Happy Again

Happy Again

I was happy.

Happy with you.


My only reason of existence.The fate that brought us together.
The happy times when you smile.Oh,that smile.That sweet,sweet gummy smile if only I can see it again.The smile that brightens my day,as soon as I see you.Even in the cloudiest days,your smile still finds it way to your face.Like an angel.

As I walk here,under the rain,carelessly still thinking of us.Me,Lee Donghae and you my only love,Lee Hyukjae.
As I walk here,under the rain that I fell for you.When I was lost person that I am now.Walking alone through this dark streets.Looking for something,something that can find the person that left this world when you did.My angel,I see now,you were angel that fell from the sky and came into my life to help me,to save me.
Looking up at the sky,I chuckled as I let a tear roll down my pale cheeks.

Are you happy?

Are you thinking of me?

Do you miss me?

You were the light.The light at the end of dark,miserable tunnel.

I remember the day when you won the school competition in dance,when you came to me with that bright smile,sparkling eyes,arms that can't wait to be around my back.

I remember our first kiss.Yes,I remember it,every single minute of it.The day I became the most happiest person on Earth.One simple,gentle,lovley kiss,under this rain, that made fireworks in my stomach.

Why? Why did you have to leave me my angel? Have I disobey you? Please come back.
You leave so many memories.So many memories I have to reminisce,but not make new ones.

Ah yes! This is the place we met.You,my beutiful angel,were crying while sitting on one of the swings.Who is worth my angels tears? Not myself even.Who can make this innocent creature cry.That pure,innocent personality.You felt bad just by stepping on the grass because you will kill some ants.Yes,pure and innocent.

My lovley Hyukjae,as if I can feel your hand that caresses my left cheek so gently,like I'm made of glass that can broke just by one push.
I only think about you.Come back to me,my love.I can't face this cruel world if you aren't there to encourage me.Without you,I have nothing.Each day passes,and my love for you grows stronger even if you are not here with me,you are in my heart forever.

I'm lost.

I want to be found again.

I want you to find me.

To save me again.

My beautiful angel,I'm coming.

Stepping on the road,with shaking legs,afraid of the pain that will come.Did it hurt when you felt it.The death?
I know I shouldn't be afraid.Why would I be? I will be with my angel again,and now forever.But I am,why if this cruel fate decides to hurt me more and save me from death?

Here it is,the impact I was waiting for.It stings when the rods made their way through my body almost slicing me in half.I can't help but to feel a little happy as creepy as it sounds.There is no way I will survive this,I can be with my angel again.

I finally convinced myself to open my eyes only to shut them close again.It's white,the ceiling is white.

I'm in hospital.

Hyukkie,why can't I have you back?

Finally gathering all my strength to face my harsh reality,I open my eyes again.
Endless brightness blindes me as I gather my self and start walking to no specific direction or destination.

As I walked further,I can see a frame of figure,or more specificly,a person.
Quickening my pace,never did my eyes left that figure that seems familiar.Too familiar to be exact.

I finally stood one step behind the figure not really sure if my eyes are playing tricks on me,but that blonde,smooth hair,sharp jawline,that slender and thin figure are not others but my--

"Hyukjae? "

You turned around.Yes,you can say I was a new person when that bright and oh so charming gummy smile welcomed me,your slender fingers finding their way to mine and capturing them as you lean your head on my shoulder,your smile never leaving from your face.

I knew I'm in heaven,with my angel beside me,forever.

I am happy.


Okay,that was lame.Forgive me.
Oh and sorry for grammar mistakes :D

Comment please~~ 


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Chapter 1: Hmmm, happy ending in a sad way?
And it feels like this was written like a poem.
I liked it :)
Chapter 1: Happy in death... Happy together... Happy in Heaven...
Sad. Very sad. But it expresses so well the most beautiful and strong feeling in the world: LOVE...
Chapter 1: so sad but im happy their together
Chapter 1: so sad but im happy their together
Chapter 1: Man!Don't say that!It's amazing!I love it!