Chapter 3

From pain to love
Suddenly the light of the kitchen ignited.
- What is happening here?
You separated quickly from Daehyun and saw that Bang was very angry. Daehyun approached quickly Bang, took it hard of the neck of the T-shirt and said to him:
- I said to you the great thing that I liked ___________: why do you try to approach her? He believed that you were my friend.
- I cannot avoid it, I also like: am I a bad friend that's why? Am I a bad friend for not being able to avoid to feel attracted by her?
- you could have tried it at least, I said to you that it was very special for me.... but I already see that you are not my friend really.
 Daehyun went away of the apartment, you looked at Bang and said to him:
- I cannot leave that two friends get angry for my fault, believe that he should go to speak with.
 You went out after Daehyun. You ran behind calling it:
- Daehyun! Wait please!
Daehyun you was not paying attention, continued ahead until it stopped in the same park where you knew it for the first time. It sat down in the same bank, you sat down nearby and said to him:
- I do not want to be any inconvenience for anybody, do not want that you get angry for my fault.... the best thing it will be that I go away of your apartment.
- No! do not go away please. From the first day that I saw you, crying, so fragile, I wanted to protect you, was feeling the need to take care of you. In this moment he did not know because.... but now if I know it. I like very much and what I felt for you in this moment was a bowshot. I had never passed, but.... I know that you do not feel the same... know that you like Bang.
- Daehyun.... I....-Respiraste deeply. - I believe that I like the two, but it cannot be like that..... I am not ready to start again. I feel it but I go away of your apartment and this way I will be able to clarify my feelings.
- it is well. Let's do a thing, when you know that it is what really you feel it returns to my apartment like that I will know that you have chosen me... and if you do not return..... I know that habrás chosen to Bang. I promise not to get angry to stop being your friend.
- thank you very much for understanding me. Tomorrow in the morning I will gather my things. Now it will be that we return to the apartment, it is much late and it is cold.
  You returned to the apartment and Bang was waiting for you sat in the couch.
- I.... wanted to apologize to you, I behaved like an animal, must not have treated you like that. I am sorry about it, do not want that we stop being friends.
- I understand your behavior, I was a bad friend.... you said to me that you liked ____________ and I could not respect your feelings. But I like very much and think to fight for her and until he should not accept me I am not going to stop. But let's do be friends.
- it is well because I also am going to fight for her.
- I am sorry to interrupt this males' conversation but..... Have you stopped to think what I feel? Has anybody asked me? The two give for fact that I am going to remain with some of the two but..... Have you asked me?? Do I look like trophy or something like that?
You went away to your bedroom giving a bang. Bang was after you and he rang at the doorbell.
Who is it?
- it is me who is Bang. allow me to enter please.
- Why? I have already heard sufficiently.
- I know it... and you are right. That's why I want that you allow me to enter please.
You opened the door and Bang entered the room. You sat down in the bed and Bang sat down next to you. You could not avoid to tremble. Something inside you knew that Bang was making you nervous but neither you were stopping thinking about Daehyun. Bang took you of the hand and put it in its . You were noticing the beats of its heart.
- Do you notice it? My heart is beating for you. Excuse me, what earlier we have been speaking... I know that you are not any trophy, know that you have feelings and that we must have asked about you but it me hurts to see as you worry so much for Daehyun...... But I keep on thinking equally, I am going to fight for you but if you do not feel anything for me.... I will be able to separate from your side.
- Bang.... I like the two but I am done a foul-up. The two are very good with me but I do not know what I feel for any of the two, so tomorrow in the morning I turn to my apartment. And as soon as my ex-fiancé should come I am going to demand from him that it should leave.
- Do you want that it is with you? Perhaps it turns out to be easier to you if you are not alone.
- not... it is something that alone I must do, I have to be a fortress and confront it.
- it is well as you want, but......: are you angered by me?
- not, you have been sincere and for me it is sufficient. Now it will be better that we are going to fall asleep.
- it is well, good night and that you rest.
Good evening. .
 It spent the night and you slept little since only you were thinking that you would turn to your apartment and of course you would see your ex-fiancé. But also you were anxious for everything what it had spent with Bang and Daehyun. The following morning came, you took a shower and dressed yourself. You went to the lounge and the prepared breakfast was. Bang and Daehyun sat down together and you were opposite them. You were looking at them but none of the two was looking at you, they had the sly head while they had breakfast.
- Does anything happen to you? 
- we feel avergonzados. - Daehyun said without looking at the face. -
- good boys.... what it spent yesterday evening is already forgotten, I do not want that it changes anything between us, also now I am going to leave and do not want that you feel bad. We will continue in contact.
- Really? - said Daehyun with a wide sonrisa. -
- skylight that if.
- And can we go to visit you? - Bang Asked with interest.
You stopped having breakfast, gathered the plates and washed them. You gathered your things of the apartment of Daehyun and you took it up to your apartment. You came up to the door and Bang and Daehyun was preparing to dismiss of you.
- Are you sure that you do not want that we rise with you? - Said Bang. -
- not.... it is better that I make it alone. I must be strong.
- if you want we remain here below and if you need help us llamas. - worried Daehyun said.
- good..... if you want you can remain here, but I say already to you that I do not need help.
- we will be here just in case. - said Bang. -
Alone it was you who rose up to your apartment. You opened the door and saw your seated ex-fiancé in the couch watching TV.
- go...... you have returned.....-Dijo your ex-fiancé looking of above to abajo. -
- if... I have returned.... but I want that you go away from here. It is my apartment so you can already go leaving from here.
Your ex-fiancé approached you that was doing that you were becoming nervous. One continued look for you at a few seconds, took you of the arm and said to you:
- you still love me, one notices you in the eyes: to what yes?
- Release me! - Gritaste. -
- outcries that you you occur rarely but in fact you do not want that it does it.
It kissed you by force and you could not escape of him and you began to shout. You gave him a push and threw it on the couch. You took the mobile to call Bang or Daehyun but your ex-fiancé got up and the mobile pulled at the soil. It took you again of the arm and threw you against the couch, put itself on you and kept on kissing. You were shouting and shouting and it seemed that nobody heard you. Suddenly they began ringing at the doorbell strongly but you could not escape to open the door so you kept on shouting. They kept on beating in the door until they managed to throw it to below. There were Bang and Daehyun. Bang ran towards the couch and separated your ex-fiancé of a push. It raised you of the couch and shot was doing you to save you from that scoundrel. Your ex-fiancé got up and it was arranged to take you again but Daehyun was steeled and gave him a punch. Comenzarón to fight and Bang got for way. You were very nervous and were not stopping crying. During the fight your ex-fiancé gave a punch to Daehyun throwing it against a table doing that it was happening in the head. You it saw wire drawing in the soil and it was not moving therefore your ex-fiancé was scared and went out running of the apartment. You approached quickly Daehyun, began calling it but it was not moving. You were very scared, Bang of that time called quickly to an ambulance. A few minutes later the ambulance came and Daehyun was taken to hospital. Bang and you were going also inside the ambulance. You came and they put quickly Daehyun to attend to him.
- I do not want that anything happens to him, I am much nerviosa. - you said between lagrimas. -
- do not worry, you already will see that it will put itself well, it has been only a blow in the head.
You embraced Bang while you were crying, it was inexplicable but only you were thinking about Daehyun, about what you wanted that he was recovering. Meanwhile, on having turned out to be like that, Bang realized what you were feeling for Daehyun.
- ____________, if it had happened to me....: also would you be so concerned?
- It is clear that if, the two are my friends and I do not want that anything happens to you.
- Insurance?
Suddenly a doctor went out and it called you to speak with you.
- Are you friends of the boy of the blow in the head?
- if we are we: How is it? Is it well? Is it going to recover soon?.-Dijiste much nerviosa. -
- well... since.... I regret without bringing to you good news. The blow has been stronger than we were thinking, has been a lot of unconscious time. I am sorry to say to you that it is in comma and we do not know if he will wake up again.
- what!? It cannot be..... Daehyun cannot be in comma, has to put itself well.
- I am sorry about it boys, now he has to wait.
The doctor returned to its work and you remained there, in shock, without scarcely knowing than to do. When the doctor explained what it was spending to Daehyun it gave you a strong pain in the heart. You fell down of knees in the corridor of the hospital and you could only cry and cry. In this moment you realized what you were feeling for Bang and Daehyun....


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