minho was abused and starved by his own mother. No, that woman don’t even deserve to be called as a mother, she’s a monster, a disgusting being who had the heart to hurt an innocent boy. Minho was created from a one night stand whose father was unknown. The abuse started when he was barely three years old. His sorry excuse of a mother lost her only job and turned into an alcoholic and drug-addict . Little Minho would be left alone in the dingy flat with little to nothing food to eat. When she returned, she would hit the boy when she caught sight of him. Little Minho would accept the hit in silence since he had learned in a very hard way if he cried, the damage would be even more severe.

That fateful night, the woman returned and slammed the door hard enough to wake the little boy. Minho stepped out of his room and saw his mother’s pale face in concern.

“Umma?” the boy questioned. It turned to be a very fatal move since the woman snapped her head toward his direction, face contorted in alarm and started beating him hard enough to kill the boy. Then she ran into the bathroom to consume the drugs she stole from her supplier and managed to overdosed herself. And little Minho was found the next morning by his next door neighbor, barely breathing and covered in bruises and cuts.

Mrs.Choi was on her way out from the hospital after her monthly check-up when she caught sight of the heavily injured toddler wheeled into the emergency room. And on her way home, she couldn’t get his mind off of that boy. That night, she dreamt about the boy, this time without any bruises or cuts, running around the house with her son chasing after him. The two of them laughed joyously.

The next morning, she returned to the hospital and broke down after she discovered what had happened to the child. After she had calmed down, she called her husband and begged him to allow her adopt a child, and started from that day, little Minho became a part of the Choi family.


Despite the dark past the boy had been through, he was the epitome of purity and cuteness in Luhan’s eyes. Yes, Minho had his episodes when he would wake up screaming and crying in his sleep, but the longer he stayed with the Choi family, the intensity of the nightmare—or memories—had reduced gradually. Luhan had developed a habit to watch his brother in his sleep. What was once due to his worry of the boy’s nightmare had turned into an enjoyment to watch that innocent cherub face in his peaceful sleep.

Minho’s whole being radiates an angelic glow of cuteness and purity. His fluffy dark tresses atop of his head that framed his beautiful face; his wide, innocent, and curious eyes surrounded with long, fluttering lashes; his cute button nose; and his small, pouty plump lips accentuated his angelic appearance. Never in his life had Luhan seen someone who could par with his adopted brother’s cuteness. To add to his ethereal appearance, Minho’s personality living up his angelic glow. He was unquestionably a very adorable child, making nobody could resist him or get angry at him.

There had been dozens of circumstances where Luhan fell for the boy’s charm. For once, there was a moment where Luhan was jolted awake from his sleep early in the morning by the crashing sound coming from the direction of their kitchen. He was all alone with Minho since their parents were abroad and the house keeper was on a sick leave. Armed with a baseball bat in his hands, Luhan stealthily made his way downstairs toward the kitchen.

 He gaped at the sight in front of him once he reached the entrance of the kitchen. There, atop of the kitchen counter, sat a tip-over box of cereal, a small puddle of milk, and an unopened bottle of orange juice. A small whimper made Luhan averted his eyes downward and he felt his heart stop beating when he saw his brother sprawled on the marble floor, surrounded with the spilled cereals and soaked with milk.

“Minho!” Luhan screamed in sheer panic. The boy was startled by the loud scream and when he caught sight of the bat in his brother’s arm, he sprung up and pressed himself on the kitchen counter, curled himself into a ball.

“Minho sorry!!! Don’t hit me!! Minho will clean everything. Don’t hit me please!!!” The boy screamed, terrified. His whole body trembled harshly and Luhan stopped dead in his track.

“Minho?” Luhan called in a confused tone.

“Minho sorry. Minho sorry. Don’t hit me, please. Don’t hit me.” The boy whimpered and a sob wrecked his body. Luhan frowned, this is the first time Minho act this way when he’s conscious. Yes, he had screamed and cried before, but it was ONLY when he woke up from a nightmare. But then, Luhan saw the bat he was holding the entire time and his face paled. He threw away the bat and Minho screamed upon hearing the loud sound, thinking his brother would hit him and he curled even more. He screamed and tried to break free when Luhan hugged him tight, but Luhan was relentless. He kept hugging his little brother while whispering some comforting words to him.

“Minho, it’s okay.” Luhan whispered softly. The state his little brother was in pained his heart. “It’s okay. I’m not going to hit you.” Luhan could feel tears formed in his eyes. “It’s okay. Hyung’s here...its okay.” Luhan could not imagine how much this boy had suffer. He despised that woman even more for breaking his little brother like this. He kept hugging the toddler while muttering comforting words until the cries and struggle ceased, leaving only small sniffles and occasional hiccups.

“Hyung?” the boy called softly, his voice was muffled by Luhan’s shirt.


“Hyung....Hyung not angry?” The boy asked hesitantly. His grip on his brother’s shirt tightened when Luhan heaved a heavy sigh. Luhan realized it and hugged his brother tighter, planting a kiss on the boy’s dark tresses.

“Why would I?” Luhan asked quietly.

“Cause Minho make mess and wake hyung up.” The toddler mumbled, guilt apparent in his voice. “And...and hyung screamed at Minho.” He continued.

“Minnie, Hyung was afraid that you get hurt. Hyung’s not angry. It’s okay.” Luhan said softly and plant another kiss on Minho’s head.

“Really?” Minho lifted his head, and Luhan’s heart broke upon seeing his brother’s red and puffy eyes.

“Yeah.” The older answered softly and kissed both eyes tenderly. “Now, why are you up so early? If you’re hungry, you can wake me up.” Luhan scold him softly. Minho bowed his head, his small fingers fiddled with the hem of his soaked shirt.

“But Hyung’s tired from basketball.” The boy mumbled. Luhan had an adoring smile gracing his lips upon hearing his brother’s reason. Minho’s truly an angel.

“So you decided to let me sleep in?” He questioned the boy and was answered with a small nod. “Aigoo.... My sweet Minnie~” Luhan cooed.

“Come on, go clean yourself and I’ll make your favorite pancakes.” Luhan patted his little brother’s bum affectionately and smiled to himself when he heard an excited ‘Yay!’ from his little brother.


If there’s something that Luhan dislike the most, it would be someone who entered his bedroom without permission and messed it up. So, when he got home from a tiring basketball practice and saw his bedroom door slightly ajar, his temper had snapped. Kicking open the door harshly, he found his closet wide open and some of his once ironed and folded shirt scattered around the floor.

Sensing that his brother was annoyed, Minho hid behind the closet door. A part of his head visible, enough to reveal a frightened eye. At the mere sight of the fear in his little brother’s eyes and the tight grip the child had on the door, Luhan willed himself to calm down. He didn’t want the previous episode in the kitchen happened again. Slowly, Luhan knelt down and put his bag aside before stretching out his arms toward the little boy.

“Hyung won’t hurt you, Minnie. Come here, please.” Luhan said softly. The toddler hesitated for a moment before he stepped out from behind the door. Only then, Luhan saw that his little brother had worn his basketball jersey which was sizes bigger than him, thus making one of the sleeve fall off of his small shoulder. A smile made its way to Luhan’s features upon the adorable sight and Minho-who caught sight of the smile—scurried toward his brother and wrapped his small arms around his neck.

“Hyung’s sorry that hyung scared you.” Luhan whispered softly while burying his face on the boy’s dark tresses. The boy hummed and tightened his arms around his big brother’s neck. Luhan gave him a kiss on his head and scooped him up toward his bed, laying himself down and let Minho straddled his stomach.

“Now, why are you wearing my jersey?” Luhan asked the toddler on his stomach.

“Minho want it.” The toddler answered innocently.

“Why do you want it?” Luhan asked again.

“Cause Minho want to play with hyung.” The boy answered again, his eyes locked on those of his hyung’s.

Luhan chuckled, and pulled the younger to lay fully atop of him. Minho adjusted himself, pressing his ears to his brother’s chest, silently listening to his brother’s calming heartbeat. “How about you come to my basketball practice next Friday?” Luhan said so suddenly, breaking the silence in the room. Minho snapped his head up, his eyes gleamed in joy and Luhan patted himself mentally that he had successfully made his little brother happy.

“Really?” Minho asked in an excited voice.

“Sure!” Luhan answered in an equally excited voice and then laughed when his brother wrapped his small arms around his neck and repeatedly saying thank you.


Minho’s mannerism of saying thank you was one of Luhan’s favorite things in the world. It was their mother who had taught the boy ever since the boy start living in the Choi household. It was a kiss on the cheek. Luhan took the advantage of his little brother’s mannerism to the fullest. He would ask for nothing but a kiss on each of his cheeks for everything he did for his younger brother. Sometimes—many times actually—he would playfully complained to his little brother that the kiss was not sincere enough to express his gratitude; and each time Minho would deny it and then proceeded to launch himself at his Hyung and peppered innocent kisses all over Luhan’s face. Luhan was devious, and he proudly admitted it.

But the kiss seemed to be a boomerang for him. And it happened on that fateful Friday, the day when Luhan promised his little brother that he could attend his basketball practice. Minho who was accompanied by their housekeeper arrived at Luhan’s school gym when he was in the middle of a practice game.

“Hyung!” Minho called him out excitedly. Recognizing that cheery voice, Luhan decided to pause the game and turned his body toward the gym entrance. When Minho caught sight of his hyung’s crouching position with his arms outstretched and a smile on his face, the toddler ran as fast as he could and jumped at him, causing the two of them tumbled on the floor, laughing joyously. The rest of the basketball team only watched as their vice-captain stood up with the toddler in his hands.

“Guys, this is Minho. My little brother” Luhan introduced his precious little brother to the team. And the said little brother smiled so wide while waving his hands excitedly.

“Annyeong~” the boy greet cheerily, causing a certain giant puppy to squeal due to the boy’s display of cuteness.

Before the giant puppy could take a step closer, Luhan spun his body so that he shielded Minho with his back. “No Chanyeol, don’t come near him.” He warned the giant menacingly, causing Chanyeol to pout and slumped his shoulder in defeat. Luhan took the boy toward the benches where their housekeeper sat and put him down.

“Minnie, stay here for a while okay. I need to finish the game.” He said softly and when the toddler nodded his head, Luhan ruffled his dark tresses affectionately before he returned to the game. Minho cheered for his brother every time he got the ball or succeeded to make a score, making smiles bloomed on the players’ faces.

When the game ended, Minho ran down the stairs and jumped at his hyung’s awaiting arms. Luhan easily lifted him up and spun him around, erupting a happy squeal from the kid.

“Hyung, can Minho try?” the boy asked when his laugh had calmed down.

“Huh? Try what?” Luhan asked the toddler.

“Shoot the ball.” The boy exclaimed and threw his hands upward.

“Umm... I dunno. You’re too short to reach the hoop.” Luhan said softly and upon seeing his little brother’s dejected expression he felt like beating himself and in a rush, he started thinking the ways that could possibly fulfil his little brother’s wish. Sure, he could jump, but still he’ll be much shorter to reach the ring and he could injure Minho. Climb on something? A ladder? No. It has a high possibility to tip over. A table? It’s not high enough. ‘Aish! If only I were as tall as Kris or Chanyeol!’ Luhan thought bitterly and he would’ve ran his hands over his hair in frustration, had his hands been empty.

“Lu, I can hold him high enough to reach the ring.” As if sensing his vice captain’s frustration, the captain of the basketball team offered his help.

“No Kris hyung, you won’t be able to reach the ring even if you hold little Minho up in your arms.” Kai, the team’s darkest player voiced out his thought.

“He’s right.” Sehun, the youngest in their team agreed.

“Duizhang can stand on a table. That way he can reach the hoop.” Chanyeol, the second tallest suggested. Silence fell upon the court and suddenly voices of agreement filled the gym.

 Some of the second stringer players pulled a table under the hoop and Kris softly took Minho into his arms while Chanyeol, Kai, and Sehun hold the balls. Kris put Minho on the table and then proceeded to lift himself. Once Minho hold the ball offered by Chanyeol, Kris lifted him up. When Minho reached the hoop, he threw the ball with all his power into the ring, earning some cheers and claps from the other players. The happiness radiated from Minho’s whole being was so precious that Kris did the moves several more times, cheers and happy squeals filled the gym. And after the twelfth ball, Kris set the toddler down.

“Thank you Kris hyung.” And with that the toddler stood on his tippy toes and planted a kiss on Kris’ left cheek. Everybody freezes and in flash, Luhan snatched his little brother away before Chanyeol or anybody else managed to launch at him.

“Minho-yah~ come to hyung! I’ll help you shoot the ball.” Chanyeol chased Minho who was in Luhan’s hold, followed by other players who hoped to get a kiss from the adorable toddler.


  Everybody could see how the little boy idolize his big brother. To Minho, his hyung was the best hyung he could ever ask for. His Lu hyung would let him sleep in his bed, he would tuck him in every night, and he would do everything Minho asked, no matter how ridiculous it was, he would protect Minho from the weird hyungs, he would love Minho unconditionally, and the most important thing is his hyung would always be there for Minho.

“Minho-yah, which hyung do you like the most?” the captain of his brother’s basketball team had asked the boy on their way home from an amusement park. The rest of the team looked expectantly at the toddler.

“I like Chanyeol hyung!” Minho happily answered, and in a flash he found himself in the said hyung’s arms.

Luhan looked at the pair dejectedly and heaved a heavy sigh.

‘’You like me better than Luhan hyung, right Minnie?” Chanyeol pushed his luck, really.

“Ani. Lu hyung is the best hyung in the world!” Minho exclaimed proudly and stretched his arms wide to show how big the world is. Then, he wiggled around in Chanyeol’s grasp, trying to free himself from the hold. And when he succeeded to stand on his own feet, Minho ran toward his brother who instantly scooped him up.

‘Yep, Lu hyung is the best!’ The toddler thought happily and tightened his hold on his hyung’s neck.














That's it.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting for ages.

Hope you like it. Critics and Comments are absolutely welcomed~



Hana ^^

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Edited version is up~


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DamnNuts #1
Chapter 6: So cute :3
Chapter 6: kyaaaaa.. fluffy baby minho..
hopegrl18 #3
Chapter 6: I want fluffy baby minho!!!!
SashaHRH #4
Chapter 6: Fluffy Minho has been so much fun! Maybe he can meet fluffy Jinky, Kibum, Taebaby and Jjong in school or at the park in there neighborhood XD
Chapter 6: Minho bb is really cuteeeeeee ^^
Ambumin #6
Chapter 6: This is cuteeeeeeeeee :333333333 minnie y lu hyung <3333333
poppykisses #7
Chapter 6: Oh my gosh . This is out of this world adorable.i just had the biggest grin on my face reading this that i probably looked like the freaking joker.
Chapter 6: Aww... This is such a cute story.... Minho so cute.... I really love this story so much...
Chibisakura #9
Chapter 6: Omg! That was so cute! I loved it! Thank you! ;)
leamongga #10
Chapter 6: it's nice to read a different kind of story that's happen with minho, i mean he is not always with this time. i like it a lot.. i hope you write soon again and i'll be waiting ;)