Who are you wearing?

Who are you wearing?

Prompt is this. Because Jongdae looked like he was wearing Kris' clothes.

"What are you wearing?" Tao asks, stopping in his tracks on the way towards the van.

"Or who?" Baekhyun pipes in, eyeing Jongdae up and down.

"What?" Jongdae asks, confused, when he looks at his clothes. He woke up a bit later than the others that morning and grabbed whatever shirt and jacket he could from the closet.

"Are those... duizhang's clothes?" Tao asks, eyes widening. He exchanges a look with Baekhyun, who smirks before looking back at Jongdae.

"So you guys are in that stage of the relationship now?" Baekhyun teases, pulling both Tao and Jongdae towards the van. "I didn't know that you guys would progress that easily."

Jongdae turns red and untangles his arm from Baekhyun. "Don't make fun of me," he mutters before getting into the van and squeezing in between Chanyeol and Sehun just to get away from the teasing.

It probably isn't a secret to the group that he's been harboring feelings for the EXO-M leader. He's extra annoying and extra boisterous when Kris is around, trolling him more than he would anyone else. It's not like he does it intentionally. Jongdae hadn't even noticed that's what he'd been doing until Kyungsoo had quietly pointed out to him that he's being obvious and should tone it down. And he really did try, except this nervous energy just overtakes him when Kris is around and he could never really help himself.

Jongdae ignores Baekhyun and Tao when they get to the venue, even sidestepping Joonmyun, who had already sensed something was wrong when he was quiet throughout the whole ride. He doesn't think that Joonmyun's mothering will help him, not when Kris has been giving him these angry looks as soon as he got down from the other van. So he just does what he does best when he's worried about something and sings his heart out in between trolling everyone else.

He's in the middle of laughing at Kyungsoo pretending to hit Chanyeol when there's a grip on Jongdae's arm that is so familiar, he doesn't even need to look to know who it is. Jongdae stumbles when he's let go backstage and immediately takes a couple of steps back when he sees Kris practically thundering down towards him.

"It's not true!" Jongdae immediately blurts him, making Kris freeze in his steps.

"What?" Kris asks, blinking.

"Whatever Baekhyun or Tao said, it's not true," Jongdae continues. "I never said anything. They're both lying. They're all lying," he adds, noting how everyone probably betrayed him.

Kris stands there for a second before he starts approaching Jongdae again. Jongdae flinches when Kris places his hands on his arms and Kris sighs.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Kris tells him and Jongdae blinks up at him and is confused because Kris does look like he doesn't know what's happening.

Jongdae swallows, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down, and swallows again when he sees Kris' stare at his throat. "Uh, then, um what are we doing here?" he asks weakly. Kris' hands on him are warm and is making him feeling like he's going to combust any time soon.

"I just..." Kris clears his throat, looking uncomfortable all of a sudden. "You're wearing my clothes."

This isn't what Jongdae is expecting to come out of the leader's mouth. After all the scarier things that Jongdae had thought, he didn't expect that it would have something to do with clothes.

"What, do you want them back?" Jongdae almost scoffs. Of course Kris is concerned about his personal things. "Right now?" He moves to take off the sweater and then the shirt before Kris grabs his wrists to stop him.

"Stop." Kris' voice is weak. He then moves to hide Jongdae's skin under /his/ clothes. "I didn't--" He runs a hand through his hair to Jongdae's surprise. Kris never touches his hair so casually. "That's not what I meant."

"Then what?" Jongdae is truly puzzled now as to what the issue is. "Am I ruining your clothes? Did you want to tell me off? Don't worry, I won't wear them again. But don't you dare leave your shirts--"

"Jongdae," Kris interrupts him, somewhat harshly. He stares at Jongdae. "Are you playing with me? Is this another one of your games?"

"What. Are you talking about?" Jongdae isn't sure what's happening anymore. "What games?"

"Did you wear my clothes today so you could rub it to my face that I--" Kris coughs. "--you?"

"Huh," Jongdae muses. "Very eloquent, duizhang. Since when do you not know how to express yourself--"

"I like you!" Kris blurts out, throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation. "You overheard Baekhyun and Tao yesterday. They were talking about it and I--look, it's not a big deal. My feelings for you shouldn't be cause for any weirdness in the group. If you hate the fact that I, uh, yeah, don't worry. I'm not going to be a bother. Just... don't make fun of me for it."

Jongdae doesn't say anything, tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth at the incredibly unexpected confession. Kris likes him. Kris /likes/ him. /Kris/ likes him. Kris likes /him/. In what universe is he living in? How is it possible that the Kris Wu, the object of Jongdae's affections since the moment he saw him in the practice rooms, has feelings for him? Except... Kris is shifting in his stance, scuffing the toes of his sneakers in the crack on the floor, and it just really seems like... it might be true. Because Kris, who never tolerates most of the members' games towards him, always lets Jongdae do whatever he wants, even when it meant having to buy new facial products every so often.

Kris hangs his head for a bit and when Jongdae still doesn't speak, he turns around to return to rehearsal. This sends alarming bells to Jongdae's head because there's no way in hell is he going to lose this chance.

Jongdae rushes after Kris, grabs his arm and turns him around. Yup, no way is he going to miss this chance. And so he reaches up, practically grabs Kris' face and mashes their lips together. Kris sputters in surprise for a couple of seconds before he realizes what's happening and kisses Jongdae back.

"You are the stupidest leader--no, the stupidest person in the world," Jongdae tells him when they pull away from what Jongdae can say is the worst and messiest kiss in the world.

"I should bash your head to the wall or something for calling me that," Kris grumbles.

"But you like me so," Jongdae crows in triumph. Kris opens his mouth to protest but Jongdae beats him to it. "Don't worry, I like you, too. That's why I say those things to you."

"Some way to show your affection," Kris mutters, but his cheeks pink and Jongdae just pulls Kris down for another kiss because cute.

This kiss is better. It's less hurried and sweeter and exactly the kind of kiss that Jongdae's always hoped he could share with Kris.

"By the way," Jongdae murmurs in between kisses, "we need to get Baekhyun and Tao back."

"Hmm?" Kris asks distractedly.

"They were teasing me this morning. I thought you were mad at me," Jongdae shares. "And I never overheard anything. I wasn't even with Baekhyun nor Tao yesterday."

Kris immediately pulls away, the stern look back on his face. But before he could turn around and rebuke the two members, Jongdae pulls him back, earning a questioning look from Kris.

"Reprimand them later," Jongdae requests coquettishly, "Right now, just kiss me again."

Kris smirks and willingly obliges.

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Coffee2s #1
Chapter 1: This was so sweet. (Excuse me for all the comments I'm just going through and reading all the fics XD)
chocolatecheese #2
Chapter 1: Uuuuuu~ CUTE and SWEET!!!! More Chenris/Krischen!!
LamaFace #3
Chapter 1: Hello ! I love your One Shot *-*
It's very simple and at the same it was orginal ! *-*
I'm french and I have some difficulties sometimes to read english fanfiction, but, for this one, I don't have any problem *-*
So, as I love your OS, I would like translate this, so that french fan can read this ^^ If you are agree I will be happy ^^ Of course your name and the "url" of your OS will be in the description of the french version ^^
Translate english os help me to improve my english and i will be grateful if you accept ^^
PrettyPotato1223 #4
Oh mah gawd this <3 love it!!!
Chapter 1: I'm like banging my head in my keyboard because that was TOO CUTE~~
Chapter 1: I am literally pulling my face downwards because THIS IS TOO CUTE AND I KENOT EXPRESS MYSELF ANY BETTER. /gurgles
I'm sorry. I must sound weird to you. Just came here to say you made my day (or afternoon) and that this fic is AMECHING. *flies away*
Chapter 1: yeah! so happy they are together!!