
Exo Psychosis

'You look handsome today.'

Jongin looked at himself in the mirror his eyes trailing all around, searching for the reflection of the boy speaking to him. As usual, he found none. Still, the compliment felt good. “Thanks Kyungsoo, you know, you are pretty handsome yourself.”

The boy standing behind Jongin let out a light sigh making Jongin chuckle.

“Jongin!” From downstairs he could hear his mother calling his name. “Yes?” He responded, taking a light step away from the mirror, smiling at his friend. “Don't forget to take your pills!” Jongin rolled his eyes, and looked to his dresser, on it were several pill bottles, all for one illness or another.

People at school call him crazy. Even his mother does. But Jongin knows it's not true. Kyungsoo tells him so.

“One day without them won't hurt right?” He asked the dark-haired boy sitting on his bed. 'Of course not Jongie! I don't even see why you have to take them. I'm real!' The boy yelled and Jongin flinched, worried his mother would hear him yelling. “Yah! Quiet down! It's a school day and I'm-” He was interrupted by a knocking on his door- his mother.

“Morning mother..” he whispered, staring at his feet dreading the question he knew she would ask.

“Who were you talking to dear?” Jongin looked at the bed out of the corner of his eyes and saw Kyungsoo sitting there, smiling at him.

“I was talking to Kyungsoo mom.”

His mother let out an exasperated sigh. “Take your medicine, right now.”

'You don't have to listen to her you know.' Jongin ignored Kyungsoo and took his time opening and taking each bottle of medicine before storming past his mother and heading downstairs to his father, who always pretended Jongin didn't exist. Ever since he was diagnosed with psychosis, among other things.

“I'm off to school now dad!” He spoke cheerily, hoping his father would respond. But he got the same answer he did everyday. Silence.

'It doesn't matter, my sisters love me!' Jongin thought silently to himself as he walked to school, Kyungsoo following silently behind him. 'Whatcha thinking about?' the boy asked him and Jongin grinned. “Just thinking about how much my sisters love me!”

Kyungsoo hummed in response, ' you don't have any sisters Jongin.'

Jongin stopped walking, his eye twitching, heart beating erratically. “Oh. Right. I remember.”

But Jongin doesn't remember. Hasn't he always had two sisters? He can clearly recall Christmas with them...Easter, Halloween, the first day of school....

“Jongin!” As he got close to the school he saw his friends waving at him and smiling, school uniforms fitting them handsomely.

“Hi Sehun, Luhan.” He greeted them formally then turned to Kyungsoo. “Well?”

Kyungsoo bowed and greeted them 'Good morning!'

Sehun and Luhan exchanged glances before grabbing onto Jongin's arms. “Jongin did you take your medicine today?” They both asked in unison, making the younger angry. “Why do you guys ask me that as soon as you see me!?” He screamed ripping his arms away, tears filling his eyes. “I'm sorry...I didn't mean to do that! Please don't hate me!” Instantly his tears dried up and he smiled. “Aish sorry! Yeah, sometimes the medicine takes a while” He winked at his friends as they made their way to the classroom.

Due to Jongins “special” condition he was allowed to remain in classes with his friends, that way he would not be left alone. As such, the school gave them the responsibility of watching over him.

'Jongin remember to breathe. It's okay.' Kyungsoo gently pay Jongins shoulder, making him feel much better.

Friends or not, school was always hell for Jongin. He had a real problem speaking to people and they always saw him talking to himself, accusing him of being crazy. 

Which isn't true.

Everything and everyone Jongin sees, exists. 

It's just everyone else that is blind. 

For as long as he could remember Jongin was trapped in this revolving world of people telling him he was crazy, that he needed help.

He started seeing Kyungsoo when he was thirteen years old. Everyone, his parents and doctors all thought he was just going through his "invisible buddy" stage, but after he turned sixteen and Kyungsoo was still around- even getting ual with Jongin, his parents took him to a psychiatrist, whom concluded Jongin suffered from several disorders including, bi-polar 2, parasmonias such as sleep , and of course his personal favorite psychosis.

It was then that everyone started treating him differently, telling him that what he saw wasn't real.

'Jongin, are you okay?' Kyungsoo broke him from his thoughts and Jongin nodded at him, giving him a small smile. "I'm okay. Thanks for asking!"

Sehun and Luhan ceased their conversation and raised their eyebrows. They were probably judging him...again.

"We um...Jongin, we didn't say anything."

Jongin nodded his head and continued silently to his classroom, sitting down in the nearest chair available, doing his best to look like what he deemed 'normal'.

'Jongin?' Kyungsoo called for his attention but Jongin ignored him, feeling the pills kick in and suddenly everything became silent.

"Kyungsoo?" He whispered, awaiting a response.


All he saw was a fog, and it was like he was no longer part of his body.

It wasn't until Sehun punched him playfully in the shoulder that he reconnected with himself, seeing Sehun pointing at a girl with a smile and Kyungsoo scowling.

"Isn' she pretty Jongin?" Sehun repeated himself, awaitng his friends response.

"Huh?" Jongin cocked his head to the left to see a beautiful girl playing with her hair and smiling at him.

"I think she likes you Jongin!"

He could feel a blush forming on his cheeks but frowned as Kyungsoo wandered over to the girl and inspected her, his eyes shooting death glares at her.

"Don't you dare." He whispered, fully aware that Sehun had heard him and was giving him a questioning look.

Ever so daintily the girl rose from her seat, and began to walk toward him, her hips swaying.

Jongin smiled, until he saw Kyungsoo push her.

The girl let out a cry as she tripped, her face flushing red as the girls laughed at her.

Immediately she rose and excused herself from the classrom,face a bright color.

"Why did you do that!" Jongin shot up out of his chair and yelled at the boy who stood with a huge smirk on his face.

Kyungsoo pointed to the other students and Jongin remembered...they couldn't see him.

He did look crazy.

"I...I.." Even Sehun and Luhan remained silent.

Some friends they were.

Jongin felt his whole body shake as Kyungsoo remained smirking, then, without another word he bolted from the classroom.


A/N: Erm...lame beginning...

I promise this will get better.

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Silencerx #1
Chapter 1: OI, this is really good so far!! Poor Jongin ;u; I cant imagine living a life like that // Please update soon.. I can't wait to read the next part^^ !! :D
Chapter 1: I can't wait for the next update ^^
Hopefully someone will believe jongin!