Happy Birthday, Baby

The Choi Family's Second Son

Minho x Onew


If you’ve read my other story entitled “Our Precious Chanyeol”, you’ll find this quite similar. But!!!

This one has some ‘naughty time’ between Minho and Onew (even it wasn't that much).

Hope you enjoy~


December 8, 2013

Two more days before the arrival of the heir of Lee Pharmaceutical from his business trade in America. All the staff in the Main Office were busy in preparing the welcoming party to celebrate the arrival of Lee Jinki, one of the most successful young businessmen in Eastern Asia, the one who would be their future boss.

In contras to the workers of Lee Pharmaceutical who were busy preparing all the documents and whatnots as well as decorating the whole office, one particular young man in his early twenties was doing nothing but sitting in the middle of a king-size bed, sulking and pouting in one of the most luxurious apartment in Gangnam with a cell phone attached to his ear.

 “I can’t believe that he had to extend his stay until December 10th, Taeminnie.”

“You do know how business works, right hyung?” the one in the other end of the phone answered with a sigh.

“I know, I know it! But… but he won’t be here on my birthday. I’ve never imagine that I will celebrate my birthday without him.” The young man said dejectedly, the last sentence was said in a whisper that even though it was soft, the other end could hear it perfectly.

Taemin sighed. His hyung’s fiancé could be a handful sometimes. “Cheer up Minho hyung. We can celebrate it together. It’s been a while since we hang out together, right? I’ll take Kai with me and we can call Key-hyung and Jjong-hyung as well.” Taemin’s words only made Minho’s frown deeper. ‘I’ll be the loner then.’ He thought sadly.

“I don’t want to be the third wheel, Taeminnie.” Minho said softly. And in the other end Taemin cursed himself, he should know better that suggesting that stupid idea.

“H-hyung… I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s okay, Tae. I’ll be fine. See you around.” With that, he ended the call. Not bothering to wait for Taemin’s reply.

‘I guess I just need to wait for Jinki hyung’s arrival.’ Minho thought bitterly and laid himself on the bed, too lazy and too brokenhearted to do anything.



            December 9, 2013

2.15 a.m.


The beeping sound of the security lock echoed in the hallway, and not long after, a blond-haired man stepped inside the apartment. He dragged his tired body along with his heavy suitcase inside and then slumped down on the white fluffy couch in the living room. After resting and stretching for a while, he got up and walked toward the main bedroom in the apartment.

He stood in the door way and had a small, loving smile gracing his face upon seeing the angelic face of the sleeping figure on his bed. He walked toward the bed and crouched next to the bed, contentedly watching the serene face of the love of his life.

He traced his sight from those eyes that would glimmer with childishness and warmth when they opened, to that cute nose that would scrunched up when the owner smile or laugh, to those soft cheeks with a tiny scar on its right side that would be painted with the prettiest shade of pink when the owner got shy, and finally stopped at those luscious pouty plump lips that would stretch into a loving yet child-like smile no matter what kind of bad things happened around him. The blonde-haired male never realized how much he missed that sleeping figure. For a whole month he indulged himself in works, so that he could show everyone that he’s qualified to be the next leader of the Lee Pharmaceutical.

Never in his life, had he wanted something— or rather someone this bad. He was willing to do anything to win that sleeping figure’s heart. Jinki, the straight A student of Seoul University had been willing to ditched his class when he heard that Minho had been admitted to the hospital due to extreme fatigue. He also had taken some days off only to take care of the love of his life.  Minho was such an amazing person; the loveliest person that Jinki had ever met. Thus, Jinki believe that he must’ve done something good in his past life that now he’s blessed of having this amazing sleeping figure as his fiancé.

“Baby…” He said while the sleeping figure’s cheek with the back of his hand.

The figure purred, just like a kitten and leaned into the feathery touch. The blonde-haired male chuckled upon seeing his lover’s adorable act.

“Hey, Minnie… wake up.”


“Minnie moo…”

“Five more minutes, please…” the figure whined.

“Minho baby, it’s time to wake up.”

Letting out a frustrated whine, Minho kicked the blanket off of his body and cracked open an eye, glaring up to the one who had disturbed his peaceful rest. He blinked once, twice, and finally realize that yes—it’s his love crouching next to the bed.

“Jinki hyuuuung~…” he mumbled sleepily “s’zat you?”

“Yes baby, I’m home.” Jinki said while sitting on the bed.

Minho sat up and hugged Jinki tightly. “…’m miss you.” he slurred as he inhaled Jinki’s scent and then hummed contentedly. “You’ve been gone for so long. Miss you so much.”

“I miss you too, baby.” Jinki said while tightening his hold on that slim waist and nuzzled his face on the taller’s neck.

“What time izzit?” Minho asked sleepily.

“Two-thirty. Sorry for waking you up.”

“Iz okay. Thanks for waking me up. ‘miss youuu.” Minho said and then yawned.

“Sleepy much?” Jinki asked after detaching himself.

“Mhmmmm… sleeeeep~” Minho whined and tugged his lover’s shirt, eyes barely opened.

“Okay.” Jinki chuckled and released his fiancé so that he could lay down. He watched how Minho lied on his side and curled up in a fetus position while hugging his favorite plush toy. Jinki got up from the bed and changed into his sleep wear. He took in the sight of his lover who dressed in his (Jinki’s) oversized white shirt and a pair of boxers printed with minions’ picture that exposed his mile-long legs. Jinki had to take a deep breath to control his hormones. He’s too tired to… indulge. He decided to slip under the blanket and join his lover on the bed.

Minho shuffled closer toward the warmth offered by Jinki’s body and circled his left arm onto Jinki’s chest. Jinki smiled down at him, wrapped his arms around his beloved fiancé and willed himself to relax since he knew he won’t get any sleep tonight thanks to the jetlag.


December 9, 2013

7.30 a.m.

“Uuurgh…” Minho groaned when he woke up. Truth to be told, he didn’t want to get up and wanted to go back to sleep, in the perfect dream where his fiancé arrived early. But today’s his birthday and he wanted to spend his day outside, trying to forget about Jinki’s absence. He reluctantly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to clean up. He took off his clothes on his way to the bathroom since there’s nobody home.

Once he had finished, he stepped out of the bathroom with a towel circling his waist. He trudged to his wardrobe but soon frowned when the door couldn’t be opened. He tugged harder but the door was tightly shut he searched for his previous clothes so that he could at least cover himself only to find out that his previous sleep wear were also disappear. With a frown, he went out to the kitchen to get some drink before he proceeded to look for the culprit.

“I swear, if Taemin thought it’ll be funny to hide my clothes and lock my wardrobe then left me , I’ll never let him sleep in peace.” Minho grumbled loudly and took a sip of his water.

“In as much I love my younger brother, I will never appreciate if he’s to see my fiancé in his natural beauty.” Minho almost dropped his glass when he heard Jinki’s voice behind him. When he turned around, he saw Jinki had his arms crossed in front of his chest and leaning against the kitchen entrance.

“What?” Jinki asked and quirked an eyebrow when Minho just stared at him with a clear disbelieve on his face.

“Jinki hyung, is that you?” that was the most coherent thing that Minho could utter in his dazed state. Jinki chuckled and straightened up, opening his arms in an inviting manner.

“I’ve been gone only for a month and you’ve already forgotten me, Minnie?” And that’s the cue for Minho to run into Jinki’s arms and hugged him dearly as if Jinki’s the only thing that kept him alive. They hugged for a quite long time until Jinki felt his shoulder got wet and the body in his embrace trembled ever so lightly. He broke the hug and cupped the younger’s face into his palms.

“Hey, why are you crying, love?” he asked softly. Minho shook his head, he kept his head bowed, refusing to meet Jinki’s almond eyes. However, with him being taller than the older made his effort to hide his tear-stricken face ended in vain. Tenderly, Jinki wiped the crystal droplets with his thumbs. “Baby, look at me.” Reluctantly, Minho raised his eyes and was greeted with a loving gaze from his fiancé. “Tell me what’s wrong.” Jinki said without moving his eyes from the ones in front of him.

“I… I thought I will spend my birthday alone this year since you said that you’ll return tomorrow.” He sniffed, much like a child and Jinki had to suppress himself to squish the daylight out of the younger one. “But you’re here and I’m… I’m just so happy that we can spend this day together.” Minho offered Jinki a sincere smile. A smile that managed to capture his heart ever since he saw the younger back in his college day. A smile that showed some of his baby-like teeth and an almost invisible dimple in his left cheek. A smile that could get rid of his problems, a smile that would make others smile along with him. A smile that even could made the heartless jock back in their college fell for him and gave Jinki a hard time to get rid of him. A smile that was so sincere and innocent. A smile that Jinki would never want to disappear from his beloved one.

“I’ll never miss your birthday, baby.” And with that, Jinki capture the younger’s plump lips into a sweet kiss. Soon, the kiss escalated into something more desperate. They poured all of their longing into the kiss. A month away from each other was so long and they wanted nothing but to relish this moment. A moment when they reunited, a moment when their heart beat as one, a moment where they breathe the same air. A moment where they felt that they belonged to each other. A moment when finally, finally they’re home.

A soft moan broke out from the younger when he felt Jinki grinded his front against his towel-clad pelvis. And in an instant, they were grinding against each other like rabbits in heat. No longer able to stand the heat, Jinki broke the kiss and stared lustfully into the younger’s eyes.

“I’ve been missing this.” A s, followed by a deep moan from the taller one. “And I wanted to get… reacquainted.” Jinki whispered the last word into Minho’s left ear, earning him a groan from the younger. “Shall we get going then?” He whispered seductively and proceeded to nip the younger’s lobe, gaining himself a whimper from Minho. Minho, not trusting his voice, only managed to nod desperately and buried his head into Jinki’s neck when he gave a strong against his front.

“Well, then. Your nod is my command, your highness.” Jinki said and lifted the younger so that he could circle his legs onto Jinki’s waist. And proceeded to walk to the main bedroom.

Soon, moans and grunts of pleasure reverberated in the whole apartment.



December 9, 2013

3.00 p.m.


Jinki and Minho were sitting facing each other in the dining table. Enjoying their late lunch. They’d been going on it the whole day and caused Minho to put an extra soft pillow on his dining chair since it hurts like hell. Not like he complained, their sessions were amazing.

“Hyung, next time you’re going for a long-term business trip I’ll tag along.” Minho said in the middle of taking the sliced kimchi from the serving plate.

Jinki raised his head, a playful smile tugged his lips upward. “Wae? Did you miss me that much?” He teased, earning himself a glare from the younger one. “But I can always make it up to you, right? Just like this morning, and afternoon, and maybe later?” He laughed heartedly when he caught the blush making its way to Minho’s cheeks.

“Hyung!!! Don’t talk about it so casually!!!” Minho scolded, trying his best to fight the pink blush dusting his cheeks.

“Arasseo arasseo. I won’t talk about …”

“Hyung!!!” Minho’s blush darkened and Jinki only laughed harder upon seeing the endearing sight in front of him. But then, he remembered something that made him stop laughing abruptly and Minho, couldn’t help but worry about him.

“Hyung, what’s wrong?” He asked the older cautiously. When Jinki stood up and walked to their room without saying a thing, Minho felt his heart dropped. Even though he was curious about the thing that was bothering his fiancé, Minho knew that he had to give Jinki his time and waited until Jinki came to him and told him his problems.

In less than 10 minutes though, Jinki reappeared from their bedroom and much to Minho surprise, Jinki knelt down by his right side. Minho adjusted his sitting position when Jinki took hold of his hands.

“Baby, I have a good news and a bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?” Jinki asked his fiancé seriously. Minho, sensing the uneasiness of his other half, asked for the good news first. With a nod and a smile, Jinki said “I’ll take over Dad’s company next year.” Upon hearing the news, Minho pulled the older for a hug and kept on congratulating him over and over again.

“So, what’s the bad news?” Minho decided to drop the bomb since he couldn’t wait any longer. Jinki took a deep breath, gripped Minho’s hands a tad bit tighter.

“Well, if I’m to be the next President, it means that I have to attend more meetings and it’s highly possible that some of the meetings will be held abroad. Sooo…. It looks like I’ll be leaving you alone more in the future.” Jinki lifted his head, looking right into his eyes and searching for a hint of disappointment in those wide brown orbs. “Will you be okay with that, baby?” Jinki asked, full of hope that Minho will say yes. Minho said nothing though, and Jinki was about to let go of his hands when suddenly Minho spoke.

“But don’t you dare to miss our anniversaries! Don’t you dare to miss my birthday! Don’t you dare to miss your birthday! Don’t you dare to not call me at least three times a day! Don’t you dare to not send me a message at least once an hour! Don’t you dare to mmmfftt…” Minho’s ranting was cut short by a sudden pressure against his lips. Jinki kissed him, he would accept any condition that Minho asked from him. Heck, if Minho’s to call him and asked him to go home without a certain reason, Jinki would do it right away.

A while later, Jinki broke the kiss and he gaze lovingly into the brown orbs of his fiancé. “Thank you baby… Thank you for everything.” He said tenderly.

“The most important though.” Minho continued “Don’t you dare to see other guys or girls! Because I’ll always wait for you at our home.” Minho said sternly.

Jinki smiled upon seeing his fiancé’s antics and he released Minho’s face slowly.

“To assure you that, baby…” Jinki took something from his jeans’ pocket that made Minho’s eyes widened up owlishly. He looked at the ring and then back to Jinki, the ring and back to Jinki, and finally, he stopped to look at Jinki’s face when Jinki uttered the next magic words.

“Will you marry me baby? So that I can be yours fully.” Jinki said with full sincerity, not breaking eye contact with the younger one.

Minho was left speechless. Finally, finally, finally he found his happy ending. In his birthday he got his happy ending and it was the best present he'd ever got. With tears rolling down his face, he nodded his head and received the sweetest kiss from his other half.

"Happy birthday, baby."






Hiiii~ ^^

I'm baaack.

I'm so sorry for the snail-paced update. College is killing me and I got a new part time job that render me to een type something into my Laptop.

Okay, let's forget about me.

How do you think about this chapter?

Comments and critics are very much welcomed~




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Edited version is up~


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DamnNuts #1
Chapter 6: So cute :3
Chapter 6: kyaaaaa.. fluffy baby minho..
hopegrl18 #3
Chapter 6: I want fluffy baby minho!!!!
SashaHRH #4
Chapter 6: Fluffy Minho has been so much fun! Maybe he can meet fluffy Jinky, Kibum, Taebaby and Jjong in school or at the park in there neighborhood XD
Chapter 6: Minho bb is really cuteeeeeee ^^
Ambumin #6
Chapter 6: This is cuteeeeeeeeee :333333333 minnie y lu hyung <3333333
poppykisses #7
Chapter 6: Oh my gosh . This is out of this world adorable.i just had the biggest grin on my face reading this that i probably looked like the freaking joker.
Chapter 6: Aww... This is such a cute story.... Minho so cute.... I really love this story so much...
Chibisakura #9
Chapter 6: Omg! That was so cute! I loved it! Thank you! ;)
leamongga #10
Chapter 6: it's nice to read a different kind of story that's happen with minho, i mean he is not always with this time. i like it a lot.. i hope you write soon again and i'll be waiting ;)