
Distance: Can We Make It?
"hi love" he got me jump out of shock.
he is finally here. why did it took him forever to be here.
"im sorry love, there was a loooong line at the store" he explained.
"store? how can you went around before our date? you know i've prepared for hours so i can be great in your eyes" i mumbled.
"hahaha, looove dont be such a cutie like that... i was buying you your fave thing. i thought we could see you wear it tonight?" he caress my hair, i could feel something weird just from the way he talked.
"and what is it?" i goggled to him.
he took something from the box that he was holding since he came.
"..... ta dddaa! here it is! you like it arent you?" he tried the thing on me.
"WHAT! JIYONG! you are such a naughty boy! YAAA! we are in the public area! how could you do that!" and i slapped him. well, just a light one though.
he bought me a lingarie i've been craving for a quite long time. that suprised me, i thought he would buy me a flower... or i dont know, a necklace probably? a diamond one if thats possible keke. but oh my god, a lingarie? plus he tried it on me at the crowd like this? he will get some punishment, oh he will.
he dragged me off from that spot. he seemed angry, but i could tell from how he grabbed my hand that he was not angry.
the way he holds my hand was always be the gentle and warm one. i can never get enough of his palm touched my skin, the way my fingers handled by his hand, and the warmness...
turned out he took me to his apartment.
once we got in, he let my hand go and walked towards the glass window. he starred at the sky for a moment and turned around facing me. his eyes starred exactly at my eyes' direction.
"there, change" he said calmly
"i want to see you in it" he speak again.
i was shocked, but honestly i really really want to put it on and show it to him, but what will come next? we have never done such an intimate thing for all the 2 years we've been together... i was afraid of what will come next.. 
i was speechless. i went numb and just stand there awkwardly. he walked closer towards me, he reached for my hair and started to play with it.
"hahaha love, you're so cute when you are like this" he smirked.
i was still frozen. i did not know what to do. i wanted to put in on, but i was also afraid. 
then he pulled his face closer to my ears and whisper.. 
"i hate you" he said.
i rolled my eyes to his direction. shocked. 
he smiled.
"i hate you for being so beautiful, i cant stay away from you even for just a second, did you know that?" he kissed my cheek.
i raised my eyebrow while smiling, surprised. i am blushed. i touched my cheeks, i can feel the warmness. he touched my hands, grab it and took it to his cheek. 
"your hands are so warm, i like it" he sighed. he closed his eyes and smiles. he looked really peaceful, looked like he really loves my hands.
"i hope i can feel your hands forever like this" he whispered.
"i promised, you will" i replied.
"forever?" he asked.
"forever is enough?" i asked back, teasing.
"is there anything else longer than forever?" he asked again, confused.
i just smiled, letting him wonder. oh i wish there is something longer than forever. i would want to be next to him forever like this.
i pulled my hand out from his grip. i walked pass him and reached for the box. i took out the lingarie and i walked to his closet.
"you wait here" i smirked.
i am ready for this. i will make him mine forever tonight. i wont let him forget what happened tonight. 
i walked out in doubt, am i really ready? 
he saw me opening the closet's door, he stand up and walked towards me. he helped me to open the door and when he can finally see me clearly, he run out of his breath for few seconds. he shocked, i guess. 
"you are..." he speechless.
"y?" i .
"No, you are.. fantastic, baby" he smirked, finally he got some air.
he hugged me, super tight it feels like he would not let me go forever. but soon before i can even speak a word, he broke off the hug and kiss me, passionately.
his lips were so warm and soft... and the next thing i know, we were in his room, on his bed.
"i know this is what you are going for when you gave me this lingarie" i said when we paused so we can catch some air. 
"it's pink, it's so good on you" he replied.
i smiled, he smiled. then we continued doing whatever we were doing that night.
i was standing at the balcony the next morning. i was never really pay attention to this balcony this far. but now, it actually feels so good to just stand and let the wind hit my face. it feels so relaxing and peaceful.
"i am leaving for australia in a week" suddenly, he embraced me from behind.
i opened my eyes. and turn my face so that my eyes can meet his.
"you.. are what?" i asked again. i am shocked, how could he said it after what we had shared last night.
"i got accepted at a university there, so i have to go" he explained with a soft voice.
i turned my face back facing the crowded street. it hits me like a lightning. he did mentioned about that, but i never thought he took it real serious. i thought it was just an idea he's having. but why is it real? i mean it's good for him to go, but how about me? he just said last night that he wanted to feel my hands forever, then how can he do it if we are miles and miles away from where each other?
"you really have to go. haha i thought you said forever" tears fall down from my eyes.
he kissed my back head. and tighen the embrace. he went silent.
"i am the man who keep his promise. when i say forever it will be forever. i just need to go for a while, i will be back love" he whispered next to my ear.
he put his hands on my shoulder and turned me around so that now our faces are facing each others. 
"Bom, i love you, i really do love you, you are my princess, you are worthy of all the love in the world, you are the love of my life" he kissed me. really slow.. soft.. and gently.. 
i cried, so hard. he let go of the kiss. he caress my cheek. he wiped the tears that fell down. but it was just too much even himself cant make it stop. it hurts so much. heard him telling me all the things that he just said just making all of this harder and even more hurt..
i even have no power to open my mouth and say that i love him too. it just too hurt, so i decided to leave. 
he just watched my back without any effort to hold me to leave. i guess he understands that i am too need sometime to think. to get it all together... to believe that this is actually happening. that i wont see him in a quite long time. but wait, if i just leave like this, will i ever get the courage to face him again, thought it will be more hurt and it will be harder when we go seperate ways? 
i stopped. i turned myself around. i saw him sitting on the edge of the bed, he closed his face with his hands. 
"argh...." i murmured. it hurts seeing him in that situation. so i walked back to the bedroom, and sat next to him.
i caress his back. he surprised, then he hugged me instantly. 
"i love you Bom, believe me when i say forever, please?" he kind of bagging.
i smiled. i really have no energy to open my mouth, to talk. so i just nodded my head. i think he gets it, that it's a yes.
he tighten his hug and kiss me endlessly... 
"so i'll be back every once in a year" he suddenly said when we stop our kiss.
"i'll be waiting here. i'll get loads of lingarie. so i'll wear a different one every night when you are here" i smiled.
"is that a promise?" he asked.
"that is why, you need to come back to know if that is a promise or no" i answered teasingly.
"just promise me one thing" he said.
"i dont want to promise anything" i let out a sighed. 
"but.. i will try my best, to faithfully waiting for you" i smiled.
he gave me his pinky finger. i refused to gave him mine.
"i said i wont promise anything" i kind of shout a little bit, then my tears started to fell down again.
he kissed me again.
"i love you" he whispered while breaking the kiss.
"but i will make a promise" he said.
"i will promise, you will never find anyone else that will love you better than me. just keep that in mind and faithfully waiting for me" he kissed my forehead.
to promise is really easy, but it is so hard to follow and do whatever you have ever promised. i hoped he wont make any promise, because it will be so hurt when it's broken. 
but no matter what, i will keep his promise in my heart. 
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Chapter 2: Don't promise on something that you're not even sure about.
Thanx for come back...
And I hope will see the next chapter really soon...