The worst days ever

Dawn of Dream



[Jiyeon’s POV]

     Seunghyun’s head knocked the top as he tried to enter the van.

     “Ouch… move it will you Jiyeon?” Seunghyun complained.

     “Yah, is this how you speak to someone you haven’t met for years?” I retorted.

     “Yah, and this is how you speak to someone you haven’t met for years?” Seunghyun said, while waving to Jihyun, who was shouting something at him that I couldn’t hear properly.

     “You guys…stop fighting already.” Minhwan inputted dryly.

     “We’re not fighting Minhwan.” Both of us said at the same time while Minhwan rolled his eyes.


[Wonbin’s POV]

      “Wonbinnie hyung!”  Turning around, I almost fell backward as the cute drummer jumped onto me.

     “Let me see how much Minari had grown in a few hours…” I pinched Minhwan’s cheeks as Minhwan tried to run away.

     “Aish hyung, it’s not as though you’re not going to see me for a long time.” Minhwan pouted.

     I’m really not going to see you for a long time… I’ll miss you Minhwannie.

     Jiyeon just walked right past me with Seunghyun following behind. I held out a hand to stop him.

     “Minhwan-ah, there’s chicken today…”

     “Really hyung? See you later!” Minhwan squealed as he ran off in pursuit of chicken.

     “I have something to tell you…”


[Seunghyun’s POV]

     “You’re going to replace me, right?” Wonbin asked.

     “Yeah…” I replied, looking down. Was he angry?

     “Good luck… and help me take care of those boys.” Wonbin smiled at me before walking away.

     Thanks… I need all the luck I can have.



[Wonbin’s POV]

     “Umm…” I cleared my throat as I looked at the table of boys and girl eating their dinner hungrily, especially Minhwan. They all looked up, one by one.

     “Like I said… I have an announcement to make…” I started.

     “More chicken?” Minhwan inputted.

     Gosh, why must that boy be so cute?

     “No… I’m… leaving the band.” I said uncomfortably.

     “Mwo?! Waeyo?!” Hongki, the first to respond, shouted at me. Jaejin looked down, his eyes glued to the floor. Jonghun just remained silent while Minhwan had a much slower response. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Seunghyun squirming uncomfortably in his seat.

     “I… just don’t like the music we’re making right now.”

     More silence.

     Then Minhwan suddenly jumped up, his face serious. “Andwae hyung! If you leave, who can replace you?”

     “You’ll like him,” I said, glancing at Seunghyun, whose head was down and probably embarrassed.

     “No I won’t! I won’t like anyone other than hyung!” Minhwan’s voice was getting higher, more agitated. Tears were forming in both his eyes and mine.

     “He’s your best friend.”

     Suddenly Minhwan looked confused and shocked.

     “Jiyeon?” Minhwan blurted.

     “It’s a he!” Jiyeon retorted back. “Besides, I don’t play guitar.”

     Then, Minhwan turned to Seunghyun, realization dawning in his eyes.


[Jiyeon’s POV]

     “Mwo? How can you replace Wonbinnie hyung?!”

     Minhwan walked over to Seunghyun and glared at him defiantly.

     “Yah, stop it Minhwan, it’s not his fault!” Wonbin said, anger in his voice. “Do you always have to behave like that, Minhwan?”


     “You have to stop behaving like some kid, Minhwan. It’s not Seunghyun’s choice to be put into FT Island. It’s FNC’s choice. So don’t blame him.” There was an edge to Wonbin’s voice, and Minhwan clearly heard it.

     “Mianhae… welcome…” Minhwan said bitterly to Seunghyun before walking off.


     The next day, news about Wonbin leaving FT Island spread like wildfire. At school, almost everyone was talking about it. None of the FT Island members went to school today. And I got assaulted because of that.


     “Yah, why did Wonbin leave the band?” Yoseob asked for the I-don’t-know-how-many’th time.

     “You’re annoying, you know?”

     “Who’s going to be the new member?” Yoseob pressed on.

     “Yah! I don’t care if you’re apparently the cutest member of Beast, but you’re really annoying okay? You’ll know once everyone else knows.”

     “But… I want to know!” Yoseob pouted (cutely) and tried using aegyo on me.

     “Go away! Your aegyo is no match to Minhwan’s.”

     “Yah! That’s insulting!”


     “Now, can you tell me who’s going to be the new member?” Yoseob said, mischief in his eyes.


     After a day when the news about Wonbin leaving was launched, the news about Seunghyun joining the band came up.

     Hate comments started springing up everywhere, “I hate Song Seunghyun” groups and pages on Facebook were made… and at the end of the day, FT Island’s manager announced that Seunghyun had more than 2,400 antifans, and the numbers were going up.

     “Are you sure you’re alright?” Seunghyun was looking into his laptop.

     “Ne… I’m… fine…” He whispered softly.

     “I just need to go to the bathroom,” Seunghyun added, before leaving the room.

     After Seunghyun left, I could see his laptop screen clearly. Curious, I went to see what Seunghyun was reading…


     “I have no reason to like that .”    

     “We hate him. That’s all. Live voice is so terrible.”

     “His voice , He can never be like Won Bin.”

     “His face is weird and ugly.”

     “You call that rapping!?”


     Hate comments. All about Seunghyun.


A/N : Wow, longest update ever!

The hate comments are real, I got them off a Seunghyun anti-fanclub in Facebook… can you believe the group exists?!

But luckily in that group, Primadonnas win anti-fans... *cheers* 

Comment and subscribe thanks :D

(and I really need those comments…)

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YouDunnoMe #1
♥ awww this fic !!!
ProudPrimX3 #2
Chapter 19: OH.MA.GOSH. I need more of this story.Desperately. It has become an essential thing in my life. Please update because my life depends on it ;) KYEOUL FIGHTING!!!
helloimyuyu #3
Chapter 19: annyeong! i'm your new subcriber..isn't this story ends like this? update please.. T_T like ur story..
omg minari my forever hubby omo love him lol :3
Please update!!!!! Jay good job for trying, Jiyeon stop being so awkward. Sorry I haven't read your ff in a while cuz I was busy but now since school's over. I'll have more time, and I will comment on every chapter you write. I promise. UPDATE!!!!!
trinity- #6
omg gah

jaebeom is trying :c
why is jiyeon so awkward T.T
This is the first Song Seunghyun fic I've ever read. This fic made me fall in love with him deeper. This fic was the mark of our friendship. This fic made me admire you. This fic made me want to be friends with you. This fic was the beginning of our beautiful friendship. And I will forever cherish this fic. <3
Palipali updatee! ^^ I'm waiting! :D
Keke! New reader here! And i knew Jay Park didnt do it on purpose. LOL. ^^