All the nightmares

Dawn of Dream


[Jaejin’s POV]

      “Yah, what are you doing in there?”

      I knocked on the toilet door. Seriously, did Seunghyun love the toilet so much?

      The sobs suddenly stopped and there was the sound of something falling. On the ground. Hard.

      I knocked harder. “Yah! What happened?”

      No reply.

      “Yah! Do you want me to break down this door or what?!”

      “No… no hyung… it hurts…” a shaking small voice replied. Well, I expected that. Having 2400 people hating you sure hurts.

      “What hurts?” Minhwan butted in.

      “My head…”

      Confused, I asked again. “Why does your head hurt?”

      “You gave me such a shock that I fell from the toilet seat!” Seunghyun whined.

      Meanwhile, Minhwan was singing Beast’s Shock, “Everyday I shock, SHOCK! Everynight I shock, SHOCK!”

      “Well,” a smile crept to my lips. “Only your head hurts?”

      “For now? Only my head hurts.” Seunghyun confirmed.

      “We’ll be confiscating your laptop! And your phone!” Minhwan added in cheerfully.

      “Yah! I need them to communicate with my family!”

      “Then you promise me you won’t read all those stupid things.” I told Seunghyun. “Or you should just stay in this toilet forever. We have another one.”

      “Ne hyung. I want to stay in this toilet.”

      Seems like Seunghyun didn’t actually need any cheering up anyway. Somehow, he sort of made my day… Was he this kind of person, that doesn’t need anyone? Well I’m sure everyone needs someone sometime…

      “No. You. Come. Out. Now!" I rapped hard on the toilet door.

      “Hyung… no… do not make me leave the toilet.”

      “Wae? Is the toilet your best friend?”

      “Ne. Because over here, I have no other friends,” Seunghyun confirmed sadly.

      I scratched at my head absently. It’s probably time to change that.

      “Yah, then what’s Minhwan and I? Chicken?”

      “Chicken?” Minhwan added in. He probably wasn’t paying any attention.

      “You want to be my friend?” Seunghyun’s voice was a little higher pitched.

      “We’re bandmates. We’re supposed to be brothers.” I tried emphasizing the point to him.

      “I thought you guys hated me because I… erm, replaced Wonbin hyung.”

      “How could we? Now. Leave. The. Toilet.”

      The lock clicked and Seunghyun poked his head out of the door. I may be shorter than him, but it’s just 4cm! I dragged him into a headlock and Minhwan hugged him from behind. “You have a small waist, Seunghyunnie.” Minhwan commented.

      An evil smile found its way onto my face.

      “Evil Jaejin’s here,” I smirked.

      Seunghyun looked horrified.

      And for the next five minutes Minari and I chased Seunghyun all over the dorm.

      There was something that appeared on Seunghyun’s face that I hadn’t been seeing since he debuted.

      A true smile.


[Jiyeon’s POV]

      Jaejin, Minhwan and Seunghyun oppas’ laughter and screams echoed throughout the entire dorm as they were… supposedly chasing each other?

      At least Seunghyun is feeling better now.

      I was randomly clicking and surfing the Internet for Kpop news. I mean, we do have to stay updated about what’s happening, right?

      Then I saw a big headline. “Jay Park returns to Korea,” I read out loud. My eyes found its way to the picture.

      He looked familiar.

      Way too familiar.

      All those nightmares that I’d been having for years… all of them suddenly came and attacked me at once.

      I screamed.


A/N : *sigh* Exams are coming next week. I know it's a short update but I still have one more hour before I sleep so I'll try to squeeze in another update (: Jay Park has appeared! Why is he there? o______o And what happened to Jiyeon?! :O:O

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YouDunnoMe #1
♥ awww this fic !!!
ProudPrimX3 #2
Chapter 19: OH.MA.GOSH. I need more of this story.Desperately. It has become an essential thing in my life. Please update because my life depends on it ;) KYEOUL FIGHTING!!!
helloimyuyu #3
Chapter 19: annyeong! i'm your new subcriber..isn't this story ends like this? update please.. T_T like ur story..
omg minari my forever hubby omo love him lol :3
Please update!!!!! Jay good job for trying, Jiyeon stop being so awkward. Sorry I haven't read your ff in a while cuz I was busy but now since school's over. I'll have more time, and I will comment on every chapter you write. I promise. UPDATE!!!!!
trinity- #6
omg gah

jaebeom is trying :c
why is jiyeon so awkward T.T
This is the first Song Seunghyun fic I've ever read. This fic made me fall in love with him deeper. This fic was the mark of our friendship. This fic made me admire you. This fic made me want to be friends with you. This fic was the beginning of our beautiful friendship. And I will forever cherish this fic. <3
Palipali updatee! ^^ I'm waiting! :D
Keke! New reader here! And i knew Jay Park didnt do it on purpose. LOL. ^^