

Gezelligheid (Dutch)

The coziness, warmth and comfort of being at home, or being together with friends or loved ones sharing time in a pleasant and nice atmosphere (n.)


sigh. it's a late birthday drabble for yixing, and honestly, i was letting out lots of writing frustrations in this one. i had this terrible writer block for like a week, and it was awful. i'm so glad it's over. never again! -shakes fist-


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chomesukesharp #1
Chapter 1: your fics
i can't
crossing_by #2
Chapter 1: xingxing surely adorable ... i just wanna adopt him :D
lovingkpopsomuch #3
Omg i speak dutch 2!! Wooow gezelligheid ^^
Chapter 1: Sweet. That's the only word that could describe this^^
Chapter 1: Aww I love this so much. Its soooo sweet and Yixing is such a sweetheart ♡ you kept it simple but I still love it so much ♡
Chapter 1: I love this! So simple and cute. Basically perfect ^_^
Great job!