Chapter ::2

One Free Week

One Free Week: Chapter Two

 Sehun’s motorbike is taking him to the business centre of Seoul, namely to the HeliX Magazine headquarters. The tarmac streets are nearly devoid of life, save for the few early-morning truck drivers with lit cigarettes being held outside of their vehicle and workers coming home from late night shifts.

The road is smooth underneath Sehun’s bike, enabling him to speed past and weave between the far and few vehicles driving beside him. He gets the occasional beep while he overtakes, but shrugs it off. He’s not half-asleep.

After a long period of lonely driving, Sehun arrives at his destination. The tall, tinted glass building adorned with an obscure red helix on the front. You’d probably be able to see it miles away. Is this what they call symbolism? Sehun observes.

He slowly manoeuvres his bike to an alley on the right of the building, his usual parking spot and turns off the engine. The satisfying roar dies down quickly and all is silent. Sehun looks up at the fire escape and repositions the bag on his back, getting ready to climb to the third floor.

Climbing is hard work when one has nothing in his backpack. No, I’m just kidding. Sehun climbs up the ladder with ease- he’s not too bothered to greet that airhead of a receptionist, nor the weird suited lady who always bats her eyelashes at him suggestively. He doesn’t want to lose his appetite- Kyungsoo is making blueberry muffins today. His stomach rumbles and he pats it fondly. “Don’t worry, buddy. Just a little bit more before we can fill you up.”

He suddenly feels ridiculous for talking to his stomach in the middle of a ladder, of all places. He arrives at escape door number three, also known as the side entrance to Kris’ office and his self-proclaimed entry point. To his luck, the door is unlocked and swings open to reveal his boss furiously kissing some employee on his red leather couch.

“Morning, Kris. I got up extra early today to see you.” His tone exudes ‘I’m going to use this as blackmail’, and he smiles cheerfully at the blonde man (who is currently trying with all his might to detach his lips from the person under him).

“Sehun, why can’t you use the ing front door?! I’ve told you billions of times- I should fire your right now.” Kris growls. The person on the couch gets up with Kris’ help and stares very hard at the floor.

“Who’s this?” Sehun asks, nodding towards the raven-haired boy.

Kris opens his mouth to speak, but he is interrupted by the smaller (although he’s taller than Sehun himself) figure standing to his right. “I’m Zitao, Kris’ boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you.”

“You have an accent. I assume you’re Chinese?”

Zitao nods.

“And you don’t need to use honorifics when you talk to me. I’m nineteen.” He offers a wide smile which Zitao returns, albeit shyly.

“Sorry, he can be really blunt at times.” Kris mutters in the boy’s ear, but loud enough for Sehun to hear. “He can also be a huge arrogant turd, but we’ll save the story for later.”

“Oh, my heart is breaking. How could my best friend talk about me like that?” he pretends to faint and lies on the ground, waiting for a reaction.

The reaction was a swift kick in the stomach. (Although, the kick wasn’t hard. Kris would never hurt his best friend.)

“You must really hate me, huh?” Sehun groans as he stands up.

Kris nods and turns to Zitao to whisper in his ear. Said boy nods and exits the room, waving to Sehun and smiling at Kris as he leaves.

“I like him. Congratulations.” Sehun says as he sits on Kris’ desk. “How long?”

“A month. Why did you come so early today?” Kris asks, running a hand through his hair.

“Now, if I look at the situation, I’d say that you made out with Tao very late or for a very long period of time. I came at my usual time.”

Kris looks at the clock sitting on his desk and makes a disgruntled noise when he has to conclude that Sehun, irritating Sehun, is right.

“So… what stories are available to my eager mind today?”

“Not many, actually. The scene’s been pretty quiet and the tips we’ve been getting from ‘concerned citizens’ haven’t been worth our time or money. I think you can have a free week.” Kris says, obviously eager to get Sehun out of his office and Zitao inside (he actually means under him).

“Don’t get too addicted to that boyfriend of yours- you have a wonderfully talented journalist to manage.”

“Get your arrogant out of my office, Sehun. Have a nice week off.”

“Call me if anything interesting happens, Kris. I’m assuming you’re dependable.”

Kris has no time to retort against his best friend before Zitao comes in again with a steaming cup of hot chocolate, complete with marshmallows and whipped cream.

“Sehun seems nice- like a class clown…” he says in Chinese, laughing at Kris’ ‘are-you-serious’ expression.


Climbing down the fire escape is harder than climbing up. Sehun can feel his muscles burning and decides he needs to become fitter if he wants to retrieve blackmail material from Kris again.

It’s only a matter of seconds and he’s back on his bike, zooming towards his usual café- Soo’s Kitchen.


The smell of pastries surrounds Sehun as soon as he walks into the tiny café. He takes in a deep lungful of air-

And then hears a loud noise followed by an, “Oh !” coming from the kitchen. He chuckles lightly and starts towards the half-open door opposite the counter.

“Soo? I thought I told you to get some assistants here early so that this wouldn’t happen. Now I get to have those cookies…I thought you’d have learned your lesson from my food stealing already.” He shakes his head in mock disappointment at the sprawled figure on the floor, who is surrounded by dozens of white chocolate chip cookies.

“Why do you always have to be this sarcastic? I don’t want to overwork the staff- they’re only college kids. Also, they’re better out the front serving- I’m fine in here by myself.”

Sehun looks up from collecting cookies with an unfazed expression. “You’re overworking yourself. I get that this is your business, and that you graduated with a degree in something or the other, and that your baking skills are wonderful, but one day you’ll regret not listening to me.”

“Hi Kyungie!”

There’s a girl standing in the doorway, smiling and holding a cup of coffee. Obviously a university student.

Kyungsoo nods. “Good morning, Hyeri. I told you not to come in early- I can manage.”

Hyeri’s bright smile turns into an exasperated frown. “Oh please. Listen to Sehun for once- he might be an arrogant piece of work but he has a good head on his shoulders. Nothing you say will stop me from coming in early.”

“Girl’s got a point, Soo. You should listen to me more often.” He says, nodding in agreement with himself.

“Shut up, Sehun.” The baker and the student say in unison.

“People really have it out for me this morning. Uh, I’ll have my usual. Also, I have a favour to ask of you, Soo.” He says offhandedly. “Very important. Monumental proportions, you feel?”

Kyungsoo narrows his eyes suspiciously. Sehun just gives him a smile.


"Hey, is my parent's corporation really that prominent?" Aeri asks, sitting upside down on Sehun’s beloved leather sofa, wiggling her socked feet out of her sneakers and leaning her head back so that her view of the world is upside down. 


Sehun narrows his eyes at Aeri as she makes herself comfortable on the piece of furniture that took three years to save up for. “Pretty much everyone in Korea knows who you are. Your family is always in the news, and luckily, for all the right reasons."


"The right reasons, huh? We only have the money from the multi-billion won company my parents are sitting on top of. There's nothing that redeeming about it." she says, playing with her fingers.


She sits up and rearranges herself on the couch. "It's not weird for me to say that, right?"


The journalist is taken bemused by Aeri's disapproval of her parent's company. "It's a little strange- they are your parents after all. And technically, the company is yours as well. I don't know any heirs who openly diss their own family business."


"Telling the truth isn't dissing. All I'm saying is, so what if we opened up a new building, or sponsored something?" she inquires. "I shouldn't be making the news, I'm a trophy daughter. People who do remarkable things should be everywhere. They deserve all the respect in the world."


"Yeah, but don’t they only come around every so often? Also, I don’t actually think it matters about whether or not you’re their daughter. You’re missing at the moment. Missing people always go on the news.” Jongin says.


Aeri ponders it for a moment. "I've had this ‘trophy daughter’ mindset since the last year of middle school,” Aeri admits. “My parents started taking me to social events and business parties, and presenting me to their ridiculously pompous friends," she shrugs.  


"They always complimented me. Always. My appearance, my intelligence, my etiquette, everything. That's when I realised that they were up to my parents. Who better to gain a position through than the child, right?"


Damn, Sehun thinks.


Once again, Aeri is on the back of Sehun’s red motorbike, a feeling she doubts she'll get used to. She wants to ask where they're going, but for the time being, she'll have to trust Sehun to not take her to some shady place where the worst of things can happen. 


Sehun’s frame feels less tense pressed against her as she holds onto him, her arms still tightly wrapped around his waist, her head leaning on the space just below the nape of his neck. Sehun is amused by Aeri gripping onto his lower torso.


Eventually, they reach the area where Kyungsoo's cafe is situated, a modest shop on the outskirts of the industrial district where the shopping village begins. The outside is painted mint green, with almost unnoticeable, darker green stripes. The sign above the door proudly proclaims the quality and tastiness of the treats produced by Soo's Cafe. 


Sehun pushes the door open, ringing the little bell hanging on the corner of the door. the cafe is empty, but the smells of baking pastries and rich coffee float through the door behind the register. Sehun begins to walk towards the said door, but Aeri catches him by cuff of his sleeve. "Sehun...should we be doing this? I mean, lots of people would want the reward my parents put on me. What if your friend reports me while you're not there?"


Sehun hesitates before reassuring her. "Soo isn't that kind of guy- he's one of my closest friends. i trust him completely, and I need you to do the same. Please?"


Aeri nods her assent before letting Sehun hold her hand and pull her towards the door.


as soon as the door opens, Aeri is lost in a myriad of sights and smells inside the seemingly huge kitchen. ovens line an entire wall and refrigerators and racks and shelves clutter the rest. she can see the pastries and cakes that are still baking in the oven- macarons, cupcakes, cookies- and desserts all ready to go out front, only needing a finishing glaze or a sprinkle of icing sugar. the fragrances conflict but work together in a sort of organised chaos- chocolate wraps itself around the delicate hints of summer fruit, and the pure scent of vanilla mixed with the tang of orange zest hits her nose. She inhales deeply and lets out a sigh of content. 


"i love it here already." she announces with a lazy smile. 


Sehun chuckles a little before calling out to the man behind the food. "Kyungsoo! I've brought my favour, just like you asked!"


There isn't a reply for a few anxious seconds before Kyungsoo's head pops up from behind a three-tier cake. "Hi, Sehun. You know, you didn't have to shout like that. This is a small kitchen."


"You might have been sleeping on the job. I'll let my friend introduce herself," he replies, looking at Aeri with an encouraging, 'don't worry' look. 


Aeri steps towards Kyungsoo hesitantly. "Um- hello. My name is Han Aeri, and I'm part of that huge favour Sehun needs."


Kyungsoo nods while still piping borders onto the cake. "You have the same name as that heiress. hold on."


He straightens up and stretches his back, then dusts off non-existent flour from his apron before looking at Aeri. 


When he does, he gets the shock of his life. he stands there gaping like a fish out of water and making incoherent noises before attempting to calm down and collect himself. 


Aeri tries for a response, hopefully one that doesn't involve him freaking out because there is an escaped heiress in his kitchen. "Uh, please don't freak out. I'm not that much of a big deal. I mean, I might be but-"


Kyungsoo cuts her off when he points an accusatory finger at Sehun. "Oh Sehun!" he yells. "Why is Han Aeri, of all people, in your company? What did you do to her?!"


 He turns his attention back to Aeri, not even bothering to let Sehun answer. "He didn't do anything weird to you, right? He didn't kidnap you, did he?" he asks, putting particular emphasis on 'kidnap'. 


Aeri shakes her head. "If I could get a chance to explain..." she says, using the same tone that she uses when manipulating bothersome businessmen. 


"Yes, yes. Of course! Have a seat." Kyungsoo offers, gesturing to a pair of stools by the main workbench. 


Aeri politely declines. "Sehun hasn't done anything to me. In fact, he's been helping me as of the past twenty four hours," she explains, smiling at the raised eyebrow pointed at Sehun. "I’ve run away from home. Although, I am only going to be gone for a week. Not that big of a deal."


Kyungsoo is shocked, even more so than before. "The media seems to think otherwise."


"Soo, would you believe the media or the runaway?" Sehun asks offhandedly, leaning against an outside bench. 


"You have a point. But Aeri, how did you even meet the brat over there?" he nods his head in Sehun’s direction. 


Aeri retells the story of how she was cornered by two guys and how Sehun invited her up to his apartment to fix up an injury. She then told him about the deal they made, and the exact terms. 


The baker lets the information sink in for a moment. "What escapes me is the reason why you ran. You’re going to be out of your money's reach for a week, and then you'll go back to it. Couldn’t you just go for a no-spend week?"


"Is it wrong to experience a whole new perspective?" Aeri counters. 


Kyungsoo is stumped. "It’s not like I actually have anyone to share the secret with anyway.”


"Oh… that’s great. Um, amazing, even! I mean, not that it’s good that you don’t have any friends, but-" Aeri stammers.


“I never said I didn’t have any friends.” Kyungsoo gives her an ambiguous smile and returns to piping lilac icing onto a tiny cake, definitely made for just one person.


Sehun smiles behind Aeri as she animatedly chats with Kyungsoo. I wonder if I can get a story off Kris.


His phone vibrates in his pocket. Sehun draws it out and reads the caller ID. 'Well, speak of the devil.' Sehun exits the kitchen to take the call in the quiet of the empty cafe. 


"Hey, Kris. I was thinking about you just then. Have you been thinking of me too?"


"Sehun, I’m not gay for you. I’m gay for Zitao." Kris' irritated voice can be heard clearly through the connection. 


"You’re a cold guy. Why are you calling me, if it's not to proclaim your undying love for me?" Sehun jokes, frowning when there's silence in the other line. "Kris?"


"...I’m so sick of you. The reason i called is to offer you a story that may get you a place in the executive department, or a pay raise. The head boss has called me saying that he's quite impressed with the quality of your articles."


Sehun smirks. The day just keeps getting better. "Well, what's the story?"


"The Han Aeri disappearance. She hasn't even been gone twenty four hours and the media is already all over it. I don't think there's enough leads to-"


"I don't want to do it." Sehun answers sharply. 


"This is unusual. Why the rejection?"


"Not interested in some bratty heiress' emotional escapade. Tell him that I want a real story. Tell him no."


"Fair enough. You’ll get your usual email tonight. See you round, Sehun."


"Bye, Kris. Have fun with Zitao." Sehun taps the screen and ends the call, sighing. 


"I can see the headline now: 'Bratty Heiress Has Emotional Escapade- Not That I Care.', an article by Anonymous," a sarcastic voice rings through the cafe. 


"Aeri. The magazine just called. I assume you heard everything?" Sehun inquires, flipping his phone between hands. 


"Yep. So, Kyungsoo has accepted our request, and would like me to stay to help with the goodies until closing time. Is it okay with you?" 


"He accepted you that easily? Man, it took me ages for him to even acknowledge my existence." Sehun complains. 


"And why's that?" Aeri asks, her curiosity of the relationship between the baker and the journalist suddenly peaked.  


"Long story. Quite entertaining in Kyungsoo's case. We'll save it for a bedtime story." he says, nodding. "I think I’ll stick around as well- I have nothing to do today."


"Will do." Aeri flounces back into the kitchen. 


Sehun ends up sleeping with his head rested on the front counter while Kyungsoo works out front, and Aeri works on the pastries at the back. Many of the customers ask Kyungsoo about the dark-haired figure leaning on his serving counter. Kyungsoo only tells them that they're close friends and sends them off with a smile.


Kyungsoo ends up shooing all of his employees away, hiding Aeri from them under the premise that he's giving them a day off to focus on studies and "things that university students do."


It’s late night when Sehun is shaken awake by Kyungsoo. "Hey. The both of you have fallen asleep, are my counters and table tops that comfortable?"


Sehun rubs his eyes and taps his cheeks a few times to wake himself up. "What do you mean, Aeri’s asleep? She was practically wetting herself when she stepped into your kitchen." Sehun points out. 


Kyungsoo smiles. "She’s cute, Sehun.  Just look at her." 


Sehun follows Kyungsoo into the back and is amazed by the mess that greets him. Baking dishes litter the kitchen, and dirty utensils fill up the sink. And in the midst of it all, Aeri, resting her head in her arms, asleep.  


Sehun watches her fringe rise and fall for a moment before moving to wake her up. He taps her shoulder, with no response. He then tries poking her nose and cheeks, which elicits a mumbled demand to stop. 


In a moment of ingenuity, he leans down and whispers, "Aeri, there are cops outside. You need to get up!"


That gets her awake in an instant and she hides behind the kitchen workbench. "What?! Where are they? Sehun, did you tell them I was with you?" Aeri half-whispers, her tone slightly rising in pitch and furiousness. 


Sehun stands stock still, leaving Aeri to wonder at his lack of answer. There’s a sustained silence until Sehun finally can't stand it anymore and chuckles. "I should be an actor."


Aeri realises what Sehun’s done, and angrily grabs him by the collar. "You scared me for a moment there, you douchebag," she admits with clenched teeth.  She relaxes her grip on his shirt and let’s go with a sigh.  "Please don't do that."


Aeri is silent when they arrive at Sehun’s apartment. it's only five, but Kyungsoo closes early on Tuesdays. Aeri starts towards her room and Sehun decides that now is the time to apologise. 


"Aeri." Sehun calls, only to be cut off. 


"i don't need an apology," Aeri says sharply, back still facing Sehun. "I need an answer. What would you do if the cops were really here?" 


She turns to face him with a glint in her eyes that is challenging him- daring him to give her honeyed words or the truth. 


"I made a promise that I’m going to keep." Sehun explains simply. "I’m not going to let them get to you."


Aeri is surprised at Sehun’s frankness. She had expected him to be the kind of guy who'd save his own hide before anyone else's. And then she's surprised at herself. Never before had she gotten someone's character wrong. 


Years and years of observation at company parties and social events amount to nothing in that moment. She thought that she had read him well, so well, and she got it wrong. She nods an unfathomable gesture that doesn't tell Sehun her opinion on his reply, and walks into her room. 


The gentle click of the door closing leaves Sehun in an unexpected silence. 'Would I really put her before myself?'


He shakes the thought out of his head. "Time to get dinner ready." he sighs, the full impact of hiding an heiress in his home hitting him at that moment. 

He realises that it really is going to be hard for the both of them; for him, to conceal her without getting caught by the company he keeps and for her, to not be noticed anyway. 


Hey guys :) sorry it's been so long, but I hoped you liked this chapter! Happy New Year, by the way <3

Kyungsoo is the character I want to appear in all of my stories so I guess this is his debut? Haha.


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