Miso's Party.

To Be A Girl For 32 Days


I got home and immediately mom told me to clean the house .. Aiiggooo.. But at least I am still a girl! Afterwards I got a call from Sooyeon that our friend Miso was holding a party and for me to go. GREAT!!!! Perfect time for me to show off my sense of style.!

I put on my clothes and walk into the living room. Mom smiles at me,

"Honey, you look too pretty, what if my daughter gets a boyfriend for the first time?" she said.
I smiled "Don't worry mom, I know what to do when I'm around boys haha." trust me, I did.

I made my way out to the party. It started at 6PM. Miso was superr rich. She had a pool in her house! But I was NOT going to be swimming ! I wouldnt even if I was a boy! The sun was still out at I made my way to the party. As I got there, the sun started to go down!

OMG there was sooo many people there .. I didn't see Sooyeon or Joo-Di ... But I saw JoongHyun >.<
I started walking around and I noticed he was staring at me! I began to blush. But I kept my cool. Who wouldn't stare! I was so gorgeous !

I made my way into her home and it seems like Sooyeon was talking to another boy while Joo-Di was just standing around. Joo-Di saw me and walked over with a big smile.

"You saved me, I was dieing just standing there listening to Sooyeon talk to Minwoo" she said and dragged me over to the balcony.

"You look so good! Girl, I'm serious, one day you need to give me like a fashion session or something" she laughed.
I smiled, Joo-Di was always so funny and random. I loved her.
"So what are we doing here?" I asked.
"Partying! Miso's parents are in the US for the weekend and we get to party!" She screamed in excitement.
'Like what kind of party ...?" I asked worried.
"Well i dunno. Like what normal teenagers do! Drink, party .. sometimes people even have .." She said.
My eyes grew wide open, "Oh no, my mom did not let me come here to ... to do those things!" I said to her.

"Gee, loosen up Ae Kyung" a man's voice said from behind us.
Me and Joo-Di turned around. It was JoongHyun. I looked over at Joo-Di and she gave me a smile and walked away.

"Uhh .. Joo-Di.. Where are you going?" I screamed for her not to leave me alone.
"I'll give you two some time alone" she smiled and walked away.
Joonghyun came over ... It was sooo awkward ... We stared at the city of Seoul from Miso's balcony. It was getting darker, the next day was no school.

"You look pretty ..." Joonghyun said.
I looked over at him and blushed, "Thanks .. I guess.."
I saw him bite his lower lip .....
His eyes were so seducing..The way he stared into my eyes ... they were ... really luring ..

He moved in closer to me.
"Soo .. Ive ... Ive been meaning to tell you ..." He said ..
I stared at him .......
"I .. I really quite like you.." He told me ..
I started to blush really badd ... Omg .. JoongHyun just told me he liked me.!
He came over even closer and grabbed my hands. He pulled me in closer and closer. 
I thought to myself .. should I be doing this..?! My lips are still s .. Should I lose it to him .. It was already too late .. Our lips locked. And then I felt his hand move closer to my s ... This was only a dream .. so I should take it for granted .. right ..? He started squeezing my s, AND IT HURT LIKE A ! 

I pushed him away, he laughed.
"Aww cmon .. Lets just have some fun .." he said.
"Are you drunk?" I frowned at him.
He giggled, "Maybe just a little..Cmon lets have some fun" he touched my s once again.
I slapped his hands away.
"Oh a little naughty are ya? Thats how I like it" he said.
I was so disgusted .. I wanted to beat the crap out of him. He was so disgusting .. I wasn't just another piece of meat ..
He made his way beind me and put his arms on my waist and kissed my neck.
I had so much anger in me. This boy was nothing of what I had thought he would be. He was an immature little boy. Joo-Di was right, he is a JERK. He started to touch my s again.

I pushed him away and punched his face. NOt SLAP. I punched it real hard.
"WTF you lil !" He lips were bleeding.
"I'm not just another piece of meat" I started to tear up.
Joo-Di and Sooyeon came running over, "What the hell happened?" Joo-Di yelled.

They saw me crying. I walked away, I wanted to get the hell outta here.
Joo-Di and Sooyeon followed me.
"Why the hell did you bring me here, Sooyeon .." I said.
"....I thought you liked him..?" Sooyeon said.
"Yeah, I said I LIKED him, not I WANTED TO HAVE WITH HIM.." I screamed.
I made my way towards home, where everything would be safe.

"i told you .. he's just another Jerk." Joo-Di said.
"Well if you knew that, then why did you leave me alone with him in the first place?!" I yelled at Joo-Di.
she looked pissed, "Pshh .. You know what, screw this, I'm going back to the party.." she walked away.
I started to cry even more.
I was crying because what I wanted finally came true, JoongHyun finally noticed me. I dreamed of the day he would take my hand and kiss me and just become the boyfriend I had always wanted. And today he did that, but he wanted to take things even faster. I had lost hope in the one I had HOPE in for the past 2 years.

'Everything's going to be okay .. Did you want me to walk you home ..?" Sooyeon asked.
I forced a smile, "No .. I don't want to ruin your night .. go back to the party..And have tons of fun .. Just dont get crazy .." I said to her.
She smiled, "Aww .. Thanks Ae Kyung .. I'm sorry this had to happen to you .. I'm sorry I told you to come.." she said.
"Its not your fault .. I'm .. gonna go.." I said to her.
She gave me a hug. Sooyeon was my best friend. And forever she will be.

I walked home with my makeup smeared from crying. I walked straight into my room. It was 8:26PM. Mom saw my makeup and immediately started to worry.
"Honey, whats the matter?" she said worried.
"Nothing, Miso's pet dog died .. and you know how I get like around pets.." I said to her.
"Okay..then .. If you say so .." She tried hard to believe me.

I walked into my room and undressed. I got in the shower, washed my mouth good, washed my s good. My mouth was no longer a ..

I made my way to bed. today, JoongHyun is no more.

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Chapter 8: what was annouced???!!
Due to personal issues, some actors have been dropped from their positions and have been replaced! Please check the "Foreword" to be updated!

new reader!!! update soon!!!!!! XD
butterfly555 #5