
A Promise (Full Fic)

“Gege, will you play with me?” the six year old girl asked her brother.

“No! Han and Yixing are over and we are going to do big kid things,” the eight year old boy told her.

She pouted and placed a hand on her hip, “Li Jiaheng, you’re a big meanie!”

“Yeah, well you’re a big baby Li Meixing,” he retorted.

Mei stuck her tongue out at him. Jiaheng attempted grabbing her tongue, but she danced out of his reach. She laughed as he slide on the wet ground. It had rained a few hours earlier so he was a bit muddy.

“Benben,” Mei called to her brother.

He gave chase but paused as she hid behind Han.

“Can’t she play with us?” Han asked.

Jiaheng scoffed, “She’s a girl…and a baby, Han, she can’t hang with us.”

“She just wants some attention from her big brother. She doesn’t have anyone her age to play with,” Han told him.

“Well how about you play with her. Yixing and I will do big kid things and you can be a baby with Mei,” Jiaheng snickered.

“Will you play with me Xiao Lu?” Mei asked clutching onto the older boy’s hand.

A blush crept up the boy’s face as he nodded.

“Yay,” the little girl cried happily.

Jiaheng shook his head, “I can’t believe you’re older than me Lu Han.”

Han chuckled, “One day, you’ll understand Jiaheng.”

Han and Mei walked off, Mei still clutching the older boy’s hand.

Jiaheng turned to Yixing, “Why does that statement make me feel…icky and gross?”

“You mean weirded out?” Yixing asked.

Jiaheng nodded, “Yeah, that!”

Yixing shrugged, “I don’t know.”

Jiaheng shook his head, “Whatever. Let’s go climb that huge tree behind the house!”

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MszCassie123456 #1
Chapter 4: Its so good, please update soon
lollupop #2
Chapter 4: I really, really like this! I love your writing style, and this chapter was great! I will be looking forward to your next one! I have a feeling it has something to do with what she said