Chapter 6: Airplane Mode     

 Inside my jacket, I found the hat I bought for Oppa. I quickly put it back in its place. As I arrive at the airport; I take a quick look at the screen.


*Phew! Oppa's flight hasn't departed; It hasn't even start to board yet!*

*Stop Crying Ha Na you look like a weak deer*


      I looked for my Oppa for 1 hour and I finally found him sitting in a seat. "Oppa!!" I scream in joy. Oppa's eyes widen, and I went to him; he started laughing.

         "This isn't a good time to start laughing!" I exclaimed. “Sorry Ha Na but You really came here? In your pajamas!? And Look your hair is a mess! So Touching!" Oppa said. My cheeks turn red of embarrassment.


        "Yah!! You should've told me earlier!" I start hitting him. "Well, judging from yesterday you were crying and I don't want to see you cry." Oppa said honestly. I sat down beside him; I took the hat from my pocket and gave it to him. "Here you go! And. You’re Welcome."


        I gleefully said. Oppa's eyes widen and he gives me a  gigantic bear hug. "I have to give you something too!”. "Bwo!?" I was surprised. "Here's a can of Corned Beef and a paper box." Smirked Oppa. I tried to be thankful but I sure didn't sound like it.


*Wae!? I gave him a fancy hat and he gives me Corned Beef and a paper box!? WOW OPPA. YOU REALLY ARE...UGGH*


           "Erm, Thank You?" I said indecently. Oppa was about to go to his boarding gate, I gave him one final bear hug and said my final goodbyes. As I head out of the airport, I took time to look at the corned beef:


*Australia's best corned beef, I’ll be the judge of that!*


          Then the paper box Oppa gave to you. "I wonder what's inside of this box. It could be a paper frog." I said to myself.


       *Me and Oppa used to love making origami when we were young, we would always have a competition of who can make the best looking origami; we as in both of us would always win. The judge was my other Oppa from the U.S. So many good times*


I opened the paper box and inside was a locket and a key. It had the letters LHN carved in it.


*LHN. Lee Ha Na!*


I opened the locket and there it had the picture of your brothers.


*Thank you Oppa*


My eyes glisten on the locket. When I got home I decide to make the key a bracelet so it can never go out of my sight. When I opened the locket again, I started to cry.


      *Why do they all have to leave? Umma and Appa are busy working and barely come home. Oppa Jin Wook is busy studying abroad and Oppa Si Hyun too. And I'm just stuck here in Seoul. Having a boring life.*

        *Can't I Have Some Adventure in My Life!?*


I sat there thinking.


*What If I study in Beijing? I heard they got lots of people studying there, At least for a a week or two. I can even learn some Mandarin!*


        I picked up the phone and called my Mom and dad. "Yobeseyo!? Mom can I study abroad?" I asked. My mother and me would always get along and she would always understand.


       "Wae?" Umma questioned, "I want to learn Chinese, plus it’s almost our monthly break in a couple weeks.” I reasoned with your mother. She gave a soft "Yes" and I said goodbye.




           The next person I called was Appa; I needed money to travel to another country. Appa would take care of that. Appa would always win the argument, he was a tough debater


*That’s why he's a lawyer.*


        It would be a miracle if he'd let you go to China, otherwise Umma would reason with him and it still it wouldn't work. "Appa! Can I Go to Beijing? I want to study there. I want to learn Mandarin.”


        Appa was surprised. "But don't you have school to finish here in Seoul?" he responded. "Appa when our monthly break comes that's when I'll have the time to go to China-If you let me." I added.


       "Just make sure, you’re not skipping your school here in Seoul.”, "SO that means I can go??" I asked. "I guess so." My Appa said unsurely. "Kamsahamnida!! Kamsahamnida! Kamsahmnida!!!" I exclaimed with joy.



       Monthly break was in 1 week in time. During this one week, I finished all my overdue assignments, received the money that I'm going to need, and packed up for the trip.



        On the last day of classes, everyone granted me a happy trip. One of my friends said "Maybe you might meet Tao in Beijing. OMG!! Destiny!!!” I shook your head "Never in a million years." I snort.


    *Please don't jinx it. Please don't let this happen to me.*


All my friends begged to go with me because "There might be a chance they could bump into an EXO member."


      *Gosh, They're really obsessed like DAMN.*


 All I said was that  I didn't have enough money to take all of them and smirked a bit. As I did your last packing, I opened the drawer and took the key and the locket.




    I wore the locket and key, hoping it won't get lost or stolen. The past week had gone by fast. I thought it was excitement, and it was. I've never been this excited since I went to Disneyland in Tokyo when I was 10.




      I closed the door of my house and went to the airport. When I arrive, there was a whole crowd of girls rushing in.


*Please don't tell me it’s happening.*


       I ignored it and went to check in my luggage. It took me almost 3 hours to check my luggage in. Still the whole crowd of girls bothered me so much.




I went to the washroom and took off my bracelet with the key because I didn't want it to get wet. I put the bracelet in your pocket. As I boarded the plane, another guy looked familiar, he sat down beside me..

*Are you frickin' kidding me?*


He looked like this:


*Asian Right?*


     Both of us stare at each other; to avoid awkwardness I said "Anneyeonghaseyo.”. His eyes widen as if he didn't understand much Korean. I spoke Korean but he just looked at me in a funny way.


*OMG. This dude is Chinese!? Does he understand Korean!?*


       "Ladies, and Gentlemen the plane is about to take off. Please turn off all your electric devices." The pilot announced on the P.A. The plane took off.  I didn't like the feeling of going up into the air, I was feeling lightheaded.


        I held on to my locket. The guy right beside me was shedding tears. I looked at your Korean-Chinese Dictionary and tried to say "Are you okay?" in Mandarin. He nodded and tried to smile.


*Not as manly as I thought.*


           After a few minutes I was up in the air. The man right beside me look relieved. The pilot announced that we could now use the device but it has to be on airplane mode.


        I put my phone on Airplane Mode and listened to some music. I realized my friends borrowed your phone for the past week. I quickly look at the photos on my phone.

*What the hell did they do my phone!?*


 I saw 357 pictures of EXO.


*What the hell!? 357!? Those sasaengs.*


One by one I tried to delete all of them. The dude right beside me saw all the pictures of EXO and his expression was at disgust.

-Is she a sasaeng!?

She has pictures of us! -

-How dare her! -

      I rage quit on my phone. The boy right beside me asked something in Mandarin;  I clearly couldn't understand.


    I spoke Korean "I can't understand Mandarin.” the boy seemed to understand and started to speak a little Korean himself.


      "Wae? Do you have pictures of EXO on your phone?" he asked, "Long Story." I was busy deleting them. "Do you know who I am?" He asked again.

*This is getting damn annoying.*


"No, I'm sorry." I responded.

-She must be lying; she has so much pictures of EXO on her phone.

- -She must be obsessed. -


          Awkward silence went on. I finally deleted all the pictures. I plug in my headphones and listen to some American Pop. But it wasn't American Pop it was all of EXO's albums including the newly release ones.


*. Even my precious music!?*


        The guy right beside me smirked and saw what I was listening too.


*Don't you dare look at me like that. I'm not that kind of person!*


         My phone screen got frozen so I couldn't stop the music. I had no other choice but to listen to them anyway.


*WHY!!!??* *Can I kill my friends now!?*


       Pretty soon everyone was asleep (Flight was early in the morning and only 1 hour flight.) expect for me because I couldn't sleep with kpop songs circulating around my head. I noticed the guy right beside you was shivering. I lay a blanket on him, and suddenly a camera flashed.


*Uh OH. Am I going to be in the newspapers??*

*Please, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.*


I couldn't sleep anymore now that I know I'm going to be all over social media.


*GODDAMN. I do an act of kindness and I get rewarded with me being in the internet with this dude!?*


*Yup, He's famous. I know that.*


         The plane was about to land in Beijing, the guy right beside me woke up. I could see the terror in his eyes.


*Who is this guy!? Why is he so scared??*


     I got out of the plane and I see the dude give me a flying kiss. Two flying kisses

*Um, Eww. I don't even know this guy. Why is he giving me that?*.


       There was Wi-Fi in the airport, I took a look at the news. I saw a picture of yourself taking the blanket and putting it on the dude right beside me. The header said:

Tao...Has a Girlfriend!?


*OMO!!! WHAAATTTT!!!!??? OTTOKKKKEEEE!!!!??? His name's Tao!? (Facepalm) Another EXO member? WOW.*

*I never wanted this.*

Hai! So, I won't be updating again until probably New Year's Eve.

Tomorrow, I'm busy cause It's my Birthday!

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter^^

 I made it EXTRA LONG. 

Edited: July 2014

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FujiMina #1
Chapter 42: Update real soon~
Chapter 42: Omg this story is so cute and sad ( in a good way~ )
It's sad that this story is coming to an end.
I can't wait for the ending though!
Hwaiting Author-nim~
milkainah #3
Chapter 26: chp25: THX AUTHORNIM FOR THE SHOUTOUT ^^ loving the ff so far ^^
exotic_xoxo #4
Chapter 42: They broke up. No !!!! T.T
Chapter 42: THEY BROKE UP!!! ;_____; AND WHAT?!!!! ENDING SO SOON! ㅠ_ㅠ
ILoveMyWIFI #6
Chapter 42: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo they broke upppppp but on the other hand i think its for the best hana needs to sort out her feelings toward both kai and baek but i still feel bad but am glad baekhyun came back to exo and i hope they forgive him and hana too and i hope everything gets better for all of them anyways loved this chapter and i dont want this story to enddd TT~TT i love it anyhow author-nim thx for updateing and plz update soon!!!!!
kpop_angel44 #7
Chapter 42: what no!!!!!!!!!!!! (i love your story!!) but kaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! ):
Chapter 33: (Read this in tone like you just been turned down or bummed out)I'm kind of sad that she chose Kai instead of Baek.I guess I'll have to live with it . But I love your story - That's why I hate lovetriangles though because you want the girl to be with this guy but ends up choosing the other guy.That's how frustration starts- but it's your decision on who Hana will be with.I still love your story though ~ Update soon .
JannaMin_ #10
Chapter 33: holy she freak she dreamt all that? anyway just glad that the confusing part is done and kai is with hana ooh how will they tell exo or preferably baekhyun