All About Us

Authors Note: Just a little extra special gift, the lyrics have links leading to my previously under-utilized soundcloud. I sang each portion acapella, so hopefully you'll enjoy those too <3 Thank you for reading and happy birthday again!~


All About Us


Shivering in the crisp late night air (or was it already past midnight? He couldn’t be sure), the leader of EXO leaned against SM building, swiping the answer notification on his flashing phone.

“Hi there, it’s been a while since you called. What’s up?” Junmyeon was slightly breathless as he answered the call, practice temporarily halted as he excused himself to go outside where the signal was better. For one of the top companies in the industry, SM had one of the worst receptions for calls…

“Myeon, I’m getting married!” The excitement was evident in the caller’s voice, hearty laughter accompanying the statement.

“Oh my gosh! Congratulations, Junho-hyung. I’m so happy for you,” replied Junmyeon, a wide smile making its way to his face despite his weariness. And despite the fact that his brother couldn’t actually see the smile, he continued even though the people passing by gave him weird looks and raised eyebrows.

“Haha, thanks lil’ shortie,” chuckled Junho, and Junmyeon couldn’t help but grin at his brother’s unchanging attitude. Ever since they were young, they would banter playfully and that didn’t change, even when each went their separate ways. He was more than glad that even marriage wouldn’t change the relationship between them.

“I think I’m going to take back that gift I was planning on giving you but haven’t bought yet…” retorted Junmyeon, his voice adopting an evil tone.

“No! I was just kidding, you know that, you little angel,” Junho hurriedly said after a few moments and Suho laughed as he vaguely heard his future sister-in-law saying something along the lines of ‘If you make me lose a wedding present, you’re buying me another one…’

“Uh-huh. For sister-in-law’s sake, I’ll still buy you guys a gift… But don’t forget-”

“*cough* Well, anyways, the wedding is in a month-“ Junho interrupted his younger brother, most probably trying to steer away from the subject matter of gifts until a later time.

“You surely aren’t waiting long.” In turn, Junmyeon interjected his own witty comment, smirking when he heard his brother gasp in mock horror.

“So make sure you drag over all of your members to the wedding. And hey! When the time’s right, it’s right!”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m just messing with you,” assured Junmyeon, his kind-younger-brother side returning. Besides, he knew just how in love the two were, having to witness them ever since their high school days, being lovey-dovey as he trained his days away. Not that he was being bitter, it was just nice knowing that high school crushes can become a love that lasts forever.

“Okay… Anyways, don’t forget to make sure that everyone can dance the waltz, it’ll be the opening dance and it would be embarrassing if an idol group couldn’t dance…” added Junho, and Junmyeon could just picture the grimace on the other’s face.

“Wow, what faith you have.”

“Don’t think I haven’t seen all of your derpy dances, kay?” Although he didn’t want to admit it, Junmyeon had to agree, some of the members were a little less accustomed to the classy style of dancing, especially when they’ve had a few drinks. Although, as their beloved leader, he had to defend their image!


“It doesn’t matter, just make sure!”

“Okay…” Well done, Junmyeon. Nice defending of your group there.

“Well, bye! I have wedding preparations to take care off.”

“Yeah, good luck and congratulations again.”

“Haha, thanks, lil’ bro. See you in a month.”

“See you.” With a grin, Junmyeon hung up, whistling a cheerful tune as he returned to the practise room, ready to share the wonderful news.




“So you’re saying we get a day off to go to your brother’s wedding?” asked Kyungsoo, his wide eyes looking bright and excited.

“Yeah, I’ve already cleared it with the manager and he said that it would be our reward for working so hard for the past few SMTowns,” confirmed Junmyeon, smiling when a few of the others pumped their fists in the air with excitement.

“But wouldn’t we have to take ‘dates’? Y’know, like girl ones?” said Chanyeol, grimacing at the thought of having to find a girl to bring (that wasn’t his boyfriend crossdressing). A ripple of confusion sounded across the room, each couple nodding their heads at the question that had been brought up.

“My brother said to bring all of you, so I’m sure you can be each other’s dates,” their leader replied with a laugh. “Besides, it’s a private family occasion, so it’s not like there will be reporters and such.” Everyone bit their lips at the mention of reporters, but decided to let it pass, rather than bringing up such a sensitive topic.

“Anything we need to prepare?” Jongdae wondered out loud.

 “We can sing ‘Open Arms’!” Baekhyun piped in, nodding at Luhan, Kyungsoo and Jongdae for approval.

“It would be so romantic,” agreed Luhan dreamily, leaning into Sehun who sat beside him.

“Uhm… I can check?” replied Junmyeon with a shrug. “But actually, there is something I need to make sure of.” Eleven pairs of eyes looked at him curiously as they listened to what he was about to say. “Do all of you know how to waltz?”


There was silence as everyone thought to themselves, and Junmyeon literally felt his head begin to pound at the thought of having to teach eleven boys how to waltz in just a month, in between all of their other schedules.

“Hyung.” At Jongin’s voice, Junmyeon’s head snapped up, his eyes widening in hope. “Do you seriously think I don’t know how to dance?” The second-maknae’s face was set in mock horror, but his voice was light and teasing. “What faith you have in me…” he pouted sadly.

“That’s what I told my brother!” exclaimed Junmyeon, sighing in exasperation. “But that’s good anyways, that means that you can help Kyungsoo.”

“Yeah, I think I need to brush up my non-existent skills,” joked the main vocal, earning the laughter of the others. Jongdae good-naturedly punched him on the shoulder.

“I’m sure you’re still better than Kris over there,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes, shielding himself by hiding behind Tao when Kris protested loudly.

“How about everyone else?” Junmyeon turned to the rest, chuckling at his fellow leader’s adorable immature acts that occurred from time to time.

“I know how to,” replied Sehun calmly, shrugging his shoulders non-committedly. “And I’m sure Luhan does too, we just need to practise with each other.”

“What are you saying, Sehunnie? Why don’t you just tell them that-” At whatever Luhan was about to say, Sehun’s eyes widened, his body moving over to quickly so that he could clamp the other’s mouth with his hands, his cheeks adopting a dusty pink blush to match his and Luhan’s hair.

“Oooo, this sounds interesting,” teased Minseok, urging Luhan to continue.

“Well, we have these romantic dates from time to time and Sehunnie always makes sure that he ends it with a couple dance where I’m just in his arms and I feel like I’m floating-” Luhan had managed to remove the hand covering his hand, but when Sehun felt embarrassed once more, the hand came back, effectively silencing him. Luhan seemed like he was in his own world though, reminiscing about intimate times with Sehun, his voice distant and full of love. Junmyeon coughed awkwardly, turning his attention away from the couple who clearly wanted the meeting to be over so that they could continue their ‘business’ elsewhere (hopefully behind closed doors). He confirmed that Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Minseok and Jongdae have all had experience dancing the waltz, each couple doing a quick demonstration around the practise room. Even Kris, the black hole when it came to dancing, showcased his skills when no-one believed his ability in the waltz. Tao was adorably flustered as the tall male led him around the dance room, spinning them round and round until the younger’s laughter could be heard. Kris’ ego was probably inflated slightly, his face set in a smug expression.

“Told you.” Everyone rolled their eyes at the M leader, who played it cool and remained oblivious to their tongue-in-cheek comments.


“Since everyone seems pretty okay, we’ll just continue practising with our partners individually,” decided Junmyeon. “Let’s show my brother that EXO can dance the waltz!” Everyone cheered as he dismissed them all with a wave. They left in a hurry, happily discussing the wedding; what clothes they would wear, what song they would sing, what gifts they should bring. The atmosphere was light and bubbly, the happiness of a wedding bringing them joy.





He had it all planned out. Junmyeon had approached Yixing earlier in the week, accidentally (more like on purpose) letting it slip that he needed help with the waltz. The boys had finally finished all the performances lined up for them, only a weekend left to go before Junho’s wedding. Out of the twelve, he was the only one who refused to share his skills at the waltz, so no-one knew if he could actually dance it or not. Well, except for Yixing who now knew (or thought he did) that the leader couldn’t. But that’s exactly what Junmyeon wanted. If he played his cards right, he wouldn’t just a date to the wedding, but something a little more fun beforehand.


The two were currently sitting on the floor of the small practice room that Junmyeon had reserved for the rest of the night, telling Yixing that he wanted to make sure that he perfected the moves of the waltz. The younger had agreed despite the long hours that he envisioned ahead, wanting to help the leader of EXO as much as possible. He may have hidden the fact that he didn’t mind spending time with the older male, simply to be in his company, but who was to know?


“Hehe, I can’t believe you can’t dance the waltz, Junmyeon-hyung,” teased Yixing. “But I’m glad you asked me to help,” he added shyly with a dimpled smile. Junmyeon held in a knowing chuckle, choosing to just bump shoulders with the younger, relishing at the intimacy of the contact since Yixing had chosen to wear a sleeveless shirt that loosely hung on his frame. His collarbones were clearly visible, the fabric only just covering his s (not that Junmyeon noticed…*cough*). The Korean would usually tell Yixing to cover up during practices, citing his health and preventing the younger male from getting a cold as the reason. But it was obviously just his jealousy leaking through, since he had no problem in taking in the other’s body when it was just the two of them.

“Just teach me, without all the witty comments, thank you very much.” The dancer laughed, a light and bubbly laughter lighting up the room.


“Up we get then.” Yixing stood up, stretching his arms above his head. Junmyeon remained sitting, a pout on his handsome face. “Not getting up?” asked the dancer, one eyebrow raised in confusion, resisting the urge to giggle at the image of their so-called leader acting all adorable. The older shook his head, reaching out towards the other with both hands.

“Aren’t you going to help me?” he questioned cutely, raising his tone. Yixing couldn’t hold it in any longer, doubling over in laughter, tears pooling at the edge of his eyes.

“How about no?” he replied sassily, laughter still heavy in his voice as he witnessed the ‘older’ one pouting and sulking by crossing his arms over his chest. “Aww, I was just kidding, hyung,” he said when Junmyeon was still refusing to get up by himself. “Here, let’s get started, okay?” Yixing finally relented, reaching out with both arms to grip the leader’s wrists, pulling him up.


What he didn’t expect was Junmyeon to be lighter than he remembered, causing him to use too much force. Yixing could feel himself falling back, only to be caught by the strong arms of the other, captured in a tight embrace.

“Woah, steady there Xing-ah. You okay?” The mentioned blushed, their faces so close, that he could feel the soft caresses of Junmyeon’s words. At the dancer’s silence, he moved his face closer, resting his forehead on the other’s. “You feel slightly warm… Maybe you’ve been overworking yourself,” mumbled the vocalist, worry lacing expression. Little did he know that he himself was the cause of Yixing’s ‘sickness’.

“N-no, I- Err, there’s noth- I’m o- fine,” stuttered Yixing, clearly still flustered at their close proximity. “Uhm- I think it’s time we started on the waltz lesson now.” He deftly diverted the conversation to their main purpose, stepping back from the other’s taller frame.  


Junmyeon said nothing, but placed one hand around the other’s waist, the other interlacing with Yixing’s, preparing them in the waltz position.

“Oh? It seems you’ve studied, your posture is flawless,” praised Yixing, Junmyeon shrugging offhandedly. “But you’re taking the lead…”

“A leader must adapt to all situations, and I think out of the two of us, I’m better suited to woo you, my darling,” he replied with a grave tone, but he smirked, giving away that he meant it in the most loving way. “Okay then, let’s get this lesson on the way,” he added with a smile, but made no move to allow Yixing to lead. The younger looked momentarily confused but relaxed when Junmyeon gave him a reassuring smile, the tension that had gathered dissipating. The flutter of butterflies at the pit of his stomach was pushed to the back of his mind (although they were still acting a little chaotic since Junmyeon was touching him through only a thin fabric that didn’t do much as a barrier).

“But hyung… the music?” Yixing peeled himself away from the taller, chuckling as he walked over to press play on the music player that rested on the floor by the large mirrored wall, making sure that it would replay on its own so that they could practise without interruptions. When he returned to Junmyeon, he placed his hands in their previous positions, steadying his mind.


A light strumming of the guitar started to play, a calm atmosphere settling down. It was a song that the both of them knew well, one could say that it was their song. Both of them had a pair of goofy smiles on their faces, the feeling of love swelling in their hearts. Yixing opened his mouth, singing along with the female vocal, and Junmyeon swears that it’s the most wonderful sound that he’s ever heard.


‘Take my hand, I'll teach you to dance.
I'll spin you around, won't let you fall down.
Would you let me lead, you can step on my feet.
Give it a try, it'll be alright.’


Yixing becomes breathless when his partner begins to lead him, executing the moves of the waltz effortlessly and perfectly. The song continues to play, but it barely registers in his mind as he’s being spun around the room, Junmyeon calmly stepping with ease, not once stepping on Yixing’s feet like he had expected him to. I mean come on, Junmyeon was known for his angelic features and voice, not dancing… But before he could voice out his surprise, his lover began to sing, taking the male vocal’s part, a small smirk dancing on his lips.


‘Suddenly, I'm feeling brave.
Don't know what's got into me,
Why I feel this way.
Can we dance, real slow?
Can I hold you, can I hold you close?’


He paused both his singing and dancing, inching his head closer to Yixing’s. The two original vocalists of the song started harmonizing, the beautiful melody sending shivers up the lovers’ spines, their gazes never leaving the other’s. Their waltz lesson was promptly forgotten, the warmth of their bodies clouding their minds, the steady strumming matching their heartbeats.


‘The room's hush, hush,
And now's our moment.
Take it in feel it all and hold it.
Eyes on you, eyes on me.
We're doing this right.’


Closing the distance between them, Junmyeon continued to take the initiative, capturing the dancer’s lips in a gentle kiss. He wrapped his arms around the smaller’s waist, Yixing reciprocating by looping his around the other’s neck, fingers carding through Junmyeon’s hair. When they pulled apart for air, Yixing was a subtle shade of pink, nuzzling in the crook of the singer’s neck to hide his embarrassment.

“Why didn’t you tell me you knew how to dance the waltz?” he mumbled into Junmyeon’s skin, and the mentioned shivered at the feeling of the dancer’s lips brushing against him.

“I guess I just wanted some alone time with you,” confessed the older, kissing the top of Yixing’s head, slowly swaying the two of them side to side.


Yixing looked up in surprise, cheeks reddening even more.

“Y-you could’ve- If you’d j-just asked- I mean, I would have said- I would’ve agreed,” he spluttered, elated at the thought of Junmyeon wanting to spend time with him. ‘I guess it’s not just me who thinks like that,’ he thinks to himself, letting out a breath of relief.

“So if I ask you now?” the taller asked, sending a suggestive wink his way. Once more, Yixing found himself speechless, having to try his hardest in order to not sound like an incoherent fool. But of course, his tongue refuses to cooperate, freezing in the middle of his words.

“I- We’re spending time to-together now, r-right?” He focused on anything and everything but the person in front of him, although his fingers were still tangled in Junmyeon’s hair, where they belonged.

“But learning a dance I already know wasn’t exactly the plan I had in mind,” whispered Junmyeon in reply, his lips ghosting just beside Yixing’s ear. He blew gently, his warm breath caressing the sensitive skin just below the younger’s ear lobe. There had been one show where Yixing had felt as if he was being subjected to torture, when the same thing had been done to him. But with Junmyeon, the ministration felt arousing, and he didn’t shy away.

“And w-what did you have p-planned, th-then?” However, it didn’t help with his nervousness, grasping the other’s true intentions.

“Something equally sweaty, but a little more pleasure is involved, and a lot more of tongues dancing as opposed to anything else.” To prove his point, the leader began to leave open-mouthed kisses along the dancer’s neck, his hands sneaking beneath the thin material of his lover’s shirt.

“O-Oh, I s-see.” At Junmyeon’s bold statement, YIxing’s vocal chords clamped up, his mind going into overdrive.

“So how about it? Would my darling give me the honour of this dance?” asked Junmyeon when the younger was still silent. Although he had said dance, both of them knew the true meaning behind his words. Wordlessly, Yixing nodded, allowing himself to be lead into bliss.


‘Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love.
Spotlight shining, it's all about us.
It's oh, oh, all,
About uh, uh, us.
And every heart in the room will melt,
This is a feeling I've never felt but,
It's all about us.

Do you hear that love?
They're playing our song.
Do you think we're ready?
Oh I'm really feeling it.
Do you hear that love?
Do you hear that love?’







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Chapter 2: Ahhhhh..i like it.
So sweet and romantic :)
nurzuwaida #2
Chapter 2: my ultimate otp ;;;
bbbabeday #3
Chapter 1: Why this is so fluffy? Ugh, my feels. I love it :DD And love the song too.
Nasulayim #4
Chapter 2: I was smiling like a fool in the class and drooling until my lecturer scold me and all my classmate laughing at me....ughh thanks to you and this awesome sulay...keep up a good work authornim :)
bbbabeday #5
Aweeee, that was so romantic and heart-warming <33 I love the way you wrote it. That's wonderful. Aw, all these feels... *sobs
Thank you for writing this :DD
rhapsodyofnothingnes #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god! You don't know how much I'm craving for a fluff & romance SuLay fanfic..this is so sweet. SuLay needs more of this kind of story. Well done!
Chapter 2: Awww, that was so sweet. I can't stop smiling like an idiot right now *.*
Well done!