M&S - Myungsoo

Events happened so quickly between them, Sulli and Myungsoo. Meeting the parents, releasing their relationship to the pubic, and moving in together. All of it just seemed to be going perfectly, the late night conversations transported Sulli back to the beautiful well thought out conversations that they shared together.

— Four years ago —

"Sulli, what if we got married?" Myungsoo asked her as she played with his fingers as they both sat out on the balcony watching the stars twinkle. Sulli blushed as she hid her head into his shoulder.

"Omo~ I don’t know, my career has settled down and the public seems to like us." She trailed off as she was thinking about everyone but herself.

"What do you think?" Myungsoo asked as he gently caressed her leg gingerly.

"I don’t know." Sulli looked up at him with her wide eyes,  "I would love to be with you forever."

— Three and a half  years ago —

Slipping down onto one knee, the lighted gazebo sparkled under the moonlight as Sulli looked down in disbelief.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue. My heart won’t stop, loving you. Will you marry me?" He held up the ring box as he held her hand with the other as Sulli’s eyes filled with tears, nodding gently she smiled. Myungsoo stood up and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"I will try and make you the happiest I can, I promise." Myungsoo whispered to her ear as he pulled away to meet her lips with his.

— Three years ago —

Six best men, four bridesmaids, one groom and one bride waiting to be together for their lives together. Myungsoo dedicated a song to Sulli with their beautiful vows devoted to each other as they sealed it with a kiss.

The beautiful beach honeymoon awaited them as they spent all of their time together that they could. Playing in the water, lounging on the beach and just snuggling up to each other.

Both of them went back to their schedules. Being star struck lovers that seemed to be the center of attention for the media. Making time for each other as the schedules seemed to keep them both apart most of the time.

— Present —

"Myungie when is it going to stop?" Sulli questioned as contraction started up again.

"Soon, just hang on, ok? You are doing so good." Myungsoo said gripping her hand as his lips pressed against her hot forehead, as he watched the machine. The contraction moved over her as her grip loosened on him, letting her head fall back on the pillows the doctor came in and told her that it was time.

Myungsoo got up and was about to leave the room, for he didn’t know if he could take it.

"Myungie, I need you." Sulli whimpered out as he didn’t take another second before coming back over to her side.

After a day or so of being in the hospital and in labor, they were presented with their two twins, a boy and a girl, Macy and Donghyun.

All of the memories flooded back to Sulli as she looked at the little lives that she held in her arms. Looking to her left, Myungsoo was holding his little girl and she was holding her son. The perfect little family for the perfect story that their life had turned in to be.

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baekhyunblah #1
Love your story!
Chapter 1: this is so cute. :))
ilabya4 #3
Chapter 1: Sweet ending~ I was kinda nervous at the hospital part~ I was shocked to see the words, "machine" and "contraction" Hahaha~ Well, it ended up good! ♥
Chapter 1: Do again another myungli