二十一 - Twenty-One



(+) nai nai - grandmother

(+) wangzi - princ

(+) gongzhu - princess


“Alana.” Luhan mutters and kisses the back of her hand. “How did you ever tame my father?” He curiously peers over her, while she laughs at his cute face. “I didn’t, Luhan. Nai nai helped me.” Shaking her head, she takes a good look at Luhan, who was looking dashing as ever in his suit and bow tie. Tugging onto the collar of his dress shirt, Alana grins at him and says, “Satin. Really smooth.”

Luhan nervously laughs and scratches his un-itched hair. “Uhm, well I see that you have nai nai’s dress on. It suits you well.” Alana laughs at Luhan’s fail attempt to strike a conversation. The limo comes to a halt and Luhan glances over at his watch to see that they were just in time for the senior prom. Opening the door and stepping out first like a gentleman, Luhan bows and holds out a hand to help Alana.

“Thank you, wangzi.” Alana teases and Luhan pouts for the second time that night. “Jeez, since when you got all flirty? I remembered meeting you the first time and you were as cold as ice.” He retorts with a cynical smile. Smiling back at him, she answers, “That’s what you get for hanging out with Byun Baekhyun too much.”


Hand in hand, they make their way to the school’s gymnasium, --- the venue of the senior prom.

The moment the adorable pair made it into the gym, everyone’s eyes focused on them as they walked towards EXO-K’s table. Being shy in nature, Alana ducks her head as the whole student body loudly whispered of the Crown Princess and her date.

“Eyyo, my man, Luhan!” Sehun raises a hand to give him a bro fist, and Luhan returns it by letting go of Alana’s hands. The rest of them were too stunned to see how gorgeous Alana looked in the lace dress. Hugging all the right curves, they all admit that it was indeed a jaw-dropping outfit. And her face, it was already naturally beautiful so tonight she looked extra beautiful, --- like a goddess.

“Oh my gosh, girl, you and I have to go shopping someday!” Snapping his fingers sassily, Baekhyun said. Alana laughs and awkwardly stands by the side. “Alana, what are you doing standing there? Gosh, get over here!” Junmyeon offers a hand, but Luhan cut to him first and pulls a chair out for Alana. Grinning, she utters a small thank you and continued chatting with Chanyeol about the cool funky music that was playing.

On the other side of the table, Jongin was still stunned by Alana’s presence. What a beauty… Kyungsoo sips his punch and nudges Jongin before whispering, “You need to close your mouth before some fly get in bro.” Jongin hurriedly shuts his mouth. How embarrassing that was, to see a Crown Prince acting this way.


Alana watches her group of friends goofing out on the dance floor.  She was not a fan of dancing herself, so she chose to stay behind. A loud screeching filled her ears and she looks to her side to see Jongin settling on the seat next to hers. Smiling, she teases, “Got tired of dancing?”

Jongin laughs and wipes his sweat with a handkerchief.”Luhan … that kid’s a good dancer.”

“Better than you?” She chuckles.

“Do you even have to ask?” He throws her his signature smirk.

“So,” He closes their distance and she looks at him with her brows raised. “Enjoying prom so far?” He continues. Pushing his forehead back to his own seat, Alana nods, “Yeah, just like what I’ve imagined.” He nudges her by her side towards Luhan’s direction. “Come on, loosen up a little. Dancing with your man for a while wouldn’t hurt. Look at all the hungry eyes eyeing him.” Jongin advises, close to her ears and at that moment Luhan saw them. Waving at Alana and Jongin, Luhan nodded his head towards the dance floor’s direction, only to receive a rejection from Alana when she shakes her head.

“I can’t.”

“You can’t or you won’t?” Jongin smiles a beautiful smile and leaves her to rejoin with his buddies on the dance floor. Winking at her direction, he mouthed, “You’ll thank me for this later.”

When Alana finally gathers the courage to stand up and join her friends, someone speaks into the mic, abruptly stopping the music. “Uh, mic test?” It was the host for the night, someone who’s name Alana forgot. “Alright, so in my hands, I have the names of the prom king and queen.” Alana frowns. She didn’t remember this segment, and she clearly didn’t remembered voting.

“And the prom queen for this year’s senior prom is … none other than the Crown Princess, Alana Azhar!!!”

Confetti popped out of every corner of the room and Alana winces to herself when a loud music blasted onto the gym’s speakers. What is this? She thought. “Gongzhu.” Luhan whispers and gave her a hand, bringing her towards the stage. Her cheeks turned a few shades darker. The principle, Mr. Stilinski, wears the fake tiara on her head and Alana laughs at the irony. “Thank you, sir.” She bows with courtesy. Another female student whose name Alana couldn’t remember handed her a bouquet of roses.

Smiling awkwardly, she waves towards the crowd, and the crowd roars in reply, satisfied with their prom queen.

“And the prom king title goes to … but of course, the Crown Prince of South Korea, Kim Jongin!” The crowd roars once again, and Alana blushes at the thought of being paired up with her best friend. Taking a good look at Jongin for the first time that night, --- because she had been busy ogling over Luhan, --- Alana hold out her hand so that Jongin would take it, once he wears his own crown.

Jongin looked absolutely stunning.

His warm hands filled hers, and she whispered nervously at him, “What the heck, though?” And Jongin laughs softly at her anxiety. Wrapping an arm around Alana, for a picture, he mutters to her, “Just follow my lead, and don’t be scared.” He pecks her on the forehead, Alana’s face starting to burn. She worriedly peers over Luhan, but he was nowhere to be found. She could see EXO-K fawning over their cuteness, but all Alana could think of was Luhan.

“So what do we do know?” She whispers back.

Looking into her eyes seriously, Jongin says, “Dance with me.”


Alana was starting to feel tired, and she didn’t feel like craning her neck to look for Luhan anymore. So she decided to make the best of the night by resting her head on Jongin’s shoulders. “Told you dancing is fun.” He says, while his chest vibrates. Alana laughs.

“What are you laughing at, beautiful?”




Luhan said that earlier, and it made her heart beat so wildly that she couldn’t think. But why when Jongin says it, it doesn’t affect her one bit? Alana didn’t know.

A tap on her shoulder awake her from her trance and she lifts her head off Jongin’s shoulders to see Luhan. She immediately smiled. “Luhan-“

“-Can I have this dance?” He cuts her off, eyeing Jongin. Jongin backs off and gave Alana away with sad eyes, eyes that she did not see because she was too preoccupied with Luhan. Backing away, Jongin looses himself amongst the shadows and watched Luhan serenades the love of his life.

Placing a hand on her waist, and another in her hands, Luhan sways them both to the harmonic rhythm of the music with a frown on his face. “Why the long face, wangzi?” Alana starts, tilting her head. Luhan hated that look. Because no matter how angry he was at Alana, he know that she’s as innocent as she could be and it was not her fault.

Jongin just had to flirt with her …

“Luhan?” Her voice calling him made him snap back into reality, and Alana cups his face to make his eyes face hers. “You don’t trust my feelings?” Sadly, she frowns. “No, gongzhu, it’s nothing like that-”

Wo ai ni, Luhan.” Quickly, she says and continues dancing with him.

Luhan looks at her, eyes wide like saucers. “Shen ma?”

She looks down onto the ground and says it once more, “Wo ai ni…

Placing his thumb under her chin, he brought her face closer to his as well. “Wo ye ai ni, gongzhu.” He smiles, his white pearly teeth showing. She pecks his cheeks in reply and Luhan’s eyes widen to her sudden public display of affection. Alana laughs whole heartedly seeing how surprised he was, making the other laugh as well.

And that was how Alana’s best night ever ended.


Happy New Year everybody! I hope you'll like these updates keke. Sorry for not upating for sometime, I had a lot to think of and a lot of desicions to make as this year will be my final year in highschool = MY MAJOR PUBLIC EXAMS. So, my updates will be quite slow hehe. I love you all! I love Luhan too keke.

xoxo, Tuna.


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Hello lovelies! What do you think of the poster? ^3^ --- Merdeka


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tinitammyliano #1
Chapter 21: Awwww this is soo cute >.< this is the best chapter ever tbanks for updating wohooo..
lanna123 #2
Lol my name is Alana too, new reader here too^^
tinitammyliano #3
Chapter 18: Yay !!! You updated i wait so long !! T.T whyy you make Jiho die!? But i understand you about Luhan ... Am not an exo l but i understand you :)
tinitammyliano #4
Chapter 17: Yey thanks for updating ! Hey kakak do you knew about the sains upsr soalan bocor ?? Its killing me you know -.-
tinitammyliano #5
Chapter 16: Why are you in uk ??
tinitammyliano #6
Chapter 15: when I read the part when luhan wearing baju melayu I cannot stop squealling hehehe !! :)
minyoonaddict #7
saya anak Malaysia saya anak Malaysia woohoo
Chapter 1: my friend, Lavendra suggested me to look for this fic. she said the title is 'MERDEKA'. wow, i should thank her.. Your story is very good! this should be featured!!
Please update, this story is really good. I like your writing style. The title is unique too. This story should featured, actually. No kidding. Please continue when you have time to. Kamsa~ ^^
Chapter 8: i saw this fic and i was quite shocked at first. i thought it was just a malay fic bc of the title but then i read the forward. it was so beautiful! this fic makes me a proud malaysian.