Chapter 2

Young Love

Jongin was done with his dark blue-yellow little stars neck tie. He then shoved his head onto the yellow sleeveless vest. Straightened the little crumpled on his tie and vest. Eyes locked with a tanned guy with black mopped hair in the mirror. After a moment of starring at his reflection and doing some tip-toed up and down, he did some little jump as he mouthed some spells like ‘tallertallertaller’ a few times. He took his ironed yellow jacket that laid out on his bed and not to forget his navy blue backpack from the door hanger.

He heard some clinking noises from the kitchen as he went downstairs and found his eomma, with his back facing the kitchen entrance, was busy cooking something. Jongin put down his bag and his jacket on the chair next to the dining table.

“Oh, hey. Morning, sweetheart.” His eomma called after he realized that his son is already next to him, peeking from his shoulder to see what was he cooking for breakfast. He paused his action from whisking some eggs, milk, oil, and garlic in a big bowl to peck his son’s left cheek lovingly. Even in the dimmed light Jongin can saw his eomma’s posture glowed on his white baggy shirt. He looked cheerful.

“You cook waffles?” Jongin sounded surprise looking at the waffle iron being heated on the stove.

“Yeah, you love it, don’t you?” his eomma answered him with a love shaped smile.

Jongin was looking at his eomma, “What happened with the usual cornflakes?” he asked full of curiosity.

His eomma poured the mixtures into the waffle maker with his skillful hand and closed the lid, “What, don’t you got bored with it? I’m just trying to make something different. Besides, I want to practice the recipe from my cooking class.”

Jongin just hummed at his eomma’s words. He pecked back his eomma’s cheek before he shuffled towards the refrigerator to find milk. After the milk carton had been moved to his hand, he took out a glass from the cupboard then went to sit in the dining table.

“Good morning, everyone.” Suho greeted his family cheerfully as he laid his jacket in the chair and put down his briefcase in the floor next to Jongin’s feet. Again, Jongin just hummed while his eyes busy watching Digimon playing on TV in the wall. Not because he’s being rude at his appa but because he has his glass on his mouth, drinking his milk.

“Hey, honey. Here, I made you coffee on that pot.” Said Kyungsoo to his husband.

Suddenly Suho was already standing behind his husband. “Is it a self service coffee?” he cooed to his husband’s ear. Slowly slides his hands around Kyungsoo’s waist and kissed both sides of his husband’s cheeks. He took a peek at what’s his husband making at the moment.

“Kim Suho, please. Don’t be such a child. Can you see I’m busy cooking?” Kyungsoo answered coldly, “I don’t need another child to be taken care of. Jongin’s enough for us.” He gushed while his attention still focused on the waffles, afraid to burn it.

A pout formed on Suho’s mouth, “Ah is that so? Because if I remembered correctly, last night you said you wanted to give Jongin a little sister?” Suho whispered teasingly and gained a slap in the forehead from his husband. Kyungsoo’s face got red in nano-seconds.

Jongin just rolled his eyes when he heard his parents’ conversation. They’ weren’t that quite, honestly.  So, that’s why his eomma looked glowing this morning. They clearly had sssssssseee.. ‘Oh dear God, I’m just an innocent teenager, please help me.’ Jongin prayed. One hand covered his ear, prevented his ear from hearing something illegal for his innocent ears. He turned his head slightly towards his eomma and appa who’s still hugging, his appa still whispering sweet nothings to his eomma’s ear, “Eomma, are the waffles done already? I’m famished.” He said lazily.

“Neh, hang on, sweetheart. One minute.” Answered his eomma then he pushed Suho to go away, though he didn’t let go from Kyungsoo before he successfully stole another peck on his husband’s another cheek. Then he poured the still warm coffee from the pot onto the cup to its fullest.

Suho took a seat next to Jongin in the dining table, sipped his coffee slowly. Tried to digest the warm feeling running through his throat, “How are you today, Jongin-ah?” Suho his son’s head. Jongin was busy typing something on his sidekick.

“Fine, Appa.” Jongin response. “You have early class today?” he asked in between typing something on his phone.

“Actually, my class is going to start at 10. But I need to check my students’ assignments first.” Suho explained. “And it’s been awhile since the last time I drove you to school, right?” he added happily.

“Indeed.” Jongin just nodded and threw his appa a warm smile and then back to his phone again.

“Who are you texting?” Suho asked curiously. Tried to take a glimpse at Jongin’s phone, intruded his son’s privacy.

“Ah.. it’s Taeminnie. He told he will bring me and Minho lunch for today. His umma made some extras.” Jongin smiled as he answered. Fingers typing happily.

“That’s cool.” Said Suho in response, “You should do that too some other time, bring lunch for Taeminnie and Minho. They should try your eomma’s delicious dish. Right, baby?” he addressed his husband who’s now busy chopping some berries for their waffles topping. Kyungsoo just hummed at Suho. Now you guys know from whom Jongin got the habit of answering people’s question just by humming.

After waiting for another five minutes to be exact, finally their waffles are served on the table, “No TV allowed when you’re eating.” Kyungsoo snatched the TV remote from his son’s hand and soon Digimon was gone from the TV screen. Jongin whined at his eomma’s action but soon changed to a happy moan after his eomma put down his waffle in front of him. Knife and fork ready on both hands. Jongin and Kyungsoo’s waffle was topped with berries and whipped cream while Suho’s waffle was only topped with scrambled eggs and black pepper.

“Why is my waffle just topped with eggs while yours and Jongin’s topped with those colorful things?” protest Suho after looking at his served waffle.

“Because I don’t want you to call me later just to tell that you got stomachache after eating sweets in the morning, so I give you eggs instead of berries. Besides, it’s healthier.” Answered Kyungsoo calmly but that doesn’t make the frown on his husband’s forehead gone. “I mixed your waffle with spinach and cheese, honey. It’s delicious. Try it.”

Suho can’t protest anymore since what his husband said is true that his stomach is sometimes not ready for eating sweets in the morning. There was one time, Kyungsoo made a pancake with lots of sweet toppings. It was so delicious that Suho can’t seem to stop eating it. But later in the afternoon, when he was in his class, having his students presenting something, he felt his stomach hurts so badly and made his students worried something bad happened to their professor. Then after he dismissed his class half heartedly –seriously, he felt bad to his students for making such a scene– he called Kyungsoo from his office just to tell him what happened to his stomach until Kyungsoo had to pick him up from his campus to get him to the hospital. And after that incident Kyungsoo never made his family any sweet breakfast. That’s why Jongin was surprised to see his eomma cooked waffles this morning. But then again, it turned up that his parents just had a great ‘moment’ last night it made his eomma have the mood to cooked something different for his family.

Suho tried to taste his waffle. One bite....

“Whooa it’s good!” he said right after the first bite. And “Aaaaaaaah.. maaaaaa!” he said after the second bite.

Kyungsoo smiled at his child-like husband while Jongin just stared at his appa with a bit of envy feelings. He pouted. “Is it really that good?” Jongin was curious at what’s his appa’s waffle taste like.

“Of course it’s good. It’s your eomma’s cooking!” Kyungsoo gave his son a loving slap on his arm.

“Here, have a taste.” Finally Suho offered his drooling son his spinach and cheese waffle.

“Hmm.. not bad.” That was the only response from Jongin after a few times chewing, “Still NOT as good as mine, though.” Jongin added a moment later just to tease his appa. Suho just ignored his son and continue munching his breakfast.

“Well, Appa. Is it really true that you said if I went to bed at ten every night I will get taller faster?” Said Jongin after a moment. Kyungsoo looked at his husband, gave him a ‘wtf’ look, “I think my height is still not changed. I still have the same height as Taeminnie.” Jongin mumbled.

“When did Appa tell you that?” his eomma asked. Suho’s face was blank. He clearly didn’t remember he ever told his son about that.

“Umm, I don’t really remember. It was a long time ago, I think. But it’s still glued inside my head.” Jongin answered as he took another bite of his waffle.

Suho just smiled awkwardly at his husband who still staring at him, “Ah.. ahahahah, of course Jongin-ah. Don’t worry about that, you’re still young. You got a lot of time left to growing up. I did that too when I was young, went to sleep at ten every night, and it worked. I’m tall now, right?”

Kyungsoo just silently shook his head at his husband while Jongin was not looking, “Yeah, Jongin-ah. Don’t worry about that. Even you’re taller now than your appa.” he laughed at his own words, mocked his husband height.

Even though Suho still can’t accept the fact that his son is taller than him now, he’s happy that his son growing up fast. It’s just felt like yesterday he cradled Jongin on his embrace and now he’s already this big. He nodded his head and gave his son a warm hearted smile, “Don’t worry, Jongin-ah. Just drink your milk a lot and you’ll get taller faster!”

“Well anyway, Jongin-ah. I have a cooking class today. So if you want to eat later after coming back from school just phone a delivery, alright? There’s a lot of delivery restaurant contact numbers next to the phone.” Said Kyungsoo to his son. Jongin just nodded in response, “Don’t starve yourself.”




Today, instead of going to school’s cafeteria, the three most popular students in School were going to the gym. They took their seat on the bench, watching some other students playing basketball. As what Taemin told Jongin earlier in the morning, he really brought both of his friends a box set of lunch for each one made by his Kibum umma. It was Taemin’s all time favorite, some Japanese beef dish which name Jongin didn’t care about. All he cared about was its delicious taste.

Jongin even called Kibum ahjussi after he was done eating just to thank him for kindly made them a deluxe dish for their lunch. It was something he learnt from his appa, don’t ever forget to thank every people’s kindness. He exuberantly praised Kibum for the delicious dish and Minho would shout his compliment to the phone speaker that pressed to Jongin’s ear every once in a while like ‘It’s daebak, ahjussi!’ or ‘that’s right, ahjussi’ when Jongin words some compliments or ‘it was even better than my mom’s restaurant dishes, ahjussi!’ and Kibum would laughed at his son’s friend humor. Taemin couldn’t resist his smile at his friends during the whole phone conversation with his umma.

After lunch Jongin went separate ways with Taemin and Minho who have Korean History class while he has Economy class with his own uncle, Baekhyun, as the class teacher. He went to the restroom first to take a pee and when he realized it was already past five minutes from his class schedule. He’s screwed. Baekhyun always have ‘something interesting’ to everyone who came late to his class even though it’s just five minutes late.

The school corridor was empty from students wandering around. Suddenly someone patted his shoulder on his rush to his class. When he turned his head, he saw Tao beamed wide at him.

“Hey, Tao.” Jongin patted back Tao’s shoulder.

“Looks like we will get a thing from your uncle.” Tao muttered as he shoved his Canon to his backpack.

Jongin chuckled at Tao’s words. “Nah, don’t say that.” Jongin didn’t like it when everyone talked about his relationship with Baekhyun. He liked to be equalized with other students and not feeling specialized by his uncle and so does Baekhyun who will treated him just like he treated all his students in his class.

“Anyway, have you got my package?” Tao asked him.

Jongin frowned then his brows lifted up when he realized what Tao means, “Aaah, yes I got it. Thank you so much, Tao. You’re photos were great. Taemin even stole one photo that has him on it.” Jongin answered with a wide smile on his face. It made Tao happy.

“You’re nine minutes late, boys.” Baekhyun addressed the two students who barely closed the door behind them. Jongin and Tao just bowed their head at his teacher before took a seat in the back row.

After ninety minutes had passed, the school’s bell rang and Baekhyun soon dismissed his class. Unlike other students who rushed out to go home, Jongin and Tao still stayed at their seat until Baekhyun called their names to come to him who sat behind his desk in front of the class.

“How are you, Jongin, Tao?” Baekhyun greeted them with a sarcastic smile on his face. Jongin huffed at his mocking greeting while Tao just gave his teacher an apologetic yet a–playful?–smile.

“I’m sorry for coming late, Kim Baekhyun-seonsaengnim.” Tao said sincerely.

Baekhyun smiled at Tao. He shoved him some bundle of paper, “It’s okay, Huang-ssi. To make it up, please summarize this and also create the presentation for me then send it to my email afterwards.” Tao took the paper from Baekhyun’s hand and hugged it on his embrace.

“And for you, Kim Jongin-ssi,” Baekhyun struggled to pull out a thick book from his drawer. Jongin’s eyes were like they want to come out from it shells. The book that has some English title on its cover looked heavy in Baekhyun’s hands. “Please translate the fifth and sixth chapter from this book to Korean. I already signed the chapters you need to translate here.” Baekhyun pointed at a neon-green color sticky notes on the book’s side. “I believe it wouldn’t be too hard since you’re great with English, yeah?” he added teasingly. Jongin just stared at the thick book which now on his hands. Great with English, my ! Jongin cursed inside his head. Tao sighed in relief he only have to summarizing and not translating.

“I gave you one week to summarize it, Huang-ssi, and two weeks for you since you have to translate two chapters, Jongin-ssi. One chapter for each week.” Baekhyun winked at his nephew. Jongin’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. After all had been settled, Baekhyun soon dismissed them. They gave another bow to Baekhyun before they went out from the class. Together they walked to the parking lot. There they saw Taemin and Minho standing close to each other near to a huge tree. Minho waved and smiled to every girl dongsaengs and noonas who greeted them when they walked past them.

“Do you want to go home already?” Jongin asked when he arrived in front of them. He straightened his backpack.

Taemin now remembered Tao who gave Jongin his photos yesterday. He lifted his hand to greet Tao which Tao replied with a smile.

“I think I’m craving for ice cream and I supposed Taeminnie wants it too.” Minho said to Jongin. Taemin just nodded his head. “Do you want to go home yet?” Minho asked Jongin now.

“Nope. I wanted to ask you the same thing, actually. My eomma wouldn’t be home either this evening so I better hang out first with you guys. He wouldn’t mind if I come home late though.” Jongin explained.

“So, Baskin n Robbins it is then!” Taemin threw his hands to the air in delight, “Do you want to come along too, Huang-ssi?” he clapped his hand in front of his chest as he asked Tao cheerfully.

“I’m sorry guys, but I have a wushu class in an hour. So I think I’ll skip the offer for now.” Taemin pouted at Tao’s answer. “I will join you next time.” Tao added sincerely and the three friends gave a nod and smiled at his words. They surely want Tao to be able to hang out with them sometimes.

After debating whether they should go to Baskin n Robbins or somewhere else for ice cream, finally they decided to go to Myeongdong. Minho knew a place there where he had usually gone with his mom and dad.

Even in the crowds of Myeongdong, their existence there was also inviting some glances from people who walked past them. Let’s just call that it was dangerous for some gorgeous students like them, still on their school’s uniform, wandering around in a place like Myeongdong without someone escorting them. They could be kidnapped by some strangers or even cornered by some model agency who liked to scouts beautiful people to join their company in a sophisticated place like Myeongdong. Okay, that was exaggerated. But honestly that was true. Taemin once offered by a model agency because of his androgynous looks while he was shopping there with his umma. He was just thirteen back then, so his umma rejected it because he thought Taemin was still too young to do modeling. He also didn’t want his little son’s beautiful face and body to be enjoyed and worshipped by irresponsible people.

After wandering around for more or less fifteen minutes, Minho finally found his family’s favorite ice cream restaurant. The place was not so crowded. There were guests from overseas tourists too since there’s a group of people who seemed like they come from Europe because they were talking in what Jongin thought was Dutch language. This place might be famous, he thought.

Taemin end up ordered green tea ice cream topped with cinnamon sticks while Minho ordered pineapple flavored ice cream and Jongin ordered lemon and mint flavored ice cream. The ordered ice creams then served ten minutes later.

“Aaaah.. so refreshing!” Taemin munched happily his green tea ice cream despite its freezing taste. Unlike Taemin, Jongin just playing with his ice cream. Zoned out. Minho sensed something was wrong with his friend. He clicked his fingers next to Jongin’s nose.

“What?” said Jongin realized his friends’ attentions already thrown to him.

“Why are you zoned out like that?” asked Minho curiously.

Jongin chuckled then blew a heavy sigh before shoving his fingers to his hair. “I came late to Baekhyun’s class so I have to translate a book for him.” Jongin answered.

“A book?” Taemin sounded shocked. He stopped munching his ice cream.

“Only two chapters, actually, but still..“ he swallowed a spoonful of mint ice cream. He frowned at the stinging feeling on his teeth.

“When do you have to retrieve the translation?” Minho asked.

“He gave me two weeks to get it done. It was, hell–“ Jongin pulled out the thick book from his backpack impatiently. The book landed on the table with a bang sound which withdraw some guests’ attention but, hah, like Jongin care anymore about people staring at them, “Just look at how thick this book is!” Jongin shouted emotionally. “And THESE.. are the chapters I need to translate for him.” he added again after separating some pages to show Taemin and Minho how thick the paper sheets he needs to translate. It was almost over a hundred pages. He cursed under his breath. His uncle can be so cruel sometimes.

Taemin’s jaws dropped to the floor.

“Oh my god.” Minho breathed.

“Could you just, you know, since Baekhyun is your uncle..” Taemin stuttered and Jongin cut him. “He wouldn’t change his mind even just one bit. I knew him so damn well.” Sometimes angry Jongin was quite scary to the soft hearted Taemin.

“Did he PMS-ing or something? That’s a lot, you know. There’s no way you could finish it only in two weeks.” Minho commented. He threw the unguilty book a disgusted look. “Is it possible that Baekhyun was just trolling at you?” Jongin huffed at Minho’s ridiculous words. He shook his head with bitter smile formed on his mouth. Even if Baekhyun trolled him, he would rather watch and enjoy Jongin suffered ‘till the last minute.

“I–I can help you if you want.” Taemin sincerely offered his help to his childhood friend. He just can’t stand to see his friend suffered like that. His ice cream was long forgotten as a spoonful of ice cream in his hand was melted back to its plate.

“No, Taeminnie. I’ll get it together by myself.” Jongin responsed. He gave Taemin a smile.

“At least, ask him to sustain the deadline.” Minho gushed. “You’re not google translate that could translate everything in just one click. Even google translate sometimes created some weird translations.”

There are no words coming from the three friends for a moment. Too drown at Jongin’s punishment.

Taemin finally huffed a sigh. “So then, shall we cancel the boys night out next week at Minho’s house?” the question brought Minho and Jongin’s eyes lighted up.

“What? Of course not!” Minho shouted.

“But he have deadline to catch, Minho.” Taemin argued. Jongin just stared at both of his friends fighting for his destiny.

“He could do it in my house after all. It is not like I couldn’t provide him computer to do the translation. And we could help him too. You said you wanted to help him, right?” Minho said again. Taemin nodded slightly, at loss for words.

Jongin’s brows lifted up at the realization, “Are you saying that you will come to Minho’s house?” Jongin’s question caught Minho in surprise. His eyes popped up at Taemin. The said boy just looking at his friends in his blank face.

“Hmm, I have told umma about that.” Taemin mumbled. Slowly spooned his ice cream.

“AND?” Minho asked impatiently.

“He said he will bring you another dish. He just text me that after your phone call with him.” Taemin innocently showed his friends his umma’s text saying he’ll let Taemin to have sleepover at Minho’s house next week with a smiley icon on it. And suddenly Minho burst out in victorious air punched and laughed while Jongin palmed his face. “Why is that?” Taemin flatly asked.

“Nothing, Tae.” Jongin answered weakly. Minho still drowned on his laughter.

“Seriously, what’s going on here?” Taemin curiously asked because Minho seemed couldn’t stop from laughing so hard.

“It was just–“ Jongin hesitantly started to tell Taemin the truth but was cut by Minho, “DON’T TELL HI–“ and Minho’s words also cut with Taemin who’s suddenly palmed his mouth.

“What is it, Jongin-ah? Tell me already!” He whined at Jongin who gave him an awkward smile.

“It’s just, we actually–“ Jongin stuttered at his words and made Taemin growled impatiently, “We sort of bet on you.”

“What bet?” Taemin shot Minho with his kitty-puppy death glare. Minho pulled Taemin’s hand from his mouth.

“I swear to God, It was Jongin’s idea.” Minho stated. Jongin gave Minho a slight punched on his shoulder. “He said you wouldn’t come because of your umma. But I BELIEVE you would come, Taemin-ah.” Minho finally explained.

“No, Tae. It wasn’t like what you hear. I just said, I doubted you, I’m not saying you wouldn’t come. Of course I want you to come too. But.. ah whatever.” Jongin rambled at his words and gave up in the end.

“It’s the same you dumb !” Taemin pouted at his friends who doubting his willingness to come by next week. It’s right that he’s Mama’s boy, but he didn’t like it when people brought it up just to .

The rest of the evening was spent with Taemin’s sulking to Minho and Jongin who’s asking for forgiveness repeatedly. And after the two boys doing what seemed like a dozen kind of aegyo, Taemin’s puffy lips finally formed a smile. Then Minho treated him more ice cream for him to ease his anger which Taemin accepted wholeheartedly.

Jongin was scribbled something on a book –he’s in the middle of translating Baekhyun’s book, when he saw a tall boy just came in to the ice cream store followed by another guy taller than him. The boy wore an ed denim jacket over white v-neck tees and knee-length khaki shorts. It was indeed a hot day and Jongin could see many people in Myeongdong only wearing tees and shorts like what the boy had, but somehow it was him alone who finally managed to attract Jongin’s attention with the way he dressed. He unconsciously starred at them when the boy and the guy took their seat on the other corner of the room. Taemin looked at Jongin who’s focusing his eyes to something on his back. He then followed Jongin’s eyes direction.

“Who are you looking at?” Taemin asked despite him knowing the answer already.

“Huh?” Jongin pulled back his attention to Taemin who has been starring at him, “Nothing.” He went back to scribble some translation on his book. Taemin turned his head to take another look at the boy in the corner. He felt some kind of sick feeling on his heart but he decided to let it go.

Minutes later, when both of his friends were busy watching and laughed over something on Minho’s iPad, Jongin tried to steal more glances towards the boy in the corner. He could hear the boy said ‘bubble tea’ to the waiter. He has a unique hair color, a burgundy-pinkish color that matches his pale skin. And his lips are too pink for a boy. After sometime examining, Jongin pulled his attention back to his book. Didn’t want the boy to catch him starring like a pro stalker.

You could feel it when someone was looking at you. And that was what Jongin felt. He looked at Taemin and Minho who still busy watching. So it wasn’t them who have stared at him. Then he caught the burgundy haired boy was staring at him. Looked like he told something towards the guy who sat in front of him then the guy turned his head towards Jongin’s direction then back at the boy who’s smiling cheerfully. The guy nodded at something the boy said.

“Can we go home now? It’s 5 p.m. already.” Taemin’s voice withdraws Jongin’s attention back at his friends in front of him.

“What? Home? Now?” Jongin protested.

“You sure you don’t want another ice cream? It’s on me, Tae.” Minho said to Taemin, still trying to ask for forgiveness even though Taemin already forgot about their bet.

“Yeah, let’s eat some more ice cream.” Jongin half insisted Taemin to stay. He didn’t want to go home yet.

“No, that was enough, Minho. I’m full already with ice cream today. Thank you.” Taemin said as he gave Minho his adorable cheeky smile. “And Jonginnie, you know what my umma would be like if I arrived at home later than six. I don’t want to cause any trouble. Do you want him to retrieve his permission for me to go to Minho’s house?”

“ALRIGHT THEN, LET’S GO HOME NOW! I’LL DRIVE YOU HOME AS QUICK AS I CAN, TAEMIN-AH.” Minho shouted as he rushing to pick up his bag and his other belongings. “JONGIN-AH, GATHER YOUR THINGS UP! QUICK!”

Jongin collected all his books and papers that scattered around the table half heartedly. But he didn’t want to go home yet. “I’ll stay here.” He decided after a minute.

“What?” Taemin sounded surprised.

“My eomma wouldn’t be home either when I got home later. I’ll just stay here then.” Jongin explained. But that wasn’t really the reason though. Taemin clearly suspected something as he threw another glance at the boy in the corner.

“How will you go home then?” Minho asked him. Both he and Taemin were already standing up.

“I’ll ask my appa to come pick me up. It’s okay, guys. All settled.” Jongin assured his friend and there’s a slight insisting note on his voice that says to leave him alone already!

“Alright. Come on, Taemin-ah. Don’t make your umma worried.” Minho flings his arm on Taemin’s shoulder and pulled him to walk.

“Be careful Jonginnie. Don’t stay too late.” Taemin said as he being half dragged by Minho towards the door. Minho waved a hand at Jongin.

Then here he was. Sat alone. And Jongin didn’t have any idea what to do since he was alone. All the reason he wanted to stay was because he was kind of attracted to the burgundy boy. With the entire awkwardness situation, Jongin finally decided to continue doing his translation while he would glanced at the boy every once in a while. The boy seemed happy talking with his partner. He also threw a glance at Jongin every once in a while when Jongin pretend to be busy with his book.

It was half an hour later when he felt a buzz from his back pocket.

“Yeoboseyo?” He greeted the caller on the phone.

Where are you, son?” It was his appa.

“I’m at Myeongdong having ice cream with Taemin and Minho earlier, but they’re gone now.”

I’m going home now. Do you want me to pick you up?

“Yes, appa. I’ll wait here.”

Okay.” And the line went dead soon after.

Jongin put down his phone on the table. There was one text coming from Taemin asked whether he was home yet or not. He tapped his reply.

                Still here. Appa will pick me up later. Don’t worry about me, Taeminnie ;)

And sent. He locked his phone and pretended to back at his translation before he threw another glance at the burgundy boy. Oh, God. Jongin cursed inside when his eyes locked for real this time with the boy. And he didn’t even avoiding his gaze. They were locking eyes for what Jongin felt like ages until he saw there’s something was blocking his view to the boy. When he saw it, it was the boy’s partner who has stood up, followed by the boy who rose from his seat, gathered their belongings. Jongin quickly bowed his head down and pretended to be busy with his book when the boy and his partner walked out the door.

The clinking sound of the door’s bell was heard as a sign of the boy’s departure.

Jongin’s heart skipped a beat for a second.





what am I doing with those 5,100 words.. well anyway, I believe you could guess already who the boy on the ice cream restaurant is without me telling, yeah? but I believe you're wondering what is burgundy-pinkish color like, so here is what burgundy-pinkish looked like (or may be you want to call it violet? nevermind). and here is how our burgundy haired boy looked like x))

thank you for the comment on the first chapter and I'd like to read more comments for this chapter. can you do that? ^^


p.s. : gif is not mine

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I will update Young Love tomorrow (hopefully). See you! ^^


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Chapter 7: Lol! "Now. Now!"
Chapter 7: I love your writing style~ Sehunnie is so cute ♡♡♡
Chapter 7: hi it's been so long indeed ^^
this story is one of my favorite so I do want it to continue
fighting authorsshi, I'll patiently waiting ^___^
CuTAEpie #4
Chapter 7: Haha, cute kim family :3
Chapter 6: Lmao! My poor Johnny Depp~ x)
Sehun is so cute acting like a lovesick teenage girl texting with his high school crush!
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akahashi #7
Chapter 6: Taemin.. do not fall for jongin.. you know the rules..
Minho is in front of you..
Luhan with minseok..
akahashi #8
Chapter 5: Minseok and luhan too please?
Kjkjkj #9
Chapter 6: I really really love this fic!!you have almost all of my otps here!!
Sekai all the way!!!
Taemin just go to minho guys are destined to be with each other!!
Chapter 6: woahh what's the meaning of the kiss ????!!!! I could smell something from Taemin's heart, mmmm it's burning kekekekke. I hope everything will gonna be okay...
and Sehun-ah, why are you so cuuuuute >___< here here come to noona hahahahaha